Fred Weasley x reader - A un...

By Freds_George_Draco

190 7 0

Fred Weasley x Reader. Takes place after the battle of Hogwarts after [Y/N] gets hurt, Fred questions everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

17 1 0
By Freds_George_Draco

Fred's POV

"So remember that you are a stranger to her, so try and give her some space. I mostly just answer her questions or tell her memories," I told George and Angelina for about the seventh time that morning. "We know, brother, relax, it's gonna be fine," George said, patting my back. I just rolled my eyes at him. Of course everything was gonna be fine, I knew that. I just couldn't help but shake the anxious look [Y/N] had given me before I left to pick up George and Angelina. "Here we are," Angelina said, happily. "Maybe I should go in first and then.." I began but Angelina just rolled her eyes and opened the door. 

Readers POV

"[Y/N]," I heard a woman say from the door. I looked up and saw a beautiful dark skinned woman beam at me walking over with her arms stretched out to embrace me in a hug. "You must be Angie," I said as she wrapped her arms around my body, hugging me tightly. "Yes," she said. "Angie, didn't you hear a single word I just told you," came Fred's voice from the door. "Oh she never listens, tells me its karma from all the times I haven't listened to mum growing up," a man identical to Fred spoke, he had to be George. We broke the hug and he walked over to me, "Hi, I'm George, the superior twin," he said with a wink at the last part, reacting out his hand to shake mine. I let out a laugh and shook his hand, "I doubt that," I said sarcastically. He gave me a big smile. "I see Fred's been brainwashing you, don't worry we will have you back to normal in no time," he said, earning him a playful shove from his brother. "Oh don't listen to him, love, he's just jealous that he didn't get the looks and brain," Fred said jokingly at his brother. "Oh now I know you are full of shit," George said. I turned towards Angelina "Are they always like this?" I asked her amused. "Yes, it gets tiring sometimes, but mostly they are fun to be around," she said, sitting down on the bed next to me. "You can take the sofa, so we can talk," Angelina said to the twins, getting comfortable next to me. I couldn't help but let out a laugh, she didn't treat me differently because I had lost my memories, and that felt wonderful, having a best friend. "So.." she said, loud enough for only me to hear. "Tell me everything," she said, laying her head on the pillow looking up at the ceiling, I did the same. "I don't know what to say, not much has happened really," I said honestly. Not knowing what to say. "Okay, so have any questions for me? I think I know you better than Fred does," she said smiling. I let out a small giggle. "Why don't you tell me something?" I asked her and she nodded. "Well you and I met on the train to Hogwarts, we bonded over some lame 3rd year slytherin trying to pick on you. So I walked up and told him to hit the road ," she said. "And he did it just like that?" I asked her, laughing. "Yes, I can be surprisingly scary if I want to," she said. George let out a huff, "Eavesdrop much?" Angelina asked her boyfriend. "Me? Never.." he said sarcastically. I let out a small laugh. "Why don't the two of you play some chess and leave us girls alone for some girl talk," she said. "Now, where was I?," she began. "Oh yes, so we talked the entire ride to Hogwarts, sat next to each other on the boats and both got sorted into the same house. I remember," she said, letting out a laugh. "Some students thought we had been friends for years because we hit it off so fast," I smiled at the ceiling, understanding what she meant, already feeling close to this woman I had just met. I could feel myself liking Angelina more and more. "We became friends with Alicia, she shared the same dorm as us, but mostly it was just you and me. Sad to say, it took a while until Alicia became closer to us. But within our first week you had developed a crush on Fred. I mean honestly I could not understand for the life of me why, he was so annoying, both of them were. But Fred in particular. Then we started hanging out with them and their friend Lee. They were always up to some sort of mischief and would start pranking everyone in our year, but they never pranked you. I think it's because Fred was sweet on you too back then," she said smiling at me. I blushed and looked back at the ceiling. "Definitely true," Fred said from the sofa, making me blush even more. "Girltalk," Angelina answered, annoyed. "Anyway, we spent almost all our time together, everyday, became inseparable. You loved classes that I absolutely hated and would always help me do better in those classes. Especially potions, I couldn't stand Snape," she said, frowning. "We spend our first summer holiday together, or at least for the most part. When we became older we still spent the holidays together, but I had to share you with Fred, because you always wanted to be with him, that became quite annoying really. You tried to convince me to come, and tried for ages to set me and George up," she said laughing. "So I'm the reason you two got together?" I asked with a giggle. "Well partly, it was mostly Fred's inability to leave things alone," she said, rolling her eyes. "You're welcome," Fred said laughing, earning a snort from Angelina. "I'm not thanking you for locking us in that broom closet and taking our wands," she said annoyingly. "I only gave you a little nudge," Fred said. "Oh really? Then why did you leave bucketfuls of Flobberworms in the small closet?" she asked, annoyed. "To speed it on a bit," he said, winking at Angelina. "I had Flobberworms all over my hair, that's not very romantic now is it?" she said. "Well it worked now didn't it?" Fred said smiling. "Oi, just because we got together doesn't mean you are the reason why," George said. "It only got us to spend more time together, plotting your doom," George added. "What got us together was my irresistible smile, dashing personality and sexy looks," George said to his brother. We all started laughing at this. "I turned towards Angelina. "So tell me more about, Fred" I whispered the last part, making me blush a bit. "Hey George, Fred. We are in the mood for some treats, will you be ever so kind and get some for us?" she said sweetly. "Now?" George asked, "We just started playing," he let out a sigh after the look Angelina had given him. "Fine, come on Fred," he said, getting up and heading for the door. "And take your time," Angelina said before they closed the door. "What do you want to know?" she asked, turning towards me. "Anything really, I just wish I knew more, wish I had written everything down.." I couldn't finish my sentence before Angelina interrupted me, "You have journals, you didn't write everyday, but you wrote about something special, usually that was about Fred." She said, I sat up looking at her, "What?" I was shocked. "How come Fred hasn't mentioned them to me?" I asked her. "Don't think you've ever mentioned them to him, you barely even told me. It was something that you wanted to keep for yourself, you once told me. Your inner thoughts, feeling too private to share," she said. I couldn't help the large smile appearing on my face. "Do you know where they are?" I asked her. "I think they are in the flat, I could have a look and if I find them I could bring them over?" she said to me, I nodded excitedly. "Like I said earlier, it didn't take long for you to crush on him, but you had only told me that you liked him. You thought he could never like you, so you two became fast friends. Fred was always so different with you, it was so obvious to everyone around him that he really liked you. But it took until 3rd year until you got together, and it's been you and him ever since. He's your first everything. First kiss, first love, first relationship, first time," she said smirking at me, I blushed. "So how long have we been together now?" I asked. "Seven years, give or take," she said. I looked at her in surprise. Seven years, no wonder we had gotten married so young. "Like I said, you share first everything. It's really sweet, because I don't think either of you has ever had eyes for someone else. And back at school Fred was really popular among the girls, almost everyone had a crush on him, but he only saw you. This used to piss off the girls in our year and below. Some of them were mean to you, trying to break the two of you up. They got close sometimes, but you and Fred always found a way to work through your problems. That's why I think this is gonna be just like those times, you will get past this, I know it," she said looking over at me smiling, I looked back at her, grateful to have her by my side. Angelina went to move to give me a hug, but stopped. "George Weasley!" she screamed furiously, getting up from the bed. I sat up looking at the furious woman storming towards the door. I saw a long string and what looked like an ear recoil away from her fast. She opened the door and was greeted by George, "Hello Gorgeous," he said in a flirting manner. "Don't 'Hello Gorgeous' me, I saw the extendable ears," she said, annoyed at her boyfriend. "That was not me, don't you have faith in me?" he said, trying to charm her. "George.." she said threateningly. "Angelina," he said lovingly. "Have I ever told you just how beautiful you are?" she rolled her eyes. "Please tell me Fred's not here," she said quietly, so I wouldn't hear. I looked away. "No, he went to get some snacks," he said in the same tone as his girlfriend. "Good, now apologize," she said, shoving George towards me. I looked up at George "I'm sorry," he said, managing not to sound convincing at all. "It's okay," I said before Angelina could start. "What are extendable ears?" I asked him curiously. "He was eavesdropping," Angelina said. I looked at George in shock. "Only because we have upgraded them and I wanted to see if they worked better," he said innocently. "I haven't really had the opportunity to try them before," he added, "Well maybe I have, but I don't really feel like listening to our next door neighbor talk to her cats," he said more truthfully. "I forgive you, if you promise not to tell Fred," I said, not wanting him to get his hopes up. "Deal," he said beaming at his girlfriend. "See, she understands me," he said smiling. "No, she just doesn't want Fred to know that she likes him," she said this made me gasp and looked shocked at Angelina. "No, I think you are mistaken," I began, but was interrupted by Fred returning with sweets and drinks. "What have I missed?" he asked cheerfully. "Nothing," me and Angelina said at the same time looking guilty. George turned to us, "Way to act cool about it," he said sarcastically. "What is going on?" Fred asked his brother, "Oh nothing, just 'girltalk' you know," he said, walking over to the sweets and grabbing a large bag and walking over to the sofa. "Now get ready to lose, Freddie," he said, smiling at his brother.

The rest of the morning went by fast filled with laughter and stories that we had shared over the years. "So you told Montague to stick it where the sun didn't shine," Angelina said laughing from her spot on Georges lap. "Did I really?" I asked her with a smile, not believing her. "Yeah, and he ran off like a scared little girl," Fred said reminiscing. "Like he always does that little wanker," George added. "I take it none of us like him?" I asked no one in particular. It was George who answered me from his spot on the armchair. "He's a git, big muscles and no brain," George said. "He was always so nasty to you," Fred said, looking at me. "Why?" I asked him. "Because you are muggle-born, and I guess he hated that you were better at everything then him," Fred said. "Truth be I think he had the hots for you, because he only started picking on you after fourth year," Angelina said, like that had explained everything. I looked at her confused. "You had a big glow up that summer, became hotter," Angelina said smirking. "Smoking," Fred said leaning in on the sofa next to me. I let out a laugh. "Still am," I said confidently, smiling. "That you are, my love, that you are," Fred said smiling. "Should we go, or..?" George said jokingly. "Please do," Fred said back with a mischievous look on his face. Angelina just rolled her eyes. "So why didn't he like me because I was muggle-born?" I asked, turning to Angelina. "Well some Slytherins think they are better than everyone else because they are 'pureblood' ," she said, rolling her eyes. "They think people born from muggle families are dirty, that you stole your magic from squibs," she said, seeing my confused expression. "Squibs are people born in wizard families without magic," she added. "So he believed that he was better than me because my parents are muggles?" I asked, trying to understand, she nodded. "He got what was coming to him," Fred said, smirking at his brother, George returned the same smirk. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well our seventh year he had tried taking house points from me and Fred," George said. "And we had enough, between him being a git to you and treating everyone like shit. We grabbed his wand and shoved him into a vanishing- cabinet," he said smirking. "He never went after you again," Fred said, turning to me with a smirk and a proud look. "Lucky you didn't get expelled," I said, smiling at him. The three of them let out a laugh, I looked between them confused. "Well we did get expelled," Fred said. "But that was later and for something else," he added. "You did?" I gave him a surprised look. "Yeah, our best prank we pulled at school I would say," he said, turning to George. "It was wicked," George said, reminiscing. "What did you do?" I asked, looking between Fred and George. "Well we had this awful professor, a real hag. She used to torture students in detention," George began. "After she had gone after you for no reason at all, my guess is because you were muggle-born," Fred continued. "So we decided to prank her in front of the school," George said. "That hag didn't even see it coming," Fred added. "So during fifth years OWL's," George began but was interrupted by Angelina. "OWL's are tests we take in our fifth year determining the classes we take our last two years," she said seeing my confused face. I nodded towards her. "Anyways as I was saying," George began, giving his girlfriend a look. "We decided to give them a little show," he said smirkingly. "We flew into the great hall on our brooms," Fred said "Began throwing fireworks around," George said. "The hag didn't know what to do," Fred said laughing. "That was wicked," George added. "That sounds like a sight," I said laughing. Fred turned to me. "You told me it was the best day of school that year," he said smiling. "But it earned me and Freddie boy a one way ticket back home," George said. "Should have seen mum, she was livid. Don't think I've ever seen her so mad," Fred said and both him and George sivered, remembering. "Well that's understandable, you only had a few months left and then you would graduate," Angelina said. "We didn't need to graduate, now did we?" Fred said, looking at her. Angelina was about to answer when a knock was heard from the door, followed by Amanda's head peeking in. "Hello, dears, lunch time," she said entering the room with a large tray floating along behind her. "Great I'm starving," Fred and George said at the exact same time. Angelina rolled her eyes at them. "Thank you, Amanda," I said, smiling at her. "I also have this potion from healer Anthony," she said, handing me a black potion that bubbled. I took it with a disgusted look on my face. "Drink it after you have eaten, it's a sleep draft mixed together with a healing potion," she said. "Will let you rest for an hour or two," she added before leaving the room. "I am not drinking that," I said putting the mug with the thick black liquid on the coffee table frowning in disgust. "Yes you are," came Angelina's voice. "Let's eat first," Fred said, handing me a sandwich. We ate in silence, enjoying the food. I drank the potion in one go and within seconds I felt drowsy. I felt Fred pick me up and carry me to the bed. Placing my head on the pillow, bringing my duvet up to cover my body and giving me a kiss on the forehead before everything went blank and I entered a dreamless sleep.

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