
By Bailee105

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Book 1

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By Bailee105

As i sign my name on the letter and joyfully put it inside the red envelope i stamp it with my yellow stamp so i know its mine and i get up and tip toe down my stairs trying not to wake up my step dad who was sleeping on the couch i slip on my slides and slowly slide out the door it was raining out so i sprint to the mailbox and slip it in.  I sprint back and then I slowly creaked open my door but when I turned around my step dad was standing right there. I could tell he was mad. "what were you doing outside at 9:00 pm at night!" i flinch at his yelling "listen i-i" i stopped myself i knew he would think i've gone insane if i told him about the letter i was sending to the magical fairytale school " i was just going for a run i had a nightmare and i went to clear my mind" i lied "ugh enough with the nightmare business you're fifteen you'll be sixteen in two days". I was surprised he cared to remember my birthday. " I'm sorry I wont do it no more I promise" I said cause if I got accepted  into this school he wouldn't even bother me if he thought i was in my room. "Ju-just go to bed already" he said "okay goodnight" i said in relief he didn't look into it anymore he just sighed and waved me off i quickly (but quietly) ran to my room and shut the door in two days i would know if i made it in. I forced myself to sleep.
The next morning I got up and marked off my calendar. After today i would be sixteen and i would know if i made it in. I began to worry what if my letter doesn't make it, what if it doesn't exsist  and that boy I met after school a week ago was lying and this fairytale madness was all fake. But I pushed those thoughts out of my mind so I could get dressed. I just put a pair of Nike sweatpants on and a white shirt on. I then walked down stairs and made a bowl of cearel. Then i heard the bathroom door open down the hall i began to get scared but then it hit me (duh) it's only saturday my step dad doesn't go to work until sunday luckily for me that was my birthday so i could open my letter alone to be honest i didn't really do anything besides watch tv and eat snacks but i was born as a twig so it doesn't matter how much i eat nothing changes. Anyways the next day my dad left early in the morning and when i woke up i ran outside flung open the mailbox grabbed the bundle of mail and ran back inside i set the mail on the table sat down and went through it after looking at bills and mail from the rent owner for my dad there it was my letter but i knew they answer cause you could tell it was opened and the yellow stamp was now black i squealed so loud if my dad was home i would be grounded i opened it and began to read dear human i'm happy to see that you humans or at least some of you still believe in magic anyways I looked over your letter and with a little magic i have been watching you lately so in good time i think you would be awesome here so the answer-  i heard the screen door slowly open i immediately grabbed the letter and printed upstairs my dad must of came home early hopefully he doesn't care the mail is scattered out on the table i quickly ran into my room " hey im home can you come help me make dinner" my step dad calls i throw my letter in my dresser door and run don the stairs "sorry were you doing something i wasnt interpreting anything was i" "ummm nothing that cant wait sure i will help" then i guess well have to wait till after dinner to find out or tomorrow i dont know when ill be read i dont know will see. After dinner me and my step dad hung out I know for some reason he was in a very good mood but hey I'm not complaining we sat on the couch and he turned on a movie the thing was it was my moms favorite movie before well she passed and it felt good to finally watch it after she died my real dad left me and now im with my step dad so its like this was helping me heal after and hour or so it ended and it was basically dark out but it was only 7:30 my dad paused the credits and looked t me i could feel he was getting serious "look kiddo i need to talk to you about something will you listen" "sure" I said I always felt weird when he got serious "okay there is this girl named linda-" he stopped talking cause he thought i was going to cut him off but i just closed my mouth "she is coming over tonight she is going to be around more and i just wanted to warn you she will be apart of this family now" my heart beat went crazy my eyes started watering i know i was only 15 and im not the smartest but I know that its wong to replace a dead parent even I know that "

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