Afraid To Fall (Niall Horan-O...

By Oreo_Lover10

5.1K 94 19

Previously Called as: She's Not Afraid But in Love She Is What if you have a friend a friend who is happy ,ad... More

She's Not Afraid, But In Love She Is (Niall Horan-One Direction Love Story)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note

Chapter 1

443 7 1
By Oreo_Lover10

A/N:  Hey Guys! this is my second book but the first one isn't finish yet hope you read it to! 

Vote, Comment and Add to your Library if you Like! well this is the first Chapter :) ♥

Chapter 1:

Monica's POV

Hello! so my name is Monica Chelsey Roque i'm From the Philippines.I live with my mom and my step-brother. I have 3 bestest friends in the world named Mickaella,Althea, and Rommielle. I'm 19 and also Mickaella, Rommielle is 18 and our oldest one in the group is Althea she's 20 her mind is like a 5 year old! JK! Well today is our Graduation day and off to London! i'm excited to meet my Step-dad there but i'm not gonna live with him. Our mums bought ous our own flat but on the same building and same  floor! isn't that awesome! and i almost forgot to tell you that i really love food! if you love food too we can  be friends already! well i guess this is enough let's start our last day.

"Monica! Monica! you need to wake up! you'll be late for your graduation!" said my annoying little brother.

"Give me five more minutes bro!" i said while going back to sleep again.

"No! send me here to wake you up! so if you won't wake up i'll get your precious little ores.!" he said

"Holy mother of cheesecakes! not my oreos! uhh just go down and i'll just take a shower and we'll go to school already." i said angrily

"Easy sis! don't eat angry easily i'm just joking ya know?" he said.

" Yeah yeah shut up and go down i'll need to shower!" i said.

*After the Shower*

i slip onto my green dress (A/N: THe dress is on the side) and my black heels. i put some light make up on for the record i hate wearing make up and dresses! don't get me started on heels!. I got my shoulder bag and put some oreos my cellphone my purse and my ipod.

*After the Graduation day*

"I can't believe we're finally going to collage next year!" rommielle said excitedly

"London Here We Come!" Althea said.

"Monique! you still in the group?" Mickaella said

The girls look at their back and found an eating monica on the bench

"Nick! are still with us!?" thea said 

" Oh yeah! i'm excited to try new foods in london! And especially to eat at nando's!" i said 

" oh nick! you and the love for food!" rommielle said

"Hey! what are we waiting for? let's get our suitcases and pack our things already! Mickaella said

"Yeah! so i can see Harry effin' Styles!" rommielle said.

"And i can see my Nando's" i said

* Back in the house*

"I'm finish packing guys!" i shouted 

Althea comes in and said  "wait let me check your suitcase first" she said

Opens it and found a bunch of food in the bag

"Moniqueeee!!!! why does your bag full of food?!" Althea screamed at my face

"What? i can't left my babies alone here!" i said

"But where did you pack your clothes?" althea said.

" Ohh! it's in another bag althea!" i said.

Rommielle knocks at the door and opens it.

"Hey guys we better go to sleep we need to be early for tomorrow. i called the airport and they said that our flight is at 10:00 am and we have to be there before 10 am maybe like 8:00 or 9:30 am' rommielle said.

"Well guys nighty night! see you tomorrow!" i said 

"Yeah good night Peasants! i need some of my beauty sleep!" althea said while shutting the door.


Sorry if it's short guys! 

Well guys! that's the end of my first chapter hope you like it! i'll try to update later or tomorrow! Vote Comment And add this to ur library! love you my precious friends! or i should say my precious little oreo friends! JK!

Oh btw here are the nick names of the characters

Monica: Monique, Nick or Ni

Althea: thea 

Mickaella: Micka or ella 

Rommielle: Rom, Ellie

Love You Guys!

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