Total Drama preferences

By NoahsWittyTales

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Romantic scenarios of some of the characters from total drama! Since preferences are a bit complicated to wri... More

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How they react to you having a pet
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How they celebrate your birthday
When the girls are on their period
How they would help/react if you struggle with mental illness
How they introduce you to their family PART 1
They react to you drawing them
When you're upset with them and they notice - PART 1
Beach days with them

Going to a dance

2.7K 20 7
By NoahsWittyTales

Scenario: There's a dance party your town is hosting and you want to go with (whoever you choose in this story). Here are their reactions and what happens before, during and after the dance.

- He doesn't like going to dances but will just for you. He'll complain about getting ready though.

- He'll probably complain about going because he doesn't see the point in dancing. You can hear him huff, puff and be sarcastic about it the moment you bring it up. He's like a dragon.

- When it's time to pick you up, he gets very flustered over how you look in your dress. He's a blushing mess the whole car ride and has a stupid grin on his face.

- "You look cute in that tux." You smile, noticing how even more flustered he gets when you say that. It's funny because you're usually the nervous one.

- During the dance, he's a little awkward, but loosens up the longer you two dance together.

- He prefers to sit down, eat and talk to you. He still complains, but not as much since he loves to be with you.

- He admires you throughout the night at how beautiful you are.

- Of course Cody would agree to go with you. He'll plan ways to impress you during the dance.

- He tries to do that romantic thing where he greets you with a pickup line and surprises you with a single rose. It worked though! He even held the door for you to his car like the gentleman he is.

- He also comments on your dress and takes a lot of pictures with you.

- During the dance, he tries to impress you by slow dancing even if he's not very good at it. You find this gesture sweet.

- He talks about your beauty the whole time. He just feels lucky to have you.

- After the dance, you both share a kiss right when he drops you home. He then texts you saying he'd like to do that again sometime when there's another dance.

- Duncan would rather spend time with you alone than to go to a dance. He isn't against dances, but just prefers more edgy things.

- He agrees to go but won't stay very long.

- He doesn't wear a tux, but would wear a very nice shirt and pants. When you comment on this, he gets nervous and you could tell he's a little embarrassed to show his soft romantic side.

- He makes lots of flirty comments about your dress. He gets a bit more touchy than usual, but at a appropriate level.

- He doesn't mind dancing with you, despite his image. He knows you're worth it.

- Afterwards, you go to his house to make out and watch a scary movie.

- She will agree and secretly would be excited about it. She's mostly excited because she's imagining how you'll swoon her and how you'll look in your dress. Ms. CIT daydreams about it all day.

- She tries to plan everything out, since that's how she is. She gives you a time to pick her up and to get ready for it. She writes a list of things to do to prepare. She even plans out her dress.

- When she picks you up, she gets flirty and kisses you. She teases that you didn't have to get all dressed up for her.

- During the dance, she has trouble letting loose because she wants to be professional, but she eventually does dance with you. This was her favorite part of the dance. She also likes to eat a lot of the food there and keeps going back for the desserts.

- After the dance, she gives you a goodnight kiss, then squeals happily to herself once you leave. She wants to do this again.

- He already knows he's going to be the most romantic person ever there. Only towards you of course.

- Alejandro surprises you with roses the moment he picks you up from your house. He even carried you to his car bridal style since he's naturally romantic that way.

- He played romantic music on the way there. This guy really makes a lot of effort.

- During the dance, he makes sure you eat first because he doesn't want you to pass out from hunger. He even gets you a drink.

- He makes the most flirty comments as you two are dancing. He winks at you too if you get flustered.

- After the dance, he blows you a kiss from his car and says he loves you.

- She gets so embarrassed to say that she wants to go with you, but eventually says "Sure." Heather has been prom queen before, so going to a dance at a town is nothing to her. She's pretty popular there anyway. It's just the fact that she's going with you that she's nervous about.

- She goes shopping with her friends to pick out a dress, even though it's just a dance at the community center. She wants to look her best when she's with you.

- When you pick her up, she immediately gets flustered that you dressed up. She tries not to comment on it though unless you compliment her, which you always do.

- During the dance, she gets way too embarrassed to dance, so you guys don't until the last one. Throughout the dance, you're both mostly socializing and eating.

- Heather had a lot of fun but refused to admit it. She gave you a quick kiss once you dropped her home.

- She secretly hopes you guys can attend another event like that again and wants to dance more with you the next time. That was actually her favorite part.

- Emma gets excited because that means she gets to see you all dressed up. Emma is just naturally obsessive like that, as we all witnessed during the Ridonculous race.

- She plans EVERY detail. Like what you'll do or say (She doesn't tell you this part, she just fantasizes about it), what she'll wear and what she sees you wearing.

- Emma practiced dancing with Kitty so it could be absolutely perfect.

- She freaks out over your dress and keeps gushing about it. You get swooned over hers too.

- She gets way too excited to dance and basically drags you to the dance floor. She believes this is a "Step forward" in the relationship for some reason.

- After the dance, she goes on and on about how you'll dance at "the wedding." You chuckle at this because it's cute how she's already planning your future.

- Kitty is excited! She loves going to events with you for the thrill of the relationship.

- Of course, she takes lots of selfies. Both with just her and with you. She also takes pictures of everything at the dance.

- She gets excited to dance but she's not too forward like Emma is. She just asks if you're up for it, and she enjoys it.

- She comments on how great the food is and keeps going back, shamelessly.

- Afterwards, she talks about how your photos are going on her scrapbook. She considers this one of the nights to remember.

- Mike is open to attending these events with you, as long as you're comfortable.

- He asked Cameron for advice on how to not get  so nervous when it's time to dance. Cameron gave him some anxiety tips and also told him to be honest with you.

- Mike got really flustered when he saw you all dressed up. He kept showering you with compliments.

- At the dance, you could tell he was nervous about dancing with you in front of everyone, but you assured him he'll be okay. He stumbled a little yet had fun.

- After the dance, he played some songs in his car and told you that he'd like to do this more often.

- Mal hates dances and kept refusing to go because it's lame. You told him to at least think about it but it seemed like he already made up his mind.

- When he finally told you he'd go with you, you were so excited, which he found cute. He told you he's not going to be all 'romantic and shit' though.

- He smirked the moment he saw you all dressed up. He kept flirting with you. You laughed, saying how maybe the dance isn't so bad after all.

- "No, Y/N. The dance is still stupid. It's you I'm excited about." He smirked, eyeing your dress.

- At the dance, he didn't dance with you but he sat down and put his arm around you the whole time, enjoying the food and music with you. He did sway a little to the songs, giving you some kisses.

- Afterwards, he gave you a kiss when he dropped you home. He told you that you were the best part about the dance, leaving you a blushing mess.

- Scott is not experienced with dances, but he agreed anyway because he wants to spend time with you. He even asked his papi for advice.

- He searched up "How to dance" on google just to impress you.

- He wore a button up, and gave you a daisy to surprise you. He thought you looked beautiful in your dress.

- During the dance, he tried his best to copy what he learned from the internet. You noticed he was trying his best despite having a hard time and you thought it was cute. After one dance, you both agreed to just eat and spend time together.

- After the dance, Scott asked if you had fun then you assured him you did. He kissed your hand, walking you to your door.

- You didn't have to ask Trent, because he was already going to perform some of his songs there. He asked you if you wanted to go.

- He performed some of the songs he wrote about you.

- Afterwards, he went to dance with you. He made sure your night was special by showering you with compliments.

- He got your desserts for you when your feet were hurting. He even offered to carry you to the car, which he did!

- He carried you to your door and set you on the couch once you unlocked it, then asked you to let him know if you feel better in the morning.

- Gwen really didn't want to go. You told her it's okay and she doesn't have to, but after a few days she gave in. Leshawna kind of convinced her saying that meant you were going to dress up. This made Gwen agree.

- Gwen wasn't going to wear a suit or an overly colorful dress. She settled for a midi black dress.

- She immediately grinned when she saw you in your dress. She made one flirty comment and laughed when you were nervous.

- She was open to slow dancing with you. She wasn't that obsessed over it, but she kept an open mind.

- After the dance, she pecked your cheek then told you tonight was amazing.

- Sammy was excited about it, especially because she's never been to a dance with a partner before. She's been to one with Amy and Amy's friends but they only used her to do things for them. So, this was special to her.

- She was nervous about what to wear and kept thinking about how she'll look to others. However, she eventually realized that only your opinion mattered. She did call you for advice though, and you helped her out.

- At the dance, she was so flustered about dancing but went for it anyway. She really is working on being more confident around you.

- She made sure that you ate though, so you wouldn't be faint during the dance.

- You guys kept taking pictures at the photo booth together. Sammy keeps them in her wallet.

- After the dance, Sammy kept hugging her pillow, smiling at how enchanting her night was with you.

- She was excited and already started to plan her outfit. She was so going to post about what she saw others wearing and what you both were wearing on her blog since it deals with trends.

- Of course, she planned your outfits and made sure they go well together (Not exactly matching outfits).

- During the dance, she was a little irritated that people kept pointing out the fact that you're a super model. She felt jealous when people kept saying you were gorgeous but at the same time proud because you're hers.

- When she pouted in the corner, you made her feel better with food.

- After the dance, she hugged you close then kissed your nose. This made you blush and she was satisfied about that.

- Mickey was worried that he was going to make a fool of himself and get injured yet again. He agreed anyway because he's not the type to let his struggles hold him back.

- He planned out ways to be careful while still having fun. Like how to look where he is going, listening closely incase anyone bumps into him. He really wanted this to work out.

- He felt he was lucky to have you because you were so patient for him.

- During the dance, he only fell on his face twice. He didn't get a bloody nose, but he did get a scratch on his cheek. However, he wasn't able to eat most of the food due to his rare allergies. So afterwards, you drove to get him some take out that he was able to eat because you felt very bad.

- After the dance and getting him take out, he kissed you on the forehead before you drove back to your home.

- Jay was hesitant because of his conditions and the risk of getting injured, but like Mickey, he tries to overcome his adversities.

- Jay practiced the dance moves with a pillow to make sure he gets it right without injuring himself in the process. He only fell on his feet twice.

- He showered you with compliments on your dress and hair style.

- During the dance, he was still clumsy but he managed to not fall on his face at all. Like Mickey, he still had a lot of allergies towards the food. So instead of staying long, you both went to a restaurant for people with allergies.

- After the dance, Jay kept thanking you for being patient then gave you a kiss.

- "What? No way!" Jo exclaimed, crossing her arms.
"It might be fun." You teased, causing her to blush.

- Jo eventually gave in after a few days of thinking about it. She gave in because she wanted to make you happy, and she loved to see you smile. She has such a soft spot for you.

- Jo wore a nice button up and you wore a dress. This made you blush so hard, which she laughed at.

- At the dance, she was more excited about the food and drinks than she was about actually dancing. She saw it as free food.

- When you two danced, she got quieter than usual and had this big blush on her face. She kept trying to hide her smile, but you knew she loved being there with you.

- Afterwards, she pinned you to her car then kissed you. She admitted she couldn't resist kissing you after tonight.

- Because you and Brick go to military balls together, this was like a cake walk for him. Only, it was way more casual than the military ball.

- He picked you up at your place and the first thing he did was kiss you and tell you, you looked beautiful.

- He was a true gentleman throughout the night. He kept his arm around you to guide you through the mob of people, and made sure you ate first before dancing.

- He enjoyed slow dancing with you. He did this cliché thing where he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

- After the dance, he kissed you at a stoplight then drove you home.

- "Fuck no." Eva sighed, looking irritated. "There's no way I'm going to a dance."

- Eva eventually gave in when she saw how much you wanted to go when you would talk about it with your friends, who were also going. She found your expression when she told you she was going extremely adorable.

- Eva wore a button up with a tie and pants. She figured to dress up since you were dressing up, and she wanted to be presentable. She still kept her stoic "idgaf" expression though, but deep down she was glad to spend the evening with you.

- At the dance, she only danced with you once and it was a slow dance. She just ignored everybody and focused on you. She knew this made you happy, and she wanted to keep doing that. You both mostly ate, talked and watched other people dance like you were on a normal date.

- After the dance, she asked for a kiss to make the night even more worth it. She smiled to herself once you got in your house and finally admitted to herself that she did enjoy her time with you.

- "Heck yeah!"

- He brought his camera to take pictures before and during the dance.

- Intense PDA throughout the night.

- He's so outgoing that he made everybody feel welcomed at the party. He's a party person, so even the ones who don't like parties enjoyed their time after speaking to him.

- He preferred to dance to the upbeat music.

- After the dance, Geoff gave you one more kiss and told you once again, that you looked beautiful in your dress.

- Justin was a little nervous about going to the dance because he knew girls would admire him and try to flirt with him. That's what usually happened a lot, and it bothered you.

- He was going to say no, but you seemed to really want him to go with you, so he said yes.

- As usual, girls tried to flirt with him even when you were there. However, Justin told them he was taken and to stop. He didn't care about hurting their feelings because he only wants you.

- He loved the slow dancing part because it felt intimate and right to him.

- Afterwards, he dropped you hope and gave you a kiss.

- He made sure you knew that he was going to pick you up and drop you home.

- He wore a tux, and was flattered to see you in your dress. He wasn't too touchy though because he wanted to be respectful.

- At the dance, he was mostly into the drinks and food. He wasn't too into the slow dancing part.

- He still danced with you and he felt proud that he was able to make you smile so much.

- After the dance, you both went out to gaze at the stars on a hill. You both shared a kiss once he dropped you home.

- "Awww! That is so romantic! Yes, I'll go with you."

- Lindsay took you both to get your hair and nails done hours before. You both also shopped together to get a dress.

- You both created that "Princess protection program" scene where you two modeled different dresses and posed until you found the right one. It was cute. Afterwards you went for some ice cream.

- During the dance, Lindsay was excited to be swooned and she also wanted to make things romantic for you. She kept flirting and saying corny things about being lucky to have you.

- She kept leaning on your shoulder as you sat near the table.

- She was a little clumsy during the slow dance but kept going because she found it sweet and romantic.

- After the dance, she gave you a kiss then told you she found her night magical.

- Izzy thought it would be fun. She's been to a few dances before so she has an idea of what to expect.

- She blushed once she saw you in your dress and kept making flirty comments. She was extra affectionate about you.

- Izzy tried all the different foods and was energetic for hours at the dance. She kept wanting to dance more even though you were tired.

- You had to prevent her from drinking wine because she gets drunk easily.

- After the dance, you had to be the one driving since she ended up getting drunk. You just called a cab, since it was her car.

- Harold was excited because he knew he would get more chances to swoon you.

- He wears a tux, which you admired and he kept commenting that you looked "hot" in your dress. Figuratively, not literally.

- He kept putting his hands on your thighs at the table, which made you blush a lot.

- He was a little goofy because he tried showing off his 'skilled' dancing. You told him to take it easy, since people were watching. He didn't care though, then you eventually didn't mind.x

- After the dance, he kissed your cheek then told you he had fun.

- He thought it would be cool for you both to attend one for the first time. He picked you up early and you two drove around for a little bit before heading there.

- Tyler wanted to impress you with his dance moves but he lacked a lot of patience to get it right. You assured him he doesn't have to dance though.

- He still insisted on dancing because he wanted to be romantic. Afterwards, you both ate and he insisted he'd get more desserts for you.

- You both spent a lot of time at the photo booth.

- After the dance, he gave you a kiss then texted you saying he had an amazing time.

- Chris was happy to go to one with you, but the only thing he worried about was fans since you both were famous. You insisted to go anyway since it was your hometown.

- Of course, you both got surrounded by fans. Chris tried not to lose his shit when they would keep interrupting you when you danced together.

- He thought you were cute and sweet when you were interacting with your fans though, despite him feeling annoyed by them.

- You both had to leave early due to more people coming just to take pictures with you.

- Afterwards, you assured him that you had fun anyway even though you guys were only there for an hour. He admitted he had a great time with you too. However, he still kept complaining about your time together being interrupted.

- Katie squealed and fangirled at the thought of a romantic night with you dancing with her. The first thing she did was call Sadie up to brag about it.

- Her and Sadie went shopping together for a dress.

- When you went to pick her up, she squealed and told you, you look gorgeous. She kept gushing over how beautiful you are.

- During the dance, she was so excited and was flustered while you were holding her. She couldn't believe that moment existed.

- After the dance, you gave her a kiss and she was swooned the whole week after.

- Sadie kept fangirling and even told Katie about it. They were excited about your first dance together.

- She spent hours browsing stores and websites for a dress even though you said she didn't have to go all out since it's not too formal.

- She squealed the moment she saw you in your dress. She kept going on and on about that through the car ride.

- Sadie was energetic while dancing to the upbeat songs but during the slow dances, she tried her best to keep her cool and not freak out.

- After the dance, she swooned over how cute you were and how romantic the evening was.

- Sky was thrilled about a dance because she likes to eat party food and listen to the music while people act carefree.

- Sky talked about how excited she was the whole week. She offered to shop with you for your dress.

- She thought it was fun to dance with you all night. She also sang along to the songs with you.

- After the dance, you both shared a kiss then listened to music on the way home.

- He said yes, mainly because he wanted to swoon you and see you all dressed up.

- Vito didn't want to wear a tux but agreed to wear a tie with a shirt. (Vito is a separate body in this story, not a 'alter' of Mike's just to make this story work)

- He kept wrapping his arm around you throughout the dance and refused to leave your side. He saw you as the most beautiful girl there.

- He's not that great at dancing, but agreed to dance with you. He was more for the upbeat music though.

- Afterwards when he dropped you home, he kept trying to make out, which you agreed to. He didn't want to leave, but he promised to see you very soon after that.

- Dancing is in Jacques' blood, so he was more than excited to show off at the dance. He was mostly excited to dance with you though.

- He kept talking about the dance throughout the week. It was cute seeing him all excited about it.

- He slightly panicked on what to wear because of the dancing, but you told him to just dress however he feels like as long as it's presentable.

- He showed up in a nice shirt and pants. He gave you a rose to greet you.

- During the dance, he danced with you to all sorts of music. It was fun to experience dancing with him. Many people admired the both of you.

- Some of his fans kept asking for autographs but he also made sure you were the priority to spend time with.

- He also wanted to sing some karaoke.

- After the dance, he brags about it on social media.

- She loves to dance, so she was happy to attend one with you.

- Josee told you stories of how she used to dance as a child. Her cousins would have their own dance competition which she was always competitive in.

- Josee planned out her outfit that would go well with dancing while also looking casual yet elegant. She was very particular with her outfit.

- She kept blushing at your outfit and fangirled on the inside. She blushed even more when you kept flirting with her. She likes it when you do that because she feels special.

- She took the dance floor way too seriously but you still had fun. She enjoyed the desserts too.

- After the dance, you both had a passionate kiss in the car before you drove her home.

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