Date A Live: Desire Grand Prix

By JamesPatrickBueza6

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Cornered by Mio, Shido uses the power of all ten spirits in Zafkiel's sixth bullet to travel back to the past... More

Prolouge Part 1: Timeline Reset
Prolouge Part 2: The destined meeting of a boy and a fox
Prolouge Part 3: Dawn F: Invitation to Be a Rider
The Main Characters
Episode 2: Encounter I: Treasure Hunting and Thievery
Episode 2 Part 2: Date with a Spirit
Episode 3: Encounter II: Zombie Hunting
Episode 4: Encounter III: Conditions for Victory
Episode 4 Part 2: Before the Snow Falls
Voice Cast for this Fanfic
Episode 4 Part 3: Operation: Falling Snow Pt 1
Episode 4 Part 4: Operation: Falling Snow Pt 2
Intermission: Off the Chain

Episode 2 Part 3: School before the Next Round

647 12 12
By JamesPatrickBueza6

-around 7:00 pm in the evening-

Keiwa's recap and narration: The Desire Grand Prix...It's this game where we transform into Kamen Riders to protect the world from the mysterious Jyamato. The winner of the game will get to create the world of their dreams But...People have already fallen victim to the Jyamato... (flashback scenes to the previous round)

"Disclosing information about the Desire Grand Prix is prohibited." said Tsumuri who was somehow in Keiwa's room which shocked him. "Goodness..." muttered Keiwa in shock and mild fright. "Violators will be eliminated immediately." said Tsumuri while showing her tablet to Keiwa which showed said rules.

It is prohibited to disclose Desire Grand Prix information to third parties other than the participants. After the violation is discovered, the offending player will be forcibly retired.

"I'm not telling anyone! I'm just keeping a record for myself!" yelled Keiwa frantically while holding his phone as Tsumuri stared at it carefully then stared back at a nervous Keiwa. "See?" said Keiwa nervously. "As long as you don't show it to anyone." mused Tsumuri with a nod. "Jeez..." muttered Keiwa who sighed in relief.

"W-wait...! You said that we can revive the people who died to the Jyamato if we win right?" asked Keiwa a bit hesitant. "But where did Mr. Taira's body go?" added Keiwa wondering where Takahito's corpse went. "Only the Jyamato would know..." replied Tsumuri cryptically while looking away from Keiwa. "I see..." Keiwa whispered clearly uncomfortable with Tsumuri's response. "Please stay tuned for the next round." said the DGP navigator right before she leapt out of the window!

Keiwa then stared at the window after Tsumuri jumped out of it while hearing the barking of dogs as he sat down on his bed and began to think for the following round.

-meanwhile Itsuka residence. an hour before Keiwa made his video diary-

Shido was currenly relaxing in the living room, thinking back on the moment of sealing Tohka. It was quite the unique and strange sensation, since he sealed a Spirit with their Angel already present inside of him. Contrary to his expectations, he didn't just obtain more Reiryoku or a more powerful Sandalphon. He did get those two things, but much more importantly, at the moment when he sealed Tohka, something changed very greatly...

When Shido had sealed Tohka, her Reiryoku flowed into him. Likely due to the immense amount of it now present within his body, it appeared to have condensed and evolved into a more compact and purer form but more importantly, a lot more powerful than before. Shido decided to call it "True Reiryoku", something with power close to Mio's, but not close enough as her power was greater than what he had at the moment.

At present he could use the full abilities of the AAA ranked Princess, thanks to the double seal. The True Reiryoku was fairly useless, but if he sealed a few more Spirits it could show a little more use.

'Maybe something would happen if i got all ten Spirits...but for now, the most important thing is the next round of the DGP. It's the day after tomorrow, i have to get ready...' Shido thought clearly nervous about the next round and more importantly what will happen when he sealed all ten Spirits.

The door then opened, cutting Shido's train of thought.

"Shido." Kotori walked in as Shido gave her a stare. "What was that earlier?" asked the red haired girl as Shido sighed. "What was that you ask? Well..." said Shido in a semi mocking manner. "Let me explain..." said the bluenette with a small smirk which did not go unnoticed by Kotori who was unnerved by it.

-a few minutes of explanation later...-

"So you're saying that there was some kind of trouble, and you traveled back in time? And i shouldn't tell the Fraxinus crew members my trusted co-workers and friends? You realize how utterly ridiculous you sound right!?" asked Kotori wondering whether or not her brother had completely crossed the line and went insane.

Shido then took a deep breath. "Yes." he said in the most deadpan and serious tone ever.

It finally seemed to Kotori that she had to accept Shido's mental decline into insanity. "Wait! Wait! Watch this, to give you proof that i'm not insane!" yelled Shido in protest and irritation.

Shido then summoned all angels in turn: Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Camael, Raphael, Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron, Rasiel, Michael and Zafkiel. He chose this method over using Yud because he didn't Kotori to start behaving differently out of alarm and alert Reine about it and Shido knew it would be over in an instant if Reine knew. He wasn't going to take a risk in the new timeline after all.

Kotori's jaw nearly went through the floor. "H-How-" she was shushed by Shido before she could say anything. "Shh... Please trust me, and don't tell the others about it okay? Promise?" asked Shido clearly stern. All Kotori could do was nod. "That's good to know..." mused Shido with a sigh.

"Alright. The next Spirit to appear is called Yoshino. She has the appearance of a small girl and the Angel that controls ice, Zadkiel. She also has a puppet with her, called Yoshinon." said Shido while explaining on what would happen next. "Huh-?" asked Kotori stunned. "What i'm trying to say is...please treat her gently okay? Thanks, Kotori!" Shido replied as he headed to his to room to sleep. "Hey, wait! We're not done he-" Kotori shouted uselessly as Shido was already in his room to sleep for tomorrow and after that...the next round.

-the next day, Raizen High-

"Hey Shido, please eat this!" offered Tohka holding a box of cookies to give to Shido. She had settled in nicely at Raizen, but boy oh boy her cooking skills didn't extend to actual cooking. The cookies all had rather dark colors and weird and strange edges in places that Shido didn't know existed. 'I better teach her how to cook sometime!' he thought in alarm and fright.

Tohka then picked up one of the cookies and held in out in the infamous pose. "Come on, say aaahhhh..." said the purple haired Spirit as Shido smiled nervously, full aware of the sharp and jealous gazes of the males in his class. "Ahhh...." said Shido sweating a bit.

Suddenly a whistling sound came from his right, a fast projectile was heading towards then. Shido quickly raised his hand and caught the projectile in question: a fork thrown by a peeved Origami, while eating the cookie. Shido then sneakily used Haniel to temporarily disable his taste buds to make sure he ate the cookie safely and swallowed the whole thing in one gulp. 'Whew. I'm definitely going to teach Tohka how to cook better.' he thought clearly uncomfortable.

Was this the misuse of the supernatural Sephira Crystal? Perhaps.

Would Mio flip out in indiginant anger if she ever saw this scene? Yep. But Shido didn't care nor he gave a shit. After all...he had more pressing problems to do...namely the DGP.

-lunch time-

"Hey! Is that who i think it is!?" yelled a student upon seeing someone. "Who is it?" asked another student. "It's Lord Ace! It's Lord Ace Ukiyo!" yelled the same student as Shido nearly choked on his drink. 'ACE!? What's he doing here in the school grounds!?' he thought in alarm and checked the window with other students and there he was: The Star of the Stars of the Stars himself, Ace Ukiyo in a fancy tuxedo with some ribbons around his neck outside Raizen High's school grounds.

Soon many students went outside to see the celebrity as Shido looked on in shocked. "Ummm...Shido? Why is Mr. Ace doing here?" asked Tohka very confused. "That i intend to find out. let's go." Shido replied clearly unsure as they both went out.

-school ground. outside.-

"So Lord Ace, what are you reasonings to come here at Raizen?" asked a teacher to Ace who smirked in response. "Well my reason is to improve the school while making a few donations as well. Plus this school is quite popular." Ace replied cockily as usual. "I see! Thank you so much for your response Lord Ace! The principal will be pleased!" said the teacher in joy. "You there, Shido Itsuka, mind taking me around the school to familiarize myself with the surroundings?" asked Ace pointing at Shido. "Yes sir!" said Shido with conviction. "And while you're at it, let's talk while we make the tour." added Ace with a chuckle. "You know him Shido?" asked Hiroto curiously. "I met him a few days with Kotori and Tohka and i met him yesterday too." Shido replied much to the envy of everybody. "Aw man!" "Why him!?" "Lucky bastard!" yelled many students as Shido scratched his head sheepishly as Ace smirked at the scene.

-several minutes later-

Soon Shido had finished taking Ace on a tour of Raizen and were now on the roof. "So Shido...are you ready for tomorrow's next round?" asked Ace with a questioning grin. "Yeah. I'm kinda nervous honestly...But about the previous round...did you really had to swindle Keiwa like that?" Shido replied who then asked a question. "Well, you and James did say that Keiwa chickened out due to him being naive, sometimes we need to get manipulated by others to cast away the naivety. You get what i'm saying?" said Ace as Shido nodded a bit reluctantly. "Keiwa needed to realize that the DGP is a life or death battle game, and i ask you this...are you naive?" asked Ace a bit serious as Shido shook his head. "No. I'm not a naive person you know. I saw through your deception in the previous round, so don't think you can fool me so easily!" growled Shido as Ace laughed, clearly impressed by Shido's resolve. "Good to hear, now then...see you next round." said Ace as he left the rooftop as Shido stayed there to prepare for tomorrow.

-class end-

Shido was now walking home from school when he bumped into a familiar face with another person with him. Said person was none other than James who was walking home with his girlfriend Satou Matsuzaka.

(Note: don't judge a book by it's cover...she's one HELL of a mentally disturbed girl who's clearly out of her gourd)

"Shido? What a wonderful surprise!" said James in surprise upon seeing Shido. "Um James, can i ask something? How did you meet this Shido?" asked Satou wary. "Well...i was heading home from work and i bumped into him, we had a slightly long talk about what we like and things we wish to achieve. So yeah, that's how we met." replied James who made the lie on the fly. "Ye-yeah! That's how we met!" said Shido nervously as Satou stared at them for a moment and nodded. " two stay here, i'm going to buy at the convenience store." said Satou as James and Shido nodded.

"You really had to lie to her?" asked Shido as James sighed. "Look, do you want me to tell Satou about the DGP? I made a video diary of my own on the rooftop and Miss Tsumuri saw me and well...she told me about the rule to not tell anyone who isn't a participant lest i get disqualified. I had to tell her it was a video diary and she said the same thing about Keiwa." James replied while explaining his reasons why. "Ah. I see...about Keiwa, you think he's too naive?" mused Shido about Keiwa's naivety. "Yeah kind of, but i do think he can overcome that problem of his, now on to more pressng matters. Shido are you ready for tomorrow?" asked James clearly serious. "Yeah. I am ready. How about you?" Shido replied clearly ready as James nodded. "Hey, what you two talking about?" asked Satou who returned from the convenience store and saw James and Shido making serious looks. "I was asking Shido if he's ready for the upcoming school collaboration." James replied as Satou's eyes sparkled. "Oh yes, the school collaboration! I can't wait for that! Shido i hope i can get to know you more! James said you were a good person, so i would like to know more." said Satou clapping her hands in excitement. "Me too, i'd like to know you too." mused Shido with a chuckle.

"It's getting late, Satou! come on!" said James as Satou nodded and held his hand while wrapping her arm around James' arm too. "See you guys tomorrow!" said Shido waving at them. 'Alright, i should better go home too...' thought Shido as he went home.

Tomorrow was the next round. Shido had to prepare himself, not just only the next round, but also the arrival of Yoshino...But he was going to be ready, because things will be a lot different in this timeline!

Author's notes: And with this, the Episode 2 three parter comes to a close. The next chapter will be episode three, now what will happen in the next round eh? Find out in the next chapter. And as always, see you all later.

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