Without Armor

By laurentomo22

4K 71 3

There was only one who fought the red head of Ketterdam and survived, and that was none other than the bastar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

159 4 0
By laurentomo22

Walking back into the Crow Club was not something Vernera imagined she would be doing, so soon at least. It didn't look too different, just a few upgrades here and there. Definitely more staff, that's the first thing she noticed as the group entered the busy gambling hall.

"Didn't you miss the smell of booze and cheap salty snacks?" Jesper put his arm around Vernera with excitement.

"Experiencing withdrawals are we Jes?" Vernera poked fun.

"You know I can never stay away from the tables long. Come on I'll treat to a round of Blackjack." Jesper flashed some shiny coins in her direction.

"Have your fun now, we leave in a few hours." Kaz took a peak at his pocket watch before walking to the bar.

"That is Kaz's way of saying 'yes go ahead and spend your money at my hall'" Nina laughed as she joined the group.

"Why do you think we needed to stop back at the Crow Club anyways? It would have been quicker to just go straight to Hellgate from Ravka." Inej questioned as she cleaned one of her blades with her shirt.

"He probably wanted Ve to see the Club and how he's been 'doing well without her presence'" she said in air quotes.

"Oh I'm sure that's exactly it." Vernera rolled her eyes. "I did miss it here though." She took a deep breath. "When I was at the palace, I forgot just how many things I wish I brought with me from here. Like my mom's ring that I kept under my mattress in my room upstairs. Or my favorite hairpiece that Inej made for me." Vernera smiled in Inej's direction. "No matter though, I'm sure Kaz had a wonderful time selling it all and expanding his office." She joked.

"I actually haven't been up there since you've left. Been to scared." Jesper laughed.

"Same here, I mean I know it's where Kaz's schemes for hours upon hours, but I could never bring myself to see what he did with the place." Nina agreed.

"Well how about you guys keep watch and I'll go snoop around and see what's become of my old room?" Vernera offered as she began inching her way to the stairs.

"I'd rather not be murdered." Jesper shook his head.

"Please, like Kaz would care if you were up there." Inej nudged him.

"Just be fast. Who knows what will happen." Nina shooed her off.

"What did I miss?" Wylan asked as Vernera disappeared up the steps.

"And where have you been?" Jesper questioned.

"I had to stop back and pick up some powders. Kaz's orders." Wylan explained.

"Well great, now that you're back I have a gambling buddy." Jesper dragged him farther into the gambling hall.

As Vernera softly stepped into the upper level of the Crow Club, she was almost shocked at what a wreck it looked like. Papers everywhere, dust covering the living area as if no one had touched it since she left. She peaked into Kaz's office to see more papers scattered all around his desk, his bed was the only thing that looked like it hadn't been touched. Was he not sleeping? Why were papers everywhere? Kaz hated a mess, yet it didn't seem like he had bothered to clean up anything in quite awhile. Vernera decided to not think about it too much and walked over to the other side of the living space, where her old room once was. She was shocked to find it locked when she tried the door knob. Acting quickly, she took two hairpins out of her hair and picked the lock.

What was behind the door shocked Vernera to the core. It looked like nothing had been touched since the day they left Ketterdam for Ravka. Everything was still in place, down to where she left her brush on her vanity. She quickly went over to her bed and lifted up the mattress to find the little wooden box she had kept her mom's ring. There it was, in fact not sold for Kruge, but instead exactly how she left it last. Why wouldn't have Kaz done something to her room? Why leave it as it was?

"Could have just gotten the key." Vernera turned to see Kaz holding the key in his gloved hand. "Not like you don't know the code to the safe." He added softly.

"I just wanted to see what you did with the place. Got to say I'm a bit shocked you haven't rented the place out." Vernera tried to make a joke even though she was feeling some conflicting emotions.

"Couldn't stand to share this space with anyone." Kaz put simply as he put the key into his jacket pocket.

"Right....should have known. Why keep all of my things though? Surely you could have gotten some Kruge for it." Vernera stated plainly as she continued to look around at her things.

"I don't know really..." Kaz said stepping further into the room. "Maybe a part of me thought that....if you still had a room here....you'd might come back one day." He said under his breath. Vernera turned to face him noticing that he refused to make eye contact with her.

"You know I didn't leave to spite you...right?" Vernera finally spoke.

"Don't be daft." Kaz deflected as he put back on his emotionless mask.

"I was just tired of running away from my past." Vernera ignored his antics. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry for a lot of things...." She paused to take a deep breath. "I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know we make one hell of a team you and I. So if you'll allow me for the time being, I'd like to have back the title of your second in command." She smiled which made Kaz's act crumble at the seams. He quickly looked towards the ground to compose himself before clearing his throat.

"I don't know...I was just about to offer Jesper your position." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"You wouldn't dare." Vernera laughed. And there it was, that twinkle in Kaz's eyes that Vernera hadn't noticed before. The eyes can never lie she remembered the seamstress telling her in Ravka. Before Vernera knew it, the crows were heading for Hellgate.

"If this is all true, then Bo Yul-Bayur needs to be eliminated" Nina interjected as Kaz was explaining the job to all of them.

"That is not the job, Nina." Kaz spat back.

"This isn't about money, Kaz." Nina fought. The two had always butted heads, but even Vernera knew Kaz was hiding more then he was letting on. Getting Matthias to work with the crows was not going to be easy, and Kaz knew this. He knew everything. The group had arrived, and Vernera knew better than to question how they were going to get in.

When the boat's hull scraped sand, two men rushed forward to haul them farther onto land. The other boats she'd seen were making ground in the same cove, being pulled ashore by more grunting and cursing men. their features were vague through the gauze of her veil, but Vernera glimpsed the tattoos on their forearms: a feral cat curled into a crown- the symbol of the Dime Lions.

"Money," one of them said as they clambered out of the boat. Kaz handed over a stack of kruge and once it was counted, the Dime Lion waved them on. Vernera grabbed onto Jesper's arm to help steady her racing heart. She did not like going into places that she did not know, especially ones driven by her ex captivator.

"It's ok, just stay close to me." Jesper whispered to her. Though he'd never admit it, he was also feeling uneasy.

They entered a dark, surprisingly clean kitchen, its walls lined with huge vats that looked better suited to aundry than cooking. The room smelled strange, like vinegar and sage. Nina had gotten closer to Vernera, sensing her alarming heart rate. They passed throuch a dank entry hall, and Vernera thought they would
head up into the cells, but instead they passed through another door sond onto a high stone walk way that connected the main prson to what looked like another tower.

"Where are we going?" Nina asked softly, but Kaz said nothing.

"I can't imagine people wanting to come in here for fun." Vernera shook her head.

"The problem isn't getting in, it's getting out. Now shut up and stay alert." Kaz spoke harshly, Vernera would be slapping him for that later. As they continued walking, their surroundings turned into what looked like a skeleton of a once jail. It was haunting to say the least. Almost as haunting as the ridiculous costumes they were forced to wear to hide their identity. The Dime Lion led them around the tunnel to the third archway, where a prison guard dressed in a blue-and-gray uniform was posted, rifle slung across his back.

"Six more for you," the Dime Lion shouted over the crowd. Then he turned to Kaz. "If you need to leave, the guard will call for an escort. No one goes wandering off without a guide, understood?"

"Of course, of course, wouldn't dream of it," Kaz said from behind his ridiculous mask.

"Enjoy," the Dime Lion said with an ugly grin. The prison guard waved them through.

"These fights are horrible." Nina sighed as they walked into the same caged up arena she had visited more than she'd have liked to.

"What is this place?" Vernera asked confused.

"Welcome to the Hellshow." Kaz stepped up next to her. "It's been going on for years, the high rollers get bored of the gambling halls and decide they want something more....entertaining. So they come here and watch prisoners face off against unimaginable creatures. Bet on how long they will survive, it costed me a pretty penny to keep Helvar out of these fights, only to have him go against it once Rollins entered here." He continued to explain.

"This is disgusting." Vernera could barely watch.

"The only disgusting thing is that I didn't come up with it first." He said plainly.

"These men aren't slaves, Kaz. They're prisoners." Vernera said unamused

"They're murderers and rapists." He said through his teeth.

"And thieves and con artists. Your people." She pointed out.

"Vernera, sweet, they aren't forced to fight. They line up for the chance. They earn better food, private cells, liquor, jurda, conjugals with gib from West Stave." Kaz turned to look at her. Before Vernera could respond, the sound of the crowd cheering loudly startled her into looking back in the cage. A very tall and lean man entered the ring. He had dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes. By Nina's gasp Vernera detected this had to be the famous Matthias Helvar she had heard so much about.

"Brekker, what's the plan? We aren't going to just watch him get killed are we?" Nina rushed over to him.

"Hardly, if he survives I'll get him out of here tonight, but that is up to him." Kaz shrugged. After a long and rather brutal battle, Matthias was carried out of the ring and down a large passageway.

"Where are they taking him?" Nina asked, voice trembling.

"To a cell to sleep off the fight," Kaz said.

"Who will see to his injuries?" She then asked.

"They have mediks. We'll wait to make sure he's alone." Kaz replied.

"I don't like this at all." Vernera whispered to Jesper to which he grabbed her hand in comfort. The cell was pitch black, only the faint glow of of bone light lit it up. Matthias slept with his back to the wall. Jesper and Wylan remained outside of the cell, watching for any rouge guards or mediks that wanted to check on the most recent Hellshow winner. Nina wanted to rush to Matthias, but Kaz ordered for Inej and Vernera to assess his wounds first.

"Here." Vernera threw him his cane that she was hiding under her huge overcoat. "Looks like you could use it sweets." She mocked his pet name from earlier. Kaz poked her in the rib with the crow head before urging her to help Inej. Looking closely at him, Vernera could see why Nina fell so hard for him. Even with his face starting to swell in various places, he seemed almost peaceful as he slept.

"Nothing too major thank the saints, you should be ok Nina." Inej said as the two girls backed up so Nina could heal him. Quickly she went to work, trying her hardest to focus on healing him and not how badly she just wanted to hug him tightly. Nina noticed that his face looked to be in pain and began healing the swelling.

"Not the face, Nina. I need him mobile, not pretty. Heal him fast and only enough to get him walking for now. I don't want him spry enough to vex us." Kaz barked out the order.

"I personally wouldn't mind you fixing up his face." Vernera joked which resulted in a harsh side eye from Kaz. Nina continued to work quickly, even though Kaz wished she would go even faster.

She touched his shoulder gently. "Helvar," she said. He didn't stir. "Matthias." She whispered louder. A lump rose in her throat, and she felt the ache of tears threatening. She pressed a kiss to his temple. She knew that Kaz and the others were watching and that she was making an idiot of herself, but after so long he was finally here, in front of her, and so very broken. "Matthias," she repeated.

"Maybe he needs to heal more." Vernera tried her best to keep Nina calm.

"He's healed plenty." Kaz said lowly.

"It's ok, just try again Nina." Inej prayed.

"Matthias?" Nina whispered, her voice broken. He began to stir awake, making Nina's heart jump to her throat. Vernera didn't know what to expect, she didn't even notice she hand began to rest on one of her daggers out of instinct. Kaz remained still and unfazed by his surroundings. What would make him break? Vernera thought to herself. What would drive Kaz Brekker over the edge for once?

"Nina?" Matthias finally spoke, his voice was raw but as lovely as Nina remembered.

"Oh, Saints, Matthias," she whispered. "Please wake up."

His eyes opened, groggily, palest blue. "Nina," he said softly. His knuckles brushed her cheek; his rough hand cupped her face tentatively, disbelievingly. "Nina?"
Her eyes filled with tears.

"Shhhh, Matthias. We're here to get you out." Nina smiled through the tears that were now threatening to drop down her cheek.

Before she could blink he had hold of her shoulders and had pinned her to the ground.

"Nina." he growled. Then his hands closed over her throat. It all happened so fast. Vernera and Inej looked at each other in confusion, wondering what was exactly going on.

"Nina." he gritted out. She clawed at his hands. "Witch!" he hissed, leaning over her. He saw her eyes widen, her face getting redder. "Beg me," he said. "Beg me for your life."

"Hands off her Helvar." Kaz spoke calmly as Vernera held the dagger to the side of his throat.

"Go ahead and kill me, put that knife through my neck." Matthias hissed again as he continued to choke Nina, his nails digging into her skin.

"Kaz what do we do?" Inej asked as calm as she could.

"Harther, plan B." Kaz ordered. Vernera whipped out her chain that was around her corset and struck Matthias hard against the head, causing him to fall to the side. She quickly tied the chain around his hands and feet so he could no longer move.

"Get ahold of yourself Helvar, we are here to break you out. Now I can have my second in command here choke you out completely and we will drag you out of here or you can leave like a man on two feet." Kaz threatened as he knelt next to him to meet his eyes fully. Inej helped Nina up and checked the marks on her throat for any permanent damage.

"No one gets out of Hellgate," Matthias said.

"Tonight they do." Vernera beat Kaz to it.

"You cannot walk me out of here, the guards will recognize me." Matthias said as Vernera undid the chain so he could stand.

"You'll be masked." Inej spoke up.

"But if the guards check—"

"They will be a bit occupied." Kaz interrupted and as of right on cue, alarms began going off followed by screaming.

"You opened the cages?" Nina coughed.

"Actually Jesper and Wylan did. Now come on we don't have much time." Kaz said.

The passageway outside the cell was chaos. Costumed men and women surged past, screaming and pushing each other, trying to get away from the arena. Guards had their guns out, and they could hear shots being fired. Animals of all kinds ran free, and Vernera even spotted a hyena feasting on one of the guards. They made it outside of the prison and to a smaller boat.

"You were early, Jesper,"Kaz said as he nudged Matthias toward the boat.

"I was on time." Jesper replied.

"For you, that's early. Next time you plan to impress me give me some warning." Kaz argued.

"The animals are out, and I found you a boat. This is when a thank you would be in order." Jesper smirked widely.

"Thank you Jesper." Vernera hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome gorgeous! See Kaz that's what a civil and respectful person would do!" Jesper called as the group got onto the boat. The crew was settled in before the ship was filled with silence.

"Do not come near me witch." Matthias spat at her as Vernera and Nina approached him.

"With pleasure." Nina gave him a gentle nod.

"Alright Matthias, boss's orders." Vernera said as she held up her chain.

"I'm not your prisoner." He growled lowly which sent a chill down Vernera's spine.

"Course not, Boss just wants to make sure you don't try and strangle someone while we are sleeping." Vernera explained.

"Why do you take orders from that demon?" Matthias finally met her face.

"A question I find myself wondering quite often, now come on I don't have all bloody night." Vernera gestured for him to put his wrists together. Matthias looked at her for a moment before finally complying. Vernera tied the chain around his wrists tightly and connected it around his legs so he could not move.

"This chain is very tight, sharp like thorns." Matthias pointed out.

"That would be the point of it yes." Vernera finished her job before standing up again.

"You're not a witch?" Matthias questioned.

"Unfortunately no. Just a girl good with pointy things." She joked as she pulled her hair up into a bun so that it wouldn't blow in her face.

"And your name?" Matthias asked. It was weird, he seemed to be a lot nicer than she had just previously seen.

"Vernera Harther, pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Helvar." Vernera bowed her head slightly at the large man.

"Harther." Kaz called from the other end of the small boat.

"Duty calls." She smiled at him before walking away. "Can I help you oh wise one?" Vernera asked as she approached a rather unhappy Kaz.

"If you are quite finished chatting up our new recruit, you could be trying to get some rest before we return back to Ketterdam." He practically rolled his eyes.

"Are you implying that I was flirting with Matthias? Kaz my dear don't kid yourself, you'd know my flirting when you'd see it." Vernera crossed her arms. "And don't think I forgot how you were talking to me in there. It was quite embarrassing." She added.

"Have I ever been known for being nice?" Kaz scoffed as he looked out at the endless water surrounding him.

"Nice no, childish yes." Vernera threw back.

"Let me remind you that we have a job to accomplish. I don't believe hurt feelings are on the list of things we need to be worried about." Kaz began to raise his voice.

"How do you expect us all to be able to work together when the only people who don't seem to be having any issues with each other is Jesper and Wylan? Matthias wants to kill Nina and doesn't seem to be very fond of you. Nina is now heartbroken and can't be around Matthias. Poor Inej would rather be back in Ravka helping out Tolya and Mal hunt slaver ships. And now above it all you are back to pushing me away because you are terrified of feeling any sort of emotion that isn't rage." Vernera ranted.

"Vernera get over yourself, do you think that just for once things are not about you? This job is so much bigger than any of us and I apologize that I seem to be the only one worried about making sure jurda parem is never released to the world." Kaz argued back.

"Oh please you don't give a shit about jurda parem or what affect it could have on the world. All you care about is how much fortune this is going to pay. You are ruled by money. Greed is your God Kaz." Vernera jabbed deep. Kaz said nothing and looked back out at the horizon that was only being lit by the bright moon. Vernera shook her head and took a deep breath. "This is that game I was talking about. I understand you are trying to be better, but right now it really doesn't seem like it. Maybe I was wrong when I said I didn't leave to spite you. Maybe I was right to get away from you." She said before walking back to the end of the boat. That would be the last private conversation the two would share....for awhile.

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