Zephyr's Tale (5wirl X Reader)

By KeysKay

12.4K 620 371

⟡ Idol AU ⟡ Whilst navigating twists, turns, questionable life decisions, breakdowns, mysteries, and more, yo... More

⋆˚☆˖° Introduction ⋆˚☆˖°
•·.·' Prolouge '·.·•
Ch. 1: News Chaos
Ch. 2: Unbroken Bond
Ch. 4: A Sudden Intuition
Ch. 5: Charity Concert
Ch. 6: Greatest Wish
Ch. 7: Supplant
Ch. 8: A Cunning Scheme
Ch. 9: Together Once More
Ch. 10: Idol Rivalry
Ch. 11: Favonius Music Awards
Ch. 12: Well, shit
Ch. 13: Walks And Worries
Ch. 14: Meet The Parents
Ch. 16: Summer Festival Pt. 2
Ch. 17: Realizations
Ch. 18: Belleau Ball
Ch. 19: Yet To Be Solved

Ch. 15: Summer Festival Pt. 1

390 23 9
By KeysKay

The long-awaited annual summer festival has arrived at last. Every year, as summer draws to a close, the city comes alive with a magnificent festival, welcoming the forthcoming fall season and paying tribute to cherished historical traditions.

In an effort to infuse the atmosphere with relaxation and joy leading up to an upcoming concert, you took the initiative to secure permission from the company and invited the band to partake in the festivities and join in the revelry.

Now, gathered at the festival's entrance, adorned in traditional attire, complete with the customary hats, and masks to ensure anonymity from fans, you and your companions are poised to explore the lively venue and indulge in the festive spirit.

As you step through the entrance, a spectacle of vibrant sights unfolds before your eyes. Lush greenery and blossoming flowers create a picturesque backdrop, adding a touch of natural beauty to the festivities.

Decorative banners flutter gently in the breeze, displaying intricate patterns and symbolic motifs that pay homage to the city's rich cultural heritage. Lanterns gracefully illuminate the sky, casting a gentle glow upon the scene. 

Food vendors diligently prepare an assortment of delectable delicacies, while stall keepers diligently arrange their wares, offering an enticing selection of festive merchandise for avid shoppers to peruse.

The venue is nothing short of stunning.

"Mmmm! What is that smell?" Venti's eyes sparkle with delight as he is greeted by the irresistible aroma emanating from one of the vendors upon his arrival. Unable to resist its allure, he swiftly makes a beeline towards the food stalls, venturing away from the rest of the group.

Following suit, the others start to separate as well, each embarking on their own personal endeavors, leaving you ultimately to your own devices. 

As you wander the festival grounds in search of amusement, your attention is drawn to a guy donning sunglasses, a hat, and a mask. However, unlike the traditional attire commonly seen, this person is sporting a worn-out hoodie.

Curiosity ensues -- could he also be an idol in disguise? Who the shit wears an old hoodie to such a vibrant festival? An idol who doesn't care about historical traditions by the looks of it.

The individual in question also carries a substantial backpack, at this point it looks more like the dude's going a drug deal rather than a festival. 

As you steal a few more glances, you suddenly hear rapid footsteps approaching from behind. The cadence of the footsteps almost sounds like a lion eagerly closing in on its prey.

Swiftly pivoting, you come face-to-face with the approaching person, who abruptly halts before seizing both your hands, exuberantly jumping up and down. "Oh, my, god! Omgomgomg!" they squeal with unbridled excitement.

Your face immediately lights up with joy as you recognize the familiar presence. "Yoi! You're here too?"

"You bet! What's a summer festival without the queen of summer herself?" she proudly assert.

"Soooo, how's everything been after the whole... well... you know. I've missed you so much!" She pause their energetic jumping and inquire.

"Aw, I've missed you too. Everything's been going great, actually."

"That's so great to hear! I heard 5wirl won the annual Favonius Music Awards. Congrats! That must've been super stressful for you to plan. Are you doing okay? Oh, I also heard that you've been officially announced to the world now. How are you handling it? Are you fine? Is everything alright? If you're feeling anxious we can totally have a bestie night out tomorrow," she says, the whole thing being a rollercoaster of emotions for her.

Your heart melts at how much she worries for you. "Don't worry, I'm handling it very well," you reply, a gentle smile gracing your lips.

"Really? I'm soo proud of you!" she exclaims, her words brimming with admiration and genuine affection.

"Now, c'mon! Let's check out the festival together. I can totally give you a tour of the venue. I've been here so many times; it's practically a yearly tradition for me," Yoimiya enthusiastically proposes, entwining her hands with yours before whisking you away deeper into the festival grounds.

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

"There sure is a lot of people, huh?" you remark while strolling alongside Yoimiya, casting your gaze upon the bustling crowds.

"Mhm, but this is nothing. Normally, there's wayy more people. But, I guess most of them prefer to be at home given the recent surge in crimes," Yoimiya explains.

Ever since your little cat café date, a series of crimes -- or rather, 'fake' crimes like the one you encountered with Kazuha -- have been on the rise, causing a sense of panic throughout the city and prompting more individuals to retreat to the safety of their homes instead of venturing outside.

You acknowledge her explanation with a nod before resuming your leisurely stroll. Eventually, you both find yourselves at a game stall within the venue. The challenge is simple: knock down a bottle with a ball to claim a prize. Sounds easy enough, right?

"Ohh! Let's give this a try!" Yoimiya points excitedly towards the stall, her eyes brimming with anticipation as she looks at you.

As much as you're fully aware that such games are often a scam, you also know all too well that it's difficult to refuse her infectious enthusiasm. With a smile and a hint of playfulness, you decide to indulge her and give it a shot.

"Alright, let's give it a go," you agree, giving her a smile.

Eager to partake in the game, Yoi decides to go first. Focusing intently on the precise arrangement of the bottles, she releases the ball with a flick of her wrist, sending it hurtling towards its target.

The anticipation builds as the ball connects with the bottles, causing them to wobble precariously. But alas, they manage to withstand the impact and remain upright.

"Close, but not quite," the attendant remarks with a smirk, seemingly unsurprised by the outcome.

"Aww darn it," Yoi laments, scratching the back of her neck with a wry smile. You offer a supportive pat on her back, encouraging her with a silent gesture.

Now, comes your turn. Approaching the stand with a composed demeanor, you accept the ball handed to you by the attendant.

You take a moment to steady your aim, carefully surveying the arrangement of the bottles before you. Just as you're about to take your shot, a gentle tap on your shoulder startles you, causing you to freeze in mid-action.

Yoimiya's face lights up with even more excitement as she embraces the individual behind you -- or should one say, individuals.

"Hey, you two!" Yoimiya exclaims joyfully.

Finally turning around, you find Lumine and Aether both on the receiving end of Yoi's affectionate embrace, though their expressions hint at a slight struggle for air.

"Lumine, you're here too?" you ask, a delighted smile spreading across your face.

Yoimiya releases them from her embrace, allowing them a moment to catch their breath. "Yup," Lumine replies, her voice slightly breathless. "Thanks for making it possible for Aether to go here. Usually, he's too busy to attend, so I end up coming alone." Her words are accompanied by a warm smile.

Your expression displays a tinge of surprise. "Oh, really? Well, I'm glad I could make you two attend together this year."

In that moment, Yoimiya's face illuminates as if struck by a brilliant idea. "Heyyy, you guys should give the game a try!" she exclaims with contagious enthusiasm.

"Huh? What game?" Aether raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

"We're playing a bottle game. Wanna give it a shot?" you extend an invitation, offering him your ball.

"Ah- uhm, are you sure?" Aether asks, to which you nod affirmatively in response. A subtle brush of hands accompanies the exchange of the ball.

Aether takes a deep breath, his focus fixated on the arrangement of the bottles. He takes his time, adjusting his stance with care. With a swift and precise throw, he sends the ball flying. It strikes the bottles with a satisfying thud, causing them to cascade down in a triumphant clatter.

An expression of surprise overtakes the attendant's face as Yoimiya bursts into cheering and excitement. "Woah! Nice shot!" she compliments with genuine enthusiasm.

Caught off guard by Aether's unexpected triumph, the stall attendant reluctantly acknowledges the undeniable victory. With a hint of hesitation, they hand Aether the prize he rightfully earned -- a delightful assortment of adorable stuffed animals, each one vying for his attention.

After a brief moment of contemplation, a mischievous smile graces his face as he sets his sights on a Shiba Inu plush toy. Succumbing to the allure of its captivating charm, he is rewarded with the coveted stuffed animal by the attendant, who concedes with a slight nod of resignation.

As Aether holds the plush in his grasp, a devilish grin begins to form on Lumine's face. Slowly approaching him, she leans in and whispers something into his ear, piquing your curiosity and causing your brow to arch in intrigue.

In an instant, Aether's countenance undergoes a noticeable transformation, his cheeks flushing with an evident blush.

"Anywayss, let's move on to other games," Lumine announces, stepping away from Aether and making her way towards Yoimiya, the mischievous smile still playing upon her lips.

"I spotted a ring toss game a few stalls back. Want to try it?" Lumine asks, directing her question to Yoimiya.

"Oh? Sure!" Yoimiya responds, her eyes brimming with enthusiasm.

"Great! Let's go," Lumine declares as she pulls Yoimiya along, their figures moving further into the festival bustle. "Wait, what about Y/N and-"

"They'll be just fine. Come on!" Lumine swiftly asserts, cutting off Yoimiya's inquiry with an air of mischief.

Yoimiya and Lumine gradually fade from view, leaving you with a perplexed expression. Aether finds himself rubbing his temples in exasperation, emitting a groan of frustration. He knows exactly what Lumine is trying to do and is definitely going to get back at her for this.

With a slight clearing of his throat, Aether shifts his focus to you, his eyes betraying a hint of uncertainty. "Um, anyways... is this your first time coming here?"

"Yup, I've always wanted to experience this festival, but it's pretty far from where I used to live. Plus, my, uhm, mother would have never allowed it," you respond, a touch of wistfulness in your voice.

"Oh, I see. Venti told me what happened. I can't believe you had to go through all that," Aether remarks sympathetically.

You offer a warm smile. "It's alright, we all have our trials to go through. Honestly, I can't believe that you've never attended the festival, even though you live in the city."

"Oh, well it's not just me; everyone in the band hasn't had the chance to attend here for years because of our busy schedules." Aether shrugs.

"Woah, really?" you inquire, your curiosity piqued by his revelation.

Aether nods. "Uhm, so..." he begins, his voice trailing off as he looks down hesitantly at the plush toy in his hands. Recalling the whispered words of his twin sister, he straightens himself and extends the plush towards you with one hand, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

"Huh?" You're taken aback by his unexpected gesture, your head tilting slightly in confusion. "You're giving me your plush?" you ask, a mixture of surprise and puzzlement in your voice.

With a small, sincere smile, Aether affirms his decision. "Yes, I'd like you to have it," he states, his voice filled with warmth.

"W-what? I can't accept this. You're the one who won it in the first place," you respond, your hands waving in a gesture of refusal.

"Really, think of this as a thank you gift for being our manager." Aether insists. He pauses, before softly grasping your hand, gently caressing it. "And..." he hesitates once more, his voice becoming quieter than before, "I'd like you to have something to remember me by."

Aether's heartfelt gesture elicits a subtle blush on your cheeks, and a warm smile instinctively adorns your lips. "Thank you," you say, accepting the plush from him with genuine appreciation.

The smile on your face... Aether's heart flutters at the sight. He would gladly shower you with a million plushies just to see that radiant smile light up your face every single time.

Aether's countenance undergoes a sudden shift, transforming from casual ease to a state of sudden realization. He straightens up promptly, as if a switch had been flipped. "Oh! Ah, I'm sorry. I just remembered that Lumine has something of mine. I need to go find her and get it," he explains with an apologetic tone.

"Oh, alright. Take your time; I'll wait here," you respond, offering a reassuring smile.

His expression brightens with gratitude. "Thanks, I won't be long, promise," he assures you, waving goodbye before darting off in search of Lumine.

As you await Aether's return, you leisurely pass the time by scrolling through your phone, enjoying the pleasant ambiance of the festival around you. 

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

"Manager Y/N."

A familiar voice calls out after what feels like an eternity of you looking like a lost child. You raise your head, greeted by the sight of the person approaching with a tender  gaze.

"How has your festival experience been so far?" they inquire with genuine interest.

Setting aside your phone, you meet their gaze with familiar eyes. "Kazuha, it's been absolutely wonderful," you reply, your voice exuding contentment.

"I'm delighted to hear that," he responds with a warm smile.

"What about you? What have you been up to?"

"Ah, just basking in the beauty of the budding spring leaves," Kazuha shares, his admiration evident.

"Not surprised," you quip playfully.

His gaze gradually descends, drawn toward the stuffed plush Aether had bestowed upon you. "Oh, did you win a prize from one of the stalls?" Kazuha inquires, his eyes still fixated on the plush.

"Hm?" Following Kazuha's line of sight, you realize what he's referring to. "Ohh, no. Aether actually won the prize and gave it to me. He said it's so I'll always have something to remember him by," you respond with a gentle smile.

Kazuha's smile falters slightly upon hearing your explanation. "Aether... gifted it to you as a reminder of him?" he murmurs to himself, a hint of sadness clouding his expression.

Why does this make him feel this way? After all, you're free to accept gifts from whomever you wish, or so he tells himself. But somehow, the thought tugs at his heart, leaving behind a faint ache he can't quite comprehend.

Just what is this feeling?

"Ahem, excuse me." Clearing his throat, he regains his composure with a cough and offers you a smile once more. "It is indeed a lovely gift," he compliments genuinely.

"Mhm, I'm actually waiting for Aether to return. He mentioned needing to get something," you explain.

"Ah, I see," Kazuha pauses, thoughtfully resting his fingers on his chin.

"Well then, let us wait for him together. My observations of the spring leaves have already left me satisfied," he suggests, hoping to push aside the inexplicable twinge in his heart and simply enjoy the serene moment with you.

Agreeing with Kazuha's proposal, you find yourselves engrossed in each other's company, chatting happily without the slightest inkling that the very person you were waiting for had already arrived, and is now leaving you two alone with a piece of his heart shattered.


Unbeknownst to you, Aether had already returned a few minutes prior. Upon spotting Kazuha with you, he initially felt a tinge of confusion but was still happy at the thought of joining the conversation and spending time with his fellow bandmate.

Yet, before making his approach, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes returning to the two of you.

Kazuha's eyes, they gazed at you with such adornment and fondness that a possibility crossed Aether's mind -- could it be that Kazuha...? He sighed at the thought, choosing to ignore his heart and step back for the sake of his close friend.

If Aether's suspicions about Kazuha's feelings for you is true, then providing you both with an opportunity to spend some alone time was undoubtedly what Kazuha would desire. For in Aether's head...

No one in their right mind wouldn't want to spend time with an angle such as you.


You let out a sigh of concern. "Where in the world is Aether? Did he get isekai'd to a fantasy version of this world or what???"

Kazuha can't help but let out a small chuckle. "If you're worried, we can go look for him together."

Nodding in agreement, you say, "Yes, I think we should. It's been way too long."

"Very well," Kazuha responds, gracefully bowing slightly before extending his hand towards you. Though taken aback for a moment, you accept his hand, and he gently entwines his fingers with yours. "Lead the way," he says with a serene smile.

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

You and Kazuha spend several minutes tirelessly searching for Aether. Despite your worry, Kazuha's comforting reassurance offers solace along the way.

After what feels like an eternity of non-stop walking, you both find respite near a seating area filled with people.

Collapsing onto a vacant chair, you let out a tired groan, your legs weary from the relentless walking. "God, this is what I get for being a gremlin," you lament, melting into the chair's comfort.

Kazuha smiles at your deflated and fatigued state. "Please, stay here and relax. I will get you a drink before we continue our search," he kindly offers.

Dehydrated and too weary to protest, you simply give him a thumbs-up with a contented smile.

As Kazuha heads toward the drink vendors, he contemplates what would be the perfect beverage to quench your thirst. He wants nothing less than the best for you. Taking a moment to observe the different options, he makes his choice and places the order.

"Two, please," he requests, holding up his index and middle fingers to the vendor.

"Right on it." The vendor sets out to prepare the drinks. With a teasing grin, he playfully comments, "For a fine guy like yourself, you're either really dehydrated or this other drink is for your lover, eh?"

Kazuha blushes at the remark. "Ah, no. Or... at least, not yet," he stammers, taken aback by the suggestion.

"Haha! Not yet, huh? I say shoot your shot," the vendor encourages with a friendly grin, to which Kazuha can only chuckle awkwardly.

"Anyways, here you go," the vendor says, handing the drinks to Kazuha.

"Thank you, sir. Have a nice day," Kazuha replies with gratitude.

Returning to the chair where you were resting, Kazuha eagerly anticipates your reaction to the drink he selected. However, as he arrives, a sense of shock washes over him when he realizes:

You are nowhere to be found.

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