At the Speed of Sound: Imra A...

By KnightFall_11

981 49 6

As there was an Infinite number of Earth, there was surely an infinite number of Speedsters. Enter the Hunter... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

258 14 2
By KnightFall_11

It was certainly a dark time in his life, one he did not want to remember right now.

Lawrence shook his head and turned away from her. "Is there a pizza or burger joint anywhere around here? My body burns a lot of calories, meaning I gotta a lot. I'm basically a snack hole. And I'm running really low."

Imra wanted to know what he meant, but she didn't want to press it.

"There's a Big Belly Burger place just down the road. I can show you-" 

"There's no need." Lawrence cut her off with a raised hand. "I'll find it myself."

And just like that, Lawrence was gone. Imra sighed and turned around spotting Supergirl with a confused expression.

"Uhh, what did Lawrence go?"

"Big Belly Burger." She said simply and Supergirl nodded her head understandingly.

"Ah, needs to fuel up, huh?"

Just then, there was a gust of wind and both of them turned around to see Lawrence standing by the door to the training room with a wince on his face.

"Uhh..." He rubbed his face and then looked away. "Anyone got cash on them? Kinda forgot that they don't take credits in this time."

Supergirl and Imra shared a look before giggling softly.


"......Is that all you...need...?" The waitress and half the customers in the Big Belly all stared at Lawrence as he began to speed eat through the multiple meals she brought.

There were various burgers, chicken, beef, bacon, cheese, and rib...and none were spared. Lawrence shot Kara an apologetic wince as she stared at her nearly empty wallet. 

"Impressive..." Imra said with wide eyes and stacked up all the plates.

"Yeah, sorry. I haven't eaten...for a day now? There was a whole getting stabbed in the leg with a rebar and I must've passed out from blood loss which is where I woke up in the 31st century before coming back to the past."

"So...Since I just used up most of my paycheck on your...snacks, you think you could tell me about the other Earths?" Kara asked energetically.

Lawrence narrowed his eyes at her but eventually shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, why not. What do you want to know?" He leaned back against the seat and casually sipped on his soda.

"Are there other versions of me? What do they do? Where do they come from?! I have to know!" Kara's eyes were wide with excitement and Imra too was eager to know.

"Well, I can confirm that there are numerous versions of you. Some are good others are bad."

"Bad? Like how bad?" Kara asked with a worried expression.

Lawrence shrugged and looked outside. "Joining Zod and taking over the world bad? Becoming one of Darkside's Furies bad? Captured by Brainiac and becoming his trophy? There's an endless possibility." Kara blinked repeatedly before sitting back in her seat with wide eyes. "There's a version of you that doesn't become Supergirl, but Powergirl...a lot of cleavage in the suit though. There are versions where you don't even exist. There's also a version where you join the Legion and get...uh, very close with Brainiac 5."

"What about me?" Imra asked quickly, leaving Kara stupified.

"You, well. You're mostly the same across the multiverse with slight differences. Across most of them, you're blonde with blue eyes wearing white and red spandex."

"Spandex..." Imra repeated with raised eyebrows.

Lawrence nodded his head and looked at the entrance of the Big Belly Burger where the door was opened just wide enough. Kara saw where his eyes were looking, so she turned in her seat to see nothing of interest.

"Is everything okay? You kinda look like you wanna leave." She sounded a little sad, but she put on a brave smile.

Lawrence stared at the two of them and after a second, his face become emotionless. Imra couldn't help but tense up, as if he was shifting gears.

"Sorry...It's just, I'm not very good at conversation." Lawrence scratched the back of his head and turned to look outside.

"What do you mean? We're having a great conversation about the multiverse." Kara tried to cheer him up, but Lawrence shook his head.

"It's not you, it's me. This conversation might've been quick in your eyes, but I've been sitting here for the past...four hours? A day? I don't know. There are two levels of my perception. That's the normal perception, the way a normal person perceives time...and then there's Speed Mode. When I'm bored or in danger, it just kicks in automatically. Everything starts moving so slowly and the world goes silent. Only I exist in the present. When I run, I can either see everything, everyone, or every detail, or I can just run faster than my brain can process. Makes easier to run around the world without seeing every single detail."

Imra placed a hand on his own and he turned to see her looking at him with a saddened expression.

"That sounds very lonely." 

Feeling her warm skin on his made him feel strange. It wasn't a bad feeling but it reminded him of Imra in the future and the way she always knew what he was thinking. Deep down inside of him, he wanted to be with Imra, but even he didn't trust himself not to hurt her. There was nothing good about him as he keeps telling himself.

He took his hand away from hers and placed them in his jacket pockets, leaned back, and stared outside again. Imra shifted in her seat as she saw the piece of the puzzle that was why future her wanted Lawrence. 

He was lonely and she felt like she could fill that void. Just as Kara opened her mouth to say something, police sirens were heard not far away followed by gunshots. Suddenly, a police car flew through the air and headed straight for the Big Belly. Kara immediately reacted and was just about to get out of her seat...

Until everything stopped. The world went silent. Lawrence sat at the table staring into space, lightly tapping on the table. He looked around the Big Belly most of the customers were oblivious to the police car that was about to crash through the window. 

In THIS world, where ONLY he existed, he truly felt...alone.

Automatically, his eyes went to Imra. It wasn't her striking beauty or the British accent that drew him in, but it was something else. He could sit there for days on end and contemplate what it was, but there was the police car heading in their direction. Sighing softly, Lawrence stood up from his and made his way towards the open entrance days with lightning dancing off his body. Standing in the path of the flying cruiser, Lawrence looked around.

There were people everywhere and there were still the policemen in the car. Deciding the best to approach the situation, Lawrence's eyes crackled with lightning...

...then he made his move.

Just as Kara fully stood up and was about to use her super speed to change and then stopped the police car, she stood there next to Imra, both looking very confused. Next to the two police officers was the police cruiser, but it was in pieces and piled up neatly with each screw of a different kind placed in a row.

The officers looked around in shock before turning to Lawrence who stared at the escaping perps.

"Sorry about the cruiser." He then looked at Imra and Kara. "Be back in a flash."

Lawrence then ran off down the road. The waitress who served them then turned to Imra and Kara.

"Is that your boyfriend?!"

Imra simply rolled her eyes.


After catching the perps that drove recklessly and dropped them off at a Nearby station along with the two police officers, the three made their way back to the DEO. Looking at his ring, the timer for his suit repair time appeared, but there was still an hour or so left until they were complete. Lawrence thought about the Speed force-powered motorbike and wondered if could make his repair bots even faster.

Once they were back and settled in, Lawrence began to zone out as everyone else went on with their daily activities. The Legion gathered around the round table to discuss what their plans for later were, the disguised J'onn approached Lawrence and stop next to him with crossed arms.

"If you're trying to pry the walls surrounding my mind, don't bother. I can rebuild them faster than you can think." Lawrence said flatly, making J'onn chuckle softly.

"Wasn't trying to. You said you're from the Future, right? From this Earth or another?"

"Getting right to the personal details, huh? But no, not from this Earth but another where no Legion or Supergirl exists. I met you on a different Earth. J'onn J'onz of Mars. Your niece, M'Gann, not so green, but she Cooler than the rest of the Justice League who tried to lock me up for doing my job."

"And what does this...job entail?" J'onn asked curiously and Lawrence turned to him with a bored raised eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure one of them already told you about that. I basically hunt Speedsters like me and trap them in eternal torture." Lawrence shrugged his shoulders.

They turned to see Supergirl walking up to them with two cups of coffee and a smile on her face.

"Hey, I brought some-"

Everyone then began to look around with confused expressions as every liquid in the vicinity began to float up into the air. Just as Lawrence's eyes widen in surprise, a Flash of red lightning entered the building and headed straight towards where Imra was. Blue lightning danced off Lawrence's body and he ran forward at the red blur.

To everyone else in the building, all they could see was blue and red lightning dancing around the room. Papers flew everywhere and most of the people ran for cover. The two lightning bolts then circled around Imra who created a barrier to shield herself. The two lightning bolts then separated to the other ends of the room. Red and blue flew at one another, crashing into each other and creating a large electrical explosion that blew everyone backward. Lawrence flew through the air but was caught by Supergirl.

"Thanks." Lawrence said softly as she lowered him and Supergirl nodded her head.

They looked at the other side of the room where dust had gathered and saw a faint light. Lawrence narrowed his eyes when he saw a red glowing bat symbol with a lightning bolt through it.

"Which one are you? And how are you here?" Lawrence called out only to receive a dark distorted chuckle in return.

"Me...? I am...Vengeance!"

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