Paw Patrol AU: Mighty Meteor...

By Antonio_leSha

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This is Book 2 of the my series (A Journey Never to Forget) This story does consist of relationships includin... More

Chapter 2: Snow Way!
Chapter 3: New Friends/ Old Foes
Chapter 4: Heart "Pounding" Rescue
Chapter 5: Mighty Pups Reborn
Chapter 6: Derailed
Chapter 7: Lights Out
Chapter 8: Special Rendezvous
Chapter 9: Dawn of Destruction
Chapter 10: The Battle Begins
Chapter 11: Fight for Our Home
Chapter 12: To Stand Once More
Chapter 13: Magenta vs Primrose
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: Christmas Cheers

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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By Antonio_leSha

It has been five months since the Paw Patrol moved to adventure city. The team continued to perform many rescues from the lookout.

The team was currently trying to rescue some people from a burning building. Ryder, Skye, Chase, and Marshall were all there.

Ryder: "Alright pups, we need to get those people out of there fast. Chase, I need you to secure the area. Marshall we need your truck's water cannon."

Chase: "On it Ryder sir!"

Chase then sped around the building using his vehicle's caution tape to create an area around the building so no one could get too close.

Marshall: "You've got it Ryder! *ruff* Water Cannon!"

Marshall then pressed a button in his vehicle and a huge water cannon came out.

The water cannon then started firing at the burning building quickly putting out the large flames.

Meanwhile, Chase was using caution tape to secure the area so no one got too close.

Ryder: "Good work Marshall!"

Marshall: "Thanks Ryder."

Skye: "Ryder! I see people stuck on the top!"

Ryder: "Thanks Skye. Marshall! Raise your ladder to the top of the building so everyone can get down."

Marshall: "On it! *ruff* Ladder!"

Marshall presses another button and his ladder shoots up towards the top of the building.

Marshall: *ruff* "Water Slide!"

Marshall presses a button and all the steps fold in to create a slide. A trampoline is then unfolded at the bottom so people can have a safe landing.

Marshall: *over megaphone* "Alright everyone! Please slide down one at a time!"

The people then began sliding down one at a time while people where safely getting out the building because the fire was put out.

Eventually everyone was out and they all cheered including the crowd of people watching from behind the caution tape.

Ryder: "Great work Marshall, Skye, and Chase!"

Marshall, Chase, and Skye in unison: "Thanks Ryder!"

Mayor Goodway then walked up from the crowd.

Mayor Goodway: "Amazing work Paw Patrol! We all appreciate what you do for this city."

The crowd cheered in agreement.

Ryder: "No problem Mayor, whenever your in trouble. Just yelp for help!"

Skye: "So Mayor, how is it being the Mayor of this city?"

Mayor Goodway was elected as the new mayor of Adventure City and was doing an amazing job.

Mayor Goodway: "I'll admit it's more challenging but nothing I can't do."

Ryder: "Well Mayor, we'll be heading back to the lookout. We'll let the EMT's take over from here."

Mayor Goodway: "Ok Paw Patrol and thanks again!"

Mayor Goodway waved goodbye as the four members drove back to the lookout.

Meanwhile at the lookout

Everyone was at the top waiting in case more help was needed.

Liberty: "I hope everything is going well."

Dina: "I'm sure everything is fine Liberty."

Just then they got a call Dina went up to the big screen and pressed a big paw button to awnser it. It was from Ryder.

Dina: "Hi Ryder, is everything ok?"

Ryder over call: "Everything is fine, I'm just calling to let you all know the mission was a success and everyone is safe."

Everyone: "Whew."

Rocky: "That's good to hear."

Zuma: "Tell me about it babe."

Zuma then gave Rocky a gentle nuzzle on the cheek.

Ryder over call: "We'll see you all when we get back, in the meantime. You may all change out of your uniforms."

Dina: "Ok Ryder, love you."

Ryder over call: "Love you too."

Ryder then hung up the call.

Rubble: "Yes, I can finally take this bulky uniform off!"

Everyone just laughed at Rubble. They all knew it was a very big uniform and didn't look that comfortable to wear.

Magenta: "Lets hope that's the last mission for today."

Liberty: "Don't jinx it!"

Magenta out her paws over her mouth.

Magenta: *muffled* "Sorry*

Everest: "I can't wait for Marshy to get back!"

Dina: "You say that like they've been gone for hours."

Everest: "Every minute without him feels like an hour."

They all just chuckled

Rocky: "So what do you guys want to do now?"

Rubble: "I don't know but...."

Rubble then looks at Dina with a smirk

Dina: "What?"

Rubble: "When are you and Ryder gonna go in a date."

Magenta: "They already did Rubble."

Rubble: "They did? When?"

Dina: "It was a month ago Rubble. I'm surprised you don't remember."

Liberty: "Honestly, all you talked about after they left was if they kissed or what they ate and if they did that romantic thing with spaghetti."

Dina: "He talked about all that?!"

Rocky: "There's more."

Zuma: "Much mowe dudette."

Dina: "There's more?!"

Dina the gave Rubble a glare.

Rubble: "Hehe, I uhhh..."

Dina then walked up to Rubble and pet him.

Dina: *sigh* "You haven't changed a bit Rubble."

Liberty: "You guys want to go in the play room?"

Everest: "Sounds fun!"

Rocky: "Yeah!"

Zuma: "Totally dudette."

Magenta: "Of course I do!"

Rubble: "Oh yeah!"

Dina: "I think I'll come watch."

Liberty: "Let's go everyone."

The group walked into the play room.

The okay room had everything a pup could ask for, treat dispenser, toys like tug of war rope, tennis balls, it had a small field they can play soccer on, and many other things.

Magenta: "So guys, what do you all want to play?"

The group though about it then Rocky had an idea.

Rocky: "You guys done for soccer?"

Everyone "Yeah!"

Dina: "I'll be the Referee."

Everest: "Ok, what are the teams."

Magenta: "How about boys against girls?"

Zuma: "Youw on dudettes."

Liberty: "This'll be easy."

Rubble: "Don't be too sure."

Dina went to grab the soccer ball and placed it in the middle of the field.

Dina: "First team to 5 wins. Everyone ready?"

Pups: "Yep!"

Dina: "Alright ready...."

Dina then blew the whistle and the game began.


Ryder and the pups are entering the lookout and parking their vehicles

Chase: "Another mission successful."

Skye: "You said it Chasey."

Skye nuzzled Chase's cheek

Marshall: "I can't wait to see Everest again, it feels like I haven't seen her in forever."

Ryder: "The mission was only 40 minutes Marshall."

Marshall: "I know but I just love her so much."

Skye: "Things have really changed. I still remember when we were still in Adventure Bay."

Chase: "Yeah, I miss Adventure Bay a lot."

Ryder: "I know pups, I miss our home too, but things happen. No matter what, we're still a team, as long as we stick together we can overcome anything."

Marshall: "Your right Ryd- Woah!"

Marshall slipped on a sponge and crashed into a wall.

The three ran over to him.

Skye: "Marshall! Are you ok?"

Marshall was a little dizzy as he stood back up.

Marshall: "Yeah, I'm good."

The three just chucked a bit a the clumsy pup.

Back in the Play Room

Rubble: "Pass it to me Zuma!"

Zuma: "You got it dude!"

Zuma passed the soccer ball to Rubble

Rubble: "I got it!"

Rubble ran down the field with the ball.

Everest: "You won't get past me!"

Rocky in the distance signaling with his paw to pass to him.

Rubble: "Are you sure Everest?"

Rubble passed the soccer ball to Rocky.

Rocky: "Nice pass Rubble!"

Everest: "Aww man, he got past."

Magenta: "But he won't get past-

Rocky then kicked the ball and it went straight pats Magenta and Liberty who was at the goal failed to stop the ball.

Magenta: "Me...."

Rocky: "Goal!"

Dina blows the whistle

Dina: "5-4 Boys win!"

Zuma: "Aww yeah dudes!"

Rubble: "We did it."

Liberty: "Dang, we were so close too."

Everest: "Yeah, it was a good game though."

Rocky: "I agree."

The boys were walking up to them.

Rubble: "Yeah, it was a really close game."

Dina: "That was great pups! Now what do you guys want to do next?"

Zuma: "Hmmmm..."

Just then everyone heard some footsteps

Rubble: "What that?"

Liberty: "Sounds like footsteps."

Magenta: "And I think I know who it is."

The they saw Ryder, Chase, Marshall, and Skye walk in the room.

Ryder: "Hey everyone."

Everyone: "Hey Ryder, hey pups."

Everest: "Marshy!"

Marshall: "Hey Eve."

Everest: "It felt like you were gone forever."

Skye: "Marshall said the same thing."

Dina: "Hey Ryder."

Dina then gave Ryder a kiss.

Ryder: "Hey Dina."

Dina: "I'm glad the mission went well. Was anyone hurt?"

Ryder: "Thankfully  no, we had EMT experts come and check everyone just in case."

Dina: "Oh that's good."

Rocky: "Things have been nice not having to hear from Humdinger."

Everyone: "Tell me about it."

Everest: "So is it true?"

Ryder: "Is what true Everest?"

Everest: "That it's gonna snow tomorrow?"

Ryder: "Oh yeah, it very likely we'll get snow for the next few days."

Everest: "Yes!"

Everest was jumping around excitedly since she loved snow.

Dina: "Speaking of snow, Christmas is coming up in a few weeks."

Pups: "Christmas!"

Ryder: "Have you all been good this year? Santa will check his list."

Dina: "Hell check it twice."

Pups: "He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice."

Everyone just laughed and was having a good time.

Time skip to 4 p.m.

Dina, Ryder, and Rocky were checking all their vehicles to make sure everything was working properly.

Dina was in Skye's  helicopter checking everything to make sure it was all working properly. Ryder was checking Dina's hover bike. Rocky was finishing up with Ryder's ATV.

Dina: "These vehicles are so amazing. It's hard to believe the pups drive these comparing to their vehicles in Adventure Bay."

Ryder: "I know, they're a lot better for the city and are a lot more advanced."

Dina to herself: "Jets check, helicopter blades check."

Dina was pressing the buttons on Skye's helicopter to make sure everything worked.

Rocky: "Zuma, Marshall, and Ryder's vehicles are all good!"

Ryder: "Ok, thanks Rocky!"

Rocky: "No problem Ryder."

Dina: "Skye, Chase, Magenta, and Everest's vehicles are all good too Ryder."

Ryder: "Great! Rubble, Rocky, and your vehicles are all good as well."

Dina: "I guess that's a job well done."

Ryder: "Let's go and see what the other pups are up too."

Dina and Rocky in unison: "Ok."

Meanwhile in the Playroom

Rubble: "Go Marshall!"

Skye: "Get him Chasey!"

Marshall and Chase were having a one on one tug of war.

Everest: "Comon Marshy!"

Zuma: "Go dudes!"

Chase: *grunts*

Marshall: *grunts*

Magenta: "You got this Marshall!"

Liberty: "Don't let him win Chase!"

Then Marshall fell forward making Chase the winner.

Skye: "You did it Chase!"

Chase: "Thanks Skye."

Chase then help Marshall back up.

Chase: "Good game Marshall."

Marshall: "Good game to you too Chase."

Chase gave Marshall a pat on the back with his paw.

Magenta: "That was entertaining to watch."

Zuma: "They awe some of the stwongest ones hewe."

Then Dina, Ryder, and Rocky walked into the room.

Ryder: "Hey pups."

Everyone: "Hi Ryder!"

Rocky: "What are you guys up too?"

Liberty: "We just watched Marshall and Chase play tug of war."

Dina: "Sounds interesting. Who won?"

Skye: "Chase won."

Chase: "It wasn't easy. For someone who's clumsy and silly, Marshall is really strong."

Marshall: "Your also really strong Chase."

Marshall then gave Chase a paw bump. The two were like brothers to each other.

Everest: "That's my Marshmellow."

Zuma: *yawns* "I'm a little tiwed dudes. I think ima go take a quick nap."

Rocky: "Can I join you Zuma?"

Zuma: "Of couwse babe."

Rocky gave Zuma a gentle nuzzle as the two went two Rocky's bed.

Liberty: "I think I'm gonna go to the top and enjoy the view of the city."

Dina: "Ok Liberty."

Rubble: "Can I come too Liberty?"

Liberty: "Sure Rubble!"

Liberty and Rubble went to the top of the lookout.

As the two left, Dina noticed Magenta looked a little down.

Ryder: "I'm going to go and play some video games. Do you want to coma and play too babe?"

Dina: "In a little bit Ryder, I wana talk to Magenta for a little while."

Ryder: "Ok then, Mario Party?"

Dina: "Oh yes. And by the way, I call Rosalina."

Ryder: *laughs* "Ok."

Ryder then leaves the room and goes to get everything ready.

Magenta looks at Dina confused.

Chase: "Hey Skye, Marshall, and Everest. Do you guys want to go watch Apollo the Super Pup?"

Everest: "Sure!"

Marshall: "Let's go."

Skye: *yip* "Sounds fun!"

Chase mind: "She is so cute when she tips libel that."

Chase's face was turning pink a little. Skye noticed this.

Skye: "Chasey?"

Chase: "Huh?"

Skye: "You kind of spaced out and your face is pink."

Chase: "Oh sorry Skye, I was just thinking about how cute you are."

Skye: "Awwww, your so sweet Chasey."

Skye then gave Chase a kiss on his cheek and they started walking away.

Marshall: "Comon Eve, let's go."

Everest: "Ok Marshy."

Everest gave Marshall a kiss before they walked to the movie room too.

Dina and Magenta were the only ones left in the room.

Magenta: "Why did you want to talk to me Dina? I didn't do anything bad did I?!"

Dina: "No no you didn't, you've been a good pup."

Dina started petting Magenta reassuring her she's not in trouble.

Magenta: "So then what is it?"

Dina: "Well you looked a little sad and I can't have my best friend feeling down, so I want to know what's wrong."

Magenta: "I don't know."

Dina: "Magenta, you can talk to me. We're family."

Magenta: "Well I've been thinking about something."

Dina: "What have you been thinking about?"

Magenta: "You and Ryder are together along with Chase and Skye, Marshall and Everest, and Rocky and Zuma. And I'm just don't know if I'll ever find someone I love and really care for."

Dina saw the sadder look on the pups face so she gave her a gentle smile as she gave her a hug.

Dina: "Don't worry Magenta, you'll meet the right pup for you in time. Not everyone finds their soulmate as fast as others. You'll fin the pup you really care about someday. So don't let that bring you down."

Magenta: "Thanks Dina, your the bestest friend ever!"

Magenta then playfully licked Dina's face as she fell to the ground laughing.

Dina: "Ok! Ok! Ok! That tickles!"

This went on for a few seconds and Magenta got off of Dina. Dina's face was covered is dog drool.

Dina: "I'm gonna need to go wipe all this off. Hey, wana come watch me destroy Ryder in Mario Party?"

Magenta: "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Dina: "Well then let's get going."

Dina and Magenta went to go to the game room with Ryder after Dina wiped off all the drool on her face.

Meanwhile in a hidden lab

The sound of  someone typing on a computer can be heard.

?????: "If my calculations are correct then the meteor should land tomorrow. Once it lands I'll snatch it up and see if my research is correct."

?????: "Just you wait Paw Patrol, your about to meet your match."


With Zuma and Rocky

Zuma and Rocky are in Rocky's bed cuddled up.

Zuma: "Hey Wocky?"

Rocky: "Yeah Zuma?"

Zuma: "I just wana say I love you."

Rocky gave Zuma a gentle kiss.

Rocky: "I love you too Zuma and I want things to stay that way."

Zuma: *yawn* "Me too."

Zuma and Rocky then fell asleep.

With Liberty and Rubble

Liberty and Rubble were at the top of the lookout enjoying the view of the city.

Rubble: "This view is so nice."

Liberty: "You said that literally 2 days ago."

Rubble: "I know, I know. But it's just so cool."

Liberty: "I can't argue with that. I've been here for a year now and this view still leaves me in awe."

Rubble: "That's because it's so amazing."

The two sat in silence for a moment.

Liberty: "You know Rubble, your a good pu-"

Rubble: *snoring*

Rubble fell asleep.

Liberty: *sigh* "Some thing really don't change huh?"

With Chase, Marshall, Skye, and Everest

The four were watching Apollo the Super Pup. Apollo was flying around doing tricks, taunting the villian.

Pups: *laughing*

Marshall: "Apollo is awesome."

Skye: "I know right?"

Chase: "I wish we still had our super powers so we could do all the cool stuff he does."

Marshall: "Dina still has hers but she hasn't used them since we left Adventure Bay."

Everest: "I wish we had our superpowers too, but I don't think we'll ever get them back anytime soon."

Chase: "Your right."

Marshall: "Maybe one day something may happen."

Skye: "Maybe."

Marshall: "Let's not get so down right now, the movie is getting so good!"

The pups went back to starting at the tv.

With Ryder, Dina, and Magenta

Ryder was in the lead with 4 stars and 17 coins. Dina had 3 stars and 26 coins.

Dina: "Alright I need a 5 or higher."

Dina pressed a button and then rolled the dice.

Dina to herself: "Please please please."

Ryder: "Oh come on."

Magenta: "You got 6!"

Dina: "Woohoo!"

Dina then bought a star for 20 coins.

Dina: "Oh wait."

Magenta: "What's wrong?"

Dina: "Ryder still has more coins than me."

Ryder: "Looks like you've been outplayed Dina."

Dina then softly punched Ryder's shoulder playfully.

Dina: "Yeah yeah. It's just luck."

Ryder: "Was it luck when I won more than half the mini games?"

Magenta: "Oohhh he got you there."

Dina: "I thought you were on my side."

Magenta: "I am but we can't argue with facts."

Dina: "Fair enough, we'll played Ryder."

Ryder: "You too."

Dina: "How about another round?"

Ryder: "Your on!"

Magenta: "You'll get him this time!"

Dina: "You bet I will."

Ryder: "We'll see about that."

Ryder and Dina then started a second round while Magenta watched.

Time Skip to 8 p.m.

It was almost time for bed and everyone was eating dinner. The pups had Kibble like they usually do and Dina and Ryder were eating some Pork and Spinach.

Rubble as usual was eating faster than everyone.

Dina saw and just shook her head and smiled.

Ryder: "So everyone who's ready for snow tomorrow?"

Everest: *jumping* "I am!"

Everyone else: "We are!"

Marshall: "It's going to be awesome Eve."

Everest gave Marshall a friendly nuzzle.

Rubble finished his food.

Rubble: "Seconds?"

Everyone laughed at the pup's request.

Dina: "I suppose you can Rubble."

Rubble: "Yes! Thank you!"

Dina grabbed Rubbles yellow food bowl and filled it with some more Kibble.

Dina: "Here you go Rubble."

Dina placed the food bowl in front of Rubble as he began to dig in.

Ryder: "Oh Rubble."

Everyone was just chuckling.

Chase: "I hope we don't have any missions tomorrow."

Rocky: "Me too and I hope the snow doesn't melt, I hate getting wet."

Zuma: "I doubt the snow will melt babe."

Zuma gave Rocky a soft nuzzle.

Magenta: "This will be so much fun!"

Skye: "What's it like having snow in Adventure City Liberty?"

Liberty: "Oh it's awesome. Usually there's a bunch of kids having snowball fight in the large area in front of City Hall. There's snowmen being built. A lot of hot chocolates. Overall pretty pawsome if I say so myself."

Dina: "Hot Chocolate..... yum."

Everyone just laughed

Dina: "What? Hot Chocolate tastes better when it's snowing."

Marshall: "I second that!"

Ryder: "The I'll make sure to get us all hot chocolate tomorrow."

Everyone: "Thanks Ryder!"

Dina: "Yeah, thanks babe."

Dina then gave Ryder a kiss in the cheek.

Ryder: "Your welcome."

Magenta: "So what do you guys want to do now?"

Ryder checked his watch, it was 8:37.

Ryder: "It's almost bedtime."

Zuma: "I'm gonna go to bed early."

Rocky: "Me too babe."

Everyone else: "Yeah."

Time skip to 9 p.m.

Everyone was in bed.

Chase and Skye slept in Skye's bed. Skye had her head laid on Chase's back.

Marshall and Everest slept in Marshall's bed, Marshall had his head laid on Everest's back and he had his Teddy Bear in his paws.

Zuma and Rocky slept in Zuma's bed. They slept side by side almost touching noses.

Magenta, Rubble, and Liberty all slept in their separate beds.

All the pups had a blanket over them and were sleeping soundly.

Dina was asleep and Ryder was still awake reading his book.

Ryder looked over at the love of his life.

Ryder's mind: "She's so cute when she's sleeping. I'm glad I met her."

Ryder finished reading and marked his place in his book at set it in his nightstand. He turned off the light and then laid down. He like Dover at Dina.

Ryder: "Good night Dina."

Ryder slowly drifted off to sleep.

End of Chapter 1

Tomorrow will hopefully be a puptastic snow day. I wonder how it's gonna go? Will Magenta meet the pup of her life soon?

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