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By herstruley

6.3M 135K 107K

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72.4K 1.6K 1.3K
By herstruley

This pitch-black room is driving me to insane. The dripping pipe, this cold concrete floor, and this uncomfortable pole I'm tied to is driving me to insanity. Not having Ryder holding me, touching me, is driving me to insanity.

I don't know where I am, or how I got her. I've been kidnapped—obviously but by who? My senses slowly start coming back to me. A throbbing pain in my head made itself known, and was quickly followed by an ache that seemed to spread throughout my entire body. But I don't know why it hurts, I can't see anything, It's too dark in here.

I wonder if Ryder will ever find me, I wonder how I even got in this position, I wonder if I'm going to make it out, if my baby will make it out. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

The thoughts swirl in my cloudy head and before I know it, I'm having another panic attack, but I swear I'm becoming numb to the feeling, they've been too frequent.

I squeeze my eyes shut as a sob crawls up my throat, a tear managing to slip through my lashes and down my cheek. Now is not the time to be vulnerable, I need to think.

As I struggled to steady my breathing the sound of a man's vague, distant voice suddenly pierced through the silence, causing me to freeze, holding my breath as I strain my ears.

I listen as a few more indistinct male voices drifted by, their meaning lost on me when I can't make out what they're saying.

Until suddenly, a voice I know well cuts through the air. I perked up, my ears straining to catch more of the familiar voice. Luka?

No. No. I've officially gone insane. My brains trying to cling onto anything familiar, this isn't real.

I strain my ears again, listening intently for any other sound that might give away where I am, or who I'm with, but it's back to dead silence, broken only by the sound of my own rapid breathing. I'm back to the dark, cold room, and the sense of disorientation that comes with it.

I try to piece together the events that led me to this place, but my memory is almost frustratingly blank. Even with the vague memories I have, nothing will do any help to get me out of here.

I start to tug on the pole relentlessly, only to receive nothing but aching in my arms before I give up, slumping back again. My eyes scan the room, barely making out the dark shapes and figures surrounding me. It's too dark.

I don't know how long I've been in here, I have no perception of time, and not a slither of light gives it away, until suddenly, a jarring noise shatters the stillness, as a door creaked open and a beam of light pierces through the room. I've never been so grateful to see a slither of light in my life.

Despite sitting here in the dark for however long, my body feels heavy and drained, and I struggled to gather the strength to even lift my head to look at the man standing at the door.

His dark figure is tall, he seems a little older, his features sharp, but other than that, he's completely unfamiliar, which is still no help.

"What do you want from me." As I opened my mouth to speak, my voice emerged strained and weak, as if it had been silent for far too long.

He didn't answer right away, instead choosing to stare at me intently. He stood there, his eyes fixed on me, unblinking. I could feel his gaze piercing through me, searching for something - answers, perhaps. But what could I tell him? They had already taken everything from me.

"I have nothing for you," I manage to shift my body up against the pole when I notice his figure suddenly inching closer towards me. "Let me go," I demand, trying not to let the immense amount of internal pleading slip out, I don't want to give them the satisfaction, to see me weak and vulnerable at their fingertips.

"An eye for an eye." He lets out a low chuckle, before suddenly pulling the door shut with a slam. As both darkness and silence envelopes me yet again, my stomach drops in realisation, my brain moving slower than it needs to be in this situation.

A sudden wave of nausea and panic suddenly overtook me, causing my body to tremble uncontrollably, a couple tears betraying my determination to stay strong, rolling down my face.

This is revenge. I don't know what's going to happen or what they've planned to do with me, but I'm powerless.

All I can do is wait, and hope that Ryder will rescue me eventually.

He will come, Right?

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

It feels like days have passed, when it's probably just been a few hours since he left the room. But he's back, back to tease me, mock me, drive me more insane if I thought I wasn't already.

I'm not listening to anything he's saying, I block out his words, his existence, until he starts moving closer towards me, closer and closer,

As the danger loomed, my brain screamed at me to move, to run, to do something. Sounding a loud alarm in my head, warning me about the danger.

But my body remained still, too weak to move. The energy I needed to escape seemed to elude me, leaving me helpless and vulnerable. Small and weak. It was as if my mind and body were at odds, my mind is loud, and able to fight back, but my body physically won't move, it can't.

I closed my eyes tightly, silently pleading for my body to cooperate. My mind raced as I thought about everything that was worth fighting for.

Suddenly, my thoughts turned to Ryder, then to my unborn baby, then to Ryder holding our baby. And that was enough for my fight or flight response to kick in,

With a heart pounding like a drum, I began to kick my weak feet against the ground, desperate to push myself away from him, but there was nowhere to run.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck, his presence suddenly merely inches away from me. Despite my fear, I refused to give up. I kicked harder, my feet pounding against the floor, against his body, as he struggled to gain control of my legs.

"Get away from me," I screeched, but he only moves closer to me, letting a guttural sound as I continued to relentlessly kick my legs at him, managing to hit him in a few spots.

I keep my eyes tightly shut as I try to block out the world around me. The only sense that remains is my sense of smell, and it's overwhelming. The scent of alcohol and tobacco on his breath is so strong that it burns my nostrils, making me want to hold my breath and move even further, but I'm stuck in place, tied to a pole.

In an instant, my body went rigid as I felt his hands forcefully grip my legs, holding me down, leaving me completely powerless, yet again.

I tried hard to break free from his grasp, squirming underneath him, but it was no use. He had me firmly in his grip, and I was at his mercy once again.

A single, painful sob escapes my lips, betraying the fear that grips my heart. I know what's about to happen, what his intentions are. And I want nothing but to die, I plead to just disappear, despite everything I'd lose, the pain is too much. The thought was sudden, causing a sharp pain to pierce through my chest.

"Sit still, bitch." he grunts out, his hand striking my cheek with a sudden, sharp sting. "No!" I cry out, with every ounce of strength and determination within me still trying to stop him. I refuse to open my eyes, I refuse to watch as he shatters my whole world, to take away something so important.

When suddenly, the sound of several gunshots blasts throughout the place nearby but my brain doesn't process any of it, feeling myself slip further away from reality.

He's quick to retreat from his original intentions, suddenly gripping onto my throat, standing me up to his height, pain coursing through my body. I gasp for air, clawing at his hands, digging my nails deep into his skin.

I felt his rough hand untie the rope that bound my wrists behind me. But as soon as I was free, he grabbed me forcefully and pulled me close to his body. "What have you done," he growled into my ear, his voice low and threatening as if I could've done anything down here.

I tried to speak, to defend myself, but the words caught in my throat. All I could do was stand there, frozen, trying to gasp for air underneath his thick hand. As he continued to glare at me, Ryder suddenly bursts into the room, his gun raised and ready.

My mind struggled to process the sudden intrusion. As I feel his hand tighten around my arm, I tried to pull away, tried to run to my home, but his grip only gets stronger and I can feel his fingers digging into my skin, leaving marks, tears streaming down my face as I desperately face Ryder.

Please help me. Please hold me.

"She's a feisty one." I hear the guy sinisterly laugh over my shoulder, his hot, dirty breath against my skin. "Come back for more?" his fingers dig deeper into my skin as Ryder moves closer towards us.

"Get the fuck away from my wife." Ryder barks back, approaching us. All I want to do is fall in his arms, but I'm still being held back.

Let me go.

Ryder raises a gun over my shoulder behind me, and I hear the gun clock, before my eyes meet up with his. They're full of guilt, apologies, but underneath that are instructions. I'm quick to read his eyes, my heart racing as I squeeze my eyes shut, holding my breath.

In a matter of seconds, a deafening gunshot filled the room, and warm liquid splattered against my skin. I felt myself being released from his grip, his body falling from behind me.

As I felt myself suddenly losing all strength, I collapsed to the floor. Ryder was quick to react, dropping down with me and wrapping his arms tightly around me.

I couldn't hold back the sobs that wracked my body as I clung to him for support.  "You're okay," he whispered, his arms gripping tightly around me. "I'm here. You're alright, baby." only his soothing words and gentle touch could be the only things that could help me right now.

"I'm sorry, Viv. I'm so sorry," he whispers into my hair, his warm grip tightening around me. His chest heaving with emotion. I shook my head, taking in his scent as my hands roamed over his face. Wet tears streamed down my cheeks as I pressed my lips against his in a desperate embrace.

"You came back," I breathe out, my body was still reeling from the shock. "Of course, I did, Vivienne," a slight smile tugs at the corner of his lips as his thumb wipes a rolling tear, "I promised."

My breathing is still unstable, as another panic attack takes over my body, I look over at the door, still not knowing where I am. "They're gone, baby." He gently gently strokes my hair, his voice gentle.

"It's just you and me, focus on us, ignore everything else." As the waves of panic washed over me, he instinctively pulled me close to his chest, just as he always does through a panic attack

My hand snakes around my waist, my palm pressed against my stomach, silently begging for my baby to be okay, not to go anywhere.

I want to question if it was Luka out there, but I'd sound insane, so I just let my body collapse in his arms, letting him take care of me as my eyes grow heavy.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
AN/word count - 2000

Felt bad for the cliffhanger, decided to do a triple update!! Plus I'm far too excited.


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