Weird U.S.A Laws Book 2 of 4

By 2110311

346 4 7


Weird U.S.A Laws Book 2 of 4

346 4 7
By 2110311

Weird U.S.A Laws 2

In Galesburg, Illinois - it's illegal to maintain an animal that disturbs

others with its odor or noise.

In Galesburg, Illinois - it's illegal for a bicycler to practice any acrobatic

or fancy riding on any street.

In Indiana, it's illegal to inhale glue fumes.

In Indiana - It's illegal for a liquor store to sell candy.

In Iowa- Tanning salons are required to post warnings about sunburns.

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa - fortune telling is illegal.

In Derby, Kansas- there is a law that specifically prohibits damage to

vending machines.

In Overland Park, Kansas - it's illegal to picket funerals.

In Kentucky- Any person who interferes with a public speech can be

fined up to $500.

In Kentucky- It's illegal to sell dyed chicks unless you are selling more

than 6 of them.

In Louisiana- Fake boxing or wrestling matches are against the law.

In Louisiana - it's illegal to make remarks to a contestant at a boxing


In Biddeford, Maine- it's illegal to gamble at an airport.

In Freeport, Maine- It's illegal to sell mercury thermometers.

In Rockville, Maryland- it's illegal to swim in public fountains.

In Cumberland, Maryland- it's illegal to swear on a playground.

In Massachusetts-it's illegal to serve beer to hospital patients.

In Massachusetts- it's against the law for shooting ranges to have target

to have targets that look like humans.

In Michigan - it's illegal to sell cars on Sunday.

In Michigan- it's illegal to be drunk on a train.

In Minnesota- it's illegal to loiter near any structure or vehicle without

the consent of the owner.

In Minnetonka, Minnesota- it's illegal to throw tacks, glass, or nails

onto a street or sidewalk.

In Mississippi - it's illegal to seduce a women by lying and promising to

marry her.

In Mississippi- it's illegal to teach someone what polygamy is.

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