snake in the lions den|| WTM

By KoolInsomniac

227K 6.7K 793

Ada Potter was struggling to get through her fifth year, the trauma of the past events catching up to her, be... More

act two
act three


4.9K 181 20
By KoolInsomniac

Ada draws her wand as she steps onto the floor again and walks forward. Up ahead, she sees a circular door with seven snake-shaped locks on it, and steps towards it and speaks Parceltongue. An eighth snake slithers out from the door's mechanical hinge, and slithers along the door's edge, causing the other seven snakes to retract one by one. As the snake slithers back into the hinge, the door slowly opens. She steps forward; on the other side is the Chamber of Secrets.

Ada takes a deep breath and cautiously steps through the door, into the Chamber, towards the ladder in the doorway.As the door slowly closes behind her, Ada climbs down the ladder and walks down the corridor. Looking ahead, she sees Ginny lying motionless at the end of the Chamber. She is clutching Tom Riddle's diary.

The whole Weasley family takes a sharp breath, Molly holds on to her daughter tighter than before. Arthur holds his little girls hand. Ginny has tears in her eyes. She never really talks about what happened in her first year, all she wanted to do was forget it ever happened, like it was all a bad dream. But it did, it happened, it took months for the nightmares to die down. Every night she could hear Tom's voice in her head till the tears would start falling.

Ginny hadn't had a nightmare about the incident, that's what she calls it, in about a year. But she knows, she just knows that they will come back to haunt her, plague her dreams once again. She never knew what she looked like in the chamber and she was glad she didn't. But now she knows and she couldn't take her eyes off of herself. Ginny Weasley looked dead. And that image will be forever burned in her brain.

The whole incident terrified her. There was a reason to why her boggart was Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"Ginny." Ada runs to her, drops her wand and gets on her knees. "Ginny. No, Ginny. Please don't be dead. Wake up. Wake up! Please wake up. Come on little Weasley." Her voice cracks at the last sentence.

Suddenly, Tom Riddle walks out of a nearby doorway. "She won't wake." Ada recognizes his voice and turns toward him. Riddle walks to her. "Tom? Tom Riddle? What do you mean she won't wake? She's not...?"

"She's still alive, but only just."

"Are you a ghost?"

"A memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years." Tom explains.

Ada reaches out and touches Ginny "She's as cold as ice. Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up." While Ada's not looking, Riddle bends down and picks up Ada's wand from where she left it "You've got to help me, Tom. There's a Basilisk."

"I have a feeling he won't help." Seamus says as Dean rolls his eyes "No shit."

"It won't come until it's called."Ada looks up to see Riddle holding her wand and stands up "Give me my wand, Tom."

"You won't be needing it."

"Umm I kinda do. Listen, we've got to go. We've got to save her."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Ada. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger." Ada looks at him, confused. "Yes, Ada. It was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets." Ginny is shown standing in front of the sink in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom as it opens.

People gasp at the revelation, they look at the ginger girl, some with disgust, some with untrust, they couldn't believe it. Ginny never meets anyone's eye, her face held so much guilt, though she was innocent, just a foot solider, she still hurt people.

"No. She couldn't. She wouldn't." Ada wouldn't accept it. Little Ginny Weasley, the girl who squeaked and ran away in shyness when she saw Ada for the second time wouldn't hurt anyone. Not willingly anyways."

It was Ginny who set the Basilisk on the Mudbloods and Filch's cat, Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls." Ginny is show using her blood-covered fingers to write on the wall."But why?"

"Because I told her to. You'll find I can be very persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance." Ginny is shown running into a stall and throwing the diary into the toilet "Still, the power of the diary began to scare her. And she tried to dispose of it in the girls' bathroom. And then, who should find it but you? The very person I was most anxious to meet."

Ada stands in front of the Slytherin statue "And why did you want to meet me? Why not the other Riddle?"

"Other Riddle?" Tom asks in confusion, Ada nods "Mattheo Riddle."

Tom slightly hums but holds no hint of recognition "Ahh, it appears I've got a future spawn."

"Odd way to say you have a son but okay. So again, why me?"

"I knew I had to talk to you, meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf Hagrid to gain your trust."

"Hagrid's my friend. And you framed him, didn't you?"

"It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent."

Ada smirks. "I'll bet Dumbledore saw right through you. Only time the mans gotten something right." That caught Tom off guard very quick, he thought that the Potter girl would worship the ground that the old man walked on but he digressed.

Dumbledore once again scowls at the scene, why couldn't she just trust him.

"He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that." Tom walks around Ada as he speaks. "I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school, so I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen-year-old self in its pages, so that one day, I would be able to lead another, to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work."

"Well, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the Mandrake draught will be ready. And everyone who was Petrified will be all right again."

Riddle smiles maliciously "Haven't I told you? Killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore. For many months now, my new target has been you." Ada looks at him in surprise. "How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape." He pushes Ada's hair aside with the wand to see her scar. "with nothing but a scar while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?"

"Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time."

"Voldemort is... my past, present, and future." Tom turns toward the statue and uses Ada's wand to write his full name in flaming letters; after writing the 'E', he flicks the wand, and the letters rearrange themselves to say 'I AM LORD VOLDEMORT'

Silence fills the hall, everyone was in shock, they didn't know what to expect but it really wasn't that. Slowly people turned towards Mattheo who had a stone cold face, he knew what was coming. "Yo-you're you-know-whose s-son?" Someone asks in fear. Mattheo takes a long sigh "Yes." Next they turn to Ada who also had a blank face. "And you're still dating him!?" They say like she was crazy. "Appears so." Ada shrugs.

"B-but his father killed your parents?"

"Yes he did."

"So how could you date him?"

Ada was starting to get pissed off after every question and tried to not let it show, though her friends could tell, one wrong comment about Mattheo and she would snap. "Not that's it's any of your business on what my relationship is but I have one question. Did Mattheo kill my parents?" The person shook their head. "So why would I hold it against him? He was one. My boyfriend didn't choose his father, did he?"

Everyone was silent soaking up the girls words till one stupid person opened their mouth. "He's a monster, just like his father." And snap. Ada got u, eyes redder then ever and started to make her way over to the idiot. Mattheo, Sirius and Remus half-heartedly tried to stop her but they knew they couldn't do anything.

She stopped a foot away from the person "What did you just say?" She asks deadly calm, no one dared to interfere, sacred to do so. "He's a monster." They say with less confidence then before. Ada looks deep into their eyes "Do you want to repeat that?" Her eyes got brighter scaring everyone around her.

"He's a..." They couldn't get the words out, throat tightening to the point that they couldn't breathe. "Sorry? What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." Ada taunts not fully aware of what she was doing. Mattheo slowly got up and made his way over to her. The person couldn't breathe, gripping their throat like they were choaking, everyone was watching with wide eyes not understanding what was happening. "Hmm?" Ada smirks till she feels a hand on her shoulder.

Mattheo was stood next to her with worry in his eyes, not for the person who was now slightly blue still trying to breathe, but for Ada. "Come on love." He guiding her back to her seat, Ada looks back at the person spitting out "Pathetic."

They get to their seats but Ada's eyes were still bright red and the person was still choaking. Mattheo cups Ada's face with both hands. "Love, deep breaths." She didn't respond so he gave her a light tap on the cheek to get her to focus on his voice. She met his eyes and he nods "Deep breaths, okay." Ada closes her eyes and takes a long breath holding it in for a few seconds, when she opens her eyes the boy is physically relieved seeing that Ada's eyes are back to it's original colour.

The person could now finally breathe, they were coughing and whimpering as they took in more air. Fearful looks were thrown at the girl but she took no notice of them, the ones she did notice was the ones of concern but then she looks over and spots one that stands out, one that was different. A twinkling look of greed, and you'd never guess who that was from.

"Mate what was that!?" Ron says with wide eyes till Hermione hits him on the arm shaking her head "Shut up Ronald." The boy slowly lowers his head not wanting to anger Hermione or upset Ada.

The Potter girl looks over to the coughing person who had tears in their eyes and turns towards her fathers and boyfriend "D-Did I do that?" She says in the quietest voice they've ever heard. She sounded like a kid getting heartbroken for the first time. "Yeah Bambi, I think so." Sirius says sympathetically, his heart hurt for her seeing those big doe eyes rush with tears.

Ada let out a small whimper, she doesn't understand what was happening to her. She never hurts people, well not to that extent, sure she will threaten and scare people but it's never like that. She started to hyperventilate all the stares and her confusion was getting to be too much. Remus got up and crouched infront of her blocking everyone's view.

As he comforted her Fred and George start shouting "Stop looking at her!" They hated the looks everyone was giving her, she was their little sister blood or not, and they will protect her with any ounce they have. Everyone looks away not wanting to be at the other end of the twins pranks, especially if they where on their bad side.

"I-I don't understand?"

"I know cub we will figure it out, okay?" Remus gives her a small reassuring smile and watches as Ada nods her head, he gives her a kiss on the forehead and sits back down. Mattheo pulls her in closer and wipes the stray tear that fell with the pad of his thumb and gives her a small peck on the nose, watching as her nose scrunches up casing him to smile softly. He always loved when she did that.

As the letters fade and Riddle turns to face her "You. You're the Heir of Slytherin." Riddle stares evilly at Ada "You're Voldemort."

"Surely, you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name? No. I fashioned myself a new name, a name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world!"

"Oh sure, the greatest sorcerer in the world was beaten by a baby." Ada mocks as Tom glares.

"And yet Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!" Ada just rolls her eyes Dumbledore this Dumbledore that, everything is about him.

Suddenly a musical sound is heard nearby; Ada and Riddle look down the corridor to see Fawkes flying towards them, carrying something "Fawkes?" Fawkes drops a bundled-up object into Ada's hands as he flies over and around them, then back down the corridor; Ada unrolls the object, which turns out to be the Sorting Hat."So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defender: A songbird and an old hat." He backs away from Ada as she continues examining the Sorting Hat, then walks toward the Slytherin statue and extends his left hand "Shearhas- Samnathas- Sélithaeine." (Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four.) Ada looks up and turns towards the statue.

Ada turns to face the statue of Salazar Slytherin as a rumbling begins; Riddle turns around to face her as the statue's mouth starts to open. "Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Ada Potter."

"I know this isn't the time but your dad use to be hot." Ada says and some people give a small nod in agreement but they still wont look at the girl. Mattheo held a disgusted look on his face. "Oh merlin." Hermione sighs but is still slightly amused. Sirius shrugs and says "Well he isn't as hot as me."

"Well..." Ada says in a high pitch voice. Sirius gasps offended. "Moony tell her she's wrong. Tell her now." He huffs like a child. Remus sighs and shakes his head while rolling his eyes. "God you're a brat. Cub you are wrong." He says voice full of annoyance. "I am hotter. Right?"

"Yes pads, you're hotter. Anyways why are you asking me, he's what sixteen? I wouldn't say he's hot anyways." Remus says completely done with the whole convocation.

"I can't believe you said my father was hot." Mattheo groans and Ada lets out a light giggle feeling better then earlier. "You're hotter. So much more hotter." She says and gives him a kiss as he holds a smile. Sirius scowls at them pulling Ada back slightly "No boys, nope, none at all." He says while glaring at Mattheo. "Pads leave them alone." Remus sighs for what felt like the 100th time pulling his husband, who was still glaring daggers at the boy, away from the girl.

Ada gulps and turns toward the statue again as she hears an ominous snarling that appears to be coming from inside the statue and hyperventilates; Riddle turns to face the statue's mouth as the Basilisk shrieks "Hungry!" from within the statue. The stone slab concealing the statue's mouth stops descending; a split second afterwards, the Basilisk emerges from the darkness and starts to come into the light, growling menacingly. Ada throws the Sorting Hat onto the floor in front of Ginny and races back towards the door to the Chamber as the Basilisk's head comes out of the statue's mouth and its snake-like body lowers into the surrounding water; Riddle, immune to the Basilisk's lethal gaze, watches the creature.

Tom tells the snake to kill Ada and then turns his attention to the fleeing Ada as the Basilisk's body curves to its right behind it "Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter." The Basilisk's tail drops into the water behind him "It only obeys me!"

The Basilisk slithers after Ada with a ferocious growl. Ada races down the corridor as fast as she can while the Basilisk is in hot pursuit; unfortunately, Ada loses his footing on the slippery floor and trips, allowing the Basilisk to catch up with her "Shit!"

Everyone holds their breath as soon a they saw her fall. Ada just shakes her head, falling while something was chasing you was such a cliché.

She turns around and realizes the Basilisk is right above her and covers her head with her hands. Just as the Basilisk is about to attack Ada, Fawkes emits his cry, getting their attention. Fawkes swoops down, going directly for the Basilisk, and attacks the colossal snake, pecking at it, with Ada observing their fight by watching their shadows on the wall.

"No! Your bird may have blinded the Basilisk, but it can still hear you."Ada turns around to see that the Basilisk's yellow eyes are bloody. The Basilisk thrashes around furiously as Fawkes flies off; She gets to her feet, and steps backwards, stepping into something slimy, causing a splattering sound; Ada looks down to see what she stepped in. At the same time, the Basilisk stops thrashing about and blindly glares at Ada, who looks up again and makes a run for a passageway to his right. The Basilisk lunges at her, nearly getting her. Ada, breathing heavily, runs as fast as she can, into a tunnel just to her left as the Basilisk lunges at her again, smashing through a stalactite. Ada runs through the tunnel, looking back to see if the Basilisk is still behind her; she turns left into an alcove, only to find her path blocked by a grate. She struggles to move it, but turns around upon hearing the Basilisk coming into the tunnel. She steps back against the grate, as the Basilisk comes to its position. The Basilisk hisses at her and approaches her with its mouth open. Ada picks up a rock at her feet and throws it; the sound of the rock distracts the Basilisk, who slithers off into another passageway. Ada races back into the Chamber where Riddle and Ginny are.

Sirius and Remus were holding on to each other like their life depended on it, not wanting to let go of each others hands. However a certain ginger haired boy and curly haired girl was doing the same thing, not realizing that they were.

"Yes, Potter. The process is nearly complete." Ada puts her hand on Ginny's hand again "In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory." Ada looks up at him "Lord Voldemort will return... very... much... alive."

"Ginny..." She says sadly.

The Basilisk bursts out of the water surrounding the Slytherin statue and thrashes about; Ada turns toward the Sorting Hat, where a sword magically appears. Without hesitation, she grabs the sword and holds it up defensively as the Basilisk slithers toward her. Ada races for the statue and begins to climb it; the Basilisk blindly follows Ada's movements, using its tongue to track her location and lifts its body off the floor. The Basilisk uses its tongue again to find Ada's current position directly in front of it; Ada swings the sword at the Basilisk; it lunges directly at her, she dodges, and it smashes right into the statue. Ada climbs higher as the Basilisk lunges at her again, missing again; Ada climbs onto the top of the statue's head, the Basilisk lunges at Ada repeatedly as she swings the sword wildly at the creature. Eventually, the Basilisk sends Ada rolling down the side of the statue, causing her to lose the sword.

Seeing the sword about to slide off the top of the statue's head Ada groans "No."

She hurries to retrieve the sword; the Basilisk lunges right at Ada once more. Ada stops the sword just in time, and rams it right through the Basilisk's upper jaw. The Basilisk bellows in pain until Ada pulls the sword out. Ada screams in pain as one of the Basilisk's venomous fangs just fell into her arm; she pulls the fang out, unfortunately, the venom is already in her bloodstream. The Basilisk thrashes around, roaring and bellowing in pain, collapsing under its weight, and falls backwards to the floor, dead, splashing water everywhere; Riddle stares at the Basilisk's corpse in disbelief.

Mattheo grips Ada's hand tightly as he watches he get pierced by the Basilisk fang. Sirius does the same while Remus places his hand on top of theirs. "I'm okay." She says but all three boys shake their heads, none of this was okay, Ada should be dead.

Ada limps past the Basilisk's corpse, and, dropping the sword and falling to her knees, she weakly crawls towards Ginny once more as Riddle walks toward them.

"Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body. I guess you have little more than a minute to live. You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Ada." Ada extends her left hand to Ginny's again "Funny... the damage a silly little book can do... especially in the hands of a silly little girl."

Ada looks to the diary in Ginny's arm and carefully pulls it out, placing it on the floor between her and the Basilisk fang "What are you doing?" She picks up the Basilisk fang and holds it up while staring at Riddle, who immediately realizes what Ada is about to do "Stop. No!"

Ada smirks and stabs one of the diary's pages with the fang as Riddle steps forward to try and stop her; Riddle's body crumbles and gives a discharge of yellow light; ink starts to ooze from the diary, Riddle recoils and growls with rage; Ada pries the fang out. Riddle attempts to attack, but Ada stabs the other page, crippling Riddle, and causing him to crumble further; She closes the diary and stabs the cover with the Basilisk fang; Riddle screams in agony and disintegrates into yellow particles; shortly after Riddle's demise, Ginny awakens, hyperventilating, and sits up.

"Hi Ginny." She smiles weakly. Ginny turns to face the girl "Ada, it was me. But, I swear, I didn't mean to... Riddle made me. And..." She stops rambling as she notices Ada's injury "Ada... you're hurt."

Seeing that Ginny was awake Molly slightly loosens her grip. "Never worry like that again, okay." She says taking a shaky breath. "Okay." Ginny says with a small smile.

Covering her wound Ada says "Don't worry. Ginny, you need to get yourself out. Follow the Chamber, and you'll find Ron." Fawkes emits his song again; Ada and Ginny both look down the corridor to see him flying towards them; he swoops around the Basilisk's body, and lands in between them, then steps over to Ada "You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough." Fawkes emits a soft grunt, then lowers his head to Ada's wound, and cries on it; the wound miraculously disappears; Ginny stares in amazement "Of course!" lifting her healed arm "Phoenix tears have healing powers." Fawkes grunts affirmatively as Ada glances at him "Thanks." She looks at Ginny "It's all right, Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory."

Fawkes then flies Lockhart, Ron, Ada, and Ginny out of the Chamber of Secrets. "Amazing! This is just like magic!" Lockhart laughs Fawkes carries the four of them up towards the opening of a cave as the moon can be seen above them.

"Thank fuck for Fawkes." Sirius says as Minnie gives him a look "Yeah, yeah, language Mr. Lupin-Black. I know." The man says as Minerva rolls her eyes with a smile tugging at her lips.

a/n: I was going to post yesterday like I said but fucking Wattpad wasn't working. Its currently 5 in the morning but i'm on a roll so imma just write the next chapter while i'm at it.

anywaysss thank you for all the votes i appreciate it so much, big hearts to all of you have a lovely day/night<3

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