My perfect weapon

De Bvb9817

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Alexis and Lilith are good friends and Lilith introduces Andy and Jackson to Alexis, but there's a dark twist... Mais

Chapter one Love, Lies and deception
Chapter 2 The Devil Within
Chapter 3 smoke and mirrors
Chapter 5 Done For You
Chapter 6 very first holiday
Chapter 7 homecoming
Chapter 8 the void
Chapter 9 blessed love
Chapter 10 Fallen Angels
better angels

Chapter 4 Then I lost it all

17 0 0
De Bvb9817

Alexis's POV

I just stood there speechless and heartbroken, I can't believe what I just heard, he actually just asked for that psycho, but what hurts the most is that he still thinks they're married, I guess that's the last thing he remembers.

I look at him with a sharp pain in my heart and say "Please tell me this is a joke Andy, you have to remember me" I stand beside his bed crying my heart out. "I'm so sorry, I really don't know who you are" He says looking confused.

I'd heard enough, so I just ran out of the hospital in floods of tears, once I got out of the hospital i just ran straight to my car, I get in and I call Jasmine straight away, "Hey girl, what's up?" She asks. I don't know how to tell her, so I just say "Can you come meet me at the hospital, I could really do with my best friend right now" I say trying to fight back my tears.

Jasmine then quickly said without any hesitation"I'm on my way girl what's going on? I can hear how broken you are" I couldn't reply so I just hung up and waited for jasmine to arrive. While I was waiting I completely broke down, my absolute everything doesn't even know who I am anymore, with everything we've been through in the short time that we've known each other and he still asks for that crazy psycho bitch, I cant take this anymore.

As I was in the middle of breaking down, Jasmine flung my car door open, got in, closed the door and just gave me a massive hug because I'm guessing that she went to Andy's room first and  quickly realised that he didn't even know who she was, which means he's forgot her too, she didn't say a word she just held me.

"What am I going to do Jasmine, he was my everything, we were finally getting to a place that we could have finally been happy together, but then this happens, I guess Lilith really has taken him away from me now, but you know what breaks my heart the most is that he still asks for that crazy, controlling, manipulative psycho bitch" I say in choked up tears. I guess I really have lost everything now, so I guess there's nothing left for me here anymore.

Jasmine just looks at me and says "come on, let's get you home" I nod my head and I start my car and head back to my parents house, however jasmine had to go back to hers, so I then walk through the front door of my parents house to find both of my parents are inside waiting. I make my way into the sitting room and my mom just says to me "where the hell have you been these last few weeks, we've hardly seen you" I couldn't even reply to her, she then just turned around and said "Anyway, that doesn't matter right now, I really hope your going to make amends with Jackson, he was perfect for you" I didn't say a word because she didn't know what this guy was really like nor would she care. I mean come on he tried to kill my Andy mom, I thought to myself but none of that matters anymore since he doesn't even remember who i am anymore.
Instead of saying anything to her I decided to go upstairs to my bedroom and got out my small suitcase and backpack and just started packing as much as I could, there's no point in me sticking around anymore, my mother doesn't even care about me if she wants me to get back with the man who tried to kill my Andy, as I was in the middle of packing, my dad came in and asked "what's going on sweetheart?" again I didn't know what to say so he told me that he had just seen on the news that Jackson and Lilith have been released pending investigation, what the actual fuck, they try to kill Andy and yet they get released, the justice system must be so corrupt if it's letting those two psychos walk free, I think to myself.

Before I could say anything to my dad my mother came in just as I had finished packing my small suitcase and my backpack, I then quickly hid them under my bed and she says to me "he's here, so come on sort yourself out" what the fuck is she talking about. So I make my way back downstairs and entered the sitting room and I couldn't believe my eyes, Jackson was sitting there next to my mom so I just said to her "what the actual fuck is he doing here" which annoyed her straight away, she then just says "Alexis it's time for you to make amends with Jackson, he's perfect for you and you know it" I just stood there and burst into laughter and said "you are joking right? the guy is fucking crazy, I would never get back with him in a million years" Just as I had said that Jackson stood up and walked over to me and said "You will come back to me one way or another, poor Andy, how's he doing, oh wait you don't know because he doesn't even know who you are anymore" and he just starts laughing.

I had heard enough so I just run straight back up to my room and finished packing as much of my stuff as I could fit into my small suitcase and backpack when my dad comes back up. "What are you doing sweetheart, and what was Jackson on about downstairs?" He asks me as he sits next to me.

"Well about 2 years ago, back when I was good friends with Lilith she asked me if I wanted to meet Andy and Jackson, at the time Andy and Lilith were married and Jackson was single, but when we all met, me and Andy hit it off straight away, I wasn't even interested in Jackson, but Lilith was determined to get me and Jackson together, but from the moment I saw Jackson I knew there was something off about him but i just couldn't put my finger on it, but when I saw Andy, I knew I was in love, my heart skipped a beat I even forgot Jackson and Lilith were there, it was like me and Andy were the only people standing there. Anyway fast forward to about 3 months ago, Jasmine surprised me with a black veil brides concert and VIP passes for my birthday, only when I got there Andy didn't recognise me, so I decided to walk away with Jasmine and asked Jackson if he could go get me a drink so I could talk to Jasmine privately , so when he left I  explained everything to jasmine, that's when Andy came up to us just as I had finished telling her everything, we spoke for a few seconds but then he just looked at me like I was a complete stranger, anyway fast forward about an hour I found Jackson making out with Lilith only I didn't notice it was Lilith straight away, so I ran and hid where no one would find me, however just as I was away to run from the concert completely I ran into Andy, and that's when he took me by surprise by taking me on stage and dedicating my all time favourite black veil brides song knives and pens to me however it wasn't until that moment I spotted that it was actually Lilith and Jackson making out, so once the song was over he took me off stage and went back on to finish the set but once that was over Andy took me the bands tour bus where we got to talking when out of nowhere he just kissed me and asked me to go on tour with him and the guys, but I just wasn't quite ready for that yet, so fast forward to like 3 weeks ago, Andy was on his way to see me, at least that's what jasmine had told me, I then quickly came to the realisation that it was Jackson who had run Andy off of the road causing him to crash his car, and now he doesn't even remember who I am, the last thing he remembers is being married to that psycho bitch" I say in floods of tears.

He then just pulls me into a big hug and reassuringly says "Shhhh, it'll be okay honey, don't worry he will remember everything in time" He then quickly notices I've packed my small suitcase and backpack.
"Where are you going to go sweetheart?" He asks quietly and worriedly. I just quietly answer "I'm going to go stay with jasmine for a little while, just until I get back on my feet, but please don't tell mom, she'll just try and drag me back home, promise me you won't tell her? "He just looks at me and nods his head before saying "take all the time you need but just make sure to go out through the back door so mom doesn't see you okay" I nod my head, give my dad a kiss on the cheek and grab my things, I then quietly sneak out through the back door, I quickly make it to my car trying not to get caught by my mom. I quickly get in and throw my stuff on the passenger seat, I then quickly start driving to Jasmines house, when I pulled up she was already waiting for me outside, I parked my car in her driveway, Once I had turned off my car I got my stuff and got out and almost immediately she pulls me into a big hug as I explain what happened and she couldn't believe what she was hearing and just said "is your mom really that blind to not see right through his bullshit, ugh I'm so sorry babe but don't worry everything will be okay".

About 3 weeks go by and me and Jasmine are talking the night away and are trying to come up with a plan to try and help Andy get his memory back.

"So how exactly are we going help him?" I ask confused, she then makes a possible suggestion, "Well it might not be easy, but how about we try and recreate the moment you met, except without them two.
"That would have been a great idea, except for the fact that he doesn't remember either of us so it's not like he's going to agree to it" I sigh while looking at my phone which has a photo of Andy as my background "Hey girl, it'll be okay, I still have his number all we can do is ask, what's the worst that can happen, if he says no then we'll just come up with another plan" She suggests. I grudgingly nod my head in agreement, I can't see this actually working since he doesn't actually remember who either of are, and it's not like he's going to meet up with two complete strangers.

Jasmine then goes ahead and calls Andy to see if he would be willing to meet up with the two of us tomorrow, and to my surprise he actually says yes, but when I heard his voice my heart almost broke because its still my Andy but it was a broken version of him, she then hangs up, looks at me and says, "see I told you there's nothing to worry about" with a smile on her face, she then notices how broken I look so she asks, "hey, what's wrong girl?" I just start crying and say, "when I heard his voice it just broke my heart, I know he's still my Andy but he's not the same person he was before, and that breaks my heart" She just pulls me in for a hug and says "it'll be okay girl, hopefully tomorrow he will start to remember some things" I nod my head in agreement, and with that we then we both head off to sleep.
Its now all of a sudden the next day, and I then quickly realise that today's the day that we try to help Andy get his memory back, so I quickly get ready by putting on the same simple white top, black ripped skinny jeans, my blue denim jacket and my favourite pair of checkered vans, once I was ready I sit and wait for Jasmine to get ready, once she was ready we then start to make our way to the meet up point but we soon realise that we're running a little late.

Andy's pov

I have absolutely no idea what's going on, but I have a feeling that this Alexis knows more about me than I do right now. Although all I do know is that I have to see her and at least speak to her to try and find out what's going on. When I spoke to the doctor who was looking after me the whole time and when I woke up, he had told me that Alexis never left my side no matter and that all she would keep saying is that she needed me to wake up because she never got to tell me something, however no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get any of this out of my head. But this girl seems very special to me somehow, but my damn brain just can't figure out why.

I arrive at the meetup point, but I'm guessing they're running late as they weren't here yet, then suddenly I see this woman come up to me and she says hey, I look at her and say "hello my name is Andy it's a pleasure to meet you" she smiles and says "it's nice to meet you too Andy, my name is Jasmine but my friends tend to call me Jas" but before i got the chance to say anything else she just shouts "Alexis" and that's when all of a sudden I saw the most absolutely mesmerising and beautiful girl coming towards me wearing a simple white top, black ripped skinny jeans, a blue denim jacket and a simple pair of checkered vans. Why the hell does this all seem so familiar, come on brain think, but no matter how much I rack my brain I just couldn't work out how this all seems so familiar, all I know is that I have seen her before. That's when it came to me, she's the young woman who came to the hospital when I woke up, but other than that she's a complete mystery.

"Hello there sir, it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Alexis Hansley, what's your name?" she asks in such an angelic voice that it captivates me, so I just look at her and smile immensely and just say "hello, it's very nice to meet you Alexis, my name is Andy Biersack" she just flashes the most incredible smile and its so captivating, like I've seen it before, but i just can't figure out where I could have possibly seen such a beautiful smile. She's just so beautiful and angelic, and just like that she had captivated both my heart and soul, all in the matter of seconds.
Me and this girl, Alexis just stand there for at least 10 minutes just getting to know each other, she has such a beautiful laugh, but the way she looks at me is like she's lost someone very important to her.
After a few minutes the other girl called Jasmine turns around and says "Hey, I don't mean to rush you guys but if we don't hurry up then we wont make it to the restaurant" Alexis then shows off the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, then that's when I get a small flash in my head, I have definitely seen this smile before but I just can't remember where, as we make our way to the restaurant Alexis looks at me and asks "So Andy, i'm curious, what do you do for work?" As she shows that absolutely angelic smile on her incredibly beautiful face.

I look back at her and answer politely "well I'm actually the lead singer of an American rock band called Black veil brides" she then flashes the biggest and most beautiful smile I have ever seen, then says excitedly "oh my god, I'm such a huge fan, your guys's music is absolutely amazing"
"Well thank you, that means a lot" I say with a smile on my face, my hand then accidentally brushes against hers, which causes an explosion of butterflies in my stomach, I then quickly say "sorry about that" and immediately move my hand away.
She just looks at me and quietly says "it's okay, i guess" with this look of pain and hurt in her eyes, it's almost as if she's upset that I moved my hand away.
All of a sudden the next thing I knew we were at the restaurant and Jasmine says "Okay guys looks like we made it" I take a look at the building while I'm trying to rack my brain, that's when it hit me, I know this place, it feels familiar, almost as if I have been here before , i look at the sign and then end up leaning against a wall as some memories come back to me in pieces, I then try to say something to Alexis but I can't get a whole sentence out instead I just manage to say" Alexis..." She turns around and looks at me with an extremely worried look on her face, then almost immediately she comes up to me and holds me up right keeping me steady and asks "Andy, is everything okay?" With sincerity in her voice, wow this girl really must care about me, but I just can't figure out who she is, this is torture she looks at me with pure love and passion, and yet I'm not able to look at her the same way.
I then just turn around and say "I remember..." I look up at her and she has this concerned look on her face. "It's okay Andy, just take a few deep breathes, what exactly do you remember" I just look at her and I just say "I remember being here before, but that's all I remember, everything else is a complete blank, it's just so frustrating not being able to remember anything"
"Hey, don't worry about it, this is a good thing, I know it's only something small, but It's better than nothing" She says while looking at me still smiling.

That smile is so angelic and her eyes are sparkling, my heart then starts pounding, fuck I need to calm myself down a little so I decide to have a smoke before i went in. To my surprise Alexis turns around and asks if she could have one, Jasmine went inside and sat down at our table while me and Alexis stood out here together, the next thing I know Alexis brushes her hand against mine, it feels deliberate but somehow it still manages to send shivers down my spine, how can I be feeling like this when I barely know her, it's just so frustrating because she looks at me with such love, passion, happiness and joy, she also has this glowing light coming from her but my stupid brain won't work.
We then decided to go inside and sit down together, we all just started talking for about half an hour when all of a sudden this guy came to our table and sat down next to Alexis and started being all cute, he then did something that really shocked me, he leaned over to her and just started kissing her right there in front of me, I had seen enough, so I just stood up and just said "I need some air" and with that I just walked out.
As soon as I got outside I just punched a brick wall causing my hand to start bleeding, what the fuck is wrong with me, how can I be jealous, I barely know this woman, nothing makes sense anymore "ARGHHHH FUCK" I scream while I just stand there holding my hand, that's when all of a sudden I felt someone grab my arm so I look up, it's her my saviour, she sits me down and uses the first aid kit to clean up my hand, I just look at her and say, "what's wrong with me? why am I only remembering things in little pieces? why can't I just remember everything? it's just not fair, I look at you like your a stranger, yet there's something about you that feels familiar" as my voice breaks while I try not to break down in front of her.
"hey shhhhh, it's okay Andy, take some deep breathes, you don't want to over do it, I know it's frustrating right now, but you will remember everything one day, but for now it will come to you in little fragments over time, but don't worry I'm only one phone call away, call me anytime you feel like you need someone to talk to okay?" She says as she tries to hold back her tears, she then hands me a small piece of paper with her number on it, I look at her and we both smile immensely.
I reach over and gently move a loose curl of her hair that was in her eyes, and all of a sudden my heart skips a beat, suddenly every fibre of my being is telling me to just kiss her, but she has a boyfriend so I can't.

As we were sitting there, the guy from inside came out and looked at Alexis, he comes up to her and kisses her on the cheek, then just says "Hey babe, it's getting late, lets go I'll drive you home" Then all of a sudden I got defensive and just stood in front of Alexis and grabbed her hand and said "there's no need mate, I'll take her home, I just want to make sure she gets back safe" he then just walks away, well that was easier than I thought it would be, I thought to myself, I then look at Alexis and her beautiful eyes light up as soon as I say that but then immediately says "I would love that, but I'm driving" with the most beautiful smile on her angelic face.

I was so happy to finally be able to spend some proper alone time with her, plus she must really care about me if she won't let me drive, especially after my accident. She looks at me and says "I'll be right back, I need to talk to Jas alone for a sec" she then walks off with jasmine for a couple of minutes, they look deep in conversation, she then comes back with a huge smile on her face, "okay, lets go" she says. And with that we make our way over to her car.

As she was driving she quickly looks over at me and says "Andy, can I ask you something?" "of course, you can ask me anything" i reply while I look at her beautiful face.
"On the day of the crash you were heading somewhere, do you remember where?" She asks with curiosity in her voice while I try to rack my brain hoping that i might be able to piece something together, but unfortunately i look at her with sadness in my eyes and say "I'm so sorry, but nothing's coming to mind"
As I look at her, her beautiful smile has faded and she looks like she's been stabbed in the heart, like she's waiting for me to remember something, but nothings coming back to me and It's so frustrating, because this beautiful young woman sitting next to me is waiting for me to remember, and I'm not able to give her even a little hope.
After what feels like an eternity she finally pulls up at a hotel and says, "You can stay here tonight, don't worry about anything, I'll pay for everything, since I am technically homeless and living with Jasmine until i get back on my feet since my stupid mother is trying to force me to get back with my ex boyfriend Jackson" that's when all of a sudden a huge flashback comes rushing into my head, I can't deal with all of these memories coming back to me all at once, but everything is coming back in one massive wave, Lilith setting Alexis up with Jackson, my insane jealousy of Jackson being with her, then finding her crying and all alone at one of our concerts on her birthday, singing to her on stage, then she told me about Jackson and Lilith making out once we made it to the tour bus, then I kissed her before I had to go on tour again for 3 months, Oh my god I remember now, I was on my way to see Alexis to apologise for kissing her before heading back out on tour again, but also to tell her that I'm falling well and truly head over heals in love with her.
"Hey Andy, is everything okay? You've been quiet for a few minutes now" she asks sounding concerned, I look back at her and reply "everything's fine" and smile, plus it's not like I can tell her I remember everything, at least not right now, because I know if I do I could risk losing her again and I'm not about to let that happen, I've nearly lost her twice before and I'm not prepared for that to happen again, so I decided to keep it to myself for now so I can come up with a plan to finally get the chance to hopefully ask her to officially be my girlfriend, so with that Alexis gives me a hug, I get out of her car and she makes her way away from the hotel, so I then make my way into the hotel, I check in and head straight to my room.
Once I got inside my room I close the door and I just lay on my bed exhausted but at the same time I'm just so happy that I am finally able to remember Alexis, the angel in my life, the light in the darkness and my absolute world.
I just can't believe she did all of this to help me remember, plus it shows that she never once gave up on me no matter what, but I need to keep quiet for now because I don't want anything to happen to her ever again. All I want is to see her face again but she's probably sleeping right now, besides now that I've recovered we have to get back on the road again, the guys have been nothing but supportive and understanding of my condition, I also remember that it's Alexis's birthday in the next couple of weeks, so I need to come up with a plan to ask her out officially, so I'm going to speak to jasmine to see if she can bring Alexis to our show in Chicago so I can put this surprise together, it's going to be difficult seeing as she hates surprises, but it'll definitely be worth it to see the sparkle in her eyes and that beautiful smile on her face.

I then look through my phone and i see all these photos of me and Lilith Urgh they make me sick, so i go through every single photo of me and Lilith and even photos of Lilith in general until they're all gone from my phone and every single social media platform. I want to send Alexis a text but she's probably asleep, so i decide to text Jasmine asking her give me a call. As soon as the text had been delivered i receive a call from Jasmine.

"Hey Andy, you okay?" She asks, not realising i have my memory back. "Hey Jasmine can we talk i need a massive favour" I hear Jasmine move out of the room that Alexis is sleeping in and she goes to another room.
"Okay now i can talk, what's going on?" She asks.

"Well about 15 minutes ago, after Alexis dropped me off at a hotel as she couldn't go home because she's staying with you because her mom is trying to make her stay with her ex Jackson or trying to get her back with Jackson, I don't know how but after I heard that son of a bitches name everything came back to me all at once, but now I need a massive favour" I quickly reply before she comes back with "sure, i just can't believe you finally remember everything, so what's up?"
"I want to ask Alexis to officially be my girlfriend and I know her birthday is coming up, so I was wondering if you could bring her to our show in Chicago where I can come up with a way to ask her in the best most amazing way I can think off" I ask hoping and praying she will say yes.
She then quickly agrees "but you do know how difficult this will be, she can't stand surprises" "I know but this is the only way I can think of that she will remember for the rest of her life." I reply.
She then quickly agrees, and we start coming up with a plan to get her to the concert.

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