
By elisedesteur

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Legends of Liontara's Legacy; Souls&Wings ''When he falls Nova, four of you will rise from the ashes of the... More

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c h a p t e r 13

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By elisedesteur

I was back in the room where Nemesis was still laying. There was no sound around me. The room was quiet as the evening had fallen. The first rays of moonlight came from one of the windows on the right side of the bed where he was laying.

I wanted to see Nemesis again. I knew he was stable, but his wounds were deeper than mine. His body went into a coma state. Which means this was serious business. An anxious feeling washed over me as I was reminded of what happened. I looked at his bruised face. Dax was still lost and the wolves were on the lookout. But I rather find him myself. refused to let me out. I was hurt and I could not fly yet. I was not a helpless child, but I did feel like one.

Axel was away to ask Raelyn to make food and bring it to the bedroom. That way I did not have to socialize with Cadoc and the Gemma. Axel had told me that his Gemma was back from duty in the south with the sea packs. His name was, Kyler I think.

Axel came back through the door. '' Raelyn put our food in the room. You want to come?''

He was so gentle, and loving. It felt like I was learning new things. After everything that happened with my parents, I felt like I could not handle emotions again. Axel made a difference, he showed me, in the very little times that we spent together that it was possible.

I nodded at him and followed him back to the room. We arrived in the room when I looked shocked at all the plates of food that were placed everywhere. Fruit platters on the nightstands. A giant chicken filled with greens and potatoes is on the low table in front of the couch.

''Oh, Raelyn shouldn't have,'' I said looking at all the food. Axel chuckled behind me.

''She wanted to make you feel welcome.''

''I can see that, she's so sweet. How can I accept all of this?''

''Let's just eat, you have nothing to worry about.''

I felt guilty, I was safe within the walls of the castle, feeling the warmth of a loving connection and the coziness while Dax might be fighting for his life.

We sat down on the bed each a plate filled with delicious things. I had not eaten probably and it also was not common for knights to cook like this. We would hunt and seek food or just buy some simple things on the market. Eating like this, like a royalty felt like a crime.

Axel saw my frown. ' ''

I did not respond to what Axel said. The comfort Axel gave me like he knew me for years already made me freak out, were my walls to protect myself not high enough? I knew that I should not think like that but I was not used to it. I sighed, feeling tired of my own thoughts.

We eat in silence. I managed to eat half of my plate when my mind went to Nemesis again.

' ?'' I asked, breaking the silence.

Axel shook his head as he swallowed a piece of fruit. ''Not really, the pack Docter is running some test but we probably have to wait on Pavrax for this one. They are the expects when it come to a knights health. The same thing goes for you.''

I nodded, I felt so helpless, I just wished that I could do something. Axel shrugged. ''All we can do is wait and hope he wakes up as fast as possible. We could really use his knowledge.''

We fell silenced again. I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on me. It was not supposed to go like this. Now that I met Axel I cannot just leave, next to that I cannot leave Nemesis here either. I did not trust the wolves completely and I needed to find Dax. But everything was so much more difficult because I could not fly.

After a few minutes, Axel spoke up again. ''There is something I need to tell you.''

I looked up, curious. ''What is it?''

Axel seemed to hesitate, unsure if this was the right moment. I grew anxious.

Axel took a deep breath. ''When you arrived with Leonidas, I spoke with him, because Leonidas wasn't sure if he should have told you. When they found you, you were severely damaged. Especially your wings, your right wing was even broken. They took you to the pack doctor and he run some tests.''

I did not like where this was going. He was avoiding the problem and it made me uneasy.

''The test shows that you have nerve damage in your wings, and it may not be possible for you to fly again. I know this is hard on top of everything you just went through. This will not make it any easier, but it isn't for sure so there is still hope. I just wanted you to hear this from me.''

I felt my heart sink as Axel shared the news. This could not be possible. What was I without my wings? Can I never fly again? I loved it, the freedom it gave me. The thought of not being able the fly was devastating. A wave of sadness washed over me, tears welling up in my eyes.

''What?'' I whispered. ''No, this...this can't be happening. Please tell me this is not true.''

Axel eyes were filled with sorrow. ''I know, I know. I'm so sorry.'' Axel moved the plates out of the way and scooted forward. He pulled me in for a hug as I sobbed, letting out a cry of pain and sadness.

I kept crying as the night went on. Axel comforting me as I was out of tears and energy and so I fell asleep in his arms.


The sounds of birds woke me up. I opened my eyes looking at one side of the bed. The sun was streaming through the window, casting a warm glow over my shoulders. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. My head ached and I let out a gruff. Of course, it was yesterday was a tough day.

I looked around the room, most of the warm food was gone and the fruits were in a basket. Axel was nowhere to be found and it made me feel alone. The room was giant with not only a bed but with a whole living room in it, and a bathroom. Golden details were everywhere, the sheets, the bed, and even the small details on the plates. I felt like I was seeing it again for the first time like I did not notice these details the first time.

I let the sheet of the bed fall out of my hand. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday but it did not really bother me. I looked around for something warm to cover my shoulders with when I found a few clothes perfectly folded on the small table. There was a note on it.

For you, my dove was written on it. Under it had been an A written. Axel.

There was a soft robe hidden in the clothes. I was afraid it did not fit because of my wings. However, it did fit. I guess that Raelyn made some improvements. I was careful not to touch my wing. I still felt the discomfort in my muscles. The herbs did do their work good.

I looked around the room. What was I supposed to do now? Axel left me here by myself. I could go explore the castle I thought to myself. I went into the hallway and was greeted by the stone arches that held up the roof. The hallway was empty with only a soft carpet that covered the wooden floor. The carpet was a soft brown colour, that reminded me of coffee. It had, just like every other detail in this palace golden elements.

I walked around the palace enjoying the quiet place. I smelled the scent of fresh bread and chocolate when I came across the kitchen downstairs. I went up the white stairs where I walked along the giant library. I looked inside the library, the entrance was an archway. Along the frame were markings. Ancient symbols.

My eyes widened as I gazed upon the ancient symbols that were carved into the stone wall. They were written in a very old language. Not the language of the knights. This was a different one. I had not seen these before, yet they were strangely familiar. I stared at them, and a feeling of déjà vu washed over me.

I was thrown back in my memory, a dream I had a few days ago.

I saw symbols on the walls. It was only then that I recognized the South Whisker markings. I had seen them only once before, in one of the books that we read in Pavrax. We were in Whiskers Castle.

I flickered with my eyes coming back to the present. These things were important. Even so, I could not read it so I did not understand what it was saying or why I even had that dream in the first place. I was starting to have more questions. Why did I have that dream? Why was this place so important? It was as if someone was trying to tell me something.

It was one of those moments where I sneered at Nemesis when he advised without me asking. I felt even more guilty now since he was in a coma and the only thing I ever did was angrily react at him.

I gazed up at the symbols again. The dream was more than just a figment of my imagination. It was a warning. The symbols were the key to something. I just hadn't figured it out.

I chuckled at myself, maybe I was thinking too deeply. I sighed and continued walking through the castle.

The morning light was casting long shadows across the stone walls. The castle was still quiet as I walked through it. I walked through the grand entrance hall, with its pillars towering far above me. There were more symbols everywhere I looked. Most of them looked the same, only a few were different.

I walked down the long corridor that led to the throne room, the same route that Cadoc let me through the castle the first time I arrived. I pushed open the heavy doors that led to the throne room. I was not sure if I was even allowed here. I smiled a little. There was no one holding me back so I went on exploring.

The high ceiling seemed to stretch up to the heavens decorated with beautiful patterns. It seemed that the first time I walked in here I missed so much. The walls were lined with tapestries and paintings and the floor was made of polished marble, covered with the same carpet that you could find anywhere in this palace. In the end was still the throne, Made of gold and beautiful jewels that gleamed in the sunlight.

I walked towards the throne feeling a sense of awe wash over me. If the gods think what they do is right and I indeed get to be mated to the king, then, someday, I would be queen. I never ruled before. I hated it having someone above me so I rather be alone. That is why I always am so defensive against Nemesis since he was a commander. I wondered what it would be like if I would be sitting on the throne. Ruling over a kingdom and making decisions that would affect the lives of so many people.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a sound behind me. I turned around. I saw Cadoc holding the door open for Axel, both of them shocked to see me. Cadoc looked irritated as he stared at me. He was the first one to break the silence.

"You're not supposed to be in here," He said.

Axel held his hand up, silencing his Beta.

"It's fine Cadoc. We'll talk later."

Cadoc certainly was not pleased with me that was clear. Axel walked in as Cadoc closed the door behind him.

"Wondering around?" Axel said walking towards me.

I nodded. "I felt lonely and wanted to explore a bit." I felt a little guilty for snooping around. I was still in the house of a king and I kind of forgot that.

Axel chuckled softly. "Sorry that I left you alone in the bedroom, Cadoc and I had the stuff to discuss."

Axel stood in front of me. His eyes studying me.

"It's okay, I figured you were busy." He was a king after all, and with our recent events, there would be a lot going on in the pack.

"Had you had breakfast yet?" Axel asked. I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry," I said. That was a lie but I couldn't help it. I kept thinking about Nemesis and Dax. How could I live a life like this while their fighting for theirs?

Axel was silent for a moment, considering if I was lying. I could see he was hesitant.

"Okay then, we can eat later. Shall we walk around a little more? I can show you the rest of the palace?" Axel tilted his head in questioning.

"All right." I nodded. What else was I supposed to do here, sit in bed all day? No thanks, I thought.

We walked back the way I came. Somewhere we turned to the right and seeing that this was a big castle, I did not know where I was right now. Axel showed me some family portraits and a few statues that were placed on the side of other big doors. The doors that led to the throne hall were not the only big doors in this castle. Axel had let me to a ballroom, it was grandiose with a lot of windows and a giant balcony. In the middle of the ceiling was a chandelier, it had giant jewels which were very sparkly in the sun. Its frame was made of gold. It was beautiful, and I secretly hoped that one day I could be in here dancing without worry.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked breaking the silence after a while.

''Well, everyone is asking what happened, since most of the forest is burned down. It will take so many years to grow back and replace what has been lost. We don't even know what else was in the forest. All the packs are counting their people to make sure no one died in the fires.'' Axel said walking beside me.

''I hope that there are no casualties, that would be the second time your people would die from a fire.'' I was referring to the fires at the border between the South Whisker pack and the White Royals. The reason for the mission in the first place, and look where that got us.

''Yeah, I hope so too.'' Hummed Axel. His face did not look pleased about it. I could not blame him. It was his duty to protect his people and yet there have been problems with fire twice in two weeks.

We kept walking through the castle until we were back at the entrance of the giant library. My eyes flickered back and forth between the symbols but I wasn't sure if I could ask what they meant so I kept quiet.

''I have been thinking, you said to Alpha Leonardo that the lynx burned down the forest. Can you explain that to me?'' Axel asked.

I turned my head back to Axel. ''What is there to explain? She created a giant explosion. That's it.'' I said. I realized that my tone was not very nice when Axel signed.

''Sorry.'' I said

''It's okay, I just wanted to ask, by the law of nature a lynx cannot have phoenix powers right?''

The law of nature, as Axel mentioned was what created the balance of life. A knight's first duty is to protect the balance. There were a few rules that created a thin line between the possible and impossible. The gods created the knights to protect that thin line but even the gods made exceptions just like when they gave Liontara the powers of a knight with the same markings that only the knights could inherit from Icarus. So, did the gods make another exception to let the people evolve once again?

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