Jin's Poke'Adventure(My Versi...

By Qguyton078

229 15 3

This is my version of Quan'DarriusGuyton3 since I asked him if I can rewrite his story and he said yes I may... More

The World of Pokémon
Adjusting to The New Life
The New Pokémon and New Assistant
Jin's First Task Pt.1
Jin's First Task Pt.2
The Battle in The Volcano
Back at Kanto
Onto The Unova Region
New Captures and Aura User
The New Pokémon Dome

Entering The World of Pokémon Every Child's Dream

24 2 0
By Qguyton078

Chapter 1

No One POV

The regular world of planet earth is boring and plain as there really isn't anything exciting at all and this is what Jin thinks about the world that he's in right now, as he's currently a sophomore in Highschool as he's pretty tall for his age as he stands at the height of 5'11 and he's 16 years old. The doctors had predicted that he'd be at least 6'5-6'8 when he gets older which he's happy about, another thing about Jin is that he's just an ordinary human being that likes the most simplest things such as anime, girls, and games.

Jin also really likes to sing and play with his instruments at home which he's quite good at and another thing is that he absolutely loves Pokémon since he grew up watching Pokémon and still watches it till this day, well for the most part.

Jin:*yawns*man I could for something to eat right now but I'm too lazy to get out of my bed. he said to himself as he's staring at the ceiling

Jin: hmm I wonder what we're doing for school tomorrow I hope we aren't doing anything boring tomorrow I hate it when the dam teacher talks for 40 minutes non-stop it just makes all of us bored out of our minds and fall asleep, like bitch it's not my fault that your class is boring as fuck. he said to himself

He then turned his head towards the side as he seen his Pokémon collection as he has a lot of plushies but the ones he has the most is the Rayquaza, Suicune, Rowlet, Mew and he also has his figures such as Serena, Dawn, May, Ash and Pikachu figures as well. But the things that he's proud of is his Pokémon card collection as he has over 4 dozen booster boxes from pretty much most of the generations of Pokémon cards, from base set all the way to the current and newer sets.

Jin:*sighs*man the kids and teens in the Pokémon world sure are lucky to be able to go out on their own journey and not spend their time in this unnecessary bullshit called school, I wish I was in the Pokémon world for I can have my own adventure. he said to himself as he closed his eyes falling asleep since it's pretty late into the night

-Timeskip brought to you by Jin playing with his newly acquired Rowlet.-

Still No One POV

Darkness that's all Jin could see as he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night as he tried looking around but all he saw was darkness no sign of light anywhere as he started to panic a bit.

Jin:*looking around*geez it really is dark in here if I were a cop I'd be shooting all over the place. he said as he's looking around

Jin: but just where the hell am I this sure is one weird ass dream that's if I'm still asleep that is. he said to himself as he punched himself in the face as he wasn't asleep

Jin: ok ow why did I even do that so I'm not dreaming just where am I. he wondered out loud until he heard a voice

???: do not fret young one you've been brought here by me. the mysterious voice said out loud

Jin:*looking around*oh really you saying "do not fret" while I can't see you just who or what are you anyways. he said back to the voice said out loud

Just then a really a bright light had illuminated the dark dimension of some sort that he's in as Jin was forced to cover his face from the harsh light as the light had died down as he finally regained his vision as he looked ahead of him as his eyes had widened in absolute shock to see what he's looking at right now. Because right in front of him is the God of all Pokémon itself Arceus the Pokémon said to have created all reality in the Pokémon world and even created Pokémon themselves even the incarnation of Space, Time and Anti Matter.

Jin:*wide eyed*holy shit your Arceus the God of Pokémon and dam your a lot larger in person that's for sure. he said in surprise as he's gazing at the divine Pokémon

Arceus: indeed I am young one I am Arceus the creator of the world of Pokémon. he reintroduced himself dramatically

Jin: what is it do you want with me Supreme Deity of Pokémon. he asked the powerful Legendary

Arceus: there's no need to formalities just call me Arceus but as for what I want from you is talk about what you said earlier about being in the Pokémon world. he said back to him

Jin:*blinks in surprise*wait so you heard what I said. he asked him

Arceus:*nods*I sure did and I'll just get right to the point, how would you like to be transported to the world of Pokémon. he asked him

When he said Jin's eyes had totally widened in shock as he wasn't expecting Arceus the God of all Pokémon to be asking him of all people to go into the world of Pokémon where his childhood and like of anime world as long as there's action and a place that isn't boring. Hell he's watched a lot of anime's as he sometimes wished that he was in Dragon Ball Z but the worlds he'd wish he was in were Pokémon and Naruto universe, but here he is right now being offered to go into the Pokémon world as he's Turku speechless but he sure as hell won't let this opportunity slide.

Jin:*grins excitedly*hell yeah I'd go to the world of Pokémon it's been my childhood dream to go into the world of Pokémon and even currently as a teen. he said excitedly to the Pokémon

Arceus: I had a feeling you'd say that but if your wondering about your parents well I will have no choice but to erase their memories. he said back to him

Jin: well as much as I will miss my old world and my friends I'm still going to the world of Pokémon so I don't really care if you erase their memory. he replied to him

Arceus: I see but before I do send you over to the Pokémon world I will grant you any sort of Pokémon that you do so desire that also includes Legendaries and Mythicals as well. he said back to him as his jaws dropped

Jin:*jaw dropped*whoa really no shit you'd do that for me any Pokémon like ANY Pokémon. he asked him in surprise

Arceus:*nods*yes although with the exception of Dialga, Giratina and Palkia of course but other then that yes I will grant you any Pokémon you do so desire. he said back to him

Jin:*thinking to himself*ok holy shit what do I do in this situation Arceus is going to give me a Pokémon and I can choose any Pokémon I want aside from the Creation trio of course but still this is so big, I can literally ask him for an entire team of Legendaries but what's the fun in that. And besides the Pokémon I want is already really powerful on its own as it can take down entire armies, I'm going to go with one of my favorite Pokémon. he thought to himself

Jin:*looks at him*I have made my decision I want to have Rayquaza but a Chinese Rayquaza if that's possible. he told Arceus

Arceus: hmm that is possible and I'm guessing you'd also want the ability to Mega Evolve him. he replied to him

Jin:*smiles*hell yeah I'd love that shit Rayquaza's Mega Form is so badass looking especially when it's a shiny. he said back to him

Arceus: it shall be done. he simply said

Just then Arceus once again started to glow brightly as it covered the entire side of the dimension that their in as Jin was once again forced to cover his eyes from the harsh light as the bright light had stayed illuminated a bit more until it started to die down as the light had gotten dimmer and dimmer, as it was revealed that there's a large red dragon like Pokémon as it has yellow rings all over its body.

The Pokémon had opened its eyes revealing a bright and piercing yellow color as it unfurled itself from being curled up as it unleashed a loud roar that made shockwaves in all directions as Jin is wide eyed at what he's looking at, as he still can't believe that there's an actual Chinese Rayquaza in front of him.

(This picture is not mine. Also I changed its height from 23'00 to 24'00 instead)

Rayquaza:*looks at Jin*hmm so your my new trainer I hope we can get along well with one another and have some decent battles I look forward to traveling with you. she said as she's looking at Jin

Jin:*wide eyed*no way there's an actual Chinese Rayquaza this is literally the best day of my life. he said in shock as he's starting to get all giddy inside

Arceus: now that you have your Pokémon do you want any other Pokémon besides Rayquaza here. he asked as Jin was surprised

Jin:*wide eyed*ugh no to be honest although I do want one more but when I go into the Pokémon world I'll catch it myself. he responded to him

Arceus: hmm I can understand that but just what Pokémon are you talking about. he asked him

Jin: oh the Pokémon I'm talking about is a Suicune it's always been one of my favorite Pokémon and although I can easily get one right now I'll go through the trouble of catching one. he said back to him

Arceus: I see but there is one thing I need to do for you, since your going into the Pokémon world I'm gonna be adding you into a family is there anyone you have in mind that you want to be related to. he asked him

Once again Jin was left speechless for who knows how many times as he started to think of who he should be related to as there's a lot of people that he finds interesting in the world of Pokémon as he thought that being Ash's cousin or whatever sounds interesting but he kicked that thought out of his head. And he certainly won't be related to that waste of space Goh but then someone else popped up into his mind as it's a certain someone that entered the Sinnoh league and completely wrecked everyone in it.

Jin: yeah is it possible that I could be related to Tobias you know the person with the Darkrai. he asked him as he was honestly a bit surprised

Arceus: hmm I see so you want to be related to Tobias another of the Chosen Ones. he asked him as he rose an eyebrow

Jin:*raises an eyebrow*huh really he's one of the Chosen One's although I sorta had a feeling he'd be one of them, but you saying it makes it all the more surprising and interesting. But yeah I'd like to be related to him if it's possible. he said back to him convinced about his decision

Arceus: well it can be done but a little warning you won't have that many family members since Tobias didn't really had the best of life until he came across the Pokémon he has now, are you really sure about this. he asked once more wanting to make sure

Jin:*nods*yes I'm sure about this Arceus. he finally said to him

Arceus: alright then it'll be done and also before you go here's Rayquaza's ball. he said to him

The ball that appeared in front of him is red and black as his eyes had slightly widened as he recognized the look of the ball that's in front of him as the ball that contains is Rayquaza is a Cherish Ball which is honestly quite hard to find as it only given out in special occasions as right now he thinks that it is a special occasion.

Jin:*looking at the ball*whoa a cherish ball these are pretty rare now aren't they. he said as Rayquaza is now behind him

Arceus: indeed they are but it seems that you are ready to head out but before I send you to the world of my kind I must tell you something. he said to him

Jin: ok well what is it. he asked back ready for whatever Arceus wants him to do

Arceus: since that ball you have is created by me it'll have my aura as many Pokémon will be attracted to it most notably Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, and also as for your phone it'll be converted into a Rotom Phone and you'll have $70,000 in your account for food and what not so use it wisely. he said to him as Jin had bowed

Jin:*bows*thank you for this opportunity Arceus. he thanked the God of all Pokémon

Arceus:*chuckles*there is no need to thank me young one but I'll see you in the future Jin. he said as the area once again started to glow.

A/N: This is it for the 1st chapter as Jin will now start his new life and adventure in the world of Pokémon as let's see what will happen when he's in the new place and new environment, and of course just what kind of Pokémon will he catch.

Next chapter is gonna be "The World of Pokémon"

Stay tuned everybody!

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