Transformers Bayverse Story

By Amethysts_Child

7.6K 329 28

Elizabeth Witwicky, the niece of Ron and Judy Witwicky and the cousin of Sam, finds herself rescuing an Autob... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

580 28 1
By Amethysts_Child

The next morning, Elizabeth got up and prepared herself for the day like she did every morning. Taking a shower, getting dressed, and then making her way down to the detached garage to pick which tow-truck she would take to work. Upon entering the detached garage, she nearly shrieked when she saw Jazz sprawled out on the back of the flatbed tow-truck that they had stolen the day before.

"I honestly thought that whole thing was a dream." She mumbled as she grabbed the keys to her flatbed and started the engine.

As she pulled out of the garage, she glanced at Jazz and noticed that he hadn't moved or registered that she pulled out of the garage. Frowning slightly, she slid out of the taller vehicle and wrote a small note before sticking it to his visor and pulling the garage door closed. The drive to Ben's Mechanics was slow and uneventful, as really no one drove on the dirt roads between her home and the shop. Although, when she arrived at the lone building, she noticed a black SUV parked outside. Pulling her truck around the back, she took notice of the scratches and holes that littered the SUV before it disappeared around the building. A small sigh escaped her lips, but she hurriedly turned off her vehicle and entered the building through the back door before bee-lining it to the front. Unlocking the front door, she noticed a man wearing a torn suit leaning against the SUV and she waved him inside.

"Good morning, Sir! How can I help you today?" She smiled as she lead the man inside.

"Hello, I was just wondering if you could repair my vehicle without having to replace everything." He nervously chuckled as he glanced back to car.

"I can definitely take a look to see what options we have. Sometimes scratches can be buffed out, but the holes in the vehicle I'll have to see. May I ask what you were doing?" Elizabeth tilted her head as she followed his gaze.

"Unfortunately not. I work for the government, so it's classified." He grunted.

"I see. No problem, Sir, just give me about ten minutes to look your vehicle over and I'll give you an estimate." She nodded as she made her way outside.

The man remained silent as he made his way to the chairs and watched the girl as she poked at the bullet holes in the SUV. Since the man had stayed inside, Elizabeth took her time and crouched down next to the driver's side door placing her finger into the hole. A frown plastered itself onto her face as she stared at the massive hole that rested in the center of the door. The smaller scratches and holes would be no problem, but this large one would surely cause issues. Standing back up, she ventured back into the shop and stepped before the waiting male.

"So, looking at your vehicle, your driver door will need to be replaced. I can't just cover that up, because it would decrease the integrity of that side. As for the rest of the vehicle, we can buff out the scratches and weld the smaller holes shut. I don't have a lot of spare windows though, so we would need to order a few that would fit your model." She paused for a moment to allow the information to sink in.

"Seems like a lot of work for a lone lady. How much do you think it will be?" He mumbled before looking up at her.

"Because we have to purchase at least the windshield and the rear window, as well as replace the driver door. On top of replacing any broken parts, I'd say we are looking at three thousand." She shrugged as she glanced back to the SUV outside.

"That's a bit steep, don't you think?" The man glared as he stood up from his seat.

"I don't think so. Besides, I'm pretty sure the government would have totaled this car." She raised a brow while crossing her arms.

"I have a lot of memories in this car. Fine, three thousand, but if you find anything else wrong let me know before tacking that onto the bill." He grunted.

"Of course! I just need you sign a document and give me a good number to contact you." She smiled as she lead him towards the counter.

The displeased grunt did not go unnoticed by the younger female, but she printed the documents and handed him a notepad to write his contact information. After he signed the paper, he stepped outside and another black SUV pulled into the lot to pick him up. Stepping outside shortly after, she took the keys he left her and moved the SUV into the workshop attached to the side of the building. Figuring that it was now 10:00, she would at least get started on welding the small bullet holes shut before moving on to anything else. Several hours had gone by, and she had just finished going over all of the little holes that littered the vehicle. Hearing the phone ring, she placed her equipment down and walked over to the wall phone before picking up.

"Hello, Ben's Mechanics?" She answered as she leaned back against the wall.

"Liza! Thank god you're okay!" Judy's voice echoed through the phone.

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" Elizabeth chuckled as she rested the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"I heard about the terrorist attack in Mission City, and I know that you live near there! Please tell me you weren't there!" She nearly shrieked.

"I wasn't there, Aunt Judy." Elizabeth lied as she shifted onto her left leg.

"Judy! You're not supposed to be calling people!" Ron's voice muffled in the background.

"But Ron! Liza could've been hurt!" Judy shouted as the sound of the phone coming in contact with the ground was heard.

"Then you should have asked for permission to make a call, god Judy." The man mumbled before the line disconnected.

Blinking owlishly, Elizabeth listened to the disconnect tone before setting the phone back in its place on the wall. Glancing at her watch, she read the time as 13:27 and decided that now would be a good time to take a lunch break. Writing a note to any passing customers, she left that taped to the front door. Shutting and locking the workshop door, she made her way back to the tow-truck and began her short drive back to her home. Pulling into her dirt driveway, she parked the truck outside before venturing in to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Once satisfied with the amount of peanut butter, she made her way outside and into the detached garage to check on her new friend.

"Jazz?" She called as she slid through the sliding door.

A frown spread itself across her face as she noticed the sticky note still adhered to his visor. The thought that he must be sleeping entered her mind as she finished eating her food. Wiping her hands on a nearby rag, she approached the sleeping Jazz and ran her fingers along the wires and tubes that she had soldered the day before. Seeing that they were all still intact, and there had been no leaking she deemed that it was safe to go back to work for the time being. Leaving the detached garage, she started her truck and left her property and made her way back to the shop. Getting back to Ben's Mechanics, she immediately got to work putting in an order for a new driver's side door, windshield and rear window for the SUV. Going back to work on said SUV, she noticed that another vehicle had pulled into the lot. It looked to be newer model of the Ford Mustang, but the poor thing was littered in dents and scratches. A young man, probably in his late teens or early twenties stepped out and briskly walked up to her.

"Excuse me, Miss. I'm in need of desperate help." He stammered as he pulled her towards his car.

"What can I help you with?" Elizabeth questioned as she winced at the grip that he had on her wrist.

"I have a car show coming up, and the whole fiasco in Mission City has completely messed up my plans. I'm lucky that the engine and everything is still intact, but the cosmetics! I don't know what to do!" He practically shouted as slammed his fist against the hood of the car.

"Well, I can definitely work at pulling out the dents and buffing the scratches out. I do have some paint left over from a detailing job I took a few months back too. Why don't you go inside and pick out the color, and I'll get started with the car?" She smiled while resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you." He said before walking into the workshop.

A deep sigh escaped her lips as she got behind the wheel of the Mustang and pulled it into the necessary spot. Pulling out the equipment that she would need, she immediately set to work on the young man's car as he browsed her limited paint selection.

"This midnight blue looks nice." The boy suddenly stated as he maneuvered himself back to where Elizabeth and his car was.

"Yes, that is a popular color right now. With today being Wednesday, I will do my best to get this done by next Wednesday. This way you can let the car sit for a few days before your show." Elizabeth smiled as she wiped her hands against her pants.

"That would be amazing! How much do I owe you?" He asked eagerly.

"With the repair work along with re-painting, you'd be looking at twelve hundred." She stated as she got the documents ready to sign.

"Wow, I was expecting it to be much more! Thank you, I'll be back in a week and if you need to reach me feel free to call." He grinned as he signed the paper and walked out of the office.

Giving a small wave, she walked back into the workshop and finished working on pulling all of the dents out of the young man's Mustang. By the time 17:00 rolled around, Elizabeth and pretty much removed ninety percent of the dents from the Mustang. She released a huge sigh before locking up the shop and drove back home for the evening. Coming into the detached garage, she noticed that Jazz still hadn't woken up and so she decided to go over her work and strengthen the solder that she had completed the day before.

The next month would continue in the same fashion every day. She would wake up, shower, get dressed, check on Jazz, then work at the shop. The only thing that she really needed to do for Jazz was find out if there was anything else left to fix. Unfortunately, Jazz has been asleep the entire time and so she has been unable to converse with him. Other than her issue with Jazz, Ben's Mechanics has been booming with business. After fixing the SUV and Mustang, the owners were ecstatic and recommended her to everyone that they knew. Those who lived in Mission City had started to get back into the swing of things, and Raj and Mr. Lean had reopened their stores for business. Having been scolded by Mr. Lean for running out of the store during the whole fiasco, Elizabeth explained that she was able to escape the city just fine and that she was sorry for worrying him. After bribing him with his favorite whiskey, he finally caved and told her to never do something so reckless again. Luckily, things were starting to slow down and all of the military and police presence had started to lessen around the city. So, Elizabeth was able to get in and out of the city without much hassle, which she was very happy about. Now that evening had finally rolled around, she had begun to close up shop as she watched the last of her customers leaving the lot. A smile was set on her features as she hummed a little tune and locked the door. Although, her smile was wiped from her face when she heard the sound of a loud engine rolling up behind her.

"Sorry, we're closed for the day. You'll have to come back tomorrow." She griped as she turned to stare at the yellow Camaro that had just pulled in.

"Wow, okay Liza." A familiar voice sounded from the driver's seat.

"Sam?" Elizabeth questioned as she walked around to the window.

"In the flesh! Sorry I didn't call beforehand." He grinned as he pulled himself out of the car.

"You better be sorry! I've been trying to reach you and your parents for weeks!" She shouted as she pulled him into a tight hug.

"Yeah, I got your messages. I just wanted to surprise you, so I told them not say anything." Sam choked as he patted her back a few times.

"Who's this?" Elizabeth suddenly questioned as they heard a small cough from the passenger side.

"Oh, that's Mikaela. She is my girlfriend." He smiled as he lead Elizabeth around to the passenger side.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you Mikaela! I'm sorry for any issues that this knucklehead may have caused you." The older female grinned as she held her hand out.

"It's nice to meet you too, Elizabeth. You wouldn't know the worst of it." Mikaela beamed as she shook Elizabeth's hand.

"Please, call me Liza. Let's get to the house, you can follow me there." Elizabeth smiled as she ran around the corner and got into her flatbed tow-truck.

Coming around the corner, she noticed Mikaela still standing outside of the door. Although, it didn't go unnoticed the look of shock that crossed Mikaela's features when she noticed the logo on the door of the vehicle. Raising a brow slightly, Elizabeth shrugged before pulling out into the street with Sam following close behind her. Mikaela had situated herself in the passenger seat of the Camaro, but there was a look of discomfort as she spoke with Sam. It took about five minutes for the two vehicles to make it to Elizabeth's home and she parked in front of the detached garage and slid from the driver's seat.

"Sam, you can park your car in the attached garage. You remember the code right?" Elizabeth shouted as she unlocked the sliding door for the detached garage.

"Yeah I remember." Sam grinned as he pulled away to park.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she pushed the sliding doors open, and rushed to get the tow-truck inside. Parking the larger vehicle in it's designated spot, she rushed to close the sliding door and lock it before Sam and Mikaela got there. Coming around the corner of the detached garage, she noticed the two teenagers holding hands as they made their way towards her.

"What would you two like for dinner? Are you both staying for the full two weeks?" Elizabeth smiled as she lead them upstairs.

"If you don't mind us both staying. Anything works for me." Sam answered as he watched his cousin.

"I don't mind at all! I'm pretty excited to get to know your girlfriend. Did you have an appetite for anything?" The older girl grinned as she directed her attention to the teen.

"I don't mind what we eat, I'll also help in the kitchen if you'll let me." Mikaela smiled.

"I'd love that." Elizabeth smiled softly as she let the two teens into her home.

After showing them to their rooms, she left the two to unpack their belongings and get acquainted with their space. Although, she was fairly positive that the two teens would most likely sleep in the same room together. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she made her way into the kitchen and started rummaging through her cabinets and fridge to see what she could possibly make for them. Nearly ten minutes later, she had pulled out all the ingredients that she needed to make Cajun Shrimp Pasta and began to prep the ingredients. Mikaela entered the kitchen shortly after and immediately jumped into getting the pot full of water to boil for the pasta noodles. The girls enjoyed the small chat while cooking, and Sam watched from the doorframe with a small smile on his lips. Later that evening, when the teenagers had gone to bed, Elizabeth stepped outside to check on Jazz. Making her way across the sand covered driveway, she unlocked the sliding door and slid it partly open.

"Jazz?" She called quietly as she turned the light on.

"Liza?" Jazz rasped as he slowly sat up.

"Geez, I wish I could sleep for a whole month." She griped as she quickly came up beside him.

"I've been in recharge that long?" He questioned as he placed his larger hand on his face.

"Yeah, and I'm quite jealous. I've been busy dealing with people at the shop." She laughed as she began to check over his tubing.

"I do feel much better." The alien robot nodded as he moved his legs around.

"Well, everything should be in place now. Unless you are still feeling discomfort anywhere." Elizabeth smiled as she watched him look over himself.

"Well let's see." He grunted as he began to stand up.

"Wait! Are you sure that's a good idea?" She panicked as she watched him wobble to his feet.

"Yeah, I'll be fine! Look, I can stand on my peds and there's no pain." He grinned as he looked down at the smaller girl.

"Well that's good. Are you able to transform?" She questioned as she watched him skeptically.

"I'll do it slowly, so that I don't cause you a spark attack." Jazz chuckled as he slowly began transforming into his alt. mode.

Elizabeth stared in awe at the movements of the plating and armor, as Jazz became a Pontiac Solstice. Although, the creaking and rubbing of his parts did catch the attention of the Camaro, who was sitting in the garage, and of Sam. Jazz and Elizabeth were completely unaware that they had woken the occupants of the house behind the detached garage, and continued as if nothing was wrong.

"How did that feel? Painful in any way?" Elizabeth questioned as she walked around his vehicle form.

"It felt just right! Thanks a bunch, Little Lady!" Jazz beamed through his radio as he rolled on his tires.

"Alright, well transform back so I can make sure that everything goes back into place again." She ordered as she stepped in front of him.

"Alrighty!" He revved.

A light chuckle escaped her lips as she watched Jazz begin his transformation back to his original form. The awe displayed on her features remained even after he had fully transformed. Another moment of silence followed, but neither cared as the silence was comfortable. Although, a shout of shock escaped Elizabeth's lips when the sliding doors to the garage suddenly shot open.

"What the hell!" She screamed as she spun around to see the intruder.

"Elizabeth!" Sam's voice called as he rushed into the garage with Mikaela following.

"Sam?" Elizabeth breathed as she stared wide-eyed at the two teens.

"Jazz?" Mikaela questioned as she looked up at the being behind the older woman.

"Oh, if it isn't Sam Witwicky and his femme." Jazz greeted with a wave.

"How? You were pronounced dead." Sam stepped forward.

"I would've been dead, if Liza wasn't there to help put me back together." The silver robot stated as he rolled his shoulder plates.

Moments later, a familiar revving sounded and Sam's Camaro spun around the front of the garage and transformed into a large yellow robot. Surprised beeps and tones came from the yellow bot as it pointed at Jazz.

"Hello, Bumblebee! I see you got your legs back." Jazz greeted.

"Why -- Didn't you -- Call for help." Bumblebee's radio came in and out.

"My comms are broken, I don't have a reliable way of calling out." The silver being shrugged as he glanced down at Elizabeth.

"Why does he talk all broken up like that?" Elizabeth asked as she glanced at everyone surrounding her.

"His voice box was damaged a long time ago. So, he has to speak through the radio." Mikaela answered as she placed a hand on Bumblebee's leg.

"But that's beside the point! How on earth did you end up with Jazz?" Sam shouted while pointing an accusatory finger at his cousin.

"Well, that's an interesting story." She laughed awkwardly.


I do not own Transformers as it is owned by Hasbro and writer/producer Michael Bay.

I really only own Elizabeth Witwicky, who is Sam's cousin, and the shop owners.

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