Once Upon A Time In... | Toto...

By formulauno98

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Having just joined the Mercedes AMG Petronas Formula One team your role takes you around the world from Miami... More

Chapter One: Miami
Chapter Two: Barcelona
Chapter Three: Monaco
Chapter Four: Baku
Chapter Five: Montreal
Chapter Six: Silverstone
Chapter Seven: Austria
Chapter Eight: France
Chapter Nine: Mexico
Chapter Eleven: Abu Dhabi

Chapter Ten: Brazil

2.5K 53 31
By formulauno98


In the run-up to the Brazillian Grand Prix, you'd spent a week back in the UK and were now in Miami for a few days, working on a sponsor event whilst Toto was in Los Angeles, meeting with a supplier. As ever, you felt like you were cursed to never be free from drama. Since your relationship had been outed, Lara had been on her best behaviour with you and had stopped with the sassy comments, however, it seemed as if it had all been a front.

Having travelled together on the jet from London, you had been dropped off in Miami on Tuesday afternoon, with Lara accompanying Toto alone on the plane between Miami and Los Angeles. It sounded simple enough but that's when it all started to go pear-shaped.

Getting ready for the event and putting on your make-up in your luxurious hotel bathroom, your phone pinged, it was Toto.

Hi my love, I hope Miami is treating you well. We just got to LA, do you think it's weird if I invite Lara to dinner? X

You'd replied, thinking it was harmless.

Hey, it's gorgeous here, just getting ready for the event so nothing interesting, hope LA is fun.

Glad you got there safe and sound. I don't think it's weird, she's by herself. X

You then didn't hear from him before you left for the event and having been kept busy all evening, putting on your best charm offensive for the sponsor, you hadn't had time to check your phone. By the time you were sliding into the backseat of the car that would take you back to your hotel, it was late and when you checked your phone you started to panic. Five missed calls from Toto, all within a few minutes of one another.

Worried, you'd immediately called him back but it had rang through to voicemail. It wasn't until you'd gotten back to your room that a text pinged through.

Call me when you can, I know you are busy but this is serious.

It wasn't like Toto to panic and it made you feel uneasy. Picking up your phone and dialling his number, he must have been waiting for your call as he picked up on the first ring.

"Y/N." he said, his voice strained, "I'm so sorry."

"Hey Toto, what's wrong?" you asked, trying to hide the worry in your voice.

"I don't know where to start," he said, his voice slightly crackly down the unstable connection, "Lara, she kissed me!"

Floored, you flopped down onto the sofa in your suite, "What?" you exclaimed.

"She kissed me!" he said, clearly freaking out.

"How? What?" you said.

"I invited her out to dinner and she came to meet me, all dressed up in next to nothing, and drank an entire bottle of wine to herself over dinner." Toto said very quickly, "Then after we finished eating, she moved over to me, put her hand on my thigh and kissed me."

Short of words, you managed a weak reply, "And did you let her?"

"Of course not!" said Toto, seemingly offended that you would imply that, "I didn't know what to do. I threw her off, and then she started crying."

"Fuck," you said, rubbing your forehead. "What did you do?"

"Well by then half the restaurant was staring at us, so I put my arm around her and we left."

"Toto!" you groaned, "How do you think that looks?"

"I know, but I didn't know what to do!" he said exasperated. "I dropped her back to her room and she tried to pull me in."

"Fuck, that's wild." you said, "Although I have to say, I'm not surprised. She's always been so weird and protective of you."

"I know," he replied, sounding as if he was at the end of his tether. "I'm worried, there were photographers outside."

"Fuck." you said, "But I'm sure it will be fine, I'll let Rosie know to keep an eye out."

"Thank you. I am so sorry. I never thought she would do something like this. I thought she hated me because of the Ed incident." he said.

"Hmm, I thought so too to be honest." you said, "What are you going to do, report her to HR?"

"Honestly, I want to let her go asap but since we only have two races to go it seems silly." Toto sounded defeated. It was a tricky situation, "I will talk to Pamela and see what she advises."

"How about borrowing Sophie?" you asked, your assistant was well versed in managing your crazy schedule and since it was almost identical to Toto's, it wouldn't be a huge amount of extra work for her for the next three weeks.

"Do you think she would be up to the task?" asked Toto, "I want Lara gone asap, her behaviour was totally unacceptable."

"Talk to Pamela, see what she says, maybe we can bump Sophie's pay up this month for the extra workload?"

"Good idea." he said, "I am so sorry."

"Why are you apologising? It's not like you slept with her." you said, "You didn't right?"

"God no!" said Toto.

"Well that's that." you said, "Where is she now?"

"I think back in her room," said Toto.

"Fuck, I think you should call Pamela, it's early in the UK but she'll be up. You don't want Lara coming on the jet with you to Brazil."

"I don't want her in Brazil at all," said Toto miserably.

"Honestly what she did is sexual harassment, Toto, are you okay?" you asked, concerned.

"I know." he said, "It's so unacceptable."

"When is your supplier meeting?" you asked.

"Tomorrow lunchtime." he replied gloomily, "I will call Pamela now and sort this before."

"Ok, let me know if I can help in any way," you offered, "And I will call Rosie now."

"I love you Y/N," said Toto, still crackly on the dodgy line.

"I love you too," you replied, "I'm so sorry for you, I'll see you soon though."

"See you," he said before ringing off.

You'd never heard Toto sounding so dejected and it worried you massively. Sighing, you double-checked the time difference between Miami and the UK and seeing that it was quarter to eight in the morning, dialled Rosie.

"Morning Y/N, what's up?" she answered almost immediately, sounding a little sleepy.

"Rosie, I am so sorry if I'm waking you up but we might have a PR disaster on our hands."

Rosie groaned, "Good morning to you too. It's okay, I was only snoozing."

As you filled Rosie in on what had happened she was shocked but equally didn't seem all that surprised.

"Right, so I will put out an alert on pap images of Toto, at least they weren't at Craig's or somewhere," she said, now wide awake.

"Thank you, Rosie, that's true," you said sighing, "I'm worried about him though, he's shaken up."

"Oof I would be too, Lara's scary when she's sober, I can't imagine her trying to drunk kiss me." said Rosie, "Don't panic though we can spin it if anything does come out."

Just as you were about to reply, your phone started buzzing, "Thanks Rosie, I've got Toto trying to call me on the other line, I'll let you go and keep me posted."

"No worries will do," she replied, hanging up to allow you to answer Toto's call.

"Hey," you said, trying to sound neutral and not panicked.

"Hi," he said flatly, "I've spoken to Pamela, and she has arranged for Lara to return to the factory today. She'll be flying commercial back to London and HR will let her know her contract is terminated."

"Well that's good news!" you said cheerily, "And what did they say about Sophie?"

"Pamela said we can share her, but you need to speak to her and check if she is comfortable with this." Toto replied, "And as for Lara, the official line is that she is burnt out and needs to take some time off."

"Okay," you said, "That's very generous of you, I'd be telling everybody."

Toto sighed, "Until now she's been an efficient assistant, I don't want to ruin her career."

"You're much nicer than I am," you said.

"I know," he said, sounding slightly less glum.

"Ah there's my cheeky guy," you said.

"I try," he replied, "Right, well I need to get some sleep, and you do too. I didn't even ask you about the event. How was it?"

"All good, same old." you replied, "You do need some sleep for sure, I will call Sophie now and let you know in the morning?"

"Okay, thank you Y/N." he said, sounding down again, "I wish you were here."

"I wish YOU were here!" you said, before adding, "I have a very large marble tub in my room, I think it might fit two."

"Don't tempt me," said Toto, his voice low.

"I might have to, now I know women are throwing themselves at you," you laughed.

"It's not funny," replied Toto, "Now you know how I feel."

"What?" you said, in a more serious tone.

"Men are always checking you out," he said.

"As if," you snorted, surprised that Toto of all people was insecure.

"They do!" said Toto, "In Mexico, at the bar, the barmen were all staring."

"That's because they're barmen," you said bluntly, "Anyway, I'm not looking anywhere else and that's what matters."

"I hope so," said Toto, "Right, now my eyes are heavy, you need to sleep too. I'll call you in the morning."

"Sounds good, love you."

"I love you too, sweet dreams," he replied sleepily.

"Night," you said hanging up.

Getting up from the sofa, you made your way to the bathroom to take your make-up off as you'd rushed in and not moved since Toto had initially called you.

Putting your phone on speaker you called Sophie as you wiped off the evening's grime, Miami was so humid you always felt a mess after a night out.

"Morning Y/N! How are you?" came Sophie's voice.

"Morning Sophie, I'm so sorry to call you early but I have a favour to ask," you said.

"No worries at all, I'm just getting ready for work," she replied, "What can I do to help?"

"Well, unfortunately, Lara has had to take an unexpected leave of absence." you started, choosing your words carefully, "This means Toto has no EA for the last two races. Would you be open to supporting him for the next three weeks? I have spoken to HR and if you are agreeable we can double your salary for the month."

"Oh my goodness," Sophie replied, "I hope Lara is okay, should I message her? But yes I would be more than happy to help."

"It's probably better that you don't," you replied, "She's okay but needs some time away from the business. That's great news that you're up to the challenge, I will have HR draft a temporary contract for you."

"Oh," Sophie replied, "Sounds good, when do I start?"

"From Thursday if possible, Toto is in LA meeting with a supplier but he will be joining us in Brazil on Thursday. Pamela has access to his diary so will share this with you, but honestly, it's almost the same as mine," you explained.

"Great, then I will chat with Pamela today and see you both in Brazil on Thursday," said Sophie cheerily.

"Thank you, Sophie, Toto will be thrilled."

"Thanks, Y/N, have a nice evening."

"Thanks, have a good day!" you said, rubbing your eyes wearily as you hung up. Were you ever going to catch a break?


You were woken up the following morning to yet another phone call. As you sat up in bed and reached for your phone you saw it was Rosie.

"Morning," you said wearily.

"Hey, I am so sorry if I woke you up," Rosie said, "Photos have come out and a few articles, sending them now."

"Fuck," you said, going into the chat to open the links Rosie sent.


The article painted Toto as a womaniser, preying on younger colleagues, there were photos of him with a scantily clad Lara draped around him exiting the restaurant, followed up by the photos of you kissing him on the riverbank.

You felt sick, this was a PR nightmare. The next one wasn't much better.


There were the same pictures, Lara falling over drunk, Toto with his arm around her.

"Fuck Rosie, this is really bad," you said, leaning back onto your headboard.

"I know, I'm so sorry Y/N." she replied, "What do we do?"

You took a deep breath, "I think we make a statement," pausing to think, you added, "Although, is it not suspicious that paparazzi would know exactly where to find Toto on an unpublicised trip to LA?"

"I thought that," said Rosie, "And the photos are super clear, they must have been waiting for him."

"Do we know who took them?" you asked.

"No but I can find out," Rosie said, determinedly.

"Yes, let's find out before we make any statements." you said before groaning, "Fuck Toto is going to be so upset."

"I know." said Rosie, "But honestly I think someone set this up."

"I agree," you said. "Right, I'm going to call Toto. Speak later."

"Bye," said Rosie.

Stealing yourself you hung up and dialled for Toto. It only rang for a short while before he picked up.

"Morning," he said, sounding much more awake than you did, despite the fact he was three hours behind you.

"Morning, I hope you got some sleep in the end. I have some good news and some bad news, good news is Sophie has agreed to cover Lara for the next three weeks, the bad news is very bad."

"Well that's good." said Toto flatly, "And what's the bad news?"

Not sure how to broach the subject, "Now don't go mad, but we have a slight PR disaster on hand."

"Disaster?" Toto said, his voice raising a few octaves.


"Huh?" said Toto. "Fuck, the headline, the photos."

"How would any paparazzi know you were in LA and that you were at that specific restaurant and be able to get photos that are so clear? Someone called them, and I would hazard a guess that it was Lara."

"Fuck," was all Toto seemed able to say.

"Indeed," you replied, "Rosie is on it to find out who took the photos and we'll get to the bottom of it."

"Ok great." said Toto sharply, "Fuck, I have to meet this supplier in an hour. What are they going to think of me? What are my kids going to think of me?"

"I'm sure they won't have seen it." you suggested, not entirely convinced yourself, "And if they have, you tell them the truth."

Toto snorted, "They will never believe me."

"Honestly Toto, your kids know you're not like that and after spending two minutes with you the suppliers will know you're not the type"

"I'm not sure if that is a compliment or not," he replied dryly.

"It is, trust me." you said, "Look, don't panic, we'll smooth things over and get to the bottom of it. I won't allow Lara to ruin your reputation.", there are a few articles about you and Lara and they're not good. Frankly, they're shit," you said matter-of-factly.

"." was all you got from the other end of the phone, "Will you send them to me?"

"Sure," you said, forwarding Rosie's links, "But before you freak out, Rosie and I were discussing this and we think you've been set up. It's all a little too convenient."

"It's not as simple as that." said Toto cryptically, "I need to get ready, I had better go."

"Me too," you replied, "I hope it goes well, text me if you need anything."

"Okay, bye," he said, hanging up without giving you to chance to say goodbye back.

You'd barely managed to start getting dressed for the day when your phone rang once again. Shaking your head, you paused applying your make-up and made your way over to where your phone was on charge.

It was Rosie ringing you back, hoping for good news you picked up.

"Hey Rosie, did you find out?" you asked eagerly.

"Kind of." she said, "I'm sending you another link, there's another article."

"Good or bad?" you asked as you went back into the chat.

"Not the best, but I think it answers who was behind this. It's a smear campaign." Rosie said.


"What the fuck?" you said, scrolling down through the article and accompanying twenty-something images of a tearful-looking Lara exiting Heathrow airport with her suitcase.

"I know." said Rosie, "It has to be Lara, not being funny, no one even knows who she is."

"I am going to kill her," you said, your blood boiling. You disliked her on the best of days but now that she was trying to ruin Toto's reputation you were livid.

"I know." said Rosie, reassuringly, "I want to too."

"What the hell do we do? This looks terrible," you said, musing about what the best course of action was.

"I was hoping you would have some ideas," said Rosie quietly, "In my opinion, we have to release a statement now."

"I agree," you said, "Fuck, Toto is going to be mortified."

"Well the only good thing is, it's Brazil in two days, this will get buried by the press surrounding the race," said Rosie, hopefully.

"That's true," you pondered, "Although he's in the Team Principal press conference on Friday. Christian will almost certainly bring this up. He takes any opportunity to embarrass or belittle Toto."

"Ugh, I hate that man," said Rosie. "Okay, so the Daily Mail are requesting a comment from Toto, should I entertain them."

"I think yes," you said, "Let me talk to Toto first though."


Having known that Toto was at the supplier lunch and you having had a meeting to attend, the wait to chat with him was agonizing. It didn't help that people were texting you sympathetic messages as the story broke, thinking that Toto had cheated on you. You hadn't replied to anyone yet but would do the rounds once you'd spoken to Toto.

When five o'clock came, you dropped him a text.

Hey, can I call you?

Almost instantaneously your phone pinged with a reply.

Yes, I've seen the latest article.

Fuck, you thought. Punching in Toto's contact you waited with bated breath for him to pick up.

"Hello," he said very sharply, not a hint of his usual charm present.

"Hi," you said, "So you've seen it. It has to be Lara behind this, who the fuck even knows she exists outside of the paddock?"

"I know." he said, "I'm angry at myself, why did I invite her to dinner?"

"Because it's a normal thing to do and you're a nice person. It's not your fault she's a psychopath."

Toto was quiet on the other end of the phone, "What do we do?"

"I've spoken to Rosie and we think it is wise to release a statement."

"Ok, saying what?"

"Saying that it was a mutual decision for her to take some time off after yesterday's evening's events as alcohol/drug abuse is strictly against company policy. We can spin it that you were concerned for her mental health and want her to focus on getting better."

"And you think people will buy that?" asked Toto, not convinced.

"I can't think of any other way to phrase it." you said, "Brazil is happening in two days and quite frankly this sweeps it under the rug and shifts focus to the race."

"That's true. I just don't understand why she would do something like this." Toto said, at a loss for words.

"Me neither, I know she harboured a grudge over the Ed situation but this is an extreme way of getting revenge, unless..."

"Unless what?" Toto interjected.

"Unless someone has paid her off. Someone who was threatened by your threat of telling his wife about his mistress."

"No, surely not." said Toto, "He is an idiot but he wouldn't go that far."

"Hmm." you said, "I think he would, I am going to request access to Lara's phone and emails."

"Can we do that?" asked Toto.

"Well how is Sophie supposed to do her job without access?" you said. "I'm going to call Pamela."

"It's worth a try." said Toto sadly, "Look I don't want to stay in LA now, I am going to come to you this evening and then we can fly to Brazil together tomorrow."

"Of course, obviously I would prefer happier circumstances but I've missed you," you said.

"I've missed you too, one day apart and I get myself in this mess."

"It's not your doing and realistically it was only a matter of time."

"I suppose," he said, "Okay, well I am going to pack and I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too, text me when you're on your way," you said, hanging up.

– – –

A few hours later, Toto had safely landed and was en route to your hotel. As dreadful as the circumstances were, you were looking forward to spending the night together as you hadn't had time alone together since Mexico.

You busied yourself tidying your hotel room and had almost finished when there was a soft knock on your door. Toto.

Opening the door, you were shocked at Toto's dishevelled appearance. The normally polished, suave gentleman had rings under his eyes, a crumpled shirt that looked as if an iron had skipped over it briefly and messy hair.

"Hey," he said, stepping over the threshold, closing the door and embracing you warmly. This was a man who needed a hug and you were more than happy to oblige.

"Hey," you replied, nuzzling into his chest, "Everything's going to be okay yeah?"

Stepping back and breaking the hug, Toto shook his head, "I'm not sure, Robert called me and he is furious."

"Toto, I know you think highly of Robert but please remember he is not your boss, at the end of the day, you own more of the team than he does," you said, folding your arms.

"I know," started Toto, "But he is part of the bigger picture. We are fundamentally a marketing tool for him and if we get bad press, it doesn't reflect well."

"We will sort it." you said before gesturing towards the sofa, "Come, sit down, do you want to order room service?"

Plopping down on the sofa, looking exhausted, Toto replied, "Maybe."

"Oh my gosh, you are so not okay." you said, settling down beside him and stroking his shoulder, "Lara is lucky she's not anywhere nearby, if I could get my hands on her..."

"You and your temper," said Toto, raising a small smile, "She's not worth it."

"That's true," you said smirking, pressing a kiss to his temple, "Right let's feed you up, then we're getting in the tub and going to bed."

"Why do I feel like a child?" groaned Toto.

"I've never seen you looking so down," you replied, pulling him closer to you, "I don't like it."

"I have my moments," he said wistfully. "You choose the food, I'm easy."

"If you're sure," you said, raising an eyebrow, normally Toto was picky about almost everything.

"One hundred per cent," he said, laying his head on your shoulder.

As you scrolled through the room service menu, your phone buzzed with a text. It was Rosie.

You were right, the paps were called to the restaurant by an anonymous tip that evening. What time did Toto and Lara arrive?

Pleased that you were getting to the bottom of the situation you broke the comfortable silence that had fallen between you and Toto, "What time did you decide which restaurant you were going to?"

"What?" said Toto, lifting his head from your shoulder, confused.

"Rosie has just said the paps were called by an anonymous tip. When did you decide to go to that specific restaurant?"

Toto's eyes widened, "We didn't, we tried to go to the place next door but couldn't get in without a reservation. But as soon as we got a table Lara went to the bathroom. Do you think she called them?"

"Bingo, one hundred per cent," you said. "Once I get her phone we can prove it once and for all."

Toto smiled for the first time, before kissing you lightly on the side of your jaw, "You are brilliant."

"Nah, this was all Rosie," you said, proud of your colleague slash closest confident. You didn't know what you'd do without her.

"Well she's part of your team," said Toto, "I still can't believe Lara would do such a thing."

"I can," you said.


Waking up in the cushy bed in your Miami hotel room, you were blissfully happy. You'd had a simple room service dinner with Toto, followed by a soak in the large tub before falling into bed together, sleeping contently in each other's arms. It was the first night you'd spent together where you'd not had sex and in a strange way, it had felt more intimate than ever before.

Rolling over, Toto still sound asleep, you took the opportunity to go through your text messages.

There was one from Bella.

Is everything okay? I've seen the news. Xx

You replied.

Yes, thank you for asking, poor Toto is distraught, Lara was drunk out of her mind and he was helping her into their car. Nothing untoward but now he doesn't have an assistant. She's on a leave of absence and Toto is back with me in Miami. Hope all is well at the track, we're coming later today x

Next, there were a few messages from Sophie.

I'm sorry to ask this but the story about Lara and Toto. Is it true?

You carefully typed out a similar response to the one you'd just sent to Bella.

No worries, Lara had drunk too much so he helped her into their car. Nothing untoward happened but we have agreed it is best for her to take a break for now. Unfortunately, the press has spun this very strangely. We'll chat properly later but in the meantime let me know if anything is unclear.

You went through the motions, replying to worried texts, a few more times before you felt the man splayed out beside you starting to stir.

"Morning," he said, his voice gravelly as he woke up.

"Morning," you said, leaning over to kiss his neck before a strong arm reached around your middle and pulled you towards him, flush against his chest.

"What new shit show do we have today?" he asked, gently kissing you behind the ear.

"Nothing," you said, "The good news is, I don't think it can get any worse."

"Don't tempt fate," he replied, "When do you get Lara's phone?"

"Sophie is bringing it to Sao Paolo," you said, "We'll figure it out, hopefully before your press conference tomorrow."

Toto groaned, releasing you and rolling over onto his back, bringing a hand to his temple, "I forgot about that."

"It will be okay, the suppliers were none the wiser, it's a certain type who read the trashy gossip columns." you tried to reassure him, stroking his arm.

"Yes, the certain type is Christian," he said miserably.

"Well if he says anything, you have the ultimate dirt on him," you said, a dark look in your eyes.

"I have no proof though," he said.

"That's true, I'm sure we can figure something out," you said, your mind going into overdrive.


Touching down in Sao Paolo you were apprehensive. News of Toto's alleged antics had spread like wildfire and despite the official line you had put out, you still had to field multiple comment requests. Trying to keep Toto out of the drama and allow him to concentrate solely on the impending race, you and your team were putting out fires everywhere.

The one saving grace was that once you had filled your team in on the truth of the matter (at least the official line), they were understanding and had rallied around Toto, loyal to a tee. He was grateful for the support and by the time you were on the way to your hotel, he seemed much more himself.

Most importantly, as you sped towards your destination, you were finally about to get your hands on Lara's phone.

– – –

Although your assistant Sophie sometimes annoyed you with her boundless pep and enthusiasm, you were over the moon to see her standing in the hotel lobby awaiting your arrival. You had asked for Lara's phone on the pretence that Toto needed to check some emails that he'd been dropped out of the loop on.

"Hey Y/N, hey Toto." she said, greeting you both warmly, "How was the flight?"

"Good thank you, Sophie," said Toto wearily, "How was yours?"

"Good thanks, we arrived earlier this afternoon. The hotel is amazing!" she said, ever-bubbly.

"Ah I'm glad to hear that," you said, "I forgot it's your first time in Brazil, make sure you get to the beach."

"We're hoping to on Saturday." she said, "Oh and before I forget, I have Lara's phone and laptop for you."

As she handed you the Mercedes-branded tote bag, you struggled to contain your excitement, "Oh wow, her laptop too?"

"Yes, Pamela said I should bring both, I hope that's the right thing to do?" she said, looking worried she'd misstepped.

"Absolutely not, this is perfect," Toto said beaming, "Thank you, Sophie, I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Me too," she replied, "I have your schedule for tomorrow printed out and will leave it on your desk first thing in the morning. If anything changes, I will update it and send it straight to you."

"Perfect, thank you, Sophie," said Toto, pleased with her attention to detail.

"I had better let you both get checked in," she said, shuffling to make a move, "I'll see you on track tomorrow."

"See you Sophie, and thank you again!" you said.

"See you," she said, waving goodbye.

– – –

Having checked into your respective rooms, you immediately joined Toto in his suite and settled down on the sofa to go through Lara's emails and phone log.

It didn't take you long to scroll back to the night before last. "Oh my God!" you exclaimed having found what you were looking for almost immediately.

"What?" he said, looking up from where he was perched at the desk, furiously typing on his iPad.

"She called a US number at eight o'clock on Tuesday night."

"The photographer?" Toto asked.

"I assume, wait, hang on, there are multiple calls to and from another UK number in the run-up. She hasn't got it saved as a contact."

"Are there any messages or just calls?" Toto said, putting his iPad down and crossing the room to sit beside you.

"Fuck, yes!" you said, hitting the jackpot. "Oh my God."

"What?" asked Toto, craning his neck to read the phone.

There it was, in blue bubbles, the plot to take down Toto's reputation.

(10:02) I'm just on the plane to Miami, once we get rid of bitchface, it's on.

(10:15) Amazing. And the cameras are set?

(10:21) Yes, the guys put them in my room.

"Fuck, she had cameras in her room?" Toto asked, his eyes widening.

"Sounds like it," you said.

Scrolling through the messages it transpired that whoever was plotting with Lara had been planning for a long time, biding their time until you were out of the way to honeytrap Toto. As well as ensuring the paparazzi were at the restaurant, they'd rigged Lara's room with cameras and the plan was to get him drunk and into her room, seduce him and videotape the whole thing.

Seemingly they hadn't considered that Toto wouldn't want to and the messages after he had rejected her were even more interesting.

(01:34) He wouldn't come in!

(1:41) What the fuck is wrong with that man?

(1:42) I don't know, what do we do?

(1:43) Leave it to me babe.

"Babe?" you said, "They're definitely British."

"How do we find out who it is without them knowing?" asked Toto.

"Hmm," you said, thinking on your feet, "I know! I'll check WhatsApp, they'll have a photo!"

Exiting iMessage and moving to WhatsApp your jaw dropped when you found the contact. It was a photo of the Red Bull car.

"I knew it!" you exclaimed, "Those fuckers!"

Toto looked livid, "Who is it?"

"Look," you said, handing him the phone, "Red Bull. I don't know who but it's someone from their team."

Toto looked thoroughly shaken up, "I'm going to call my lawyer. Keep the phone for now."

"You're going to call your lawyer?" you raised your eyebrows, "That's serious."

"This is serious, this is slander." said Toto bluntly, "Put yourself in my shoes."

"I know, I know." you said, "Fuck, this is insane."


Yesterday had been a whirlwind and as you arrived at the track, you felt off. Emotions were running high and Toto had been preoccupied with legal matters all evening so had barely given you the time of day. You knew this was important but couldn't help but feel slightly hurt by the cold shoulder he'd given you. You'd ended up returning to your room to sleep as he took calls into the early hours and you hadn't slept a wink. It didn't help that you felt nauseous and dizzy, perhaps a result of the fact you'd hardly eaten since landing in Brazil.

Lying awake had allowed you to delve deeper through Lara's phone. Reading the long message exchange, it emerged that she had met this mysterious Red Bull employee at a party last year and had been chatting for some time before the conversation had turned to how much she hated her boss. Together they'd formulated a plan to ruin his reputation and in the process the team. It was incredibly devious and you couldn't quite believe what you were reading.

Making sure to screenshot everything for Toto's legal team, you suddenly felt extra nauseous and had to hotfoot it to the bathroom, only just making it in time. Shaking you shot a text to Sophie.

Good morning Sophie, thank you again for yesterday. I've woken up not feeling very well, could you please check in on Toto when you arrive at the track? I will come along later.

Covering all bases, you sent a few more texts to your team, ensuring they all knew what they needed to do in your absence. Knowing that he was stressed as it was, you refrained from telling Toto, texting him a simple good morning.

– – –

A few hours later, you found yourself lying on the long sofa in the hospitality area, one eye on your emails and one eye on Free Practice. Sophie had been a superstar, rallying around the team and diligently checking up on them on your behalf.

Steeling yourself to get up, you sipped a ginger ale (the only thing that seemed to help) and propped yourself up. Toto's press conference was due to start after Free Practice and it was the one task you had to be present for, sick or not.

Toto's legal team had advised against discussing the press matters within the conference, something which would undoubtedly be difficult with Christian Horner present. He always loved to stir the pot and this scandal was likely the stuff of his dreams.

Making your way down to the garage to collect Toto, you were nervous on his behalf. As smooth as he was with media appointments, this was a tough situation for even the most seasoned professional. He was sat in his usual spot in the garage, flanked by several senior engineers, deep in discussion.

Spotting you approaching he made his excuses, putting his headset down and crossed the garage to greet you.

"Is it already time?" he asked, looking unsure of himself.

"I'm afraid so," you said grimacing, leading the way towards the press area. "I'm hoping we'll be the last ones in, doesn't give them a chance to say anything stupid."

Toto's nervous energy was palpable and as you got nearer you turned to him, "It's going to be fine, like we said, we're not going to mention anything that the legal team are working on. You just focus on the race and ignore anyone who tried to bring anything else up, okay?"

"Easier said than done," he said wistfully.

Luckily you were the last ones to arrive with Toto only receiving some curious looks from his counterparts as the hostess dived straight into the press conference, asking each Team Principal one by one their approach for the weekend. Professional as ever Toto answered flawlessly, expressing his hopes for another strong turnout from the Mercedes team.

Unfortunately, everything began to fall apart as the floor was opened for questions.

"This one's for Christian," called out an English-accented voice from the depths of the crowd.

"Yes," Christian replied, grinning smarmily.

"We all know that your rivalry with Toto is unmatched, do you think his colourful personal life has been his downfall this season?

Toto looked enraged as Christian smirked. "Now, I don't want to speak ill of my counterpart. I think a smart man knows to keep his personal life separate from his professional one. What's the saying, you don't shit where you eat?"

Laughter rumbled through the crowd, Toto looking furious stayed silent.

"Right." said the hostess awkwardly, any other questions?

Another hand shot up, "Yes, for Toto."

Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself for whatever shitshow this would be.

"What difference do you think the upgrade package will make this weekend?"

You sighed with relief as Toto answered with perfect composure. It was only when the crowd shifted slightly that you saw it was Tom, your ever-loyal Partnerships Manager, who had asked the question, wearing a non-branded shirt to blend in with the journalists.

A few more questions went back and forth with the other Team Principals before Toto was once again in the firing line.

"Toto, it seems like you've been having a lot of fun away from the track, will you be hitting the town tonight?"

Toto looked angry once again, replying curtly, "Our focus as a team is on the race ahead."

With Christian still smirking away, he interjected, "C'mon Toto, that's a politician's answer, answer the man!"

Whipping his head around Toto replied, "I don't think it's anyone's business."

"Ooh, I touched a nerve there I think," said Christian, throwing his hands up dramatically. "Watch out ladies of Brazil, Toto's on the prowl."

The hostess looked deeply uncomfortable and tried to diffuse the tension with a flustered, "Well thank you, everyone, that's all we have time for."

Never one to let an opportunity slide, Christian replied smugly, "Such a shame, I was enjoying that."

Toto stared daggers at his Red Bull rival as the hostess signalled the end of the press conference. Rushing across to Toto, your priority was to get him away from Christian before he said anything he might regret.

"Oh, I'm surprised to see you here Y/N." said Christian, "I heard there's trouble in paradise."

"You're a fine one to talk Christian," you said, Toto looking positively enraged beside you but knowing better than to say anything.

Christian chuckled, "Well I'm not stupid enough to get caught."

"Let's go Y/N," said Toto, grabbing the crook of your arm, "Don't engage."

Christian smirked as you made your exit.

"I hate that man," you said as you rushed back through the paddock to the garage.

"You say this far too often," said Toto, smiling for the first time in a while.

"I know, I need to let it go blah blah." you said, squeezing his arm discreetly as you walked alongside him, "To be honest that wasn't so bad."

Toto looked unconvinced, "Maybe for you, I look like a dirty old man."

"But you're my dirty old man." you said with a smirk, earning a withering glance from Toto, "I'm joking, it was fine. It will be old news by tomorrow trust me."

"I hope so." he said, "Can I see you tonight?"

Surprised he was being so formal, you replied, "Yes, you see me pretty much every night."

"I didn't last night and the night before was different."

"The last few days have been weird." you said, "I'll make up for it tonight."

Toto's eyes flashed, understanding what you were letting on, "Is that a promise?"

"If you're nice to me," you said teasingly.

"I'm always nice!" he said, coming to a stop as you reached the garage entrance.

"Keep telling yourself that, dirty old man. I'm going to head to my office so I'll see you later," you said with a wink.

"You're terrible." said Toto, shaking his head, "I'll see you later."


The last few days' pent-up frustrations had indeed made for an exciting night with Toto. Gone was the dejected shell of a man who had turned up at your door in Miami. Perhaps his discussions with the legal team had bolstered his confidence, or it was the fact that the upgrade packages seemed to have worked wonders, but whatever the reason, Toto was more confident than ever.

You'd barely gotten through his hotel room door when he'd pinned you up against the wall, bringing your arms up above your head and holding them there as he kissed you more passionately than ever before. Pressing his body up against yours he ground his increasing hardness into you, bumping rhythmically as his hands explored your stomach and breasts. It wasn't long before he scooped you up in his arms, one leg either side of his thick torso, effortlessly carrying you over to the bed.

Throwing you down onto the mattress forcefully, you would have bounced back up if he hasn't dived straight on top, making quick work of slipping off the floaty sundress you'd put on for the evening, revealing your new lingerie set. It wasn't dissimilar to the one you'd been wearing on the day he'd walked in on you changing, equally transparent and delicate, except that it was yellow.

"I haven't seen this before," he said, his voice low with lust. "I like it, maybe we leave it on?"

You smirked, knowing he'd like the racy set, "Tonight we do whatever you want, you've had a rough couple of days."

"I'm a lucky guy," he said, diving down to plant kisses along your jawline and neck, working his way up to behind your ear.

"I'm a lucky girl," you said, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his muscular torso. "But this has to go."

"Sorry," he said blushing, leaning up on his arms as he divested his shirt and shorts, leaving only his boxers.

"And the boxers too," you smirked, pulling at the waistband. "I want all of you."

Your words sparked some kind of frenzy as Toto tore them off, leaning down to kiss you deeper than ever before, his hands making their way lower to discover you were already turned on and ready to go. Once again coming back up to rest on his forearms, glancing down at you with his chocolate brown eyes, he pulled your underwear to one side and thrust in with no warning.

"Fuck!" you exclaimed, not quite expecting that, taking a moment to adjust to the full feeling.

Suddenly his lust had turned to concern, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Smiling, you caressed his face, "It's okay, it feels good. Just took me by surprise." you adjusted yourself before leaning up to kiss him once more, melting into his embrace as he started pushing in and out gently.

He grinned, picking up the pace, reaching down in between you to play with your clit, knowing it would drive you wild.

"Fuck, yes Toto," you said as he continued plunging into you.

Withdrawing wordlessly, he picked up your hips and flipped you over onto your hands and knees, removing your underwear before standing behind you as he thrust back in ruthlessly. Hitting you from this angle you could feel your orgasm quickly building and it wasn't long before you were on the brink of falling apart.

Continuing to push in and out, he pushed you down further onto the bed, collapsing your arms, removing your bra and deftly cupping your breast with one hand whilst the other grabbed one of your hands in his. He slowly guided your hand down to your lower stomach, covering your hand with his and pushing down just enough for you to feel him as he moved in and out of you.

"Do you feel?" he asked breathily.

You could barely get words out as you were getting closer and closer to completion but managed to utter, "Yes, I love it when you're inside me."

Your words seemed to affect Toto on a visceral level as he growled, speeding up as he lost himself in the moment. It wasn't long before you felt yourself fall off the edge, clenching down on Toto as he continued to work you through your orgasm.

"Fuck, Toto," you said, as he grabbed your hips tightly, driving into you deeply a few more times before expertly pulling out, moaning as he came on your lower back.

– – –

It had been a frenzied exchange and as you woke up next to a peaceful-looking Toto, you made a mental note to let him fuck out his frustrations more often. He'd been through the wringer this last week and he'd let it show.

Letting Toto snooze a little longer, you crept out of bed to make yourself a ginger tea, hoping to once again quell the nausea that just wouldn't shake. Trying to be as quiet as possible, standing up hadn't helped the situation and once again you had to dash to the bathroom, only just making it in time.

Unfortunately, your wretching had woken up Toto who had knocked gently on the door, "Are you okay?"

Easing up you managed to reply, "Yes, just not feeling so great."

"Can I come in?" he asked.

Quickly flushing the toilet, you replied, "Sure," Still feeling ill, you continued to kneel in front of the toilet.

Rushing in, Toto bent down to your side, putting an arm around you in concern. "Oh, you poor girl. Do you think it was the food from last night?"

You managed a weak reply, "Maybe, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay for now," he replied as you wretched once again. Ever the gentleman, he held your hair out of harm's way and rubbed your back. "It's okay, just let it out."

The nausea finally dissipating, you flushed the toilet once again as Toto handed you a tissue.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," you said, hoping he wasn't completely disgusted by the morning's turn of events.

"Don't be silly, it happens to us all," he said, squeezing your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your forehead, "I don't think you should come to quali like this."

You frowned, "It's fine, I feel better, like you said, it's better out than in."

Toto's brow furrowed in concern, "But I will worry about you."

"If I feel sick again, I'll come back to the hotel, but the team needs me there," you said bluntly, thinking back to yesterday's sofa set-up.

"If you're sure," he said, not convinced. Grabbing your hand and getting you back on your feet he pulled you towards the bedroom area, "Come on, I'll make you a tea."

"Thank you," you said, surprised by how unphased he was. "Sorry again."

"Stop apologising!" he said as he busied himself re-boiling the kettle.


Post-qualifying the garage was once again in a celebratory mood, Lewis having qualified P1 and George P2. As happy as you were for the team, you were also secretly pleased that as Rosie had predicted, the good results would bury the Toto and Lara stories in the press.

As the team milled around you, you suddenly felt another wave of nausea and bolted for the fresh air of the paddock. Knowing you were not going to make it back to the hospitality area in time, you ducked into a bathroom next to one of the bars where once again you found yourself hunched over a toilet bowl. To make matters worse you felt dizzy, and as you stood up you felt your vision blurring.

You must not have been out for more than a few seconds when you woke up on the toilet cubicle floor, someone knocking on the door.

"Y/N?" called out a familiar voice. It was Rosie.

Carefully getting up, you replied, "Hey," opening the door to reveal a worried-looking Rosie outside.

"Are you okay? You didn't look very well again and you've been in there a while."

You groaned, "I passed out."

Rosie's eyebrows shot up, "Fuck, we should take you to the medical building!"

"I'm fine Rosie, honestly, I think I just ate something bad," you said, trying your best to composite yourself in the mirror. You looked rough, a sheen forming across your face.

"I think you should go anyway," Rosie said folding her arms.

Knowing she wouldn't give in you sighed, "Sure, I guess it doesn't hurt."

"I'm walking you there though, just in case. I don't want you passing out in the paddock," said Rosie firmly, making you roll your eyes.

– – –

Sitting nervously in the medical examination room you waited for the nurse to come and check you over. After much protest, Rosie had left you alone, on the condition that you would call her to come and collect you.

"Good afternoon Y/N, how are you?" said the nurse as she entered the room.

"Hi, I've been better not going to lie," you said.

"Indeed, your colleague told me that you passed out? Have you experienced any other symptoms?" the nurse asked, sitting in the chair opposite you.

"I've been feeling dizzy for a while now and have been throwing up quite often," you admitted.

"Is there a chance you could be pregnant? When was your last menstruation?" said the nurse, raising her eyebrow.

You went white. Of course, like every woman the possibility had been at the back of your mind, but you and Toto had been careful since your slip-up in France, and besides, you'd had a period recently.

"A small chance but probably not." you said, "I had my last period three weeks ago, it was a little lighter than normal but otherwise all good."

"Hmm." said the nurse, "I think we should get you a test anyway, just for peace of mind."

As she busied herself rummaging through the drawers at the back of the room, you reflected on the possibility. You wanted children at some point but you'd never discussed this with Toto and since he already had two you weren't even sure if he'd want more.

"Here you go, if you take this cup to the bathroom and fill with urine to this line, we can get a definitive answer." the nurse said kindly, handing you a small plastic cup.

"Thanks," you said bluntly.

– – –

Having done what the nurse you'd made your way back, cup full and were now waiting for a small strip of paper to determine your fate.

"Well, we have our answer," said the nurse, "Y/N, you're pregnant."

Fuck. What on earth were you going to do?

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