snake in the lions den|| WTM

By KoolInsomniac

227K 6.7K 793

Ada Potter was struggling to get through her fifth year, the trauma of the past events catching up to her, be... More

act two
act three


5.1K 206 25
By KoolInsomniac

Ada and Ron stand before Professor Dumbledore in his office, with Fawkes on his perch, and the sword and Sorting Hat resting on the desk. "You both realize, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken, perhaps, a dozen school rules."

"Yes, sir."

"And there is sufficient evidence to have you both expelled."

"Yes, sir."

"Therefore, it is only fitting..." Ada and Ron look up "that you both receive special awards for services to the school." Ada and Ron look at each other with smiles, then back at Dumbledore again. "Thanks, sir." Ron says.

"Only time i'll agree with the man." Mattheo says.

Professor Dumbledore smiles at them, then stands up while handing some papers to Ron "And now, Mr. Weasley, if you would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we... we want our gatekeeper back." He then turns to Ada as Ron leaves the room "Ada... first, I want to thank you, Ada. You must've shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that could've called Fawkes to you. And, second... I sense something is troubling you. Am I right, Ada?"

"I think Fawkes just likes me because I don't remember showing any loyalty." Ada whispers to Mattheo who chuckles and nods.

"You see, sir. I couldn't help but notice certain things... certain... certain similarities between... Tom Riddle and me."

"I see. Well, you can speak Parseltongue, Ada. Why? Because, Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Ada, he transferred some of his powers to you the night he gave you that scar."

"Voldemort transferred some of his powers... to me?"

That seemed to scare some people, cough cough the Gryffindors, thanking maybe Ada will turn out to be dark and turn against them.

"Uh-huh. Not intentionally. But yes."

Ada stays quite not knowing what to say as Dumbledore returns to his seat behind the desk "Do you know why the sorting hat placed you into Gryffindor?" Ada shrugs but on the inside all she was thinking about was her plan to trick the old man. Dumbledore sighs quietly not getting the response that he wants.

"You belong to Gryffindor which makes you different to Voldemort, even if you share some qualities. If you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest you look more closely" He picks up the sword "at this." Ada takes the sword by the blade with her left hand, and its hilt with her right "Be careful."

Ada examines the sword and sees the name Godric Gryffindor on the Basilisk venom-coated blade "Godric Gryffindor."

"Ah. It would take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the hat." Ada looks at Dumbledore then towards the sorting hat who gives a sorta wink causing Ada to hide a smile.

The door to the office opens, Dumbledore glances past Ada, who turns around; Lucius Malfoy steps in to the office, standing behind him is Dobby. "Dobby! So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys."Dobby nervously looks at Ada "Umm-hmum." He nods and fearfully glances up at Lucius.

Everyone glares at Lucius who is holding a scowl, how could he treat a house-elf with such disrespect.

Lucius talks through clenched teeth " I'll deal with you later." Dobby cowers and whimpers; Lucius pulls out his walking stick and walks toward Dumbledore's desk, followed by Dobby; as he walks up the steps, he coldly uses the stick to push Ada aside "Out of my way, Potter. So... it's true. You have returned."

"When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back."


"Curiously, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place."

"You did what?" Narcissa asks in a dark tone.

"How dare you!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"My sole concern has always been, and will always be, the welfare of this school and, of course, its students." He glances at Ada and then turns back to Dumbledore "The culprit has been identified, I presume."

"Oh, yes."

"And? Who was it?"

Professor Dumbledore pauses dramatically before answering "Voldemort."


"Only this time he chose to act through somebody else by means of this." Dumbledore holds up Riddle's diary."I see."

Dobby pulls on Ada's sleeve "Mmm." He looks straight at the diary "Mm-mmm." And looks to Lucius.

"Fortunately, our young Miss. Potter discovered it. One hopes that no more of Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be... severe."

Lucius glares as he turns to face Ada "Well... let us hope Miss. Potter will always be around... to save the day..." Ada just hums in acknowledgement, she hopes she doesn't it's only her second year and now the second time she almost been murdered.

Lucius nods to Dumbledore "Dumbledore. Come, Dobby, we're leaving." Lucius kicks Dobby down the stairs. As Dobby gets back to his feet, Lucius canes him with his walking stick before hurrying him out the door. Ada watches this sight with pity and disgust.Turning to Dumbledore and placing the sword back on the desk "Sir... I would if I could have that." indicating the diary.

"Oh she's got her planning face on." Ron says, Ada looks at him in confusion. "Sorry, my what?"

"You're planning face you always pull that face when you have a plan." Hermione tells her. Ada looks towards her fathers who nod in confirmation then she looks to her boyfriend who also nods causing her to huff.

Ada catches up to Lucius right outside of Dumbledore's office. "Mr. Malfoy! Mr. Malfoy!" Lucius turns to face her " I have something of yours." She hands him the diary.

"Mine? I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do, sir. I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day at Diagon Alley."

"You did what?!" Molly shouts ready to kill the man as was the rest of the Weasley's. Lucius glares at Ada who just smiles in return knowing what he did later was a one way ticket to Azkaban if that wasn't enough.

"You do, do you?" Lucius passes the diary to Dobby as he leans into Ada "Why don't you... prove it?" Ada says nothing "Come, Dobby." He says and begins to walk away again.

Ada then whispers to Dobby "Open it." Dobby opens up Riddle's diary, revealing a sock inside.

"You didn't." Sirius says with a huge smile. "Oh but I did." She smirks proud of herself.


"Master has given Dobby a sock."

Lucius stops and turns around " What? I didn't give you a..."

"Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free!" Ada smirks and moves her bare leg from behind the other reveling that she only has one sock on.

"YOU LOST ME MY SERVANT!" Lucius pulls his wand out of his walking stick and begins walking threateningly towards Ada."You shall not harm Ada Potter!" Dobby shouts stepping infront of Ada.

"Avada--" Lucius starts but Dobby hits Lucius with a spell and sends him flying across the hallway.

A tense silence fills the hall, no one believing what just happened. Suddenly a sharp slap fills the silence. Lucius holds his now red cheek as Narcissa glares at him with such heat he should be on fire. Ada just chuckles at the scene while everyone glares at the man. Sirius was holding Remus back, which was a rare sight, Remus looked like he wanted to tear Lucius throat out, though Sirius looked the same.

Amelia started writing down every little detail knowing after all of the movies the man was going straight to Azkaban. Suddenly there was a bright light and the older Malfoy was thrown to the ground. Ada looks towards her boyfriend who held up his hands. "Wasn't me... sadly." Then she looks over to someone who still had their magic at the moment and that's when she saw it. The accomplished look of Minerva McGonagall.

Lucius grunts getting to his feet "Your parents were meddlesome fools too." He points at Ada "You mark my words, Potter... one day soon you are going to meet the same sticky end!" He huffs and leaves.

"Ada Potter freed Dobby! How can Dobby ever repay her?" Dobby says with the biggest smile she's ever seen. "Just promise me something."

"Anything, miss."

"Never try to save my life again." Dobby gazes up at Ada with an admiring smile.

It is the end of year feast; Nearly Headless Nick, now revitalized, floats along the row between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables in the Great Hall. "Welcome back, Sir Nicholas!"

"Thank you."

"Good evening, Sir Nicholas."

"Good evening." The ghost nods back.

"Good to see you, Sir Nicholas."

"Thank you." He says again glancing at another pair of students "Hello." Reaching the doors to the Great Hall, he passes Filch, who is just happy to have Mrs. Norris back, and Hermione walks in as he turns toward her. "Hermione! Welcome back."

"Thanks, Sir Nicholas." Nearly Headless Nick floats away as Hermione turns her attention to the Gryffindor table.

"Yay! Reunion." Sirius cheers causing everyone to laugh.

Neville glances at the Great Hall entrance then looks at Ada, Ron, and Ginny sitting across from him "Ada, it's Hermione." Ada and Ron turn to look at the doorway to see Hermione standing there and both greet her with beaming smiles as Ginny also turns to see her; Hermione, overjoyed to see her two best friends again, runs to them. They both get up to greet her; she runs right up to Ada and they embrace. "Never ever ever leave me again." Ada mutters into Hermione's hair causing her to laugh.

Hermione is just about to hug Ron as well before suddenly stepping back. Ron briefly smiles at Hermione with what looks like a loving look on his face " Uh, uh..." He chuckles and clears his throat before he and Hermione shake hands "We-welcome back, Hermione."

"Merlin your so awkward." Bill teases as the two turn red.

"It's good to be back. Congratulations. I can't believe you solved it."

"Well, we had loads of help from you." Ron smiles and nods at Hermione as Ada glances at him "We couldn't have done it without you."

"Thanks." Professor McGonagall taps her glass "Could I have your attention, please?" Ada, Ron, and Hermione immediately sit down.

Professor Dumbledore stands up "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified." Everyone except Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and a few Slytherins applaud them. "Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled." Everyone except Hermione applauds.

Hermione silently whispers "Oh, no."

"Only you Monie." Ada shakes her head with a smile.

Dumbledore sits down and smiles at Professor McGonagall. The doors to the Great Hall open, and Hagrid walks in."Sorry I'm late." Ada, Ron, and Hermione look at him in amazement; even Neville is amazed to see Hagrid back "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." Ron's eyes widen in surprise as he and Hermione glance at Dumbledore while Ada focuses on Hagrid; Dumbledore smiles and nods at Ron; they then turn toward Hagrid again; he walks right up to the Gryffindor table as Ada, Ron, and Hermione all shift to face him " And I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you, Ada... and Ron... and, Hermione, of course... I would, uh... I'd still be you-know-where, so I'd... I'd just like to say thanks." He chuckles. Ada glances at Ron, who smiles, then stands up "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Hagrid chuckles; he and Ada embrace as Ron and Hermione watch with smiles on their faces. Dumbledore stands up and begins to applaud; Professor McGonagall does the same. Hagrid looks at them as Ada joins in the applause, leading Ron and Hermione, and eventually everyone in the Hall, to join in as well. Crabbe is about to get up and applaud when Malfoy stops him; Seamus puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles while Dean cheers "Yay!". Behind Ada, Colin snaps a picture; Ron glances at Hermione, who has a joyful tear rolling down her face. Hagrid happily wipes a tear from his own eye and glances at Dumbledore. As the other staff continue applauding, Hagrid spins around and holds his arms out happily.

"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen." Sirius sniffs, Remus looks over to his husband "Are you crying?" He asks amused. Sirius shakes his head "No, I-I just have something in my eye that's all." He denies rubbing his eyes as Remus silently chuckles.

It's now night time and Ada is sat in the astronomy tower looking at the stars juts thinking about everything. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming closer. "Oh, um sorry i didn't think anyone would be up here." The voice of Mattheo Riddle calls out. "It's fine." Ada says with a small smile not taking her eyes off of the starts. Mattheo stood awkwardly for a second till Ada said something "You can sit down ya'know." Mattheo nods his head and sits next to her looking up at the stars too.

After a few minuets of silence Ada speaks again "I've always loved the stars." The boy looks over to Ada as she carries on speaking still not looking away from the stars. "They never leave you. Sure sometimes you can't see them, if it's the day or cloudy. But they are aways there." She finishes looking to Mattheo for the first time. The boy held a fond look as he looked deeply into her big doe eyes. "Hmm, I never really thought of that."

The two look back to the stars in a comfortable silence till Ada speaks another time. "You know I know." Mattheo takes a sharp breath. "Yes." Ada nods and looks over to him "I don't blame you." The boy is slightly taken back not really believing her. "Why?"

Ada sighs "Well you didn't kill them."

"No but..."

"But nothing. You don't control your fathers actions now and I doubt you could when you were one."

Mattheo looks at Ada with such vulnerability something he never does yet he can't seem to help himself. "But you got a life without your parents because of him." Ada noticed that Mattheo didn't call him father or dad just him. "What about you. Who do you live with?"

The boy rolls his eyes and grumbles "The Malfoys."

Ada winces "Ah, I'm guessing that's not pleasant." Mattheo shrugs "It's bearable, Narcissa is nice, Draco's annoying and Lucius is a prick." Ada lightly giggles seems about right, though she has never met Narcissa so she can't give an opinion on her. "What about your mother?" Mattheo stays silent for a while making Ada curse her curiosity, "You don't have to answer. I'm sorry."

"No it's okay. Umm he killed her after I was born."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I didn't know her." After he said that Ada gave him a look, "I didn't know my mother either but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Mattheo just stays silent knowing she was right. "Do you want to know something." Ada says out of the blue, the boy nods "Sure."

"I think we are going to be great friends Mattheo Riddle."

"Oh do you now Ada Potter."

Ada nods with a smile then holds out her hand, the boy grabs on giving it a shake with a broad smile. "To friendship." She says.


After a while Mattheo gets up ready to leave when he is stopped "You better write to me in the summer Mattheo Riddle or I'll be very upset." She says with another smile. "Oh of course, we wouldn't want to upset Ada Potter now, would we?" He says while she grins and shakes her head.

Mattheo and Ada were cuddled up to each other, the curly haired boy was playing with her hair as Ada was drawing shapes onto his leg when Sirius looks over to them. "I hate how cute that was, I don't like it." He grumbles trying to glare at Mattheo but it was hard, that was literally the cutest start to a friendship he's ever seen.

"They love each other, he's good for her." Remus tells his husband looking over at the couple, he could see how much they loved each other, they were practically soulmates. Sirius starts shaking his head "No no, my little Bambi can't be in love." Remus gives him a deadpan look even though he understands not wanting her to grow up especially since they never really got to see that happen. "Pads look at them and tell me that they don't love each other." Sirius looks over and see them all cuddled up pulling stupid faces to make each other laugh. The man takes a sharp breath and mutters a small "Fuck."

a/n: two updates lovesss hope you enjoy. Gotta love insomnia keeping you up to write i've been very hyper fixated on getting this done.

Omg Chamber of Secrets is done I'm so excited for Prisoner of Azkaban best movie in my opinion.

honestly id start writing it now but it's currently 8 in the morning and i woke up at 11am yesterday, so ya girls gotta sleep.

anywaysss thank you for sticking with me for this long i hope it's good enough for you and thank you for the votes and reads, remember to eat drink and sleep (the last one is a bit hypocritical of me but do it anyways) have a lovely day/night<3

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