Blooming Blue [Pearl x Fem re...

By HollyPoppies

5.7K 248 36

You, y/n Demayo are given the chance to rebel against your father's wishes by joining your cousin Steven for... More

Settling in
Settling in II
Case Closed
A conversation about Anxiety
The past
An explanation of sorts
Buddy Talks
Journal Entries
Failed adventures
Bad decisions
Two minds in a flesh suit

Second 'Mission'

587 23 1
By HollyPoppies

"So," Steven began enthusiastically, taking deliberate bites of cereal with his spoon. "What's today's mission? I hope it's something epic, like battling a giant foot!"

You glanced over at him, sitting beside him on his bed, savoring spoonfuls of breakfast between words. "Hey, Steven, remember not to speak with your mouth full. It's not very appetizing." 

Steven quickly swallowed, nodding in agreement, but your attention was abruptly drawn to Pearl in the living room, gracefully twirling her spear above her head. There was a brief, intense stare between you and Pearl that lingered longer than either of you expected.

You had woken up on the couch, your hair tangled messily on the pillow, and the remnants of last night's clothes clinging to your skin due to the sweltering summer morning. You couldn't quite recall how you had ended up back at the temple but vaguely remembered drifting off under the starry sky while Pearl danced gracefully in the sand.

"If there were a giant foot to fight, Garnet would have let us know," you replied, your gaze shifting from Pearl to Steven.

Amethyst observed Pearl's spear tapping the wooden floor as it descended from its spinning dance, her focus fixated on the sharp point. "Yeah, Garnet is the boss," Amethyst chimed in, reclining on the makeshift bed of pillows that belonged to you.

"Well..." Pearl paused, her voice a soft murmur, her lips pursed, "we're all a team. Garnet just has heightened perception that guides us toward our mission objectives." Her blue eyes flickered back up to the loft where you and Steven sat.

"Yeah! She's the boss," Amethyst reiterated, propping herself up and attempting to catch a glimpse of the two cousins.

"So, where is she then? Off to fight the giant foot?" Steven inquired, munching on another mouthful of cereal and milk.

The image formed in your mind: Garnet delivering a powerful punch to a colossal, disembodied foot, its face scribbled with a frown. You imagined the foot soaring through the air like a puppet on strings, exploding into a spectacular display of fireworks.

"She's not fighting a foot," Pearl sighed, placing her hands on her hips once her spear dissipated back into her gem. She looked up at Steven and you. "Garnet often goes on missions without all of us. She's probably handling something very important."

Amethyst cast a mischievous glance, her smile sly. "Oh wait, Steven! I just remembered, Garnet had a special mission just for you!"

"R-really?!" Steven's voice quivered with excitement, his eyes gleaming at the mere mention of a task assigned by Garnet.

"Yeah! She said..." Amethyst paused, scanning the room before her gaze settled on Steven's hands. "You have to perform a daring face slam into that bowl of cereal!"

Pearl and you exchanged wide-eyed glances across the room. In seconds, your hands were already clutching the rim of Steven's cereal bowl, holding it above his head. "Amethyst, seriously?"

The purple gem sat up straight, throwing her arms up wildly. "But how else is he supposed to defeat the foot?" She struggled to stifle her laughter.

Pearl watched as you shifted the bowl into one hand, using your other hand to fend off her cousin. "There is no foot."

"Steven, promise me you won't slam your face into this," you implored, tilting your head down at the younger boy, your brows almost forming a straight line. But the mischievous grin on Steven's face appeared all too suspicious.

 "Steven!" you urged, but he sprang up and snatched the bowl from your hands. Without a second thought, he thrust his face into it, causing milk to splash onto his thick, dark brown curls, dampening his t-shirt and bedding. Your head drooped in exasperation as Amethyst and Steven erupted into cheers.

"There's no foot now!"

"Great job, Steven!" Amethyst cheered, joining in with your quiet sigh.

Steven leaned back on his bed, inadvertently transferring the cereal bits from his shirt to his comforter. "Now it's time to comb the beach for quarters with... my trusty Metal Mutt!" He wiggled around on his bed, as if struggling to reach something.

"S-Steven," you grumbled under your breath, trying not to dwell on the fact that you had just washed some of his blankets for him. Your furrowed brows softened as your attention shifted to the puppy-themed metal detector that Steven was proudly presenting, as if it were a prized possession. "It's actually pretty cute," you mumbled, your annoyance gradually fading as you admired the small spike collar adorning the device.

"You wanna come collect quarters with me?" Steven looked up at you expectantly. You rolled your eyes, contemplating the mess he had created. It wouldn't be long before some of his blankets had spots smelling of sour milk. Your eyes glanced towards the living room, where you caught a glimpse of Pearl, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Sure," you hummed, following Steven downstairs as he rambled on about how many quarters they could find. Yet, the sound of waves crashing against the shore still echoed in your mind, a remnant of the dream you had just woken up from. You couldn't shake off the confusion of how you had ended up on the couch when you had fallen asleep watching Pearl dance on the beach.You paused on the last step.

 "I'll meet you outside, Steven." You looked around the room, spotting Pearl sitting at the kitchen table, lost in her own thoughts. The morning light poured through the windows, casting a soft glow on Pearl's elegant figure. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight, a fond smile tugging at your lips.

"Hey, Pearl," you spoke softly as you approached, your voice tinged with curiosity and confusion. "I... I fell asleep on the beach. How did I end up here on the couch?"

Pearl turned her attention to you, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. She shifted in her seat, her hands fidgeting nervously on the table. "Well, you were sleeping so peacefully, and I didn't want to disturb you," she explained, her voice carrying a mix of hesitation and vulnerability. "So, I... I carried you back here." Her words held a tender quality, revealing the depth of her feelings. "It wasn't a big deal, really."

Your eyes widened with surprise, a rush of warmth spreading through you. Pearl had carried you back, cradling you in her arms while you slept. The tenderness of the act sent a flutter through your stomach. Before you could respond, Amethyst, who had been observing the interaction from a distance, couldn't resist joining in with a mischievous grin on her face. She sauntered over, eager to tease the two of you.

"Well, well, well," Amethyst began teasingly, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Carrying her in your arms, huh, Pearl? Smooth moves!"

Embarrassment tinged your cheeks as you glanced at Pearl, your eyes meeting in an unspoken connection.

Pearl, her cheeks still faintly blushing, huffed in mock annoyance at Amethyst's playful teasing. "Oh, stop it, Amethyst. It was just a small act of kindness."

Amethyst laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sure, Pearl, sure. Keep telling yourself that."

You rolled your eyes, slipping away from the two gems and slipping on your sneakers. "You're being a bit dramatic, Amethyst," you remarked, your gaze flickering up to Pearl. "Nothing happened. I was just confused, that's all." 

You cleared your throat gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Thank you, Pearl. I appreciate it. I was worried I would wake up covered in sand and bug bites or something." You glanced towards the window, spotting Steven waving at you from a distance. "I can help you with his bedding—"

"I can handle it. You two have fun," Pearl interrupted, her smile radiant, and watched as you nodded before heading out to join Steven. Pearl cast one last glance at Amethyst. "What are you looking at?"

Amethyst suppressed her giggles, ducking out of the kitchen. "Oh, nothing~ I'm gonna go find Garnet."

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

The search for loose change abruptly halted as you watched your cousin's luck take a turn for the worse. Instead of finding slivers of dollars, Steven's hand was suddenly trapped within the grasp of a bright green creature's mouth. With a scream, he pulled his hand back out of the sand. You dropped the second metal collector you had discovered and immediately rushed to his side, ripping the small green creature away from him.

"Steven, are you okay?" Your voice rang with genuine worry as you tried to examine his hand, but he tugged your attention upward.

"You, we need to move." You were pulled into a run as the creature spiraled down in a drill formation, catching a glimpse of its sharp and menacing appearance. "Pearl! Amethyst!" Steven's urgent call filled the air as you became the one gripping his arm, propelling you forward in a frantic sprint.

You didn't have the chance to explain to Pearl or Amethyst, who appeared on the beach with concerned expressions, as more of those drill-like creatures emerged from the ground, swiftly diving back down with whirlwind speed. Pearl and Amethyst summoned their weapons, but the creatures proved to be too agile. "Where is Garnet?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen her," Amethyst replied, joining the sprint towards the boardwalk. She and Pearl quickly overtook Steven and you as they fled from the oncoming drills. Your cousin let out a gasp, but you didn't have the breath or the ability to dwell on it.

"Steven!" Pearl's and your voices melded together as you shouted in unison, watching the young boy dart into the arcade. 

The two continued their mad dash after Amethyst, who had ventured ahead. Amethyst swiftly shifted her form, taking the shape of a snake as she slithered into a small merchandise booth. "Amethyst!" Pearl exhaled quickly, picking up her pace.

Your panicked footsteps slowed as you slipped into a small batting range enclosed by tarps and sturdy metal posts. You almost shrieked as your gaze landed on a cut-out of Mr. Smiley, dressed in a black catcher uniform complete with a matching black helmet and a protective cage-like face cover. You froze for a moment, your hand instinctively clutching your chest, your heart threatening to burst from your ribcage. With a deep breath, your eyes settled on the glimmer of a cool aluminum silver baseball bat. You swung it over your shoulder, admiring its weight and how it evoked memories of your time playing softball on your school team when you were younger.You closed your eyes and took another, steadier breath, realizing that this must be the kind of danger your younger cousin faced during his missions, and how he risked his safety. You wondered to what extent your uncle was aware of these missions.

Your hands tightened their grip around the comforting black foam handle of the bat as you took five slow, deep breaths to steady yourself. When you opened your eyes, you peeked out cautiously. Your hair swayed as you crept forward, partially focused on the shifting weight beneath your feet. You had no clue what you were up against. Did these so-called "little guys" have sensitive hearing or the ability to detect vibrations? Could they see?

Your thoughts were interrupted by muffled yet urgent whispers in the distance, catching your attention. With cautious steps, you approached. A few feet ahead, crouched behind a stall, you spotted the back of Pearl's peach-colored hair peeking just above the wooden barrier. You quickened your pace, intending to reach the two gems, but you came to an abrupt halt as a startled gasp escaped your lips. Two drill-like objects sliced through the air, tearing through banners, wooden structures, and anything in their path.

"Pearl! Amethyst!" You shouted with urgency, your voice raspy and strained as you choked on your breath. You pushed off the ground, propelling yourself into a full stride, your legs moving faster than your mind could comprehend.

The cry jolted Pearl out of her strategizing with Amethyst. Her gaze fixated on you, watching as your feet glided across the wooden planks, positioning yourself in front of them. "You! What are you doing?" Pearl's hand reached out towards your arm, but she wasn't fast enough.

Your clammy hands tightened their grip on the bat's handle, and you straightened your back, your shoulders squared. You took a slower breath than you thought physically possible in moments like these, taking aim at your two targets. With a twist of your waist, you swung the bat, following through with the motion. You swallowed hard, uncertainty filling your mouth, and wondered if your death would at least be painless. But your thoughts shifted immediately as the metal of the bat collided with the pointed ends of the drills, sending them flying but not without denting your weapon.

As you turned to face the others, another drill whizzed through the air, narrowly missing you. Its sharp, curled edge grazed your cheek, leaving behind a burning gash. Yelping in pain, you stumbled away, dropping the bat onto the wooden planks as you instinctively covered the wound with your hand.

"Y/n!" Pearl covered her mouth, her eyes wide, as she watched you fall to your hands and knees. Pearl breathed a small, relieved gasp as Garnet's shadow descended from overhead. The fusion landed in front of you and the rest of them. "Garnet!"

"Y/n, go join Steven in the arcade," Garnet instructed as she blocked one of the "little guys" with her gauntlets. She smirked over at Amethyst and Pearl. "We'll handle this." The drill that had cut your cheek had flown far too close for comfort, and you didn't need to be told twice to let the gems handle it. With the dented bat still tightly clutched in your hand, you rose to your feet and made your way back towards the entrance of the boardwalk.

You nearly collided with Steven, his body already halfway to the ground as he picked up a quarter from the floor. "Stevie!" Your hands wrapped around him, pulling him close, but not before you spun him around, your eyes scanning his form frantically. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Your chest continued to pound, and your lungs struggled to catch up with your breathing.Steven sank into the warmth of your embrace, weariness evident in his heavy-lidded eyes. "You're hurt?" His hands hugged you a little tighter.

"I'm okay," you stiffened, examining Steven to calm your anxieties, double-checking that he remained unharmed. The blood droplets forming on your own face could wait. "It's just a scratch."

"But it looks kinda deep."

"I'm sure it's fine." He was your biggest priority, and that meant getting him back to the house if that's what was needed.

Steven perched on one of the counter stools while Pearl delicately dabbed at your face with a hot washcloth. "OoOOooo~ My mom had healing abilities, right?"

Pearl pressed the washcloth against a stubborn, clumping wound, her eyes downcast. She hadn't anticipated the question. "Correct, Rose had healing abilities, tears specifically."

Steven hopped off his seat and hurried up the stairs to his room. "I have an idea!" he called out, his voice fading away.

You couldn't help but notice the slight tension in Pearl's movements. Sensing the opportunity, you leaned into Pearl's touch, relishing the tender care. "Steven, let's not cry on anyone's cheek just yet, okay?"

Pearl tilted your head back gently, her fingers gliding under your chin to examine the cut. She applied a small, square bandage with delicate strips of medical tape. "Steven, we don't even know if you possess the ability to produce healing tears." She sighed, snapping the first aid kit shut and stowing it back inside her gem.

Pearl's gaze shifted from small hall that led to the bathroom where Steven now lingered to you, your eyes meeting. Yours widened, and a blush crept up your face as if you had said something inappropriate. You sat in silence for a moment before Pearl cleared her throat. "How are you feeling?"

The words held an undercurrent of something more than concern. It was a question laced with unspoken emotions. Yet it also went unnoticed by the both o you.

Your voice softened as you replied, "My face stings."

Pearl's relieved smile mirrored yours, and she couldn't help but notice how close you were. She waved her hands nervously, a blush coloring her cheeks. "I-I... We, Amethyst and I, should thank you," she stammered, her words quick and sharp. Her eyes darted towards Amethyst and Garnet, who stood outside on the deck, their backs turned to you and Pearl, watching the sea. "You could have been seriously hurt."

You reached out and placed a hand on Pearl's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "But was I seriously hurt?"

"No," Pearl replied, her lightly colored brow furrowed. You loosened your grip slightly, and Pearl continued, "Then let's not focus on me, alright?"

Pearl's arms remained crossed, her shoulders tense. "From a biological standpoint, you are the one who is physically more vulnerable—"

"But you're the one who is more important."

An uneasiness mixed with excitement stirred in Pearl's stomach, her heart racing as something awakened within her. She wasn't sure what it was or if she should be concerned, but she couldn't deny the way your words made her feel.

You heard your nicknamed called from the bathroom followed by the paddle of running footsteps. "Let me see your cheek!" Steven interrupted, drawing your hands back to your lap. He stood beside you, his head tilted back, his eyes somewhat glossy.

"Uh, Steven?" You questioned, your hand reaching out to stop him. You combed your fingers through his curls, pushing back his hair to fully see his forehead. "Pearl took care of it." As you pulled your hand away from his hair, you felt a fluttering sensation in your stomach, aware that Pearl was watching you.

Steven's curls bounced back into place, and he beamed at you mischievously. "P-Pearrrlll~" he drawled, biting his lower lip playfully. Ignoring the giggles that tickled his throat, he exclaimed, "Technically, that was her second mission with the Crystal Gems!" He threw a punch and kicked into the air, his shirt riding up to reveal his pink gemstone.

You squinted at the thought, holding back a sigh. Could it truly be considered your second mission?

With her arms still crossed, Pearl rested her chin on one hand, taking a step back. Her hair swayed ever so slightly, along with the mesh-like skirt of her attire, as she paced the small kitchen. "I suppose that is correct..." Her gaze lingered on you before meeting your eyes once more. Pearl hummed and glanced over her shoulder at the gems outside before returning her focus to you. "I have a feeling you're too stubborn for it to be your last." She massaged her forehead with her fingers, her voice tinged with reluctance.

Pearl's hands drifted apart, hesitating for a moment before one of them reached out towards you. "If you'll allow me, I would be honored to train you alongside Connie," she offered, her voice barely above a whisper. Her lips quivered slightly, and a blush tinged her frosty blue cheeks. "That is, if you still want me to, you."

You met Pearl's gaze You took hold of Pearl's outstretched hand delicately, noting the contrast between the gentle touch and the weight of Pearl's millennia of existence. These hands had seen countless battles and endured immeasurable hardships, still were soft to the touch and almost in a way seemed delicate. "It would be a privilege to be trained by you, Pearl," you replied softly, your voice filled with sincerity.

As you made that promise, you silently hoped to demonstrate your worthiness of Pearl's attention and dedication.

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

"So what happened to you back there? It's not like you to be...?" Amethyst kicked a pebble that had wedged itself between the deck's floorboards. It shot forward, clicking down the stairs before disappearing into the sand. "So interested in a game? Especially a game like Meat Mania."

Garnet's response came casually, her words rolling off her tongue as if she hadn't been lost in her thoughts for hours. "I was caught in a trance of future vision."

Amethyst's breath hissed as her mind tried to process the idea of the unknown. "What?" She whispered, but Garnet's face remained expressionless as she stared out at the sea.

"What does that even mean?"

Garnet glanced over her shoulder, drawn by the sounds of Steven's cheers that slipped through the cracks of the window casement. "New gems are coming soon."

Amethyst followed Garnet's gaze, her eyes landing on your figure shaking hands with Pearl. "Are... are we going to be okay, Gar?"

"I don't know... it's too soon to tell." Garnet adjusted her visor, a sigh escaping her chest. She only wished that the Pearl smiling in the distance knew what she knew.

---AN: Thanks for reading and reviews are always nice. 

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