The Thrill Of Your Love

By queenismyreligion1

9.4K 545 1.4K

A newly ascended Papa Emeritus the Third is under pressure as he navigates the stresses of ruling alone in th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Nine

353 22 49
By queenismyreligion1

Sister Imperator had spared no expense in organising a lavish leaving party for Terzo before he was about to embark on his highly anticipated American tour the following day. The grand dining hall of the monastery had been transformed into a magical setting, with glittering chandeliers casting a soft glow on the beautifully adorned tables.

Terzo had made an effort and dressed in his formal trousers and a crisp shirt that was tailored to fit his torso perfectly, yet he still left most of the buttons left undone. He stood at Alice's door, a singular red rose in his hand, whilst his other one brushed back his gelled back hair, impatiently knocking after she never came the first time. Though when she pulled back the door, his eyes widened in awe. She stood before him in an elegant yet daring black dress that accentuated her curves and showcased her beauty whilst struggling to push an earring into her earlobe, apologising for running a little late. But he never heard a word she said. He couldn't help but simply stare, momentarily lost for words as the entire the world apart from the girl melted around him.

"Alice," he finally managed to utter, his voice filled with genuine surprise, "you look absolutely stunning."

"Thank's not something I'd usually choose." She smiled with a tinge of blush in her cheek, glancing down at her outfit then back up at him. "But being Terzo Emeritus' girlfriend...I have a reputation to uphold."

"Ah, I see. Well being my partner looks good on you, you truly suit being by my side tonight." He grinned. "Here, for you, bellissimo." He bowed when dramatically handing her the rose, feeling his knees weaken at the sound of her laughter.

He took her hand into his and placed a tender kiss on her knuckles and led Alice into the grand dining hall, his hand moving to gently hold the small of her back as he navigated the crowds. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries and polished wooden floors, exuding an air of elegance and grandeur much like the rest of the ministry. The long tables filled with hundreds of siblings stretched out before them, draped in fine linen, and adorned with silverware and crystal glasses filled with wine. As they made their way to their designated table at the front of the hall, the gazes of the guests followed their every move.

Alice couldn't help but notice the glares and curious gazes directed their way. Whispers floated through the air, mingling with the clinking of cutlery and the soft hum of conversation. It seemed that their presence as a couple had stirred up quite a commotion, unbeknownst to the clergy that their relationship was nothing more than a way for Terzo to avoid finding his prime mover and bettering the institution.

"Relax amore." He rubbed small, comforting circles on her back as he helped her into her seat after noticing Alice's unease. He took his own seat and leaned forward, taking her hands into his. "Let's treat this like a real date. Forget that it's all pretend for now." He playfully raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile gracing his lips. "Ask each other questions, get to know each other just like on a real date. It will be fun!"

Alice's lips curved into a hesitant smile, grateful for Terzo's lighthearted approach. She nodded, determined to embrace the situation and enjoy the evening to the fullest. As they settled into the seats they'd be sitting in for the next couple of hours, she took a moment to observe the beautifully adorned table, the soft glow of candlelight casting a warm ambiance over their table for two, and a vase of fresh flowers decorating it thematically, placing the rose her given to her into the. It was an exciting time for the ministry, despite many sisters being jealous of Alice, the fortunate chosen one of Papa, everybody was eager to get to know Alice and what Terzo had seen in her.

"So, my dear, what are you drinking tonight?" Terzo's eyes never strayed far from Alice's face, his genuine protectiveness evident. "Champagne, si?" He smirked and as if on queue, a ghoul was pouring the chilled bottle of fine champagne into a glass on the table. "Grazie, and one for Alice too." He smiled, motioning for the ghoul to move over to the girl before she had a chance to object. He took a sip of the drink, his face scrunching up with pleasure as he slightly nodded. "Let me ask you a question first...I'm tired of you being a mystery to me, I'm determined to truly know you by the end of the tour."

"Alright, ask away Emeritus." She grinned. "But nothing too extreme."

"Ah, but I cannot promise you that, cara mia. But I'll start of easy for you." He chuckled. Leaning back in his chair, Terzo's features expressed a look of contemplation before posing his question. "Tell me, what is your favourite colour?"

"Yellow." Alice smiled, feeling a wave of comfort wash over her, nothing else in the room mattering but the man's kind eyes in front of her.

"And season?"

"Autumn." She responded instantly, sipping her champagne as he nodded in agreement. "And that was two questions darling."

"Mi dispiace, I want to know everything about you!" He laughed. "Fine, it's your turn."

"Alright, what is the one thing you think you'll miss the most while we're away on tour? You know, to prepare myself."

Alice smiled warmly as she watched Terzo's playful facade faltering for a brief moment, a genuine expression of deep thought crossing his face. Then suddenly he smiled, a hint of bitter-sweetness in his eyes as he thought about his answer.

"Well, my dear, I will miss my cats." He met her gaze again. "Si, cats." He nodded, confirming his answer. "Ok, level two, you ready?" He smirked. "What's your favourite physical part about yourself, your body, what do you like about yourself Alice?" He rested his chin in his hand as he took another swig of champagne, finding amusement in how the question had appeared to make her slightly uncomfortable.

"Well, I like my hair, I always got complimented on its natural colour." She raised a brow when he twirled her blonde locks that were resting on her shoulder around his  finger, admiring it.

"I agree...bellissimo...many would pay thousands for this." His eyes looked deeply into hers, a fluttering feeling deep within his stomach causing him to let go of her, sitting back and clearing his throat; there was something he hated about not being in control of his emotions. "Ok, your turn."

"Two can play at this game, Mr. big-ego." She teased, smirking as she asked him. "What's your biggest insecurity?"

"Oh amore, you're making me tremble a little." He grinned. "I could probably talk for hours and brutally pick myself apart...but something I'm very insecure about that I don't let a lot of people know about fear of abandonment. I- eh- I often feel like I'm not good enough, and that people are usually better off without me." He picked at his fingernails, avoiding eye contact. "So I find it hard to trust people. And it's been a bit of an issue for me over the years because it often makes it difficult for me to build relationships and share these kind of things, you know?"

"I understand, so you're doing very well." She smirked and took his hand, encasing it and tracing the length of his thumb with the pad of her own.

"Well you're different Alice. There's something about you, you're so easy to trust somehow." He felt her squeeze his hand a little tighter and a smile tug at her lips. There it was- that strange sensation. "But anyway, biggest insecurity, my terrible trust issues. And my height, of course." He added with a chuckle, lightening the mood.

Laughter bubbled between them as their conversation continued, their questions delving deeper and their connection growing stronger as their dinner was placed in front of them. Yet, amidst the lighthearted banter, Terzo, who couldn't help himself any longer, decided to throw a daring and suggestive question into the mix, his voice low and laden with intrigue.

"Your biggest turn on?"

"Terzo!" A blush painted Alice's cheeks, and she leaned closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Terzo, you can't just ask me that!"

"Oh, but my dear, it's all part of the game, isn't it?" He grinned, relishing in her reaction.

"You're so fucking annoying." She shook her head with a smile. "When he's polite, and he is well dressed, well spoken. A hopeless romantic is the key to my heart." She met his eyes, both of them warmly smiling as they gazed deeply into one another's eyes. Alice waited until he brought the glass of champagne to his lips before asking her next question. "What's the most embarassing thinng that's happened to you during sex?"

"Fuck." He exclaimed, choking on his champagne, spilling it down his shirt. "Where's this side of you come from my dear? I like it." He smirked whilst patting his shirt dry. "Now that's a good one, let me think. I mean more recently, a sister of sin was...well she was sucking me off, and I accidentally moaned another girl's name." He laughed sinfully, making Alice shake her head with a smile. "You can't blame me, I'd have much rather it have been her."

"Who was the-"

"Ah, ah." He shushed her frantically, placing his finger against her grinning lips. "No! You've had your question. I think it's only fair if I ask you, what is the most embarrassing that's happened to you during sex?"

"Oh Terzo you're overestimating my sexual relationships." She awkwardly laughed, pushing her food with her fork. "By a lot."

"Oh we have a virgin hey? How fun!" He exclaimed with a slight pur.

"Terzo! Stop." She playfully hit his forearm, now exposed after rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

"Ok then, how many people have you kissed?"


"Excluding childhood boyfriends on the playground that lasted for a week." He raised a brow.

"I- no comment."

"God Alice, what did you do during your teenage years love?" He laughed. "Me and you are very different people amore."

The music gradually got louder after dinner plates were cleared away, filling the grand dining hall with its lively melody. Laughter and chatter echoed, mingling with the gentle clinking of glasses and the soft shuffle of feet on the dance floor. Terzo's eyes swept across the room, observing the clergy, including his siblings and their partners, twirling and swaying to the rhythm. Then his gaze then fell back upon Alice.

"Would you like to dance?" Terzo asked, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. He sensed her hesitation and noticed the flicker of worry in her eyes.

"I can't dance, Terzo. I've never really learned how." Alice admitted, her breath catching in her throat, though Terzo's expression softened, his gaze filled with understanding.

"That's alright, Alice. You don't have to if you don't want to, we'll work on that. Would you prefer to go outside for a little while? It's peaceful there."

A glimmer of relief sparkled in Alice's eyes as she nodded in agreement. Terzo gently extended his hand, offering her his support. With a delicate touch, he guided her out of her chair, placing his hand on the small of her back when leaning the bustling dining hall, leading her to a tranquil spot near the shimmering lake that was lit by the reflecting glow of the warm light from inside.

They settled on a wooden bench, their bodies naturally gravitating towards each other. The night was still, with only the soft sound of water rippling, creating a soothing symphony that enveloped them. As they sat together, Terzo wrapped his arm around Alice, pulling her close to his torso, a smile curling at his lips when feeling her head resting against his chest. The moon cast a gentle glow upon them, illuminating Terzo's smitten expression, his hand finding it's way to the crown of her head, gently stroking its surface.

"I love moments like this." Terzo murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "When everything feels calm and soft, and it's just you and me."

"It's really beautiful out here." She replied, her voice carrying a hint of awe.

"Thank you so much for doing this Alice. You have no idea how much you're helping me out." He pressed a soft kiss against her temple, his touch conveying reassurance and tenderness.

"Thank you for taking me to America." She chuckled, turning her head up to meet his eyes.

"Of course my love. I'm just as nervous and anxious about the unknown as I'm sure you are. We just need to buckle up and enjoy the ride."


The morning air was warm and crisp as Alice hurried along, her suitcase rolling behind her, the weight of anticipation being pulled along the polished floors. She glanced at her watch, realizing she was running a few minutes late. As she approached the large set of stairs leading towards the exit of the ministry, a familiar figure caught her eye. Terzo stood there, a warm smile playing on his lips as he observed her rushed state.

"Let me help you with that." Terzo offered, reaching out to take her suitcase from her grip like a gentlemen. As his fingers brushed against her skin, he planted a soft, quick kiss on her neck, a subtle display of affection for the watching eyes of the siblings of sin who wanted to bid farewell to their Papa.

"Thank you." Alice replied, her voice laced with gratitude and a hint of shyness. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement whenever Terzo's touch graced her, even if it was only for show.

"How are you feeling, amore?" He spoke lowly as they carefully made their way down the stairs.

"Stressed." She admitted with a chuckle. "I just hope I haven't forgotten anything."

"As long as you have your passport, you'll be fine. Relax, ok?" He warmly smiled, tickling beneath her chin. "It's exciting."

With their suitcases in tow, they made their way toward the car waiting outside, Terzo's hand resting comfortably on the small of Alice's back in both affection and possession. As they approached the group of devout siblings of sin, Terzo with a wave and the blow of a kiss said goodbye to each and every one, the air filled with excitement for the tour that was about to kick off.

Then when they finally reached the waiting chauffeur, Terzo handed Alice's suitcase to the driver, a seasoned professional who took care of Papa's transportation needs year round. As the chauffeur loaded the suitcase into the car, Terzo extended his hand to assist Alice into the vehicle.

"Safety first darling, put your seat belt on." He smirked whilst fastening himself into the back of the luxurious car. "Tada, I have a little surprise."

He presented two steaming cups of coffee that awaited them on the center console, being placed there by a nameless ghoul on Terzo's command. Terzo had remembered exactly how Alice preferred her morning brew, a thoughtful gesture that gained a blush from her cheeks.

"A latte with no sugar, right?" He furrowed his brows when handing it to her.

"You remembered." Alice murmured, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and appreciation. "Thank you so much for this, this is just what I need." She smiled.

"Of course, how could I forget? I want to make sure you have everything you need, even the smallest details dolcezza." Terzo's eyes sparkled with warmth as he met her gaze. "I'm drinking mine black today for an extra kick. I like my coffee tall, dark and handsome." He motioned to the large, black coffee. "Kind of like me, si?"

"You only check one of those boxes Terzo." She giggled teasingly.

"I'll admit I'm not the tallest person around but amore last time I checked I was definitely dark." He pulled at a strand of his hair. "Darling...are you trying to say that I'm not handsome?!" He feigned a gasp before they both chuckled. "Oh Alice, this isn't going to work."

They both settled into the comfortable car seat, feeling a sense of comfort and care radiating from each other's presence; Terzo wasn't lying when he said that he wouldn't want anyone else by his side other than Alice. The driver took his seat, slamming his door shut before starting the engine of the car.

"To the airport, sir?" He adjusted his mirror, gazing at Terzo in the backseat.

"Yes, please." Terzo nodded in affirmation, turning to Alice with a smirk, his hand brushing on top of hers. "To the airport."

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