Blast: The Teenage Hero

By Redfork2000

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Alex was just an average high school student who stumbled through life with many hardships. He frequently fin... More

1. Rise of Blast - Part 1
2. Rise of Blast - Part 2
3. Fame and Glory
4. The Best Sleepover Ever
5. A Rocky Rivalry
6. Queen Glamour
7. Will Work For Jewels
9. The Girl Next Door
10. Hothead Havoc
11. Just Like You
12. Pair Pressure
13. Watt a Party!
14. Dress For Success
15. The Attack of the 50 Foot Teenager
16. Operation Clover

8. Canine Catastrophe

13 2 0
By Redfork2000

It's a calm afternoon in Peachwood. Tommy is on his way to Alice's house to help with the science project, humming as he walks, cheerful as always. "What a beautiful day!" Tommy says with a smile on his face. "I have a feeling this is going to be a great day." he adds, until he sees something in the distance. It's a silhouette that looks like the shape of a dog. "Huh?" Tommy narrows his eyes, trying to see what that is.

The silhouette approaches, and Tommy sees that it's definitely a dog, though not a regular dog. It's a large, black dog with two heads, one that seems all too familiar to him. It's the same dog that was at Dr. Zack's base! Tommy comes to a complete stop as the dog seems to recognize him as well, and starts growling. Tommy's smile disappears and instead an expression of pure terror appears on his face, as he gets a flashback of the dog almost biting his foot off last time he saw him.

"N-Nice doggie..." he says, trying to calm down the dog, but the dog starts barking, and chases after him. Seeing the dog running at him, clearly with the intention to bite him, Tommy lets out a yell, and starts running away as fast as his legs will take him, while the dog chases him along the sidewalk.

The dog keeps barking as it chases after Tommy, with Tommy running away for dear life, yelling the whole time in fear. Why is this dog here anyway? Shouldn't it be at Dr. Zack's place? He wonders what could've possibly happened for the dog to be out here, so far away from Dr. Zack's base. Did it really just come all this way to hunt him down?

As he runs away, he passes through a park, making his way through some bushes on the way. The dog chases him, still barking the whole time, with Tommy desperately trying to lose the dog. As he gets chases, some bystanders see Tommy and the dog run by, so fast that most of them don't even notice that the dog has two heads. One man in particular does notice the two-headed dog, and just looks at the bottle in his hand. "Maybe that's too much for one day..." he says, throwing the bottle away.

However, as Tommy runs through another bush, this one in particular had thorns. He gets through, getting poked by a few of the thorns along the way, but as the dog passes through, Tommy hears the dog stop barking, and instead letting out a high-pitched cry, as if it was hurt. Tommy looks back, and sees the dog just out of the thorn bush, lifting one of its front paws off the ground, whining with a pained face.

Tommy stops running for a bit, realizing that the dog is no longer chasing him, and seeing that the two-headed dog is in pain. As much as he's afraid of the dog, he can't help but feel sorry for the dog. He turns back, and approaches the dog slowly. "H-Hey... are you alright?" he asks. The dog growls a bit as it sees Tommy approach, but Tommy keeps approaching. Despite the growling, the dog doesn't actually run towards him to bite, as it keeps holding its paw up above the ground, almost as if it didn't want to put its paw on the ground.

Tommy gets as close as he can, and notices what the problem is. A thorn is stuck on the dog's paw. No wonder the dog doesn't want to put its paw down. "Did you get a thorn stuck on your paw?" he asks, looking at the two-headed creature. "I can help you... just promise you won't bite me..." he adds, looking at the dog with a compassionate face. The dog looks up at him with its two heads, as if waiting to see what the boy is going to do.

Tommy gets a bit closer, and extends his hand towards the dog's paw. The dog growls a bit, but Tommy grabs the thorn and pulls it out of the dog's paw, causing the dog to let out a brief cry, but then, it looks at its paw, and puts it back on the ground. Seeing that it no longer hurts, it looks back up at Tommy. Tommy starts to tremble, worried that the dog is going to attack him again now that its paw is back to normal.

The dog approaches him, and Tommy feels as if his heart skips a beat, as the dog knocks him onto the floor... and then starts licking it with both of its tongues. "You... you're not going to hurt me?" Tommy says, as he laughs a bit as the dog licks him. "Aw... you're thanking me for helping you? Don't worry, it's all good!" Tommy says to the dog.

He then gets up, and looks at the two-headed dog. "How did you get here anyway?" Tommy asks, and then he thinks of something. "I bet Dr. Zack isn't very nice to you, is he?" Tommy asks the dog. The dog just looks at him, making sad puppy eyes with both of its faces. "No wonder you escaped from him!" Tommy says, feeling so bad as he imagines what this dog must've been through. "I mean, look at you! I bet he put you through some really scary experiment to leave you like this." he adds, thinking of what to do.

"I've got it! What if you're my dog now?" Tommy says to the dog. It immediately jumps and wags its tail; it seems to be very happy with the idea. Tommy smiles wide, and laughs a bit. "Alright! That's what we'll do then! From now on, you're my dog now!" Tommy says. "Huh... I don't know what your name is... I've got it! I'll call you Barkie!" he declares. The dog barks, this time seeming happy instead of angry, wagging its tail.

"This is going to be so cool, I've always wanted a dog!" Tommy tells the two-headed canine. "I can't wait to tell Alex and Alice about this, they'll love it!" he adds, before the realization hits him: he's late! "Oh no, I'm late! I don't want Alice to be upset!" he says, starting to worry. "Come with me Barkie, let's go!" he says, gesturing to the dog to come with him. Barkie obliges, following him on his way to Alice's house.

Meanwhile, at Alice's house, Alice and Alex are already there. Alex is just messing with some of Alice's lab utensils, using a long screw to tap on the different sized flasks and test tubes on the table, while Alice taps her foot and looks at her phone to see the time. "What's taking Tommy so long?" Alice asks, frowning a bit. "Usually you're the one that takes forever to get here. But it's not like Tommy to be late." she adds.

Alex keeps tapping the flasks and test tubes with the screw, each one making a differently pitched noise when it gets hit by the screw. "I don't know," Alex says, shrugging a bit. "but getting restless over it isn't going to make him come sooner." he adds, with a playful smirk.

Alice looks at him with a frown. "Don't you think it's at least a bit strange that he's late?" she asks him.

Alex looks back at her, still tapping the flasks and the test tubes with the screw, the sounds annoying Alice slightly. "He probably just got sidetracked or something." Alex replies, while sitting in a relaxed position. "You really could use some relaxation, you know. You're always getting worked up by everything."

"Well, someone has to be the responsible one," Alice quips back. "And if you took things more seriously, you'd understand why I get 'worked up' by things." she adds, the sound of the screw hitting the glass annoying her even more.

Alex keeps tapping the flasks and test tubes, until Alice can't take it anymore, and snatches the screw from Alex's hand and puts it on another table.

"I can take things seriously at times," Alex replies, smirking a bit. "Just watch." he says, as he turns towards Alice, and then crosses his arms, and puts on a frown, as if mimicking Alice's "upset" attitude. "How about this?" he says as if he was upset. "Is this serious enough for you?" he adds.

This takes Alice by surprise, as she tries to contain her laughter a bit at Alex's joke. "W-Why do I find it funny?" she asks herself in her mind as she tries to not laugh. "It's not even that funny!" she thinks.

Alex just looks at her as she tries her best to stay serious, but her expression gives away that she's trying hard not to laugh. "You don't have to be so serious all the time," Alex tells her. "Loosen up a bit, come on." he adds.

Alice shakes her head as she keeps trying not to laugh. Alex rolls her eyes, seeing she's still trying to stay serious. He puts his feet up on the table, leaning the chair back on its two back legs. "You could learn a thing or two from me, you know." He tells her, before he accidentally leans too far back on the chair and falls back with the chair, hitting the ground.

Alice can't hold her laughter anymore and lets it out, laughing out loud for a bit as Alex gets back up. "Yeah sure, teach me how to fall with style like you, please." she jokes as she laughs some more.

Alex gets up, and smiles a bit. "I've got some experience at falling." he says, shrugging a bit as he goes along with the joke, just glad to see Alice finally loosen up a bit for once.

Alice stops laughing after a bit, taking a deep breath afterwards. In her mind she can't help but ask herself why she even finds him so funny. "It makes no sense..." she thinks to herself. She then looks back at Alex, with a bit of a smirk. "Yeah yeah... you think you're hilarious, don't you?" she adds, a bit playfully.

Alex shrugs a bit. "Well, I made you of all people laugh," he points out. "That's no easy feat."

Alice blushes ever so slightly, and looks away from him. "Stop it..." she tells him, but their conversation is interrupted as they hear a knock outside. "That must be Tommy," Alice says, grateful that he's finally here. "I'll go open the door for him." she adds, as she exits the lab and makes her way to the front door. She opens the door to let Tommy in.

"Hi Alice! Sorry for being late." Tommy tells her, with a nervous smile.

Alice looks at him. "I was wondering where you were, but at least you're here now," Alice tells him, really to just invite him to come inside to help with the project. "let's just focus on the task at- AAAH!" she beings, before getting startled as she sees the two-headed dog behind Tommy. "Tommy, look out!" she yells, as the dog looks at her and starts growling.

Tommy turns and pets the dog with his two hands, one hand on each of its head. "Now now, calm down Barkie. There's nothing to be afraid of." Tommy tells the dog, trying to calm it down.

"What are you doing Tommy!? That's Dr. Zack's dog!" she tells him, stepping back in fear.

Tommy looks at her. "Not anymore. Now Barkie's my friend!" he tells her, looking back at the dog. "Isn't that right, boy?" he says, getting the two heads to look at him and wag its tail.

"Have you lost your mind!?" Alice exclaims. "That thing is dangerous!" she tells him, stepping back even more. The two-headed dog looks at her again, and starts growling.

Tommy shakes his head at Alice. "Of course he's going to act like a monster if you treat him like one!" Tommy scolds Alice, as he stops petting the dog and turns back to her. "He doesn't want to hurt anyone, isn't that ri-" he begins, but before he can finish the sentence, the two-headed dog runs at Alice, attacking her as she can only yell while the two heads attack her. Tommy's eyes widen as he sees the attack, only looking back as Barkie finally backs off from Alice, leaving her with her clothes somewhat torn, messy hair and with some bruises all over.

Tommy grits his teeth, nervous about the situation. "Sorry Alice... I'll teach him to behave, I promise!" Tommy tells her.

Alice gets up, hurt after the dog's attack. "Tommy... you can't keep that dog. It's dangerous!" she tells him.

Tommy looks at her, and makes cute, sad puppy eyes. "I promise I'll teach him to behave! Please?" he begs her, putting on a really cute face.

Alice frowns a bit, and sighs. "Ugh... fine, I suppose if you can get it to behave..." she finally concedes, still unsure of this being a good idea at all. "But you have to be a responsible pet owner, and teach it to not attack people!" Alice tells him, making sure he understands.

Tommy nods with a smile. "Yeah! I'll be a good pet owner! The best there's ever been!" Tommy tells her, smiling. "Let's go into the lab!" he tells her.

Alice looks as Tommy steps in, with Barkie following him. "A-Are you going to bring that thing into the lab!?" Alice asks him.

Tommy gasps, offended that Alice speaks of his new pet like that. "He has a name! He's Barkie!" he tells her, hugging his two-headed dog. "And don't worry, I'll make sure he behaves!" Tommy tells her, as he goes in, bringing the dog with him.

Alice sighs, following him. "I really don't have a good feeling about this..."

Inside the lab, Alex is sitting in a chair, looking at the entire lab. "Gee, Alice sure has a big lab. This place is bigger than my living room..." he mentions to himself.

Tommy then opens the door and walks in. "Hi Alex!" Tommy greets him cheerfully, waving at him.

Alex smiles, waving back at him. "Hi Tommy! Glad you're finally here." he replies. He then sees the two-headed creature following his friend, and seems astonished. "D-Does that dog have two heads?" Alex asks, in disbelief of what his eyes are showing him.

"Yup, he's my new pet, Barkie!" Tommy tells him. "Say hi to Alex, Barkie!" Tommy says, as the dog walks over to Alex.

Alice just watches from behind, having a few bandages on her bruises. "B-Be careful Alex..." she says, worried that the dog is going to hurt Alex, but to her surprise, the dog follows Tommy's instructions perfectly, and just stands up on two legs, supporting itself with its front legs on Alex's chest, and licking him in the face.

"Whoa!" Alex exclaims as the dog greets him with a lick to the face from its two tongues. "Easy there, heh" he says, while Alice just watches in disbelief.

"H-How..." she asks, but Tommy just looks at her.

"See, I told you I'd get him to behave!" Tommy tells her with a smile.

Alice is still puzzled at why the dog didn't attack Alex, but she brushes it off for now. "Nevermind... let's just focus on the work, alright?" She says.

The three teens start working on the project. While they do that, Barkie walks over to Tommy, and rubs its heads into Tommy's leg, wanting attention. "Sorry Barkie, I'm busy right now. We can play later though!" Tommy tells the dog.

The dog, seeing that it's not being paid attention to, jumps onto a chair, and then onto the table, where it starts knocking things off the table as it walks on the table towards Tommy. It knocks over something Alex was building, breaking it. "Hey, watch it!" Alex exclaims.

Alice freaks out more, as she rushes over. "Tommy! Get your dog off the table! It's going to break everything!" she exclaims. She then sees the dog approaching one of her machines, and gasps. "No!" she yells, as she rushes over to stop the dog from knocking it over and potentially breaking it.

"Stop right there!" Alice yells at the dog, running over and grabbing the machine before the dog can damage it. However, the dog doesn't take kindly to Alice's yelling, and starts growling at her again. Alice's eyes widen, and she starts to step back. "No no... don't..." she says, but the dog starts barking, and lunges at her, as she tries to run away. "No, stop! Aaah!" she yells running off, but the dog catches up to her, and attacks again. Tommy and Alex both watch, with Alex covering Tommy's eyes at one point so he doesn't see any more of it.

A bit after, the dog once again walks away, leaving Alice on the floor, even more hurt than before. Alice takes a deep breath, and stares at Tommy. "Tommy!" Alice yells at him.

Tommy comes closer, embarrassed after what just happened. "Alice... I'm sorry..." he says, feeling very ashamed.

"I told you that dog was dangerous!" Alice scolds him.

"He only attacked you because you yelled at him!" Tommy replies. "You have to be nice, like Alex did." he tells her.

Alice groans. "The dog was on the table! Do you know how much it could've destroyed?" Alice asks him.

Tommy puts his hands together and begs. "Please Alice, just one more chance! I promise I'll make sure Barkie doesn't get onto the table again!" Tommy pleads, with his cute sad puppy eyes.

Alice gets up, and sighs. "Ugh... fine. One more chance, but it better not attack me again." Alice warns him.

Tommy nods. "I promise he won't!" he tells Alice.

With that, the three teenagers return to working on the science project, Alice taking some time to clean up the mess that Barkie caused. Alex tries putting together the parts that he was working with before, when the two-headed dog comes up to Tommy again and whines. "What's wrong?" Tommy asks, and suddenly, he hears the dog's stomach growling.

"Oh, of course! You must be hungry!" Tommy says. He then looks back at Alice. "Hey Alice, do you have dog food here?" he asks her.

Alice shakes her head. "No, sorry. I don't have a dog, so I don't have dog food." she tells him.

Tommy thinks, and then comes up with an idea. "Oh I know! I'll go buy some!" Tommy says with a smile. "I'll be right back! Just keep an eye on him while I'm gone!" Tommy tells them as he leaves.

"Nonono- and he's gone..." Alice says, letting out a sigh as she wants anything but to be left with this dog again, without Tommy around to make matters worse.

Alex looks at her. "Hey, calm down Alice. Just act nice and don't show him fear, and you should be fine." Alex tells her. "Dogs smell fear, you know." he adds.

Alice sighs. "I-If you say so..." Alice says, keeping an eye on the two-headed creature that's walking around in her lab.

Alice and Alex keep working on the science project, but Alice stops for a moment. "I'll be right back. I'm just going to get a sandwich." Alice says, as she walks out of the lab for a moment, goes to the kitchen to make herself and sandwich, and then comes back, with the sandwich on a plate. She takes a bite out of it, and leaves it on the table as she works.

The dog starts sniffing as it smells food, and walks over to the sandwich. Alice is busy and doesn't even notice the dog approaching. The two-headed dog then jumps and grabs the sandwich with one of its mouths, and lets it fall onto the ground, where it starts eating it with both of its mouths.

Alice reaches out for her sandwich, but doesn't feel the sandwich on the plate at all, causing her to look and see that her sandwich is entirely missing. "Wh-What?" She exclaims, but then she looks at Alex. "Alex... where is my sandwich?" she asks him.

Alex shrugs. "How should I know?" Alex replies.

Alice narrows her stare. "If this is another prank of yours, I don't appreciate it." she tells him.

Alex just looks at her. "Come on Alice, I didn't do anything."

"Then where is my sandwich?" Alice asks him, crossing her arms.

Alex points at the dog eating the sandwich. "You might want to ask Barkie." he tells her, as the two-headed dog continues to eat her sandwich, which is now on the floor.

Alice turns around, and yells. "Hey! That was my sandwich!" Alice exclaims, startling the dog, which then looks up at her, and growls. Alice starts to step back as she always sees where this is going. "No... please don't..." she says, but the dog barks at her, causing her to run away, and the dog to chase her, and attack her yet again. Alex cringes a bit at seeing the attack, a bit too afraid to intervene, until the dog once again leaves her after a bit, walking away to continue eating the sandwich.

Alice gets up, injured once again. "Th-That... dog..." she mutters, groaning.

"Hey, you weren't supposed to yell at it, remember?" Alex tells her, crossing his arms.

"What am I supposed to do when it does something bad then?" Alice asks him, frustrated.

Alex shrugs. "I don't know, squirt it with a spray bottle?" Alex suggests. "That's how I've seen people train their pets."

Alice nods. "Alright... I guess I'll give it a try..." Alice says, as she grabs a spray bottle from the shelf, and fills it with water. She then walks up to the dog, who is finishing the sandwich, and squirts it with the spray bottle. "Bad dog, don't eat other people's food." she tells the dog. However, the water irritates the dog, as it starts growling at her again.

"N-No... not again... Aaah!" Alice yells as she runs away, and the dog attacks her again. Alex watches the scene again, worried for Alice. The dog then walks away again, and finishes the sandwich.

"That didn't help at all!" Alice exclaims at Alex, as she tries to get up again slowly.

Alex sighs. "Yeah, it seems the water just irritated the dog more." he adds, trying to think of what to do.

Alex tries to approach the dog slowly, and pet it slightly. "Calm down... ok boy?" Alex tells the dog, which seems friendly to him. He then looks back at Alice. "Hey, it's alright. It seems to have calmed down." he tells her.

"Really?" Alice asks, coming closer. But as soon as Alice comes too close, the dog growls and runs after her, attacking her yet again. Alex steps back, turning his face away until the dog walks away from Alice, leaving her alone.

Alice groans, grabbing onto the table to get herself up. "What did I even do that time!?" she asks, frustrated that she's the one constantly getting attacked by the dog.

Alex shrugs. "I don't know, maybe it's your red clothes." he suggests, to which Alice seems baffled.

"What about my clothes?" she asks, confused by his conclusion.

"What if it's like with bulls, where the color red makes them angry?" he tells her, to which Alice facepalms.

"Alex, bulls can't even see the color red." she tells him. "It's a common misconception. What makes bulls angry isn't the color, but rather the movement of the cloth." she tells him.

Alex thinks, and then comes up with an idea. "Well, what if you stayed still?" he suggests.

Alice sighs, and decides to roll with it. After all, what else is there to lose? She just stands still, and the two-headed dog comes towards her again. Alice starts to panic, her heartbeat accelerates as the dog comes closer, growling at her, but she tries to not move. "Alex..." she mutters, "I don't think this is working..."

"Come on, he hasn't attacked you yet this time, has he?" Alex tells her. Alice sighs, and tries to stay still, despite the dog growling angrily at her. The dog then barks and lunges at her, and she instinctively runs away, causing the dog to chase her again. Alex just watches, unsure of what to do, as Alice runs away as fast as she can.

The dog jumps onto the table to chase Alice around, knocking over all kinds of materials in her laboratory while he chases her, barking loudly. Alice can't even focus on all the damage that the dog is doing, more focused on running away from the dog, as the entire laboratory becomes a mess.

Meanwhile, Tommy is walking back to Alice's house with the dog food he bought, humming happily, and knocks on the door, only to be greeted by Max instead of Alice. "Oh hi Max!" Tommy greets him with a smile.

"Hey," Max responds, looking at him. "What's the dog food for?" Max asks, curiously staring at the bag of dog food.

"Oh, this?" Tommy asks, pointing at the bag in his hand. "This is for my new pet, Barkie!" he tells Max.

Max's eyes widen. "Oh cool! I've always wanted a pet! But Alice always says they're too much work, and I wouldn't be responsible enough to have one." Max replies, frowning a bit as he remembers his sister telling him that.

Tommy looks at him. "Alice said the same thing to me, but I'm going to prove to her I can be a good pet owner!" Tommy tells him. He then hears a lot of noise inside the house, like lots of objects falling and breaking, loud yells and barking. "Hey... what's going on back there?" Tommy asks.

Max shrugs. "I don't know, Alice 'banished' me from her lab, so I haven't seen what's going on," Max replies. "but it's been really loud in there, it sounds kind of fun." he adds.

Tommy however, doesn't seem to think it's fun. Far from it, hearing the yelling and the barking, and worries that his pet Barkie is causing trouble again. He runs past Max, and into the lab, where he opens the door, only to find the place made a complete mess, papers and metallic parts scattered everywhere, broken computers on the floor, even some tables flipped over, a far cry from the normally impeccable condition Alice usually keeps her lab in. "Uh oh..." Tommy goes, already suspecting that Barkie did this.

He then looks to the side, and sees Alice, all bruised up, with ripped clothes, messy hair, and one of Barkie's heads still biting her leg. She stares at Tommy, with a cold glare. She's had enough already. "Alice..." Tommy begins. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Tommy, I told you this wouldn't work out." she tells him, still glaring at him.

Tommy lowers his head, feeling sad to see how this turned out. "But... maybe I can..." Tommy begins, but he's soon interrupted by Alice.

"No Tommy," Alice tells him, shaking her head. "This dog has been nothing but trouble since you brought him along. I think you know what you need to do."

Tommy gasps, and his eyes start getting watery. "You're not saying I should get rid of him, are you?" Tommy asks.

Alice looks at him. "It's a dangerous animal," she tells him. "and I'm sorry, but I don't think you can handle taking care of this dog. I know you mean well, but think of how many people could get hurt if your dog keeps misbehaving." Alice adds.

Alex looks at Alice, seeing how bruised and injured she already is. "Yeah... I'm with Alice on this one." Alex tells Tommy. "I think this might be too much responsibility for you." he adds.

Tommy sniffs a bit, as his eyes are still watery. "But... but I love Barkie," he tells them, looking at the dog. "I've never had a pet like him before." Tommy says, putting on those sad puppy eyes.

Alex shakes his head. "I know... but I think it's better this way." Alex tells him. "You can get a real pet some day, but... Barkie can't stay."

Alice sees the dog growling at her again, and rushes to hide behind Alex. "Y-Yeah... sorry Tommy, but Dr. Zack clearly made this thing to be aggressive. I don't think you can actually tame it." she tells him.

Tommy sighs. "But... what do I do with Barkie then?" Tommy asks. "If I just leave him where I found him, he'll go out and attack people." he tells them.

Alice thinks for a bit. "Well, maybe the only thing you can do is take this... dog... to an animal shelter. I'm sure they'll know how to handle it." she suggests. The two-headed dog comes closer, and Alice freaks out, jumping onto the table to get away from it. "Tommy, please!" she tells him.

Tommy sighs. "I guess you're right. Maybe I should take him to the animal shelter..." he replies, admittedly very sad about the idea of having to get rid of his new friend.

Alice looks at him, and then at the two-headed dog, who is preparing to jump onto the table to attack her again. "Well, go take him then!" she says, clearly wanting him to take the dog away as soon as possible. "Do it please!" she begs as the dog jumps onto the table and barks at her, and she grabs a chair, holding it in front of her to shield herself from the dog.

Tommy nods, and walks over to Barkie, putting a hand on one of the heads. "Come on Barkie, let's go." he tells the dog, with a sad expression on his face. The two-headed dog looks at him, and jumps off the table, and follows Tommy outside.

After Tommy leaves, Max enters the lab, only seeing the place a huge mess, and Alice standing on a table holding a chair in front of her, with Alex standing near that table. "What... just happened?" Max asks, looking at Alice. "Alice, what game are you playing?"

Alice just looks at him, realizing how ridiculous this looks out of context. "Max, I told you not to come into my lab!" she scolds him.

"Fine..." Max replies, as he leaves, closing the door behind him.

Meanwhile, outside Alice's house, Tommy is with the two-headed dog, and looks at it. "Barkie, I'm really sorry. I thought we'd be best friends forever... but I don't think this can work out," Tommy tells the dog. "I'm sorry, I failed you as a pet owner." he says, crying a bit. The two-headed dog looks at him, and whines a bit.

"I can't have you as a pet after all... but I'll never forget all the wonderful memories we made together." Tommy tells the dog, as he starts to reminisce about the good moments they had together.

Lots of memories play out in his mind, such as him taking the thorn out of Barkie's paw, and then being thanked with playful licks to the face, then him walking with Barkie following him along, then the two of them walking through a field of flowers, then him pushing Barkie on a swing, then the two of them playing in the snow, and then the two of them sleeping on the floor, snoring.

The two-headed dog lets out a bark, snapping him out of his nostalgia, and he looks back at Barkie. "You're right, half of those things never even happened... but I really wish they had!" Tommy says, crying a bit. "But I think this is going to be the best for both of us." He then hugs Barkie, as he sniffs a bit, still crying.

However, while this good-bye happens, Tommy sees something flying in the air, approaching. It looks almost like... Dr. Zack's Z-Saucer! "Oh no..." Tommy says, as he stops hugging the two-headed dog, and stands back up. As the flying machine comes closer, it becomes clear it's indeed the Z-Saucer, with Dr. Zack inside it.

"I finally found you!" Dr. Zack says, looking at the two-headed dog.

Tommy looks up at him. "You were... looking for him?" he asks.

"Of course I was! He's my guard dog." Dr. Zack explains. "I asked Blade to take him out for a walk, but he let the dog run off!" he says, shaking his fist in anger. "But enough of that, I'll be taking him with me now."

Alex and Alice both come out of the house, realizing Dr. Zack is here. "Dr. Zack! What are you doing here?" Alex asks him.

"I came to get my dog! Now you stay out of this!" Dr. Zack yells at him. However, he then looks at Alice. "Ugh, you look awful. Whatever happened to you?" he asks her.

Alice sighs, crossing her arms. "Your dog happened." she responds, just overall annoyed by the situation.

Dr. Zack laughs a bit. "Good, that's what he's supposed to do." he comments with a grin. "Anyway, I'm taking him back now!" Dr. Zack says, as he takes out a dog whistle, and blows into it. Alex, Alice and Tommy brace themselves for a loud noise, but they hear nothing.

Alex laughs, pointing at Dr. Zack. "Ha, your silly whistle is broken! It didn't make a noise!"

Dr. Zack groans. "You stupid kid! This is a dog whistle! It makes a sound that's too high of a frequency for humans to hear, but dogs can hear it!" he explains. "Now guard dog, take out the threats!" he orders, pointing at the three teens. The two-headed dog starts growling at them, as it looks like it's about to attack!

Alex and Alice are both scared, but Tommy looks at the dog, not afraid. "Come on Barkie, you're not going to do what Dr. Zack says, right? We're friends, remember?" Tommy tells the dog, but Dr. Zack blows the dog whistle again, and the two-headed dog starts running towards them.

"Or not..." Tommy says, disappointed that the dog obeyed Dr. Zack instead. Alice herself is already freaking out, but Alex grabs Tommy in one arm and Alice in the other, and flies high enough off the ground for the dog to be unable to reach them.

Dr. Zack just looks at them, and groans. "Ah, forget it. I got what I came for anyway." he says, as he presses some buttons, getting a robotic arm to stretch out from the Z-Saucer and grab the dog, and then fly off. "I'll deal with you three some other day." he tells them, as he leaves with his dog.

Alex lands back on the ground, putting Alice and Tommy down. Tommy sighs, feeling sad. Alex looks at him, and gives him a hug. "It's alright Tommy." he tells his friend.

"Barkie was my friend..." Tommy says, crying as he hugs Alex.

"I know, I know..." Alex says, trying to comfort his friend. "But at least you have us," he tells Tommy. "And we're going to be here for you."

Tommy smiles, nodding as he stops crying. "You're... you're right." Tommy replies. "Besides... I guess one day I'll have a pet I can actually take good care of." he adds.

Alice nods. "Yeah... one that doesn't viciously attack people, preferably." she says, looking at how injured she is right now.

Tommy smiles. "Yeah, that makes sense." he replies with a bit of a laugh. "You know? My cousin knew someone who had a crocodile as a pet. Doesn't that sound cool?" he asks.

Alice just stops, imagining herself being chased by a crocodile, and shivers just at the thought of it. "Why not something like a goldfish?" she asks him.

Tommy shrugs. "Maybe." he replies.

Alex just laughs as he watches the interaction, and soon Tommy and even Alice laugh along as well. They laugh for a while, until Alice stops all of a sudden. "No, I'm serious."

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