All it takes (A charlastor sl...

By Shisureen

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Sometimes, all it takes is a moment, a single reckless choice... When Charlie, with the help of her friends... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Hazbin Hotel
Chapter 2: When life gives you surprises
Chapter 3: An unexpected guest
Chapter 5: Choices and consequences
Chapter 6: A Morningstar is born
Chapter 7: Shadow bonds
Chapter 8: Through the haze
Chapter 9: Happy birthday, Silas! - part 1
Chapter 9: Happy birthday, Silas! - part 2
Chapter 9: Happy birthday, Silas! - part 3
Chapter 10: The ties that bind
Chapter 11: Dancing with demons

Chapter 4: Obligations and negotiations

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By Shisureen

Angel, Cherri, Husk, and Niffty crowded around the door to Charlie's office with their ears glued to it, trying to be as quiet as possible to hear at least some of the conversation taking place inside. Husk's annoyed questions about whether it was really necessary and whether they had nothing better to do were silenced by the remaining trio at regular intervals with impatient Shhh. However, no matter how hard they strained their ears, nothing more than muffled murmurs could be heard through the massive wooden door. Husk was already about to turn around and leave for something more fun, but Niffty climbed onto his shoulders to escape Cherri's sharp heels, forcing him to stay.

Charlie, Vaggie and the hellhound shut themselves in the study for privacy, much to the chagrin of their nosy friends. They sat down around a coffee table where Charlie usually received visitors, the ladies on the couch to one side and the hellhound across from them.

Vaggie cleared her throat to break the suffocatingly awkward silence. "So...mister..."
"Caiphus." The hellhound leaned back in the armchair, wagging his fluffy tail casually as he ran a claw over the armrest. "Just call me Caiphus."

" me get straight to the point. What took you so long?" Vaggie gritted her teeth. She tried to keep herself from pouncing on and strangling him on the spot, but she promised Charlie she'd try to be civil. Still, if he made an attempt to do something, anything, she was ready to let him know what she really thought of him.

The hellhound leaned forward, folding his hands under his chin and baring his teeth in a grin at Vaggie. "What took me so long?" He repeated mockingly. "I was waiting for Charlotte to give me a ring. I naively hoped that since we had such a great time together, she would at least text me the next day. You know, I am not the pushy type," he sneered. "In the end, I came to the conclusion she just used me, and if she really wanted something more than just a one-night stand, she would have let me know." He turned his gaze to Charlie, narrowing his eyes, but the smile on his face didn't disappear. "I understand; I'm probably not the most suitable match for a princess. Then suddenly, your daddy shows up at my house, giving me a lecture about responsibility, nearly killing me, while I had no idea that you were knocked up. Truly a priceless experience."

Charlie blushed under his gaze.

Vaggie grabbed a spear she had kept beside the armchair until now and aimed it at him, the red bow in her hair fluttering wildly. "Drop it! You used her!"

"There goes being civil," her girlfriend thought.

Caiphus spread out his arms in a mockingly conciliatory gesture. "Come on now, put that thing away. We've barely known each other for half an hour, and you're already trying to make the kid a half-orphan?"

Charlie soothingly put her hand on Vaggie's shoulder, making her reluctantly lower her spear. Keekee made her way under the table and fixed her eye on Caiphus, hissing menacingly. He just lazily pushed her aside with his foot.

"I had no way of contacting you or anything to find you by. I don't remember anything from that night." Charlie smiled apologetically, folding her hands nervously in her lap. Vaggie squeezed her hand tightly, then shot Caiphus a disapproving look, Keekee, still under the table, was looking at him exactly the same way.

Caiphus smiled out of the corner of his mouth. "So it is true. Nothing at all?" He asked, inquisitively studying Charlie's face.

Charlie scratched the back of her head, then nervously shook it, looking at the ground. "Nothing. Do you?" She asked cautiously, lifting her eyes up to him, both curious and worried about what she would learn.

The blonde demoness was sleep deprived and hungry. Fortunately, a bowl of cherries she had picked up in the kitchen earlier was sitting on the table. She reached for it and pensively popped one cherry into her mouth as her stomach growled. Vaggie giggled before placing a hand on Charlie's belly; her girlfriend relaxed slightly under her touch.

"Ohoho, of course I do, every single detail," Caiphus responded to Charlie, winking at her flirtatiously. "I replayed the whole thing in my head every day..."

"All the nasty stuff you did to her against her will, huh?" Vaggie sputtered, balling her hand into a fist.

"Against her will?" He laughed loudly. "Not a chance. In the end, she was begging for more... But, as I said, I just assumed that a wastrel like me was nothing more than temporary entertainment."

Vaggie reached for the spear again.
Charlie closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "Babe, please..."

Vaggie pulled her hand back reluctantly, giving the hellhound a disgusted look, to which he just grinned triumphantly.

Charlie sighed, tired. It was getting a little too much for her. First Pentious, now this. She hoped there would be no more surprises for her today. As she reached for the bowl and took another cherry, Caiphus, smiling, stole the red fruit from her hand and popped it into his mouth.

"I hope he takes after me," he remarked, chewing loudly on the stolen cherry.
Charlie was still taken aback by what just happened. "I'm sorry?" She asked vacantly.

"I hope it's a boy. Preferably a hellhound like me," he motioned his head towards Charlie's pregnant belly. "I assume I'll be entitled to the throne as your husband when we get married, right? And every good ruler needs an heir."

"When we get married?" Charlie repeated in surprise.

Vaggie jumped to her feet, a wave of anger washing over her. "And why exactly should she marry you? Just because you made her a baby?" She snapped at Caiphus, leaning over the table between them.

Caiphus rose from his chair and leaned across from her, leaving just a little space between their faces. "Because her father made it clear to me that having a child out of wedlock is a disgrace?" He retorted mockingly. "You wouldn't dare to disobey the king's orders, would you? Plus, just look at it through the eyes of ordinary demons. The princess of Hell and her ordinary subject, isn't that romantic? Love despite prejudice..."

Charlie raised her hand in a conciliatory gesture trying to defuse the situation before the two of them pounced at each other. "A wedding won't be necessary, nor would I want it anyways," she frowned. "Don't take this the wrong way, Caiphus, but I have a girlfriend I love," she smiled at Vaggie before continuing. "What happened between us was unfortunate, but I am sure we can find a different solution to satisfy everyone."

Caiphus raised his hands to indicate he didn't share the same opinion on the matter but would not argue.

"So, where will my room be?" He asked cheerfully, his eyes still locked on Vaggie.

Vaggie's eyebrows shot up sharply. "You cannot possibly be planning to stay here?"
"You bet I am! I need to be close to my son, right?"
"Or daughter," Charlie added softly.

Vaggie threw up her arms in despair. "Charlie! You agree with that?!"

"Of course! If he wants to be involved in our child's life, he has every right to do so. The hotel has a lot of free space, and it might be quite a practical solution, actually." Charlie got up from her armchair and waved Caiphus towards the door. "There are several vacant rooms on our floor; you can choose one."

Vaggie sighed, frustrated, and headed for the door, Caiphus following a few steps behind her, smiling triumphantly, confident that if he won now, he could dare to ask for more in the future.

Vaggie grabbed the doorknob and turned to Charlie, who was still standing there with a blank look on her face and didn't seem like she was about to follow them. "Hun, what are you thinking about?"

"A story," the princess smiled absently from the corner of her mouth.
Her girlfriend sighed, looking at her worriedly. "Now is not the right time for that..."

Charlie squared her shoulders and gave Vaggie a determined look before following her. Vaggie opened the office door and immediately yelped in surprise as an equally surprised Angel fell at her feet. Vaggie gave him a disbelieving look before noticing the others standing around too.
"Are you guys eavesdropping?" She asked inquisitively.

"Not at all; we just came to see who decided to visit us." Niffty smiled innocently, jumping down from Husk's shoulders while Angel was taking too long kneeling, dusting his clothes.

Charlie motioned her head towards the hellhound standing beside her and Vaggie. "This is Caiphus; he's moving into the hotel."

Cherri covered her mouth in an overly theatrical gesture. "Oooh, that's the one who knocked you up!"

Charlie blushed, embarrassed but still smiling. "Well...yes." She then turned to Vaggie. "Shall we show him the rooms?"

Angel got up from the ground and leaned towards Cherri. "He looks even better up close like this. If Charlie doesn't want him, I'll be happy to take him," he whispered in her ear.
Niffty nodded in agreement; Husk just rolled his eyes and left without a word.
Cherri giggled. "Look, someone is jealous."

Vaggie leaned over to Charlie. "I'll come later; there is still something I need to take care of," she whispered in her ear, avoiding Caiphus's curious gaze. "And careful around him. Please."

Charlie gave her an encouraging smile, then kissed her on the lips before heading off with the others in tow.

Vaggie waited until they were gone, then turned and returned to the study. She flopped on the couch, trying to take deep breaths to calm herself while looking around the room where Charlie usually did her paperwork. From the moment Caiphus appeared on the doorstep, she could barely keep herself from clawing at that smug grin of his. "He simply marches in here as if nothing had happened, as if he owns this place, and demands nearly royal powers. What is he thinking?!" Her mind was raging. "He completely disregards what her or Charlie's opinion about it is. And Charlie, instead of kicking him out, prepares his room personally. That hellhound reeks of trouble. Why does Charlie still feel the need to accommodate demons who clearly have no good intentions? Why doesn't she ever listen to her?" Vaggie leaned forward and massaged the temple of her nose. She didn't have a good feeling about Caiphus, but she knew there was someone who would be able to keep him under control. She might be playing with fire, but Charlie's safety was her utmost priority, so Vaggie tried convincing herself that what she was about to do was the lesser of two evils. Or at least she hoped so.

"I'm going to regret this," she thought, closing her eyes as if preparing to swallow a bitter pill.

"Let's talk," she said reservedly into the silence of the empty room, trying not to sound hostile. "I know you were eavesdropping on us."

She actually didn't know, but she was confident it wasn't a complete shot in the dark. She waited for a while but no response. Thus, she leaned back in her chair, folding her arms over her chest, and with a sigh, tried one more time. "I have...a proposal."

Vaggie quivered at the distinctive sound of radio static crackling behind her back. Trying to remain calm, she waited without turning her head at the sound. Alastor, closely followed by his shadow, sat across from her without saying a word on the armchair where Caiphus had been sitting before.

"I'm listening." He said with his signature ear-to-ear grin, watching with interest as Vaggie tapped her fingers indecisively on the armrest.

"I need..." Vaggie gritted her teeth and continued with self-denial, the hairs on her arms bristling with self-loathing. "I could use your help."

Alastor raised an eyebrow. "You need my help," he repeated after her in amusement and disbelief at the same time. "With?"

Vaggie turned her head to look at the setting sun outside the window. She detested asking Alastor for help, but this whole situation was over her head.

"You heard him," she began, staring into the distance. "I hate to admit it, but Caiphus has Charlie wrapped around his finger. Giving her all this crap about responsibility and how he wants to be a good dad... and she believes him. I don't know what he's up to, but I really don't like it. And I can't protect her from him on my own."

Alastor raised his hand, examining his claws boredly. "And what exactly does she need protection from? The father of her child? Perhaps you're jealous?"

"I am not jealous." Vaggie shot him an annoyed look. "I don't know, but I just don't trust him... He comes out of nowhere and suddenly wants to marry Charlie. It all seems too convenient."

Alastor tilted his head. "And that's why you decided to trust me all of a sudden?"

Vaggie frowned but passed it by without comment. She was convinced Charlie wouldn't leave her for Caiphus, and at the same time, she also knew that she had no right to prevent him from being in contact with his child, but... There was something she didn't like about him. Vaggie couldn't quite put her finger on it, but the creeping feeling was there, which is why she needed someone with Alastor's abilities. But she knew the Radio Demon wasn't going to make this easy for her...

"I can't be with her all the time; she already thinks I'm not giving her any space," Vaggie continued, ignoring Alastor's question.

"Ah, Vaggie. Always so protective of your girlfriend," he snickered.

Vaggie threw up her hands in exasperation, her voice shaking. "Look what happened to her the last time she was with him alone! I need... I need you to keep an eye on him; Charlie's safety is at stake here. You spy on everyone in the hotel anyway..." She added quietly.

Alastor leaned forward in his armchair and steepled his fingers. "Why should I care about your little domestic dispute?" He asked, his voice dripping with amused curiosity.

"Because Charlie is your friend, and you don't want to see her get hurt," Vaggie shot back. "Caiphus is dangerous, I'm telling you."

"It doesn't look like she needs your guarding. Right now, she is quite willingly showing him around the hotel..."

Vaggie gritted her teeth, trying to keep her anger in check.
Finally, after a few seconds of silence, Alastor leaned back and looked at her with an intrigued expression. "Let's say I decide to help you. What's in it for me?"

Vaggie let out a sigh; she knew this was coming. "Good feeling?"

Alastor scoffed. "I'm not a charity, my dear; I don't do free favors. You must certainly be aware of that. But surely there would be something we could agree on..." He narrowed his eyes, patiently waiting for an answer.

She shook her head decisively. "I am not making any deals with you; I'm not crazy."

Alastor casually raised his hands to signal that the negotiation was over. "In that case..."

Vaggie jumped to her feet, fuming. "Listen, you..."

The Radio Demon grinned, anticipating what would happen next, enjoying her anger.

Vaggie sighed frustratedly, sitting down again. "Imagine he manages to persuade her to marry him. Then he would be entitled not only to this hotel but to the throne of Hell as well. I'm sure you are well aware of that."

Alastor scratched his chin. "Hmm, that is quite a predicament. But I'm afraid I can't simply help you out of the kindness of my heart."

Vaggie clenched her fist, feeling her patience wearing thin. She knew Alastor was a shrewd negotiator, and she had nothing to offer him except her gratitude. And in her eyes, even that was more than he deserved.

"Look, Alastor, I don't have time for your games. All I am asking of you is to keep an eye on Caiphus. Are you in or not?"

"Just think about my offer," he smiled, showing her his sharp teeth. "You need my help, and I'm willing to provide it. All I ask is a little favor in return. It's a small price to pay for your girlfriend's safety, don't you think?"

"I have nothing to think about," she got up to leave, mad at herself for ever thinking this could work.

"Suit yourself," Alastor said, his voice dripping with amusement.

Vaggie paused in the doorway for a second, then looked over her shoulder. "I thought you cared about this hotel, about Charlie. At least now I know I was right from the beginning, and it all is just a game for you."

She slammed the door shut behind her, leaving Alastor alone, sitting in the chair, his smile shining mischievously into the darkness.

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