The last nymph- Paul Lahote (...

By Wolf-Girl98

591K 13.1K 694

"My business is... because right before my family left... I promised Edward that I will look after you! My bu... More

New Moon: Cast
Chapter 1: Happy Birthay Bella
Chapter 2: Bloody birthay party
Chapter 3: Sammy?
Chapter 4: The pack
Chapter 5: Desicion and moving
Chapter 6: Looking for Bella
Chapter 7: Months went by
Chapter 8: My family is gone because of you!
Chapter 9: Imprinted
Chapter 10: I'm sorry
Chapter 11: Motorbikes
Chapter 12: Face punch
Chapter 13: An eye for an eye
Chapter 14: Wolf's out of the bag
Chapter 15: Victoria
Chapter 16: Mom?
Chapter 17: The Volturi
Chapter 18: Jacob what have you done?!
Chapter 19: It's for her own good
Eclipse: Cast
Chapter 20: Vision of a trouble
Chapter 21: The bitch is back
Chapter 22: I missed you
Chapter 23: Protection detail and stories
Chapter 24: Are you out of you fucking mind Jacob!?
Chapter 25: Rosalie's story
Chapter 26: Gratuation and party
Chapter 27: Training with the pack
Chapter 28: Preparation
Chapter 29: Campsite
Chapter 30: Battle
Chapter 31: Over my dead body
Breaking dawn part 1: Cast
Chapter 32: Wedding preparation
Chapter 33: Ceremony
Chapter 34: Reception
Chapter 35: Something impossible
Chapter 36: The hybrid and the pack
Chapter 37: Broken treaty and bones
Chapter 38: Emily
Chapter 40: Renesmee
Chapter 41: The truth
Breaking dawn part 2: Cast
Chapter 42: You imprinted on my daughter?!
Chapter 43: Charlie
Chapter 44: Immortal children
Chapter 45: Meeting the pack
Chapter 46: Gathering witnesses
Chapter 47: Its time to fight! No more running!
Chapter 48: Bella's shield
Chapter 49: Christmas pre-battle
Chapter 50: The red coats are coming...
Chapter 51: The war
Chapter 52: The end
Bonus Chapter 1: True happiness
Bonus chapter 2: Happily ever after

Chapter 39: The plan

6.3K 161 1
By Wolf-Girl98

A few days later Seraphina and Edward were in the kitchen making Bella another cup of blood to drink, as they talked in a hushed tone so that nobody could hear them.

"Seraphina you need tell the others, Paul need to know about what's happening to you." Edwards whispered to his niece.

"No Edward! I'm not telling him or the others, and you will not say anything to anybody under any circumstances." She harshly whispered to him.

"Seraphina!" He snapped at his niece.

"No! Don't you dare! You hear me. You don't know the whole truth Edward. And I can't tell it to you yet." She whispered to him angrily.

She can't tell anyone or else everything will go downfall, she can't have that.

Seraphina left him and walked towards the living room where Bella was and she sat down next to her.

"Well you sound better."

Seraphina heard through the phone, Charlie must have called again.

"I am. I feel much better." She told him.

"So that must have put a kink in the honeymoon huh."

"You could say that."

"Otherwise married life treating you okay? Edward still walks on water and all of that?" He asked her and Seraphina chuckle.

"Yeah, I mean it is different now." She told him.

"The important thing is that your better and that your coming home soon right?" He asked her pleadingly.

Bella looked sadly at her best friend, who looked at her sadly too.

"Okay dad I don't want you to freak out but I'm going to a medical center in Switzerland."

"N- no no no your not going to Switzerland! You said you were feeling better!" He said in shock.

"I am." She told him.

"No Bella, I'm getting on a plane." He told her and Bella looked towards Seraphina with panic in her eyes.

"No dad no, it's really more of a spa. I'm sure I'd be better by the time you got there." She told him quickly, thinking on the spot.

"No, I don't know." Charlie said nervously.

"Dad just picture me healthy and sitting next to you eating pizza or something."

"You want me to visualize." He said annoyed.

"Just picture me like that. Like I was. It'll make me feel better." Bella told him again.

The line goes quite for a moment "Dad I gotta go okay."


"I love you." She told him and then hangs up the phone.

She looked at her best friend in sadness and Seraphina gave her sympathetic smile.

She smiled back and then Edward came in putting the cup on the table.

"I'm sorry l've been so angry." He told her with guilt in his voice.

"I would be too." She told him takin his hand in hers.

"I've left you alone in this." He told her sadly.

"Marriage." Bella said dramatically and they both laugh lightly.

"They say the first year is the hardest." He told her.

He looked around for a moment "What was that?"

Bella and Seraphina looked at him confused.

"What was what?" Seraphina asked him.

He shook his head looking around confused "I thought I just heard.."

But he stoped and listened again.

"Let me just see something." He said putting his hand on Bella's stomach.

"Check what?" Bella asked him.

He smiled and then made a face of happiness like he could cry.

"Edward what is it?" she asked again.

"He likes the sound of your voice." He told her.

Bella and Seraphina were confused at first and then they both realized what he meand.

"You can hear him?" Bella asked in awe.

"He likes my voice as well." He told her with a wide smile and she smiles to her hand on her stomach.

"What do you hear?" Seraphina asked him with watery eyes, as she placed her hand on Bella's stomach.

She smiled wildly as tears formed in her eyes, she could feel her cousin, she could feel his heartbeat, he was more human that vampire.

Edward turned to his niece with a smile "Your voice, he likes it a lot. You soothe him."

"It's so strange and I thought he was like me, but no he's like you." He told Bella happily and with guilt "Good, pure, and happy."

Seraphina smiled and nodded her head "I feel him, his heartbeat. He feels... pure." She answered with a teary smile.

Bella smiled happily, Seraphina haven't seen her smile this wide in what seems like forever.

She looked down to her stomach.

"Of course you are. Of course your happy, how could you not be. I love you so much." She sniffled with happy tears in her eyes.

"What do you hear now?" Seraphina asked.

"He loves you too Bella." He telled her and they all smile widely. He then looked at his niece "He loves you too Ina."

Seraphina smiled happily and looked down at Bella's stomach "I love you too baby cousin."

Jacob and Paul had walked into the house.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, the two of them stoped and saw Edward and Bella happily kissing and laughing as he smiled to her stomach.

Joy and happiness clear on his face.

Paul let out a small smile as he saw them so happy and Seraphina looked also happy sitting next to them.

This just gave him a prove that he did the right thing by leaving Sam's pack.

They looked like normal people just waiting for the baby to be born.

Jacob glared at Edward, as he gritted his teeth in anger.

He knew what kind of a monster was in Bella.

They both agreed to try and get rid of it.

He looked away angrily, not understanding how they could let this happen and let alone be happy for Bella, for the monster in her.

"Jacob. Paul."

A voice pulled Jacob out his thoughts and they both looked down and saw Carlisle at the bottom of the stairs looking at the two wolves with sad look on his face.

He motions for them to follow him.

The two wolves followed him towards the kitchen.

"So this is the last of it?" Jacob asked setting the last blood bag down on the counter.

"Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she'll have any chance at all we'll need more." Carlisle explained to them.

"And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for her tomorrow." Esme scolded her husband, before she looked at the wolves "We need to go tonight."

Jacob and Paul instantly disagreed with the couple.

"Carlisle your the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered. He doesn't even care that you guys are Ina's family right now." Paul warned them seriously.

"Emmett and Bree will come with us." Esme told him calmly.

"That won't be enough." Jacob told her.

"If there's anything we could do to save her we have to try." Carlisle told them.

"You would risk your lives for her?" The young Alpha asked them in shock.

"Of course we would. Bella's apart of our family now." Esme told him softly.

Jacob paused and then continued.

"This really is a family. As strong as the one I was born into." He looked away to think and then turns to them "I know what I have to do."

He then looked at Paul, who nodded his head at him.

Jacob and Paul's figures stood in the woods, eyes trailing from tree to tree where they knew their former pack were hidden.

"Jake. Paul." Seth called for them, as him and Leah raced up the hill "They're coming!"

Without blinking Jacob looked back to his wolves "We know."

"We should phase Jacob." Leah suggested as she reached them "We can't protect ourselves like this."

Paul shook his head, Jacob's plan racing through his thoughts causing his hands to sweat.

"They'll see it as a threat."

He heard the familiar sound of a leaf crunching and he knew they were close.

"We wanna talk!" Paul called out "Be easier if we could hear you, too."

Bushes rustled and soon enough footsteps could be heard moving towards them.

Jacob and Paul almost smirked as Jared came out from hiding.

Jared's eyes stared into Paul's, spitting off to the side before addressing his former pack-mate.

"This isn't your territory anymore. How's your new family working out?"

"You done?" Jacob droned, eyes staring back at Jared knowing he didn't really mean his words.

He watched as Quil and Embry stepped out into the open, his eyes saddening at the thought of his best friends.

"You comin home, Jake? Paul?" Quil asked once he entered their sight.

"Not until we finish this." Jacob stated causing everyone around him to look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Jared cautioned, wondering exactly where the Alpha was heading with his statement.

"I want Sam to take back Paul, Leah and Seth." Jacob announced, instantly causing the three wolves to panic.

"What?" Leah exclaimed, eyes widening at her Alpha's words.

"No way!"

"Are you out of you fucking mind?!" Paul roared at him.

Jacob's head snapped towards them, eyes narrowed.


They instantly stilled at his tone.

He turned back towards the others "I want them safe. And I want this over."

Deep in the woods, Emmett's giant figure raced between trees, twigs snapping and leaves rustling behind him causing the nearby wolves's heads snap towards the noice.

They growled as the sweet smell flooded their senses and launched up, bodies hurdling towards the noise as vicious snarls left their mouths.

Carlisle led his son, while his wife and youngest daughter trailed behind.

Their bodies moving at a slower speed than usual, but still incredibly fast.

The sounds of the wolves behind them pushed them to move faster.

"I need Sam to wait until Bella's been separated from the problem." Jacob ordered, heart thumping as he knew his time was shortening.

"You mean til she's dead." Jared snarled.

Knowing that if the child killed Bella, Sam would have a hit on the baby and Seraphina and Paul growled at him in a warning.

Embry's head snapped up "Ease up, Jared" he insisted, eyes darting towards his former best friend before looking away.

"Then what?" Jared asked them.

"Tell Sam that when the moment comes, I'll be the one to destroy it."

Seth could believe his ears, eyes watering as he pleaded with his Alpha "Jake!"

"I'm the only one who can." Jacob insisted "They trust me."

The wolves huffed as they tried to catch up to the vampires, large bodies weaving between the trees behind the four of them.

Bree panted as she trailed behind Esme, her mother glancing back every few seconds to make sure she was still behind her.

The brown wolf snarled as they came up behind the vampires, smacking his head against the females legs causing her to trip and tumble down the hill beside them.

They followed close behind, bodies smacking the ground harshly but barely phasing them as they stood up and faced their enemy.

Bree's eyes followed the wolves, circling each other, as she tried to find an escape.

She jumped back as one of them snapped at her, a gasp leaving her.

Emmett heard his sister's cry and raced down the hill, large body making contact with the closest wolf and forcing it to collide with his packmate.

He heard them cry and watched as their bodies flew into the nearby trees, Carlisle helped his daughter up before taking off again.

The wolves shook off their pain and followed behind, stopping once the vampires were able to reach the river and launch themselves across.

The four of them looked back in awe, amazed that they actually made it but hurriedly taking off again once the wolves started howling for their pack.

The pack's heads snapped up as the familiar cries echoed through the woods.

Jared's eyes narrowed into slits as he stared at Jacob.

"You played us?" he snarled.

He then turned around the other two following behind him.

Embry threw his friend a sly smile before chasing after them.

"Can't we come up with something just a little more classic." Rosalie begged, hands resting on Bella's protruding belly.

That was the first thing Jacob heard, as he and Paul entered the room.

Paul instantly walked towards his imprint with a smile and gave her a kiss, which she returned.

"Hey." Bella smiled, hand instinctively reaching to sooth her unborn baby "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's not like l'm the one carrying a demon." Jacob responded without thinking, throwing a small smirk to let everyone know he was joking.

"This is pretty important, Bella." Rosalie reminded "Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided."

Jacob's head swiveled to look at Seraphina, before looking back at the girl he loved "What now?"

A breathy laugh left Edward "Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names."

"Rose hate them." Bella told him.

"Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Jacob told Bella with a small smile.

Bella smiled before looking at Rosalie "They're not that bad." she insisted "If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob."

Jacob's lip lifted, as he stared at her before Rosalie spoke.

"Okay, fine, that one's not awful." she admitted "Why don't you tell him the girl's name?"

"I was playing around with our moms' names" Bella spoke "Renée and Esme. And I was thinking... Renesmee."

"R-Renesmee?" Jacob repeated. Edward chuckled at Jacob's tone.

Bella kept her eyes on Jacob, "Too weird?"

"Uhmm" Jacob's eyebrows raised, but before he could speak, Edward out him off.

"No, that's not too weird." he promised his wife "It's beautiful."

Jacob fidgeted as Edward spoke, eyes staring around the room as he ignored Bella's piercing gaze.

Edward continued causing Bella's grin to widen "And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee."

Paul nodded from beside Seraphina "Renesmee. It's unique." He spoke, causing the others to look at him as he smiled at Bella "I like the name."

"I like it too." Seraphina said with a smile.

Seraphina watched as Rosalie went to hand Bella her cup, suddenly her bracelet light on, and she felt pain in her chest.

But she ignored it, as her eyes snapped towards Bella, who watched as her cup fell from her grasp only to be followed by her body.

The only sound heard around the room was Bella's spine snapping as her body bent at an awkward angle.

Seraphina felt a pain travel through her but she stood from her chair, heart racing as she rushed to her Protected.

Before she could reach her Bella fell even more, her knee meeting the unforgiving floor and Seraphina flinched when the sound of crunching bones met her ears.

Her arms flew out, catching Bella's falling body as Edward raced to her other side.

"I got ya Bells!" Seraphina soothed, Bella's eyes frantically meeting hers as tears began to build. "I got you!"

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