In The Midst Of Serendipity

By Iwrites11

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DO NOT COPY MY WORK Mir's! The name itself screams power. Mir's are the most influential and rich nawab of t... More

Author's Note
Characters and Asthetics
|Chapter 01| Mysterious Hazel Orbs
|Chapter 02| A Bloom In The Garden
|Chapter 03| The Cumbersome Excursion
|Chapter 04| A Horrendous Stratagem
|Chapter 05| The Emergence Of Her Distress
|Chapter 06| Her Dreadful Time Period
|Chapter 07| An Indifferent Redendvzous
|Chapter 08| A Change For The Bright Side
|Chapter 09| A Change For The Worst Side
|Chapter 10| The Uncanny Play of Destiny
|Chapter 11|It's Already Fated
|Chapter 12| Eye To Eye Clash
|Chapter 13| Some Matters Secrets
|Chapter 14|Unpleasant Situations
|Chapter 15| An Abrupt Proposal
|Chapter 16| The Fixation Of Fate
|Chapter 17| The Eve Of Henna
|Chapter 18| The Union Of Two Souls
|Chapter 19| The New Inclusion
|Chapter 20| The Reception Day
|Chapter 21|The Inkling Of Undesirable
|Chapter 22| Those Virtous Orbs
|Chapter 23| The Reminiscence Of The Past
|Chapter 24| The Notion Of Self Doubt
|Chapter 25| Irrelevant Arguments
|Chapter 26 |The Tint of Jealousy
|Chapter 27| An Event Attended Together
|Chapter 28| The First Display Of Care
|Chapter 29| The Change In The Atmosphere
|Chapter 30| Chaoctic Feelings
|Chapter 31| The Unexplainable Tragedy
|Chapter 32| Sniffles In The Dark
|Chapter 33| The Overdue Acceptance
|Chapter 34| The Blooming Relationship
|Chapter 35| The Uneasiness Inside
|Chapter 36|A Farewell To The Deceased
|Chapter 37| The Process Of Healing
|Chapter 38| The Breaking Point
|Chapter 39| Moving On
|Chapter 40| A New Beginning
| Chapter 41| The Audacity Of The Bad
|Chapter 43|Series of Forgiveness
|Chapter 44| Destined Together

|Chapter 42| Blazing Hazel Eyes

3.2K 101 3
By Iwrites11

Hey guys here's another chapter. I hope you like it. We're close to the end everyone....


Shiza's POV (Edited)

His voice was a shiver running down my spine. His hands were hidden in his pockets. His stare was fixed at me. I tried to form words but the incident at the party flashed infront of my eyes.

My body was frozen and no matter how much I tired, I wasn't able to form words. His smirked reached his eyes before he mocked

"I guess fate wants us to meet again and again. Alas! I didn't believe in fate but now I think I might start to believe in it."

His voice was stuffed with mockery and his eyes glint with utter ulteriorness. He tried to take steps forward towards me but I took a step back and finally stated


His smirk only get widened as he took few steps towards me again and I immediately shifted to the other side. Barzan only chuckled with mockery before speaking

"Shiza, Shiza, Shiza! Why are you so much afraid of me?"

His eyes were getting dark and my insides were telling me that I should leave this place. So, I tried to walk to the exit but he wrapped his hand around my wrist before yanking me back. I lost my balance due to sudden force and my back hit the tiled wall with a jerk. I winced in pain.

The pain shoot up to my shoulder. I closed my eyes to endure the pain. His dark chuckle only intensified. I was praying that Shah Zain might come here. That his meeting ended early and he was now making his way towards here.

I don't want to create a scene but I don't know if I'll be able to silently left this place. So, I opened my mouth screamed before he covered my mouth with big and rough hands and stated with venom dripping from his voice

"Don't you dare to utter a single word. It won't be good for you."


His eyes hold a weird kind of spark in them. It's like he was enjoying seeing me in that state. I couldn't say anything as he was tightly covering my mouth with hands.

At this time, I was started to get suffocated. I tried to speak but it only came out muffled. Finally, he pulled his hand away and I took a deep breath.

I took large breaths before finally becoming normal. Barzan smirked seeing that and stated

"Oh! Just how much beautiful you are!"

His words made me cringe. My body reacted in disgust and my face scrunched up in pure horror. His words are not suiting well with me. Barzan's eyes once again darkened before he spoke

"I don't also want to create a scene here. But love, you abandon me."

His voice was mimicking a psycho. What is he even saying? So, I asked

"What the hell are you saying?"

He tsked before speaking

"I'm offended, love. Don't you know how much I adore you?"

His words were getting worse. I tried to peak outside if Shah Zain had came out but no. The door to his office was still closed. His office was at a maximum distance that he couldn't hear our voices. I just prayed to God that he come here soon.

Barzan was making me scared.

I asked him totally confused

"You adore me?"

It came out like a confused question. Barzan nodded his head before taking a step forward. I instinctively took a step back. I don't want to stay in his close. His eyes narrowed at my attempt but he didn't say anything.

He took a deep breath before narrating

"You know Shiza, I have always adored you. The way I heard that you took care of elders. It lighted a spark in me for you. When I first saw you, entering the Mir Haveli, I was starstruck by your beauty. You're a perfect example of a beauty with simplicity."

My breath hitched listening his words. It's not going where I'm thinking is, right?

He continued

"From that day, I decided to make you mine. You were so generous to those Mir's but they never respected you. They treated you like trash. I want to strangle them to death for even mouthing bad word to you. But I couldn't. You didn't even know me. I desperately wanted you to acknowledge me."

His eyes were blank but his face was contorted into a dreamy state. Like he was explaining a beautiful dream. The mere thought made another shiver ran down my spine. Ya Allah! Please help me.

Barzan again continued

"You know after the Mir's fired you, it was a great opportunity for me to take you in my shelter and that's what I did."

My eyes widened. It was pre planned. He didn't just chose me because he thought I was innocent. He would have chosen me even when I had stole.

So, I couldn't help and asked

"Would you still hired me even if I had stolen really?"

His lips curved upwards before he shrugged and stated

"Of course I would have. I don't care if you stolen or not."

His words only made me hate this man so much. He really has no morals. His voice again reached my ears

"You are far more beautiful than anything, Shiza. I would do anything to have you as my side. When you started to work for nano, I was overjoyed. I would see you all the time and the thought only made my heart swell. You were a source of light in my dark world. I couldn't lose you."

His voice turned possessive at the end. He took a step ahead again stated, his voice changing from light to dark

"But that stupid dinner ruined everything. I called them there to show them that I had given you the respect you deserved. But that good for nothing old woman convinced you to marry her good for nothing grandson."

At his insult to Shehnaz Ammi and Shah Zain, I lost it and stated angrily

"Don't you dare insult them!"

My voice was stern and hard. His eyes twitched before he asked angrily

"Why shouldn't I? They treated you like trash. They didn't even care for you. You're not worthy for them."

I had enough of everyone telling me what's good for me or not. For telling me that they know how to give respect to me. I am a grown up woman. I know how to earn myself respect. I don't need someone else to did it for me. I can do it by myself easily.

I looked at him before making myself clear

"I don't need you or them to give respect to me. I can earn it. You don't have to treat me like a small child. I know what's right and what's wrong."

At my sudden outburst, his eyes lost his color in a moment before he spoke

"But I wanted them to see how to respect a woman. You can't say I'm wrong."

"What kind of respect are you taking about? You manhandled me in a public party and you say you wanted to show them that how you respect a woman. I'm sorry Mr. Barzan to burst your bubble, but you're no more than saint than Shah Zain."

I retorted back to him. His angry voice reached me

"But he doesn't care for you. He doesn't even accept you as his wife. Leave him and come to me. I will take care of you."

His words are disgusting. I pushed him away when he tried to come closer before shouting

"Our marriage was not a normal marriage and there were matters weren't solve. He apologized to me many times about how much he hurt me. He treats me now like a good husband should do. Not like you who abused me in a public party and is not even taking responsibility for it."

He was quiet. Before I could further say anything, we both heard a voice

"Why are you standing so close to my wife, Malik?"


My head turned towards his voice before he came into my view. His hands were stuffed under his pants pockets. His usual cold face was plastered on his face but his eyebrows were furrowed together. His jaw clenched so hard that I thought it might break.

His glare was set on Mr. Barzan. Indeed, he was standing so close to me. Why didn't I notice it sooner? What will Shah Zain think? My frantic eyes turned to him but he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were still glued on him.

Finally, Mr. Barzan spoke shattering my senses

"Why don't you ask your wife? Don't you think she might be standing close to me?"

My eyes widened. How can he say that? He smirked seeing the internal dilemma in his eyes. Is Shah Zain considering his words? Am I going to give clarification again?

I tried to say something but Shah Zain's voice cut me in between

"I don't need to ask her any questions. I trust her."

Those mere words that came out of his mouth were like a balm on my blistering wounds. He trust me. He doesn't think I'm a disloyal wife. My heart was immediately put at ease.

But it short lived before Mr. Barzan again decided to open his mouth

"Why believe her now? You didn't believe her months before?"

I could clearly a vein ticked inside Shah Zain. But he controlled his anger and clenched and unclenched his fists. His anger was radiating off him without him doing anything.

It was kind of scary.

He finally muttered

"I don't like to talk about my past. Especially with you."

Mr. Barzan chuckled dryly before saying

"Are you that scared to admit that you did her wrong?"

What his wrong with this guy? Aren't they supposed to be business partner. Why is he butting in his personal life? What's the matter with this person?

Shah Zain spoke confidently without ashamed off anything

"Of course, I did her wrong. I'm not coward to not be responsible for it."

Mr. Barzan matched the white color on the walls. He lips pursed together before he stated

"Oh, so now wisdom finally reached your skull. Too bad!! It's too late now. I'm gonna have her."

He's talking like I'm not even present here. Before Shah Zain could say anything, I spoke up

"I'm not a piece of property that you can take. I'm a human and I can very much choose for myself."

Barzan mimicked a shock penguin. Shah Zain's chuckle resonated in the air before he spoke up

"So, tell me, Barzan Malik, should I call the police to arrest you for harassing my wife publicly?"

My head whipped in his direction so fast that I thought it might break. How did Shah Zain know? I never tell him. I spoke quietly not believing

"You knew..."

Shah Zain looked at me for nano seacond before nodding his head. He once again turned to Barzan and stated deadly in his eyes

"Pray that I didn't kill you myself for hurting my wife. But I think I kind off gave you a leverage. But not anymore."

Barzan laughed before taking another step towards me. My instincts worked on time to move but I guess I was a little late because he yanked me back and held my wrist in his tight grip once again.

I tried to release myself but he only applied more pressure causing me to wince in pain. Shah Zain was on alert mood before he stated

"Let her go!"

His voice boomed. Barzan only chuckled and said darkly

"No, I'm not letting her go this time. She'll leave you for good. I'll give her the life she deserves. She deserves a person like me not you."

Each word was filled with venom. I was getting scared now. He's totally obsessed. I looked at Shah Zain with panicked eyes. I am getting scared of this obsessive man.

Zain faintly nodded his head telling me from his eyes to stay calm. I nodded back before trying to calm my raging pulse. Barzan chuckled behind me before taunting

"How's it like to feel helpless when you're wife is caged with me?"

His voice was filled with amusement like he was enjoying it all. Shah Zain clenched his jaw really hard before speaking

"I'm not helpless."

He spoke with so many calm that I could feel Barzan getting a little confused. He tightened his grip on me before speaking to me but his voice was loud and clear

"I told you this man doesn't care for you. I will never make you sad. Let's leave him and make our own world."

I cringed back in disgust and locked my eyes with Zain. He was watching every movement of Barzan's hand that slid down my shoulder before his grip once tightened enough to left a bruise.

Shah Zain chuckled before taking a step ahead. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and stated calmly

"You think that I am helpless. You're highly mistaken, Malik."

After a few moments of silence, he again spoke

"I have evidence that you've been stealing confidential information from my company and sending it to my rivals. You have been doing it since you've signed the partnership contract with us. You wanted to destroy our company because of your stupid crush over my wife who had nothing to do with you."

Barzan practically stiffed behind me. I was also really shocked. What the hell is this man? Shah Zain was just smirking seeing the color drained out of Barzan's face. Barzan shook his head before saying

"No, I don't believe you. Show me the evidence! You might be trapping me."

Shah Zain clicked his tongue in annoyance before pulling his phone out and showed him the evidences, the footages of him stealing files and meeting with his rivals.

Barzan was done for. Shah Zain even showed him the video where he was harassing me in the party. He knew about it. Why didn't he ever say anything to me?

Shah Zain put his phone back and now Barzan was pacing back and forth. He was done for. His face was contorted in pure horror. He stopped and then turned to me before shouting

"This is all happened because of you. Why did you have to marry that person? You should've chosen me. You ruined everything."

He stormed towards me but before he could do anything, Shah Zain was standing infront of me holding his hand in the air. He jerked his hand off before punching him square in the face and stated angrily

"This is for hurting my wife."

He again punched him and screamed at his face

"This is for touching her."

He was about to punch him again but the police came. Barzan frantically looked at the police then at Shah Zain. Shah Zain sighed before speaking

"I have submitted the evidence to police. Now, you have to pay for your bad deeds, Malik."

The police placed the handcuffs on his hands. He snarled at us before threatening

"I will make you regret."

But Shah Zain boredly stated

"You're getting sentenced for a very long time. Instead of us, think about your ailing grandmother."

With thet said, the police took Barzan away. I finally release a sigh of relief. Finally, it's all over. Shah Zain turned to me before pulling me in a hug and stated while nuzzling his face in my hairs

"It's all over. It's all over."

I sighed heavily before burying my face in his chest and inhaling his musky, earthy scent and let it overpower my senses...

That was big!! Two chapters are left now.
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I'll see you soon
Allah Hafiz

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