How to Stay Afloat

By Reeyu97

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Fallon's sole ambition in life is to escape her miserable hometown once and for all. She dreams of driving aw... More

~D E S C R I P T I O N~
~P r o l o g u e~
~1: Where She Tries to Bribe a Man with a Cupcake~
~2: Where She's Definitely NOT Being a Stalker~
~3: Where He is Definitely Being Stalked~
~4: Where She Lets Him in on a Secret~
~5: Where He Decides to Fix Her Car~
~6: Where She Sees His Abs~
~7: Where She Introduces Him to Spartacus~
~8: Where He has Company for Lunch~
~9: Where She's Invited to a Party~
~10: Where She Tries to Hide in the Bathroom~
~11: Where She Tells Him About Her Past~
~12: Where She Tells Everyone Her Brilliant Idea~
~13: Where She Takes Part in an Auction~
~14: Where She Lives a Little With Him~
~15: Where She Ends Up on the Beach~
~16: Where He Asks a 'Friend' For a Favor~
~17: Where She Gets a Reality Check~
~18: Where He Goes on a Date~
~19: Where She Goes for a Drive~
~20: Where She's Not His 'Friend'~
~21: Where She Defends Him~
~22: Archer's Story~
~23: Where She Learns About His Past~
~25: Where He Finds a Place to Stay~
~26: Where She Gets a Roommate~
~27: Where He's Jealous~
~28: Where She Finally Gets Closure~
~29: Where She Cheers for Him~
~30: Where She Confesses~
~31: Where She Asks Him About the Future~
~32: Where She Has Her First Fight With Him~
~33: Where She Has an Unexpected Visitor~
~34: Where He Decides to Ask Her to Prom~
~35: Where She Decides to Ask Him to Prom~
~36: Where She Gets Him a Cookie~
~37: Where She Visits the Place She Came From~
~38: Where She Goes to Prom~
~39: Where She Confronts Her Past~
~40: Where She Gets an Offer~
~41: Where She Realizes That Some People Never Change~
~42: Where She Gets Caught in the Middle~
~43: Where He Can't Find Her~
~44: Where all He Feels is Hollowness~
~45: Where He Meets Her Brother~
~46: Where He Goes to See His Father~
~47: Where He Finally Accepts~
~48: Bittersweet Endings and Hopeful Beginnings~

~24: Where She Gets Him a Little Wet~

897 55 9
By Reeyu97


Where She Gets Him a Little Wet



I was seated on a small corner table in the Hasting's spacious garage.

I watched as Archer slid out from under my Convertible. He wiped his hands on his tank top as he stood up.

"Okay, let's do this." He murmured with a determined nod as he got into the driver's seat. I held my breath as I watched him insert the key and turn the ignition. Nothing happened after his first two attempts but after the third the engine finally sputtered to life.

I squealed in excitement and Archer rested his forearm against the steering wheel and chuckled.

He let it run for a couple of minutes before turning it off.

He got out of the car. "We can take her for a test drive but we'll have to clean her up first." He instructed. "There's a hose in the cupboard on your left. You can attach it to the tap in the corner and just press the lever near the nozzle to let the water out. The garage has a functioning drainage system." He explained.

I nodded and proceeded to follow his instructions. After attaching the hose I picked it up and aimed it towards the car. I pressed the lever like Archer had told me, but I misjudged the pressure at which the water would be coming out of its nozzle. I lost my grip and fumbled with the hose and when I finally managed to grab it I wasn't holding it in the direction of the car anymore.

Instead, the hose that was jetting out the water was aimed directly at Archer.

I quickly pulled the lever to turn it off but it was too late.

I took in Archer's drenched form.

His hair was dripping and his clothes were a sopping mess.

His mouth was drawn into a frown and he looked so distraught that I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. I slapped my hand over my mouth but not before he heard me. He gave me a scowl which only made me laugh harder.

"You find this amusing?" His voice was low.

"I'm s-sorry it was an accident." I wheezed.

His scowl suddenly disappeared. His lips twisted into a lazy smirk that made my stomach dip.

"Come here." He crooked a finger towards me.

Oh no.

I swallowed. "I'm pretty comfortable over here. Thanks."

His eyes grew dark as he took a step towards me. "Come here, Fallon." He took another step in my direction and I took an involuntary step back.

He came towards me but I quickly dodged and darted to the other side of the car. His eyes darkened and for a while, we just circled each other, the car acting as a barrier between us.

"You know." He said, his voice husky. "I think you did it on purpose. I think you just wanted to see me without a shirt." His smirk widened.

"What are you-" I started but the words seemed to die in my throat because, in one swift move, Archer had taken off his tank top and thrown it to the floor.

My mouth went completely dry.

Before I had time to react, he lunged.

"Got you." He murmured as his arms closed around my waist, making me gasp.

Suddenly I was being lifted off the ground and my back was pressed against the hood of my car. I was flat on my back and I stared up at Archer who was hovering over me, his face inches from mine. His hand clasped both of mine and he held them above my head against the windscreen.

My breath hitched when my eyes met his.

He shook his head slightly so droplets of water escaped his wet hair and rained over my face and neck. "There, now we're even." He crooned, leaning closer till his nose was almost brushing mine.

Warmth suddenly blossomed in my core and my toes curled.

"Want to know a secret?" Archer asked quietly, his gaze turbulent.

I could only swallow and nod.

"The parts to your car were shipped ages ago." His jaw worked. "I could have finished fixing your car last month. I was just putting it off because I was afraid once your car was fixed I wouldn't have an excuse to see you anymore." He said quietly.

A thousand different emotions churned inside me, longing to be the most prominent one.

"Archer," I whispered. "You don't need an excuse to see me."

I found my head tilting up on its own accord. Archer's eyes grew hooded as his gaze fixated on my mouth. 

"I want you so badly. " He breathed just as our lips brushed. . .

"What on earth!" A masculine voice shouted making us both jolt away from each other.

"Archer!" The voice bellowed angrily.

"Dad." Archer's shoulders heaved as he disentangled himself from me.

Archer had been leaning over me, shirtless.

I knew it looked bad.

I meekly stepped out from behind Archer's large frame. "Mr. Hasting's, this isn't what it looks like. I was cleaning the car and accidentally got Archer wet that's why . . ."

I was mentally cringing at how bad my explanation sounded. Even to my own ears, it sounded like the beginning of a badly scripted adult film.

Mr. Hasting's livid gaze was now fixated on me. His entire face had turned red at this point, I could see a vein in his forehead bulging. "What is she doing here?" He demanded, his accusing eyes finding his son's.

Archer's shoulders stiffened. "Her name is Fallon. I've told you this before"

"Why is she here?" Mr. Hastings repeated coldly, completely ignoring me.

"Because I want her here." Archer gritted out.

"He's fixing my car for me," I added softly, hoping it would clear things up a little.

For the first time, Mr. Hastings seemed to take notice of the red convertible parked in the middle of his garage. His lips curled in distaste, "What is this piece of garbage doing here in my garage?" He hissed.

A stab of hurt went through my chest at his words. This car had belonged to my parents. It was the only thing I had left that connected me to them.

Before I could say anything Archer intervened. "The only garbage here are the words coming out of your mouth." His voice was low.

I could see Mr. Hasting's eyes widen in shock before they narrowed into angry slits. "Who do you think you're talking to right now, boy? I am your father and you will respect me."

"You can't respect people who do dishonorable things" Archer let out a humorless chuckle. "Jordan was the one who taught me that. He made the mistake of leaving Shanaya because of you, even if if that made him miserable, but I'm not going to repeat history Dad. I'm not going to be miserable in order to satisfy your ego."

If Mr. Hastings was angry before, he was absolutely livid now.

"I told you before that you are not to be seen with this girl. But looking at how much she's led you astray, has made me realize that I've been too mild with my warning." His eyes flashed with barely contained rage. "You are to completely disassociate yourself from this girl and apologize for the disrespect you've shown me. Right now!" He ordered. "You can either do what I've told you or you can leave. This is my house, my word is the law. If you want to live here you respect me and you obey."

For a moment time seemed to stand still.

Archer just stood there facing his father, his hands clenching and unclenching, shoulder's heaving.

Then suddenly I felt his hand curl against mine.

He led me towards the car, helping me into the passenger seat before getting into the driver's seat himself.

"Archer, what are you doing?" I  breathed as soon as the shock had worn off.

"I'm doing what he told me." His turbulent eyes met mine.

"I'm leaving."

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