The Road To Love [DISCONTINUE...

נכתב על ידי Footballstories_

764 17 0

Jules is considered as "the bad boy" type. He races and isn't someone who everyone's looks for but you can't... עוד



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נכתב על ידי Footballstories_

"Thanks for the ride." Jules says getting out the car.

"Thanks for the car." I smile.

"See you soon."

"Wait! What happened to your car?" I ask.

"I gave it to Hugo."

"But that means you don't have a car."

"I have a bike, it's fine."


"Good night, y/n."


Babi 😜

Can u take me to school?

Can Nick not take u?

He's busy

He's got a doctor's appointment


I'm on my way


I get into the car and start driving to Babi's. I put my playlist on full blast through the Bluetooth and all the windows are down.

Incoming call from Unknown

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hugo gave me your number."

"Who's this?"


"Heyy, how are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Good, on my way to school."

"Are you doing anything after?"

"Probably not, why?"

"Come to the lake with me."

"But I don't want to go back home and get changed."

"Then don't, I'll bring a jacket with me and you can wear it after."

"Bring a hoodie aswell incase I get cold. Make sure it's really big!"

"I will, so do you want to meet at the lake?"

"I'll just leave my car in the school car park, pick me up after school."

"I'll see you after school, I'll park right by the entrance."

"Bye, Alejandro."

"Bye, y/n."

"I'm so hungry, do you have any food?" Babi asks getting into the car.

"I only got the car last night!"

"Is there anything in your bag?"

"There's a cereal bar in there, you can have it."

"I'm so hungry!"

"Alejandro called. He's taking me to the lake after school." I say changing the subject.

"What about the car?"

"Leaving it in the car park. Mum's gonna be out with Hugo's dad all week so at least I won't be told off for coming home late if I do."

"Alejandro's so cute, he's literally the nicest guy on the planet."

"I know, he's so nice."

"What about Jules?"

"What about him?"

"Did you talk to him?"

"He got in my car last night and walked home from mine." I tell her.

"He did!?"

"Yeah, is that a bad thing?"

"Did he ever tell you how long it would take for him to get home?"

"He said 10 minutes, is something wrong?"

"He doesn't live 10 minutes away, y/n. It's over an hour to walk from your house to his."

"I don't get your point." I say trying to concentrate on the roads.

"I think he likes you."

"Now you're lying."

"Think about it! He gave you a car, got in your car to spend time with you and he literally always wants to be in your company."

"He doesn't, Babi."

"Rate him out of 10."




"So you do like him!"

"Just because he's a 9, doesn't mean I like him, Babi!"

"Sure, sure."


"Have fun on your date! Don't forget to use protection, y/n!" Babi shouts as we go out separate ways out of school.

I walk towards the end of the entrance and I see Jules, what's he doing here? I kept looking at him and he did the same, he drove off before I could get any closer to him. His face looked angry, betrayed, what did I do?

I finally find Alejandro's car and sit in the passenger seat. "Hey." I smile getting into the car.

"Hey, how was school?"

"I literally can't wait till I finish school, I have three more days then I'm done with school for the rest of my life."

"You don't want to go to college?"

"I've thought about it and I'm not sure yet."

"Fair enough, I brought my hoodie with me aswell."

"Good and you may or may not get it back."

"Fine by me." He smiles.

"You set up candles?" I smile walking down the dock.

"I wanted it to be romantic."

"Awww, you're so cute Alejandro."

"You are, I've bought some snacks aswell." He said bringing a bag and putting it next to us as we dip our feet into the lake.

"How come everyone calls you the nicest guy on the planet? Nicer than Ngolo Kanté?" I ask with a laugh.

"I would say Kanté is kinder but I like to be kind to others, everyone deserves happiness. You never know what's going on with people at home so you always need someone that's going to cheer you up."

"You're thoughtful, I like that."

"And I admire you a lot."

"How are we going to get into the lake when I don't have a bikini with me?"

"You can always jump in like that or naked." He shrugs.

"That's just an excuse to see me." I laugh.

"Worth a shot." He shrugs laughing.

"Come on!" I shout jumping into the lake.

We swam around for hours until it was midnight, we had been here for over 5 hours. "I should probably go back home." I say getting out of the lake.

"You can change into my hoodie in the car, I'll get changed out here." He says getting his clothes from the car.


I open the front door and drop my keys in the 'key bowl' by the door. I then open my bedroom door and turn my dressing table lights on, I take off Alejandro's hoodie leaving me in my underwear and take any excess make up off. "You really shouldn't be undressing when the windows are visible to everyone outside." I turn my head around quickly and see Jules sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Is the hoodie Alejandro's?" Why is he changing the subject?

"Yeah, why?"

"Just a question." He shrugs.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat.

"I just wanted to see how the date went?"

"Shouldn't you be with Hugo right now?"

"He's in the shower and we all know he takes over 30 minutes to shower."

"For your information, the date went well. It was good." I say ignoring what he said about Hugo.


"Well it's not like we fucked in the lake."

"You're really full of surprises."

"Can you get out of my room now? You've asked about how it went with Alejandro and now you know so you can go now." I tell him as I walk over to the door to open it.

"Can we talk?" He asks grabbing onto my wrist gently.

"What is there to talk about?"

"This is going to sound crazy but I can't stop thinking about you. Every time I go to bed all I can think about is you, when I saw you go over to Alejandro's car I felt jealous. I don't know what's going on with me, I've never felt this way for anyone before."

"Jules, I don't get what you're trying to say."

"I haven't even known you a week and I think I like you. Alejandro's a good person but he's not the one you want." He says holding my hands in his.

"I don't know what to say, I can't just leave Alejandro."

"You're not leaving him, just tell him you only see him as a friend."

"Jules, I hardly know you. I'm not going to stop going out with Alejandro just because you have a crush on me!"

"I know bu- "

"No, Jules. We don't know eachother so I'm not going to stop what I'm doing just for you."

"What about friends with benefits? We can date who we want and whenever we need eachother we just text eachother."

"I don't know."

"I can give you way better sex than Alejandro can ever give you, y/n."

"But it stays between us, okay?"

"Fine by me." He smiles unclipping my bra immediately and kissing me.

"I can't believe you had a sex dream about Jules!" Babi laughs as we walk into the school.

"I can't believe it either." I say in disbelief.

"I forgot to tell you but there's a party tonight, you should come. Everyone from the races will be there and so will Jules."

"I think I might just stay in tonight." I tell her.

"Ugh you're so boring. Text me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will but we both know it will be very unlikely."

"Very, very unlikely." She laughs.


It was now 8:30pm and I was in the living room wrapped up in a blanket laying down on the sofa scrolling through my Instagram feed. I hear the door bell ring and ignore it at first since I'm comfortable right now, I don't want to answer the door when I'm comfortable. Why is the doorbell ringing continuously?


"Hey." He says with a warm smile holding something behind his back.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the party?" I ask.

"Yes but you weren't there."

"You can come into the house." I say opening the door wider for him to enter.

"I umm got you these," he says handing me flowers from behind his back.

"Thank you, Jules!" I smile putting them in a vase. "Why did you get me flowers?"

"I thought you needed cheering up." He smiles.

"Very thoughtful."

"Babi told me about that dream you had," he smirks. "I was told it was apparently the best sex dream you've ever had."

"She told you!? I'm so embarrassed!" I say screaming hiding my face in my blanket.

"No need to hide from me princess," he smiles cupping my cheeks. "Funnily enough, I actually had a sex dream about you."

"You did?"

"I dreamt of us together in a pool, just us and no one else. We kissed and one thing led to another, I remember you screaming my name into my ear." He smiles.

"Jules, this can't happen. Ever."


"You're not my type, you're too confident, we don't have anything in common and you're Hugo's best mate."

"Who said about anything about Hugo knowing? We hardly know eachother, we could have loads in common that you might not even know."

"I can't, what about Alejandro?"

"Do you see something with him?"

"I don't know."

"I think we have our answer."

"And what exactly would happen with us?" I ask.

"Just a bit of sneaking around, no one will know and it'll be our little secret."

"Let me talk to Alejandro before we do."

"Didn't take you long to get with me." He smiles.

"Technically, we're not together."

"But we will be."

"Shut up." I laugh pushing his shoulders, he didn't move an inch which I probably knew would happen.

"What are you watching?" Jules asks as he gets underneath the blanket with me.

"I Want You." I answer.

"It's a shame Babi and Hugo didn't get back together." He says talking about the movie.

"They didn't? You just spoiled it for me, Jules!"

"I thought you've already watched it!"

"Well I haven't, I can't believe they don't get back together." I cry.

"Why do girls always cry watching movies?"

"Well they're not getting back together, they were meant to be." I say wiping my tears.

"God you're so weird, you better not ruin my top with all your tears."

"I'll cry on your top if I want to."

"Do whatever you please." I could tell when he said that he rolled his eyes, it's something he does around me.

Hugo's POV

It was now 1:28am and I had just got back home from the party. I go into the living room as I notice the light is on and see y/n laying on Jules shoulder and Jules is on his phone.

"Did she force you to stay with her?" I laugh.

"We were watching a movie." He answers.

"Can you bring her to her room? It's upstairs, first door to the right."

"Sure." He picks her up and carries her upstairs.

Jules 🏍️

She's asking if I can stay with her

Pls do

She always needs something to sleep with it's weird

I can tell by all the teddies on
the bed 🤣

Night bro

Night broski

A/N- TikTok: fantasisinglifex

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