Lab Rats Season 3

By ScarletWitch19

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After revealing their bionic secret to Principal Perry, Adam, Bree, Chase, and Cassie are on the run. When Mr... More

Sink or Swim Part 1
Sink or Swim Part 2
The Jet-Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High
Zip It
Not So Smart Phone
Scramble the Orbs
Principal From Another Planet
Four Minus Bree
Which Father Knows Best
Cyborg Shark Attack
You Posted What?! Part 1.
You Posted What?! Part 2.
Armed and Dangerous
Alien Gladiators
Brother Battle
Spike Fright
Face Off
Merry Glitchmas
Rise of the Secret Soliders Part 1
Bionic House Party
First Day of Bionic Academy
Adam Steps Up
Unauthorized Mission

Rise of the Secret Soliders Part 2

613 10 4
By ScarletWitch19

"Hey, Stefan? Are you sure this is the way to the ice cream shop? I'm not familiar with this road." I say as I sit in the passenger seat of Stefan's car.

"Don't worry, I know where I'm going. I'm just taking a little shortcut." Stefan says.

"You said that about an hour ago. Face it, Stefan, we're lost." I say.

"Relax, Cass. We're not lost. Just trust me, okay." Stefan says.

"Look, I know you haven't been in Mission Creek for that long but it doesn't take this long to drive from my house to the ice cream shop," I say. "I can geo-leap us there if you want."

"No, no. It's fine. I actually changed my mind about the ice cream shop. I heard there was this new amusement park that opened up and I thought we should check it out." Stefan says.

"Amusement park? What amusement park?" I ask.

"It's this new water park they just opened up. It's called Harry's Splish Splash Water Park." Stefan says.

"It's the middle of January. It's too cold to go to a water park." I say.

"Okay, so there's no water park. How about we just drive for a little bit? You know we can just talk and I can help you forget about what's going on." Stefan says.

"Forget about what?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing," Stefan says.

"Stefan, something weird is going on. I don't feel right about this." I say.

"Cass, nothing weird is going on. Everything is going to be fine." Stefan says.

"I should get back to the others," I say. "Turn the car around."

"Do you really want to do that?" Stefan asks.

"Yes, they're my family. I need to go back." I say.

"With everything going on, are you sure you want to go back? The whole world hates you and your family is falling apart because of it. Why would you want to be in the middle of all of that?"

"Because they're my family and I need to be there for them no matter what. I don't care about what's going on. Adam, Bree, Chase, and I have to find a way to make people like us and trust us again." I say. "Now take me back, please."

"Okay. Whatever you say." Stefan says. Just as he said that the car starts making a weird noise and then suddenly, it stops.

"What's going on?" I ask nervously.

"I don't know. I think the battery just died." Stefan says.

"Oh, great. Perfect." I say.

"Don't worry. Let me just check what the problem is." Stefan says. He gets out of the car and opens the hood.

"Do you see anything?" I ask.

"Yep. It's definitely the car battery. It's leaking fluid." Stefan says as he walks back and gets inside the car.

"Well, should we call somebody?" I ask.

"I could. Or you could keep quiet and surrender yourself to Krane." Stefan says.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"I've been keeping a secret from you, Cass. I work with Krane and have been keeping tabs on you and your siblings ever since we started hanging out." Stefan says.

"No, this can't be true," I say.

"Oh, but it is. You actually discovered my little secret in the lab earlier but I erased your memory and convinced you to come with me so I can hand you over to Krane." Stefan says.

"Erased my memory. But why?" I say as tears started forming in my eyes.

"Because Krane wants you to be his bionic soldier and he was willing to do anything to get to you even if it meant me pretending to be your boyfriend. Also, I wanted to show my cousin that I can do a much better job at capturing you and taking your family out."

"Cousin?" I ask.

"Yeah, Blake. Krane was really upset when you were able to break free of her control. I think this time Krane updated her abilities so you won't be able to break it." Stefan says.

"So he made her stronger?" I ask.

"Pretty much," Stefan says. He laughs a little. "Man, I cannot believe you actually believed I was your boyfriend. I was expecting for your family to fall for it but you. With your extra sensory abilities, I'm surprised you didn't find this out sooner. I'm honestly a little disappointed. But, oh well." Stefan sees the tears falling down my cheeks.

"Oh, Cass. Don't cry. In a few minutes, you won't even remember what happened. You'll still think I'm your boyfriend and everything will be okay just like it was before." Stefan says. He tries to put his hand on my cheek to wipe a tear but I move away from him.

"I'm not gonna let you erase my memory, Stefan. I'm geo-leaping out of here." I say.

"You can try. But that's not gonna work." Stefan says. When I try to geo-leap out of the car, nothing happens.

"What?" I say.

"I told you. You see, Cass, one of my bionic abilities other than erasing your memory is to stop another bionic person from using their abilities. So you're stuck here." Stefan says. I tried to open the car door and escape but it was locked. "And the car is locked. Face it, Cass. I'm taking you to Krane."

I try to punch Stefan but he quickly grabs my arm and takes out a small device. When he presses the button, a puff of air comes out and everything suddenly goes dark. Once I was unconscious, Stefan took out his phone and called Krane. "Yes, sir. I have Cassie. I'll be over there soon." He looks down at me. "It's too bad, really. We did make a cute couple."


Three weeks later

"Any luck on finding Cassie?" Leo asks Mr. Davenport as they head to the lab.

"No. I've tried pinpointing her location using her bionic chip but I can't find her anywhere. It's like she disappeared from the face of the earth." Mr. Davenport says as he works on his tablet. "It's been three weeks. Where could she have gone?"

"Don't worry, Big D. We'll find Cassie. I'm sure she'll show up somewhere." Leo tries to reassure Mr. Davenport as they walk through the tunnel of the lab.

"I'm just worried about her, Leo. I mean with everything going on, this is not the time for Cassie to be left alone." Mr. Davenport says.

"How are Adam, Bree, and Chase taking the news?" Leo says.

"They aren't. They're so busy arguing with each other that they probably think she's locked herself in her art room." Mr. Davenport says.

"For three weeks?" Leo says.

"I mean it's happened before. One time, Cassie and Chase got into this really bad argument and she locked herself in her art room for almost a month. Adam had to practically break down the door and convince her that Chase wasn't mad at her anymore." Mr. Davenport says.

"Well, we have to tell them that Cassie is missing. If we do, maybe it'll stop them from arguing and bring them together so they can find Cassie." Leo says.

"I will, Leo. I just have to find the right time to tell them." Mr. Davenport says. When they enter the lab, they see Douglas.

"Donny, get in here, quick!" Douglas exclaimed. Once Mr. Davenport and Leo were in the lab, they see the President on the monitor.

"Mr. President." Mr. Davenport says.

"He said he'd only talk to you. Apparently, I'm just the help!" Douglas says.

"Thank you, Douglas, that'll be all," Leo says, waving him off. Douglas just gave Leo a look and walked away.

"Davenport, a high-security military base was breached, and communications equipment was stolen." The President informs them.

"I'm sorry to hear that, sir. Do you need some of my tracking technology?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"No, I need Adam, Bree, Chase, and Cassie." The President says.

"Well, with all due respect, sir, they dissolved the team." Mr. Davenport says.

"Look, our national safety is far more important than a squabble between besties. The Vice President and I are going through that right now. Drama!" The President says.

"I know you want Adam, Bree, Chase, and Cassie on the mission but there's just one small problem, sir. Cassie has been missing for three weeks." Mr. Davenport says.

"Missing? Is there anything I can do?" The President asks.

"I don't think so, sir. I've tried every possible way to find her but with no luck." Mr. Davenport says.

"Well, this is a very serious matter. Do Adam, Bree, and Chase know about this?" The President says.

"Not yet. But I'm going to tell them." Mr. Davenport says.

"Okay. I would like to keep updated on this matter. If you hear of anything you let me know." The President says.

"Will do, Mr. President." Mr. Davenport says.

"But I still want Adam, Bree, and Chase on the mission. Fix this and get them back on the job." The President says.

"Yes, sir." Mr. Davenport says.

"And if Adam, Bree, Chase, and Cassie won't stop those criminals...then I will." Leo says, pulling a superhero pose.

"Thanks, kid. As awful as things are right now, it feels good to laugh." The President laughs before signing off.


"Hey, what's with the urgent security text alert? I was out buying sunglasses for my astronomy cruise. Check these out! They double as telescopes!" Chase says as he, Adam, and Bree walk into the living room. He pulls out a pair of telescope glasses.

"All I'm seeing is another reason to throw you overboard," Adam says.

"The President called. There's an emergency, and he needs you." Mr. Davenport says.

"But we told him we quit," Bree says.

"Yeah, we don't even want to talk to each other. Why would we want to work together?" Chase says.

"Yeah! And I'm not agreeing with him, I'm just emphasizing his point." Adam says.

"Look, I'm getting tired of your selfish attitudes. It is your duty to complete this mission." Mr. Davenport says.

"No. It was our duty. But then people started protesting against us on our front lawn. Maybe the world needs to get a taste of what it's like without us." Chase says.

"Yeah! Still not agreeing with him, I just feel the exact same way he does." Adam says.

"There's another thing you should know. Cassie is missing." Mr. Davenport says.

"Well, yeah. She's been locked up in her art room for three weeks and hasn't been out since." Chase says.

"No, I mean Cassie is really missing. I've looked everywhere and tried to find her location using her bionic chip but nothing has come up." Mr. Davenport says.

"What? Well, what could have happened to her?" Bree asks.

"I don't know. Which is why I'm asking you three to put all of your arguments aside, complete this mission and find Cassie." Mr. Davenport says before walking out of the room.

In the lab, Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo were scattered throughout the room when Douglas walked in. "Where's Donny?" He asks them.

"Probably out trolling the streets for a new set of bionic kids to control," Leo says.

"I heard that!" Mr. Davenport says walking into the lab.

"Donny, you gotta see this news footage! Those criminals the President was talking about? Busted into the Pentagon last night!" Douglas says.

"What? The Pentagon is the most secure facility in the world." Mr. Davenport says.

"Yeah, with all those sides, it'd take me all day just to find the entrance," Adam says.

"No one knows how they did it, but at least they finally got 'em on surveillance cam. Look, they're kids. And you might find one of them familiar." Douglas says, showing them his tablet. Everyone's eyes widen in shock when they see a picture of me with another boy inside the Pentagon.

"Cassie?" Chase says.

"Yep. And that boy next to her. His eyes are glowing green, which means..."

Adam gasps. "It's the Irish again, isn't it?"

"No. It's Krane." Mr. Davenport says.

"But how can Krane control Cassie? She's immune to the Triton App." Leo says.

"He's probably using Blake again to control her or he found another way to brainwash her," Chase says.

"Krane updated the Triton App so he can control S-1 and Blake with his brain. Aside from Cassie, he's probably controlling multiple bionic kids." Douglas says.

"Multiple kids? How is that possible?" Chase asks.

"I don't know, but if they busted into the Pentagon, I'll bet they're looking for classified information," Douglas says.

"Why don't we just go to Krane's cell and tell him to stop?" Leo asks.

"Good idea! Then maybe we can tell him that being evil is bad and he'll give us all a great big hug!" Douglas says.

"Worked for you," Leo says.

"Wait, something still doesn't make sense. If Krane is still locked up in his cell, how did Cassie disappear?" Bree asks.

"Well, from what I can remember, Cassie and Stefan were hanging out. She said she was going to go get ice cream with Stefan and..." A look of realization crossed Mr. Davenport's face when Stefan was mentioned. "It was Stefan. He kidnapped Cassie and took her to Krane."

"What? That's impossible. If Stefan took Cassie, then that means he's been lying to her and us the whole time." Chase says.

"It's just like Marcus and we completely fell for it," Leo says.

"And plus, Stefan was only pretending to be Cassie's boyfriend just so he can send her to Krane," Bree says.

"Poor Cassie. She really liked Stefan. She's probably devastated." Mr. Davenport says.

"We need to find her and bring her back," Chase says.

"Agreed," Bree says.

"But this doesn't mean we're getting the team back together. We'll find Cassie and take out Krane's bionic thugs." Chase says.

"And just to be clear, this will be our last mission. Once we're done, we're done." Bree says.

Everyone gives Adam a weird look when he starts laughing. "I...I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I was thinking about growing a mustache." Adam says.

"Just get suited up!" Mr. Davenport says.

As Adam, Bree, and Chase head to their capsules to change into their mission suits, Douglas plays hold music on his tablet. "What is that?" Leo asks.

"Oh, I get bored waiting for 'em to change, so I added hold music," Douglas says. Leo gives Mr. Davenport a weird look when he sees him dancing to the music. Mr. Davenport notices he's being watched and becomes embarrassed, making him stop.

"Let's go get 'em!" Adam shouts running out of his capsule.

"We don't even know where we're going yet," Chase says.

"Right, you are," Adam says walking back over.

"When I created the Triton App, I integrated a tracking element. We can use that to locate 'em." Douglas says, pulling up the tracer on the monitor. "Ah, ha! There's eight of them. They're at an abandoned junkyard, right near Pike's Crest."

"Let's go get 'em!" Adam shouts running towards the tunnel only to come back. "Where's Pike's Crest?"


"All right, I know we haven't been the best of friends lately, but if we're gonna do this, we have to work together," Chase says as he, Adam, and Bree arrive at the junkyard.

"Agreed," Bree says.

"Which means I'm in charge," Chase says.

"Oh, no you're not!" Adam yells. Bree covers his mouth and shushes him.

"Get down!" Chase says as they duck behind a bunch of crates.

"What are they building?" Bree says as they watch the bionic kids work on a huge satellite.

"That must be the communications equipment they stole," Chase says.

"They're probably just trying to get the Sunday football package," Adam says. "Ugh, I bet they're Jets fans!"

"Wait, there were only eight before. Where did they come from?" Chase says as more bionic kids enter the junkyard. Then they see more bionic kids geo-leap into the junkyard including me.

"Look, it's Cassie!" Bree says.

"It's an entire bionic army!" Chase says.

"What do we do?" Bree asks.

"I say we go back to hating each other and take our vacations. Cassie can take care of herself." Adam says.

"No! We have to rescue Cassie and if we're gonna take on that many, we need a better plan. Let's go tell Mr. Davenport and restrategize." Chase says.

"Good idea, let's go," Adam says. He knocks over a box, making a loud noise. "Uh-oh."

"Grab on!" Bree says. She grabs her brothers and super speeds away.

"Get ready, brothers and sisters. The war is coming." A boy says. As I watched those three kids super speed away, I couldn't help but feel like I've seen them somewhere. They looked really familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Stefan walks up to me.

"Those kids. Who are they?" I ask him.

"They're our enemies, Cass. They're the ones who want to stop Krane. We can't let that happen." Stefan says.

"Are you sure? They just look really familiar." I say.

"I'm sure. Forget about them. What's important right now is to finish Krane's satellite." Stefan says.

"Right," I say.

Back at the house, Adam, Bree, and Chase run inside the lab. "Mr. Davenport! It's worse than we thought! Krane isn't just controlling a few random kids! He has an entire bionic army." Chase says.

"Girls, too! Some of 'em were hot." Adam says.

"A whole army? How is that possible?" Mr. Davenport says.

"When Krane bought my technology, he must've started genetically engineering those kids behind my back!" Douglas says. "Although it does explain the hundreds of baby pictures all over his warehouse."

"So what's our next move?" Bree asks.

A video call connects to the lab, showing the President with Krane behind him. "Krane!" Leo shouts, backing away from the screen.

"Aw, nice job, Mr. President, you caught Krane. Our work here is done." Adam says.

"Whatever you do, do not negotiate with this man." The President says.

"I don't negotiate." Krane laughs. The President attempts to get up but Krane uses his Molecularkinesis to stop him. "Sit...down!"

"How did you escape?" Leo asks Krane.

"It's amazing what an army of bionic teenagers can do when they really put their minds together," Krane says.

"We're on to you, Krane. We know that you kidnapped Cassie and you're using your Triton App to control those kids." Chase says.

"Oh, I'm not just controlling them. Now that I've perfected this technology, I can transmit the Triton App to anyone." Krane says. "Allow me to demonstrate." Krane pulls out a device that puts the President under the Triton App. "Well, will you look at that? Now the most powerful man in the under my control."

"Why are you doing this Krane?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"Ordinary humans are inferior. My soldiers have proven that." Krane says. "So together, we're gonna create one nation-state under bionic rule."

"With liberty and justice for all!" Adam says.

"That's your plan? To create a bionic dictatorship?" Chase says.

"No one in their right mind would ever bow down to you," Bree says.

"They won't have a choice. Once my Triton signal connects with the government's satellites, it'll beam an electromagnetic wave over the entire planet. Then...I'll be the most powerful man in the world." Krane says.

"Good luck. You can't access the government's satellites without the classified security code." Mr. Davenport says.

"Oh, right." Krane turns to the President. "And that is?" Krane holds out his tablet to the President and he types in the code.

"Well, he obviously planned this out." Mr. Davenport says.

"There. Now the satellites are orbiting right into the path of my Triton signal." Krane says. "Don't you just love technology?" The video call cuts out.

"Krane's army is constructing a satellite dish. That might be how they're gonna transmit the signal." Chase says.

"Okay, we have to shut it down," Adam says.

"But how? He has too many soldiers." Bree says.

"We don't have a choice. If Krane succeeds, it'll be the end of the world as we know it." Douglas says.

"He's right, but if you're gonna face a whole army, I'm gonna have to max out your bionics. Get in your capsules." Mr. Davenport says. "Douglas, go and find us our most powerful weapons. And Leo..."

"I know, stay here and monitor everything on the com-set," Leo says.

"No, not this time. You're coming with us." Mr. Davenport says.

"What?" Leo says, shocked. "Is this another let's use Leo as bait plan?"

"No, we need all the help we can get and after all the hard training you've put in, you've earned the right to fight alongside this family." Mr. Davenport says.

Leo looks at Adam, Bree, and Chase and they nod their heads. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Whoo! Yes! Yes!" Leo shouts as he runs around the lab and does a cartwheel. "Yes! Yes! Ha, ha! Let's do this!"

"I'm proud of you," Bree says.

"Way to go," Chase says.

"Don't mess it up," Adam says.

A minute later, Leo walks back into the lab wearing his new mission suit. "Well, what do you think?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"I think you should donate the rest of my clothes to charity because I am never taking this thing off," Leo says.

"Wait! One more thing." Douglas says as he presses some buttons on the console. "There. I just unlocked a new ability for you. Energy transference. Now your bionic hand will be able to absorb the energy from any power source. Go ahead. Give it a shot."

Leo uses his new ability to absorb the energy and light from a nearby lamp. "No way! Oh, I could definitely get used to this." Leo says.

"Nice, Leo, now you can suck all the energy outta things. Just like Chase!" Adam says. Chase just gives him a look.

"What about Cassie?" Bree asks. "I mean, how are we gonna stop her? We can't hurt her."

"We'll just have to get her to remember us again. Like what Chase did last time." Mr. Davenport says.

"And if that doesn't work?" Chase asks. "Krane will try everything to keep her under his control."

"Then we'll just have to distract Blake and Stefan and force Blake to release her control on Cassie." Mr. Davenport says.

"All right, guys. Let's do this. Let's bring Cassie back!" Chase says.

"Yeah!" Adam says.

"Whoo!" Bree says as they all leave the lab.


When they arrived at the junkyard, they noticed that it was empty. "And there's nobody here," Chase says.

"Maybe they left," Bree says.

"Where would they go?" Douglas asks.

"Well, Jets are playing Green Bay," Adam says.

"C'mon, let's go make sure they're not hiding over there," Bree says to Adam. They walk away.

"This area's clear," Adam says. As soon as he said that, at least ten bionic soldiers geo-leap around them. "And not anymore."

"Leo, go help Adam and Bree. We'll take care of that satellite dish." Mr. Davenport says.

"Copy that," Leo says, walking away to help Adam and Bree. When Douglas and Mr. Davenport walk to the satellite, Stefan appears behind Chase.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Cassie's big brother coming to the rescue," Stefan says.

"Stefan. You're gonna pay for what you did to Cassie. No one messes with my sister and gets away with it, you freak." Chase says, generating a laser bo.

"Ooh, name calling. I'm scared now." Stefan mocks. "That little staff of yours is cute. But I have something better." He generates a red pitchfork.

"Okay, then," Chase says.

Leo sees Adam and Bree fighting the soldiers. He begins to generate energy from his hand and before he could do anything, he is tapped on the shoulder by S-1. "Ugh. You again!" Leo says.

"Don't worry, this'll be the last time you see me, or anyone, for that matter." S-1 says. She throws an energy sphere at Leo but he ducks.

"We gotta take out that satellite dish!" Douglas shouts as he and Mr. Davenport fight off bionic soldiers.

"Look, we got a clear shot!" Mr. Davenport says. Before they could reach the satellite, Krane, Blake, and I geo-leap in front of them.

"Correction, you had a clear shot," Krane says.

"Okay, I know he's the bad guy, but his timing is impeccable." Mr. Davenport says.

Krane looks at me. "They're all yours." I stepped forward as my hands began to spark with electricity.

"Cassie, you know you don't have to do this. We're your family. You can fight this." Mr. Davenport says as he and Douglas back away.

"That's not gonna work this time, old man. Cassie is ours now." Blake says.

"Old?" Mr. Davenport says, looking offended. I fire a blast of electricity at Douglas and Mr. Davenport but they both duck. I try to punch and kick them but they block all my attacks.

"What are we supposed to do, Donny? I don't want to hurt her." Douglas says.

"We have no choice but to fight back." Mr. Davenport says. I try to snatch his gun away but he walks backward and manages to knock me to the ground. "I'm sorry, Cassie." Krane knocks Douglas to the ground and as Mr. Davenport jumps through the air, he starts shooting at the satellite but he misses and lands hard on the ground. Krane geo-leaps away.

"This is fun. But how about we make things a little more interesting?" Stefan says to Chase as he and Chase continue to fight with their laser bos. Before Chase could swing at Stefan, his laser bo disappears.

"What?" Chase says. Stefan knocks Chase down to the ground and when he tries to hit Chase with his pitchfork, Chase rolls away and gets up. He attempts to use his Molecularkinesis to push Stefan back but nothing happens. "What's going on? My powers aren't working." Chase says.

"It's because I'm blocking you from using them. You see, Chase, I have the ability to stop any bionic human from using their powers. So right now, you're nothing but a weak and nerdy human." Stefan says. "I'd just give up now and call it a day."

"I'm not giving up. Not until I get my sister back." Chase says getting into a fighting stance.

"Not gonna happen," Stefan says. He tries to swing at Chase but Chase ducks and he manages to kick Stefan to the ground. Chase charges at Stefan but Stefan catches him by his feet and knocks him down. "Say goodbye, Chase. You'll never see your sister again." As Stefan raises his pitchfork, Chase looks over at Adam.

"Adam!" Chase shouts.

"Aw, calling your big brother for help. That's cute. But I don't see him around. Looks like you're on your own." Stefan says. Before he could hit Chase with his pitchfork, he feels someone tapping on his shoulder. When he turns around, he sees Adam standing behind him.

Adam gasps. "Oh, look, what's that?" He points to something behind Stefan and when Stefan turns his head, he doesn't see anything.

"I don't see anything," Stefan says.

"I do. I see a big jerk who messed with my sister's feelings." Adam says.

"Huh?" Stefan says, confused. Adam uses his breath ability, sending Stefan flying through the air.

"Stefan!" Adam and Chase hear me shout. I try to run in the direction Stefan went but Adam grabs me. "Let me go!"

"Cassie, it's us!" Adam exclaimed.

"I don't know who you are!" I yelled.

"Yes, you do. We're your brothers, Adam and Chase!" Chase says. I hit Adam in the mouth with my head, making him let go of me. "Listen to me, Cass. Blake is controlling you with her mind. You can fight it like you did last time."

"I don't know what you're talking about. You hurt Stefan, now I'm gonna hurt you." I say, getting into a fighting stance.

"Give it up already! Your dinky arm isn't gonna save you this time!" S-1 says to Leo. She aims an energy sphere at him but Leo uses his energy transference ability to absorb it.

"Actually...I think it is." Leo says.

"Where did that come from?" S-1 says, shocked.

"It came with the threads.'re S-done!" Leo says. He fires the energy sphere and sends S-1 flying through the air. "Yes! Oh, yeah!"

"Cassie, stop! Try and remember us! Adam and I are your brothers and Bree is your sister. We are not your enemy. I don't want to hurt you." Chase says as he and I fight each other.

"But I do!" I say.

"No, you don't. Blake is telling you to fight us but you don't have to listen to her. I know that you are still in there somewhere. Just focus!" Chase says.

"Shut up!" I yelled as I fired a blast of electricity at him.

As Bree was fighting off some of Krane's bionic soldiers, she felt someone tap on her shoulder. When she turns around, she sees Blake. "What's up, girlfriend?"

"Blake!" Bree says. When she tries to punch Blake, Blake geo-leaps away and appears on the other side of her. Bree tries to punch Blake again but Blake grabs her by the arm and flips her to the ground. "It's too bad that you didn't agree to join Krane's army, we could've been best friends," Blake says.

"Like I would want to be friends with you," Bree says. She uses her super speed to get up and the two girls start fighting.

"It was so easy to persuade your sister to join us. It's so much fun controlling her." Blake smirks. Bree yells in anger and uses her super speed to knock her down. Blake tries to get up but Bree presses her foot against her back to keep her down.

"Let go of Cassie! Now!" Bree demands.

"Never," Blake says. "She's with Krane now and there's nothing you can do about it!"

"Oh, really?" Bree says. She grabs Blake, twists her arm behind her back, and leads her over to where Chase and I were fighting.

"Release her!" Bree says.

"No," Blake says.

"I'm not gonna ask again. If you don't let go of Cassie now, I'll have Adam use his heat vision." Bree threatens.

Blake laughs. "Adam, really? Adam is so dumb he won't have the guts to do it."

"When it comes to Cassie, he'll take down anyone that wants to hurt her," Bree says. "Take a look." When Blake turns her head, she sees that Adam's eyes were turning red.

"Do it! Now!" Bree says. "You have three seconds. Three...two..."

"All right, fine! It's done!" Blake says. She turned in my direction and as Chase and I were fighting, I suddenly fell to the ground unconscious.

"Cassie!" Chase says, kneeling next to me. Bree let's go of Blake.

"Now get out of here and never bother us again," Bree says. As she starts to walk away, Blake attempts to fire an energy blast at Bree but Adam steps in front of Bree and uses his heat vision to knock her down.

"Thanks, Adam," Bree says.

"Anytime, sis," Adam says. The two of them walk over to Chase and me.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Bree asks.

"Well, physically, I think she's gonna be okay. But mentally, I don't know what's going to happen to her after what Stefan did." Chase says.

"Do you think she'll remember anything like what happened to Kyle after being under Blake's control?" Bree asks.

"It's hard to tell so I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Chase says.

"Uh, guys, we should probably get back to the mission. Some of Krane's soldiers are still around." Adam says.

"Right. Let's go." Chase says.

"Wait, will Cassie be okay here?" Bree says.

"She'll be fine. Douglas, Mr. Davenport, and Leo are around here somewhere, one of them will probably find her." Chase says.

"Okay," Bree says as the three of them run off to fight more of Krane's soldiers.

Mr. Davenport was standing near the satellite with his guns and was scanning the area for Krane and any of his soldiers. Krane suddenly geo-leaps behind him. "Krane." Mr. Davenport growls. The two men fight until Krane blasts Mr. Davenport with an energy wave.

"Big D!" Leo yells, running over to Mr. Davenport.

"Guys, we only have three minutes!" Chase says as he kicks down a soldier.

"We'll never get past all of them in time!" Bree says. She super-kicks an approaching soldier.

"Every time we take out five, twenty more show up!" Adam says, punching another soldier to the ground.

"Wait...we don't have to take out the army or stop the satellite signal," Chase says.

"Then why are we here?" Adam asks.

"If we take out Krane, the Triton App will be disabled and the soldiers will deactivate," Chase says.

"But how? Krane is a powerhouse, and we're already exhausted. There's no way we're gonna beat him in time." Bree says. Suddenly, Douglas popped out from behind the bushes.

"Yes, there is! Look, when I created your chips, I installed a link that fuses all of your bionics, so you could fight as one." Douglas says.

"Wait, why didn't you tell us this before?" Bree asks.

"Because it's never been tested. The results...could be catastrophic." Douglas says.

"We only have two minutes left. How do we do it?" Chase asks.

"Chase, did you not hear him? If we fuse our abilities, we may not make it." Bree says.

"We have no choice. We're the only chance this world has." Chase says.

"He's right," Adam says.

"Okay. What do we do?" Bree says, turning to Douglas.

"Chase, use your Override App on Adam and Bree. Then stand back to back so that your chips form a perfect triangle. The energy will flow from one person to the next until you've built up one massive force. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my bush." Douglas says.

"All right. C'mon, let's go." Bree says.

"Wait. In case anything happens to us, I want you guys to know that I'm really sorry about the way that I acted." Chase says.

"Me, too," Bree says.

"Apologies accepted," Adam says. Bree and Chase look at him. "Okay, I'm sorry, too."

"All right. Let's do this." Chase says.

"Wait." Adam, Bree, and Chase hear me say as I walk over to them. I had my hand over my abdomen as I was a little sore from all of the fighting and how weak I was from Blake's mind control.

"Cassie! Are you okay?" Chase asks, quickly walking over to me.

"A little worse for wear but that's not what's important. I want to help you guys." I say.

"No. What we're about to do, it's too dangerous for you. You're too weak. You won't make it if you help us. Let us do it. It's gonna be okay." Chase says.

"But I don't want to lose you guys. I've been under Blake's control for so long that I just want to do something right for once." I say.

"Wait, you remember what happened?" Bree asks.

"Only bits and pieces but yeah I know that I was being manipulated by Blake and Stefan," I say.

"I'm sorry, Cass, but you need your rest. We'll be back when Krane and the satellite are stopped. I promise." Chase says.

"But..." I say but before I could say anything else, Adam, Bree, and Chase were already walking away.

The three of them walk through the army of bionic soldiers with Krane by the satellite. "Let them through. You could have ruled right alongside us. But instead, you chose to defy me. And, for what? To sacrifice yourselves for a world of ungrateful humans that won't even accept you!" Krane says.

"They may not accept us, but it's our mission to protect them," Chase says.

Krane laughs. "Then I guess...this is the end of you!" The soldiers begin to charge at Adam, Bree, and Chase but Krane stops them. "Stand back, soldiers! I want this victory all to myself." Chase links Adam and Bree with the Override App. They stand back to back and link arms as a circle of energy forms at their feet.

"Silly're no match for me." Krane laughs. He creates a ball of energy in his hands as the blue ring of energy continues to form underneath Adam, Bree, and Chase. As more energy circled around them, they started to groan in pain.

"The signal transmits in ten seconds!" Chase exclaimed.

"Your day has come!" Krane shouts.

"Five seconds! Four...three..."

"THE WORLD IS MINE!" Krane yells.

"Now!" Chase yells. They lean forward and blast Krane into the sky with their linked ability. Adam, Bree, and Chase fall to the ground as the satellite shuts down.

"It worked! The Triton App is deactivating!" Bree says. The soldiers fall to the ground unconscious. Douglas and I ran over to them and he laughed.

"Yes!" Douglas says.

"You did it!" I say.

"See, I told you everything would be okay." Chase smiles and hugs me.

"Wait, guys. I don't want this to be our final mission." Adam says.

"Then it looks like we're a team again," Bree says.

"No, I mean, I wanna do one more but that's it," Adam says. We all give him a weird look.

"Guys, get over here, quick!" Leo shouts. Adam, Bree, Chase, Douglas, and I run over to Leo and see Mr. Davenport lying on the ground unconscious.

"I don't think he's breathing," Leo says. Chase kneels next to Mr. Davenport and checks for a pulse. He looks at everyone in worry and concern.


In the lab, we were all waiting for news on Mr. Davenport. Tasha took him to the hospital after Krane hit him with his energy blast and was taken in for surgery. Adam, Bree, and Chase were sitting on the couch in the lab while I was sitting on the floor on the other side of the room. I was still distraught over what happened between Stefan and me. Even though he was pretending to be my boyfriend I still liked him. He was everything I could ever want in a boyfriend. I'm just sad now that he's gone and his cousin, Blake. It honestly wasn't their fault that they were forced into this, they didn't know what they were doing. Krane was controlling them and making them do these horrible things.

I felt relieved after Adam, Bree, and Chase finally destroyed Krane once and for all. Now I don't have to worry about him coming back and trying to come after me. I can finally think for myself and do what I want without him watching over me. The only thing I regret now is because of Krane, Mr. Davenport was sent to the hospital. If I wasn't under Blake's control, I would've been there to stop Krane from hurting Mr. Davenport. I could have protected him as he protected us. It's my fault that he's hurt and there's nothing I can do about it. I was holding onto the diamond heart necklace that Stefan gave me. I didn't have the heart to throw it away. I was going back and forth about whether or not I should just toss it or keep it. Adam, Bree, and Chase think I should throw it away but I just can't seem to do it.

I almost flinch a little at the sound of Leo's phone ringing. He quickly answers it. "Mom!" Leo says. "How's Big D?"

"Poor Donny. This is all my fault. I should've protected him." Douglas says.

"It's not your fault, Douglas. It's mine. If I wasn't under Blake's control, I would have been able to stop Krane before he got to Mr. Davenport." I say, walking over to him.

"Don't blame yourselves, guys. Blame Chase." Adam says, making Chase glare at him.

"It's no one's fault," Chase says.

"That's what people say when it is their fault," Adam says.

Adam, Bree, and Chase stood up when Leo walked back over to us. "How is he?" Bree asks.

"Not good. He's out of surgery, but it's still touch and go." Leo says.

"Then I guess all we can do is wait," Chase says. I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes and left the lab.

"Cassie," Chase says. He tries to go after me but Adam stops him.

"Let her go. Just give her some time." He says. After I had left, they got a call from the President and he appeared on the screen.

"Mr. President." Chase greeted.

"I just wanted to thank you on behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for setting aside your personal differences to fight for a greater good." The President says.

"You're welcome, Craig," Adam says, making Bree slap his arm. The President gives him a look. "I'm sorry, Mr. uh, President. Guess we're not there yet, are we?"

"Anyway, I think you'll be happy to know that the team is back, sir, and so is Cassie," Bree says.

"There may be some people who still don't accept us, but...that doesn't matter. We know who we are." Chase says.

"You're heroes. And I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure the world knows that." The President says.

"Better yet, why don't you just cut to the chase and put this on a twenty?" Leo says, pointing to his face.

The President starts laughing. "I like you, kid. You always know how to make me laugh."


Later that evening, I was laying on the couch by myself. The TV was off and I was just in my thoughts. "Hey, Cass, I have some leftover pizza if you want something to eat." I heard Douglas say as he walked into the living room. I didn't say anything. "Okay, I left it on the table in case you get hungry." Douglas leaves the room. Once he left, the doorbell rang. I slowly got up off the couch, walked over to the door, and opened it. My eyes widened when I saw a familiar face. It was Kyle.

"Kyle?" I say.

"Hey, Cassie," Kyle says.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Well, I heard about what happened with you and Adam, Bree, and Chase and I wanted to make sure you guys were okay," Kyle says.

"Yeah, we're all fine it's just that..."

"Just what?" Kyle says.

"Mr. Davenport is in the hospital," I say.

"I'm so sorry. What happened?" Kyle asks.

"Mr. Davenport was fighting Krane and he shot him with an energy blast. He had to have surgery." I say.

"How did it go?" Kyle asks.

"Not good. Leo says he keeps falling in and out of consciousness." I say.

"That's awful. I'm so sorry, Cass." Kyle says, pulling me in for a hug.

"I really missed you, Kyle," I say.

"I missed you too," Kyle says. "Listen, I was kind of hoping you and I could talk about what happened between us."

"I don't know, Kyle. Now's not a good time." I say.

"Please. It won't take long, I promise." Kyle says.

"Okay," I say.

"I know that Blake used her mind control powers on me to break us up," Kyle says.

"You do?" I say.

"Yes. After I broke free from her control, I remembered everything that happened. Well, not all of it, just bits and pieces. I knew what I was doing but I couldn't stop myself." Kyle says.

"You don't have to blame yourself, Kyle. I fell under Blake's control twice. I know how you feel." I say.

"I just felt bad about what happened that I sort of kept my distance from you and that's why I haven't answered any of your calls. I didn't know what to say but I do now and I was hoping things could go back to the way it was. Maybe you and I could get back together." Kyle says. He places his hand on my cheek. Before we could do anything, I put my hand on his arm.

"Before we go any further, I want you to know that I enjoyed our times that we spent together but after everything that happened with me and...Stefan, I just don't think it would be a good idea if we got back together," I say.

"Why not?" Kyle says.

"A lot has happened the last couple of months and since Stefan is no longer here, I just need some time to be alone for a while. We can still be friends, it's just there's a lot I need to wrap my head around." I say.

"O...okay. I...I understand." Kyle says. "Did you ever open my Christmas present?"

"No. But let me go get it." I say. I quickly geo-leap out of the living room and into my art room to get Kyle's present. Kyle steps back a little when I geo-leap back into the living room with the present in my hand. I started to unwrap the present and my eyes widened when I saw that it was a new paint set.

"A new paint set?!" I say.

"Yeah. I remember that you said you were running out of paint supplies so I went to the art store and found that." Kyle says. I looked over at all the different colors in the container. I just couldn't believe it. They were so beautiful.

"This is the best present anyone could have ever gotten me. Thanks, Kyle." I say.

"You're welcome," Kyle says. Suddenly, we heard thunder rumbling in the distance. "Well, I should probably go before it starts raining."

"Yeah," I say.

"Give me an update on Mr. Davenport, okay," Kyle says.

"I will," I say.

"Later, Cass," Kyle says as he walks to his car.

"Bye, Kyle," I say. Once he got inside his car and left, I walked back inside the house and immediately went to my art room. I opened my new paint set and started to paint whatever came to my mind. Even though Kyle and I agreed to remain friends, I have this strong feeling that our story is not over. Not yet.


A/N: Kyle and Cassie finally talked about what happened between them but it looks like they're just going to stay friends for now. I can't believe I have three more episodes left of season three and then after that is season 4 and Lab Rats: Elite Force. I'm so excited for you guys to see what I have in store for Cassie in future chapters!

If you want to stay updated on my Lab Rats stories or any of my other future projects, go give me a follow! It will make my day!

Don't forget to comment/vote! Thanks for reading! 😊

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