I didn't knew- Hinny

By deepika629

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Muggle Hinny Au "Stop being grumpy on the first day of the Senior year" "I was delighted until you showed up"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
22. Sometimes Love Is A Long Time Coming

Chapter 21

614 20 12
By deepika629

"Harry, can we talk?" Hermione shook Harry's shoulders.

"Talk? Talk what?" questioned Harry as his hand went for another shot but Hermione grabbed his hand before he could reach it.

"You've had enough to drink, Harry. Look at you" She pointed her hand to Harry's face, he looked flushed from the drinking and a bit tipsy.

"Whaaat?" whined Harry "I'm not even close to having as many shots as Sirius and I'm not even hammered yet. Besides, it's my birthday party. Let go, Hermione" he complained looking at Sirius for approval.

Sirius raised his drink in the air and winked "Cheers! Whatever you want, my godson" Harry grinned and winked back, his hands reaching for the shots again, this time Hermione grabbed it and chugged it down in one go.

"Mione!" Harry protested loudly. "Why would you do that? That's mine" he wailed.

"C'mon, let's get you some water" Hermione grabbed Harry's hand and brought him to the kitchen. He's not stumbling, thankfully, he's not that drunk.

After drinking some water, Harry thanked Hermione. "My idea was to get drunk, not gonna lie but it'll kill me in the morning. Thanks for stopping me. Sirius is a bad influence"

Hermione laughed "Yea, I know that. How do you feel now?"


"Good cause I need to talk to you"

"Oh okay. What is it?" for some odd reason, Harry felt nervous.

"Not here. Can we walk outside?" Hermione suggested.

Harry shrugged and they both started to walk outside towards the tree house.

Hermione sat on the slide and pulled Harry along with her.
"Careful, Mione. I'm still light-headed from the drinking"

"Oh right, sorry" she giggled.

They sat there for a few minutes admiring the sky. But in reality, Harry's thinking about Ginny, being near Tree House always bring back his memories with her. And Hermione's struggling with how to confide everything to Harry.

"So?" Harry asked breaking the silence.

"Right," Hermione rubbed her hands nervously. "Don't talk until I complete"

Harry raised his eyes. "You're making me nervous, Hermione"

Hermione laughed guilty "I know. But just don't talk, okay?"

Harry nodded.

"Okay" Hermione took a long breathes "I had a crush on you since freshman"

Harry choked immediately, his eyes widening "What?" he mumbled.

Hermione sighed "I said do not talk" she whined.

"Okay okay" Harry raised his hands in surrender.

"So, it's the middle of freshman, you were saving a girl from some seniors, how very heroic of you" she chuckled " I admired you then but somehow it turned into a crush. I couldn't unsee it, you know, I was blinded by your looks, you were just so brave and sensible. I remember how much I wanted to be yours. I tried to sort out my feelings, I thought they'll go away after the summer holidays, too bad, they were only intensified because I missed you."

Harry just gazed at her, with his eyes blurted and mouth hanging open and he looked a bit dizzy from the drinking.

"Sophomore year- I told Ginny. She has been a great friend. I was too ready to ask you out to the ball, well, you introduced Elle. You dated her for a week, the longest week of my life. I was the happiest when you both separated. Sorry, not sorry. Later, I never tried to tell you how I felt because you never looked at me like how I looked at you. I shamelessly tried to get your attention Harry, many times, hoping you'd notice me. It never happened. It was not until junior year we became good friends, I selfishly wanted more though. That year was a blur anyway. I got engaged in the school newspaper and Ron was there. You were there too but not for me. I liked you, Harry- so much that I don't remember much other than obsessing over you"

Hermione finally looked up meeting Harry's tear-filled eyes. "Oh Harry, don't feel bad-" Hermione's hands reached to brush away Harry's tears but she gasped when Harry's lips met hers. They didn't move, just savouring the feeling. Hermione could tell Harry's still a little drunk. She chuckled and pushed him away.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Y'know," she told him.

Harry shook his head "But I do feel guilty though. I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking straight, I shouldn't have kissed you."

"It's okay, Harry" she patted his thighs, squeezing his hands in assurance.

"Ginny" Harry hesitated for a second and gulped "she's the one for me. I- I couldn't think of anyone else"

Hermione chuckled lightly "I know"

"You do?"

"Of course, Harry. I knew all along."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I didn't know at first. If I did, I wouldn't have had this stupid crush on you. You both have always been friendly or should I say overly friendly?" Hermione grinned "I started to figure it out when you dated Elle, you know, I mean she was your girlfriend but all you ever cared was about Ginny. Dude, you danced with Ginny during the ball and left your girlfriend aside" she laughed again "if that isn't enough. You both didn't realise your feelings for each other at that time. I was lucky, I selfishly thought I had a chance. It's stupid anyway, you've always loved her"

"Wow. You knew even before I did"

Hermione shrugged proudly. "So, did you tell her?"

Harry sighed heavily "I did and that's the biggest mistake I've ever made"

Harry explains everything that happened between Ginny and him, trying hard not to stutter and terribly failed.

"Harry, I'm so sorry" Hermione immediately wrapped him in a comforting hug.

Harry nodded. "I shouldn't have told her, we could have at least stayed friends. Now this distance between us is killing me"

Suddenly, Hermione went rigid. Her grip on his hands tightened making Harry tense. He peeked at her to get a better look and she looked panicked.

Harry hurriedly let go of her hands and shook her shoulders. "Mione, if you're thinking I'd avoid you after this, you're wrong, I would not, okay? We'll stay friends."

Hermione shook her head furiously "No, you didn't listen to me"


"Senior year - I almost lost interest in you or should I say, I developed interest in someone else. He treated me like I'm the most important person to him in this world, like how you treat Ginny. He was there since the beginning but my eyes were clouded with you, I didn't see and I refused to acknowledge his presence. Until I did. He was caring, sweet, handsome and perfect. I felt more alive with him and suddenly he was the only person I prefer to spend my time with...all the time. I--"

Harry was beyond surprised and unknowingly, he was smiling as Hermione ranted about this guy. He didn't feel guilty anymore. "Okay Hermione, who's this guy?"

Hermione's smile brightened like city lights "Isn't it obvious? It's Ron, my friend. Your friend."

Harry almost fell off the slide if he weren't holding onto Hermione's hand. "I uh just - wow!" he gasped.

Hermione's smile dropped instantly "I know. I just... can't tell him how I feel, y'know, what if what happened between you and Ginny also happens between us? I can't take it if he suddenly decides not to talk to me"

"Oh, Mione. I don't know. What if Ron likes you back? I think he does" Harry says thoughtfully because he remembers Sirius once said Ron likes Hermione and everything Sirius said came out true.

"He doesn't," Hermione confirmed with a huff.

"Why would you say that?"

"Well, because we almost kissed once"

Harry's jaw dropped.

"Shut up. I said almost. We didn't kiss, I mean I wanted to but he didn't. We were so close and I even closed my eyes waiting for it to happen. Instead, he stepped back, coughed awkwardly and walked away"


"That is what I call rejection"

Harry shook his head "Hermione, no. I strongly believe Ron has feelings for you"

Hermione raised her eyebrows "Your intuition doesn't work here, Potter."

And they're back to silence, gazing at the sky, avoiding eye contact.

After some comfortable minutes, Hermione decides to break the silence.
"If you're so sure that Ron has feelings for me then help me find them"

Harry purses his lips "How?"

"We pretend to date"

"What!?" Harry shouted.

"C'mon, if we both date, I mean fake date and if Ron really likes me then he'll be pissed. By his behaviour, I could tell how he feels. Please Harry, please help me"

"That's so stupid, Hermione. I can't do that to Ron, he's my best friend"

"I know and that's exactly why I want you to do it. If we will be together in the future that would be because of you. Ron will appreciate it" she winks with a huge grin.

Harry sighed. What is he getting himself into? What about Ginny if she finds out he's dating her best friend? It's not like Ginny bothers about his life anyway.


"Fake?" Ginny muttered to herself as the other three were busy talking and laughing.

Harry hugged both Ron and Hermione and congratulated them.
"I'm so happy for you guys"

"Thanks, mate" Ron smiled glancing between Hermione and Harry.

"Thanks for the help, Harry. I owe you"

Harry shrugged it off "So, how and when did this happen? And why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, yesterday I visited Ron's house for his birthday...

"Ron!" Hermione knocked on Ron's bedroom door and he instantly opened it.

"Wha- Hermione, what are you doing here?" Ron was wearing a tank top and blue trackies.

"Happy Birthday, Ron!" she giggled and handed him a square gift-packed box. "Your mom sent me up," she said as she walked inside the room without Ron's permission "Is Ginny home?"

"Uh no" Ron rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, his room wasn't tidy enough. "Thanks, Hermione. Is that all?" his voice came out more snappy than he expected.

Hermione frowned at Ron's behaviour. For some reason, she wasn't surprised. Ron has been ignoring her since Harry's birthday. The whole fake dating Harry plan was to know about Ron's feelings but she couldn't quite figure it out cause all Ron did was ignore her and everyone. Hermione stubbornly wanted to believe that Ron didn't like her and Harry dating and that's why he keeps ignoring them, no pun intended.

"No" Hermione folded her hands and faced Ron "You've been avoiding me, Ron. I want to know why"

Ron looked away, pretending to clean the room so he doesn't have to look at Hermione. "I wasn't" he muttered.

"See, you're avoiding me now too. Stop-" She grabbed his hands to make him look at her "- just stop. What happened, Ron?" she asked calmly.

For a minute Ron didn't speak. He stared into her eyes and got lost in them. Before he cleared his throat and stepped away.

"No, Not again. Do not step away from me again. Please say something, Ron"

"Go away, Hermione." he looked defeated.

Hermione was taken aback. She was about to snatch something to hit Ron from the bedside table when she recognised that she was holding a photo frame of her and Ron when they went to that dinosour movie Ron suggested. Hermione's face lit up remembering how she adored Ron with those claws that day. In that picture, she was gazing at Ron with the same adoration.

"Give it back" Ron strode to Hermione but she only laughed and ran.

"This picture is adorable, Ron." she cooed and climbed onto the bed running from Ron.

"Don't flatter yourself. I just found it in Ginny and Harry's book and stole it" he climbed on the bed as Hermione jumped off it.

"This picture of all?" she teased and smirked.

It didn't take much time for Ron to lose his temper. "Why don't you go back to your Harry and leave me the fuck alone!?"

Abruptly, Hermione froze. Her eyes widened, she wanted to say something but no words came out of her mouth. Slowly, her mouth turned into a taunting smirk.
Was he jealous?

She gradually walked towards Ron with careful steps. She could see he already regrets saying that.
"Ron..." she dragged moving closer to him, so close that their bodies are touching.

"Mione, what-" he tries to step away but Hermione's hand went up to his neck keeping him in place. She stood on her toes staring into his eyes with such compassion.

"Stop me if I'm wrong" that's all she said before attaching her lips to his.


"...looks like I wasn't wrong," Hermione said cheerfully. "Then I explained to him everything about our fake dating and he was furious...at you, of course" she pointed to Harry.

"At me? I helped you, Ron" Harry protested.

"You should have just told me" Ron shrugged.

"Anyway, it worked both ways now, didn't it? This plan helped you too, Harry."

"How? Oh right, I got rid of you now" he smirked.

"Very funny. But no, I was talking about how Ginny realised her feelings for you since we started dating" Hermione explained startling both Harry and Ginny.

"What?" Harry murmured to himself looking at Ginny with a question mark.

Ginny's heart was racing when Harry looked at her.

"What? Didn't she tell you yet? I thought you guys talked it out before you interrupted - uh - our- you know" Hermione blushed.

Harry looked at Hermione then Ron and one last look at Ginny before he stormed out of the room.

"Hermione! What the heck did you do? When did I tell you about my feelings for Harry?" Ginny grunted in frustration.

Hermione's face paled "You... Shit, you didn't tell him. I'm so sorry, Ginny."

Ginny glared at her, still waiting for the answer.

"I told her," said Ron. "I'm sorry, sis. I--"

"Save it" Ginny ran out of the room in search of Harry and she found him, literally sprinting away to get out of the school.

Screw it, it's now or never.

"Harry, please wait" Ginny shouted after him.

I have exams for the next three
weeks :'(
I don't think I can update. I'm so sorry.
See y'all after three weeks :)

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