The crossing Song( male reade...

By Arthurpendragon285

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After defeating killer spider, evolt says his goodbyes to banjo ryuga known as kamen rider cross z and when t... More

bio and harem
prologue: revival of Great dragon
Episode 1: the experiment and the singer
Episode 2: the test, the idol and...the king?
Episode 3: the red king vs Dragon, tsubasa's redemption
Episode 4: King's wrath and two brothers
Episode 6: Sins and sinners
Episode 6.8: the confession
Episode 7 part 1: the fortress invasion

Episode 5: Hazards rampage unleashed

457 12 4
By Arthurpendragon285

Narrator's pov:

At the location when two kings felt a tremendous hazard level that break the field created by black king genjustu, but also the S.O.N.G HQ felt an alarm rise up of danger level that the staff begin to located that source.

Genjuro: status report!- ask looking at the screen with his arm crossed-

Staff 1: a high concentrated hazard level just appear right at fight of two enemies, checking now

Staff2: its hazard level is 4.5 no 4.7?!

Elfnein: look! On screen- says it showing it to Genjuro-

Genjuro: Y/n?! That can't be right check anything strange on him now!

Elfnine: wait i know that form, sento mention it on his journal about form that goes berserk similar to when happen hibiki once in the past...that form is called...Hazard form.

- meanwhile with Y/n-

Y/n(GCZH): ...- looks at them- now then, lets rumble! - put his hands up and ready to fight-

" insert song: vitalization by Nana mizuki"

He rush towards the two and begins to deliver strong japs on them, the red king began to launch a strike but his sword got caught by Y/n and yeeted on the building, then by instinct dodge a surprise attack by black king and kicks him follow up a black fire ball and cast it making it a small explosion then backflip from incoming attack by Yellow queen and about to dodge but a green scythe stop it and was kirika in her symphogear.

Kirika: need some help-death? - she smile -

Y/n(GCZH): kirika? Thanks but i got this under- huh?...ngh - suddenly got a headache for a little while but he shake it off- ugh.

Kirika: you okay?

Y/n(GCZH): yeah, but yeah i could use help actually.

Kirika: yay!

Yellow queen: oh? Think little help can hope facing the three of us?- says pointed her sword at the two of them -

- back to sento -

Build: ngh why are you doing this?- says looking at the blue king and purple queen-

Purple queen: since his not here, its better began to talk of why are we here, and simple is: to eliminated Evolt

Sento: evolto?!

Blue king: as you may not know, he is alive and merge himself with Your friend, he done horrible experiments that once try to ruled over but got betrayed by an associate name Y/n of our time and pay the ultimate price...death itself, well thats what we saw in our perspective.

Build: but why attacking my student? If you attack him, that means your our enemy! Thats unforgivable!- shouted at them-

Purple queen: hm?- looks at the location where there comrades are- you should hurry

Build: huh?- confuse for a bit but did sense a huge hazard level a while back then realize what happen- oh no, why now Y/n?! - begins to pull out his phone and insert a bottle to change into a bike and hop on to start drive to the location-

Blue king: you sure its good idea to let him go?- ask looking at his partner-

Purple queen: yes after all - walks away- that was orders by our lord, let the despair begin into reveal his true nature...

- back with Y/n-

Both kirika and Y/n are having bad time against the three kings, kirika continue fight the yellow queen and Y/n deliver a two strike on both kings and was about to do a follow up attack but suddenly the same headache came back but this time as if his senses were begin to turn off as he keeps focus on stay control while having his hand on his head.

Y/n(GCZH): whats happening to consciousness...

" if used in combat for a long period, the stimuli overwhelms the brain, causing a loss of rationality."

Then suddenly he stop moving droping his hand like a lifeless body as if the brian was shut down.

Red king: hraaa!! - launch projectiles on him that hit two lightbults leaving one swinging around making a sound - huh?

" the user is then overcome with an impulse to destroy everything in sight"

Kirika: Huh?- looks at Y/n slowly move his head towards her and Yellow queen-

At that moment when stimuli reach the brain, he look at them not as regular people would see but sight...of destruction

Y/n(berserk mode): - rush towards those two, sending Yellow queen flying and grab kirika by her neck and lift her up-

Kirika: agh!!!



Y/n began to deliver two brutally punches to kirika,the first punch made her come blood out from her mouth then second send her to the ground pouncing and deliver a Roundhouse kick which badly injured her at time hibiki arrive and when to kirika

Hibiki: Kirika!!

Then Y/n slowly look at the two kings and another impulse rush towards them which were send through the wall at the same time chris maria and shirabe arrive to see an badly injured kirika, two injured kings and a deadly berserk hazard Y/n cover in darkness by the hazard effect, then yellow queen try to attack him from behind but got bitch smack by Y/n and walk towards the two kings and deliver 3 punches then a kick at black king and straight punches which force them to revert to normal state.

Edward: ngh!! Damn it!

Shojo( the black king): holy crap, he almost killed us!

Build: - arrives and sees the carnage by Y/n grab the neck of the yellow queen in fear-

Yellow queen: let go! - says struggling to break free-

Y/n(berserk mode): - while holding her with one hand and another slowly when to press the hazard trigger and slowly on the handle of build driver-


Build: this is bad....RUN!


build: - begans to run towards him as best he can to stop him -

" OH,NO!"

Y/n unleashed uncontrollable energy which painfully damages the yellow queen infront of the girls as she Yell in agony and beg to let him go which he did after that but...


Build: DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

" Ready go! Hazard finish!"

He ready a kick fill with devastating power and kick it on her neck causing her to exploded and her suit destroy which resulted her death in which the girls and guys were shocked and scared of him but was the hazard doing, he then look at edward and shojo and walk towards them but tsubasa arrive and try to stop him by holding him down.

Tsubasa: Stop it, thats enough Y/n!

" discharged Bottle! Discharged crash!"

Y/n grab and toss tsubasa to one side and got chain up and out of nowhere a kamen rider named grease deliver a finish which knocks off the bottle and hazard trigger making Y/n revert to normal state which tsubasa when to him as He regain conscious.

Y/n: ugh my head, what happen....- looks around confuse but first saw kirika injured that blood come out from the eyes a bit- k-kirika?

Kirika: it...hurts-Desu...

Y/n: - next he saw a lifeless body of the yellow queen which edward when to her-

Edward: Ashley!!! - holds her in his arms- ashley? Ashley!! Open your eyes!!  Please ashely!!!

Y/n: - he begins to shake in fear then slowly look at his hands shaking too- this?

Edward: tch....this is all...your...FAULT!!!!- he says with tears looking at Y/n in anger-

Edward: you killed her you murderer!! You and that damn thing inside of you!! First my people, then my brother and now my Friend!! I should have killed you when i got the chance you bastard!!! Your sins shall never be free you son of bitch!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!

In fear Y/n grab his stuffs and begin to run away from them as hibiki try to follow him and Maria, sento look his student in fear as he know that experience before and which then look at grease.

Sento: arigato Kazumi, if you haven't being here his rampage could spike his level even further

Kasumi: no problem, should we go after him?

Sento: ...lets find him, i warned him not to use the hazard trigger

Tsubasa's mind:( hazard trigger??...)

Y/n's pov:

I arrive at the abandon factory empty and i try to breath in and out in fear as images of my friends surrounded me but there dead as i freak out in that when on my knees having both my hands on my head together to lead out a scream.

Episode 5 end

Next time: Sins and sinners

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