My One And Only Psycho Killer...


22 0 0

i am writing this outta boredom lol- I would like to warn you! This story contains sadistic and abusive behav... More

The Body At The Theme Park

22 0 0

Cracking of wood, chirping of birds.

This mysterious Theme Park...

It's oddly nostalgic.

It makes me stop, breathe in and look up to the sky.

What could go wrong?

As I walked between the ruins of the world famous rollercoaster, I noticed something odd in one of the seats. I came closer. My body freezed. There was a dead body hid, only thing that was noticable were strings of the person's hair. I stepped back, breathing heavily. The person is DEAD. Atleast it seemed so.
I tried dragging the body out of the seat. I could atleast call the police and tell them about it... Yes, that's what I will do.
Putting on my spare plastic gloves, I pulles the body out. ,,Phew... So heavy.." I sighed.
And yet, I couldn't believe my acts. Me, the one who's always responsible and smart is doing this kind of shit. Anyway...

,,We'll make sure to invstigate further. Thank you for informing us, it must have been truly a horrifying discovery.", said the police officer. ,,Oh.. Well.. It kind of was, but my parents, they dissect, so I'm used to this kind of stuff..", I smiled so it doesn't sounds so odd and creepy. The police officer loooked a bit nervous. ,,Um... You should head home, miss. It has been a long day, you helped us a lot and we thank you, we'll phone you if we have any news.", he stuttered, looking at his colleagues.

Walking out of there, I had a really strange feeling.. The person who was dead was still warm... They had a high body temperature... And that means...

,,So you found her...", I heard behind me. My heart stopped. I started sweating... ,,Oh, you little piece of shit... I hate women like you... So naive, thinking they helped the police find the world famous criminal.", the person talked slowly but with anger in their voice.
I turned behind me- The person I was talking to was...

The famous psycho killer, John Groove!
I couldn't believe it. Out of all the killers I could meet, I met the worst. He was well known for his brutal murders and sadistic behavior.
He had the look of a maniac, looking like he jusy freshly got out of the mental asylum. His muscular, rough body made him look really dangerous. His grey cold eyes looked in mine, as if they were scanning every sigle sin I've ever done. Tattoes all over his body, nose piercing, pissed and manic look-
Anyone would easily fall for him, if they were a stupid young adult like me.
I know, I know! He is a psychopath, he killed 10 women around my age, he's dangerous!

,,So... What will your punishment be, eh?", he groaned, surprisingly calmly. He stepped closer. I stepped back. His face was cold and serious... But yet he looked so handsome... His grey, cold eyes kept having contact with mine.
,,You are really a psychopath...", I said, slowly stepping back. In the count of 3, I'll start running the way where the police is, and I will report this all.. But when I got back to my senses, he was right in front of me. He leaned to my face. He can be like double my size, and I'm not even THAT short. I'm 5'11, he's probably like 6'1.
As he looked me in the eyes, he... laughed?

,,Stupid woman. You think you are something? Look at your pathetic body. If you were a slut, not even mouldy old men would want to fuck you. And your face? It disgusts me even thinking about it, for fuck's sake. Now, leave. I don't want to see you here ever again. And if you try telling the police..," he whispered as he grabbed my chin, ,,I'll make sure you'll be dead eventually.".

,,S-so you won't kill me?", I stuttered, not believing what just happened.
,,Unfortunately... I have no choice left just to let you live, fuck it. Now go! I don't want to see your ugly face any longer.", he groaned, and was really pissed.

I didn't waste a second and ran as fast as I could. It was terrifying. He was so handsome... Yet so cold and scary.

Ok, so this was the start if the story! I want to apoligize for any possible grammar mistakes and I appreciate any ideas from you guys! I will continue this story, not sure when. If I get good ideas... lol- prolly never- jk jk I will continue this, If you guys have any ideas what to add I'll gladly add them! You can also dm me on discord, user is in my about me :) bye bye have a nice day bestie ♥️🖤

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