The Red Typhoons (Naruto Fanf...

By Ryushuu1412

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The Fourth Shinobi War is getting worst and the world is completely destroyed. Naruto is the only one left af... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

912 33 2
By Ryushuu1412

When the three finally out of Hokage tower, Natsuki release Kakashi. Letting the Hatake to breath, "That was mean, Natsuki! That's how you greet your lover after so long we haven't seen each other?" said him after he managed to composed his breathing. Natsuki crossed his arms and huffed, "Well, I was trying to prevent you from humping me in front of Hokage and others prying eyes. I know you would do that when you laid your eyes on me, am I right?" said the vampire sarcastically. Shisui snicked beside him.

Kakashi whined at that, knowing what his lover said is the truth. If Natsuki didn't prevent it, he would probably pound his on him when he finally laid his eyes on him. He had been holding himself for the past 5 months for not seeing his soulmate and really miss his centre. Seeing him, standing in front of him would probably break his animal instinct and self-control.

Looking at Natsuki beautiful deep violet eyes, that were staring at him with warm and adoration. His self-control were trembling, pulling his lover to the alleyway with the Uchiha trail behind. He pushed the white head on the wall, trapping him.

Before Natsuki say something, Kakashi pulled his mask down and smashed his lips on Natsuki's plump one. The Copy nin deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue inside his lover warm mouth.

Natsuki moan lowly behind those kissed and Kakashi can't have more than this. "Aah ~ senpai! That wasn't fair, why do you have to leave me out of this?" Shisui said sulkily on their other side, blocking the entrance.

Kakashi pulled the kisses and Natsuki already boneless in his arms, the Hatake turned to the Uchiha blankly. "You already have him for 5 months already, let me have him next, will ya?" said the silver head snarky. Shisui snickered at that and turned his back on them, "Well, if you saying like that, then I have no complain on that one. I will be waiting on the other side, have fun you two." He said nonchalantly waving his hand without turning on them.

Kakashi sighed, "Kakashi?" called Natsuki and the Hatake looked down on his lover that staring at him dazedly with lustful eyes. Kakashi smile in adoration, fully pressed against him. Hands all over him, thighs between Natsuki's legs and body undeniably interested. With a soft breath, the closest to a word he can manage, Natsuki let Kakashi pin him against the wall, draped his arms over Kakashi's shoulders and loops them loosely around his neck, and raised his head when Kakashi leans down across the two inches of height that separate them and takes his mouth gently, teasingly.

It's an exploration, the way Kakashi kissed him. A discovery. Tongue and teeth and huffs of breath, a smile against his lips that Natsuki can't help but answer as a slow, sultry heat curls through him with each press and slide and playful nip. Lips against his cheek and a glancing kiss to the tip of his nose, a soft chuckle when Natsuki wrinkles it at him and tugs him back down. Eyelashes against his skin, feathery and soft. Fingers on the line of his jawbone and over the curve of his ear, following the upsweep of hair where it's pulled into a high tail.

Natsuki tilts his head back against the hard wall, glorying in it, in this moment of them with nothing else to get in the way. A kiss against the line of his throat, another against the scar there, another over his pulse and then lower, where his tank top leaves his collarbones bare. Kakashi lingers for a moment, breath warm and soft against Natsuki's skin, and Natsuki take advantage of it to twist his fingers in the Copy-nin's hair and hold him just that little bit more securely.

Because joy has always been fleeting, for Natsuki, and this is to sweet to relinquish so easily.


The couple come out from their alleyway after their make out session, holding hands, twisting their fingers together gently with fondness.

Shisui that was draping his back on the wall, saw them coming out, and stand himself straight. "Finally, it's took forever to wait for you to finish," say the Uchiha snarky. Kakashi look bored while Natsuki rubbed the back of his head in sheepish.

Shisui huffed, "Where are we going, Natsuki?" asked him after sulking for not being included in their mating activities. The vampire cough, try to compose himself and walked in front on both of his lover. "We need to go buy the furniture for the house. I already sent my clone to check and tour around our new house, so I can know what we should buy and what we needed."

Both of his lovers nodded reluctantly and the three started to walked together to the furniture store.

Time skip...

After paying all the furniture that they needed and put it on the scrolls. They then move to groceries store next to stock their supplies in the kitchen.

While doing so, Natsuki give glance at Kakashi. "Are you staying for tonight, Kashi?" asked him simply. Kakashi blinked at the question and hummed in thought, "Probably, why?"

Natsuki turned fully at him, Shisui looked at the two interestedly. "Don't you want to move in with us?" he asked again, hope in his voice. Kakashi looked at him intently and Natsuki just hold himself calmly in his lover gaze. Kakashi smiled softly and nodded, "I would love too." respond him happily.

Natsuki grinned at him joyfully, "Good!" he said and then continued his groceries shopping, skipping on his step cheerfully. Kakashi and Shisui chuckled at their precious lover in amusement, they were delighted to see Natsuki eyes glowing bright in happiness. It's...satisfying, that even Kakashi's small gesture can ease his mood.


After the three done with their shopping spree, they goes to the house that they will be living for now on. When they arrive, they looked at the house impressively, mostly Shisui and Kakashi since they haven't seen it yet while Natsuki already seen it through his clone.

(The house layout)

"Come on, let's go in." said Natsuki simply and walked himself inside with both of his lovers following behind.

Shisui whistled impressively when he looked inside the house, "This house is impressive, Natsu! Are we going to live here? The three of us?" asked him while looking around. Natsuki also looked around, inspecting every of it. He hummed in nodded, "Look like it. Though, I was thinking of having your little cousin and Naruto-kun living with us, if there wasn't any problem with it."

Kakashi and Shisui turned to him when they heard that. Eyes widened in disbelief, "Why?" asked the Uchiha desperately.

Natsuki give a glance at him, "Well, there are many reason we can go with but if we want to go through this, I would say I just worried of their efficiency that they used to live in at this age. The little Uchiha, I'm not worried so much but the little Uzumaki that I'm worried about. With how he been living in the rundown apartment and how the villagers treat him, I don't think he would living in a good life so far that I know of. So I want to help." said him honestly with concern marring his handsome face.

Shisui and Kakashi eyes softened at the explanation, they lover is really have a soft heart toward the people that in need.

"I'm sure if we talk through it with Sandaime, he would allow for us to take them in. And...if Sasuke know that he's not the only Uchiha that still living other than his brother, he would probably stick around." said Shisui gently in suggestion.

"Except he become vengeance right now, the only things in his mind is killing his brother." Kakashi aloofly said. Make the two silence and stared at the silverette blankly.

Natsuki sighed and shook his head, "We'll think about that later. Right now, let's clean all this up and organize a few things in here to look more cozy and livelier. Let's start with our bedroom." instructed the vampire and they goes to the only room on the main floor.

There are five bedroom in total, one bedroom on the ground and main floor, and three bedroom on the upper floor. The three look in the master bedroom interestedly with the huge bathroom that can fit three people in. Kakashi and Shisui already thinking what they can do in this bathroom together with Natsuki.

Natsuki indigo eyes narrowed when he caught the expression his two lovers were making, gazing at the bathroom in misty. "You two were not thinking about nasty things in here, weren't you?" question the white head suspiciously. His voice break the two's thought and turned to their lover while laughing awkward, knowing they were caught.

Natsuki huffed unimpressed and walked out from the bathroom with the two followed after him. Back to the room, Natsuki gazed at the room in thought. "I want this room paint in steel blue. Can I leave to you two to do it?" turning to his lovers expectedly. Shisui grin while Kakashi eye smile at the white head, "Anything for you, honey." said Kakashi sweetly.

Huffing again, Natsuki take out the paint that he wanted from the storage scroll and pass it to Shisui, that reluctantly take it. "I leave it to you then, I need to put a barrier into our house." Kakashi raised an eyebrow, "Paranoid much?" said him jokingly. Rolling his indigo eyes at the statement, he turned his back from them. "We're shinobi, of course we'll paranoid." Natsuki say and walked out from the room leaving his lovers with their task.

Making his way out of the building, he walked a few metres away from the front porch, he knelt down in the grass and cleared a patch of the ground, placing a palm against it.

A seal appeared under his palm and he checked it over, nodding when he saw no mistakes. Natsuki stood up and walked over to another spot some distance. Kakashi and Shisui came out, unable to contain their curiosity and saw what Natsuki were doing. Kakashi moved to study the seal. It was dull black, indicating that it wasn't active yet. He didn't claim to be a Seal Master, but Kakashi knew his way around most seals, a perk of knowing Minato and Kushina.

But this seal was something he had never seen before, filled with kanji in unfamiliar positions and more swirls than lines. All he could gather was that it was a defensive seal and could be part of a network of seals.

"Understood it?" Natsuki called out cheerily as she walked over to where the man was crouched, having placed all the seals he needed.

"No," the Jounin said with slight awe in his voice. Shisui beside him, also inspecting the seals in wonder.

"Need an explanation?"


The white head beamed and flopped down to sit next to him, brushing his hair. He pointed to the top right quadrant, "That one, as you might have figured out, is a barrier component. It's anchored to the chakra leyline, so no one can dig underground and get inside or disrupt the network."

"The top left quadrant is a chakra sensing component. I can key any number of people into the barrier to allow them access. That's why it's so complicated," Natsuki explained sheepishly. "Normal barrier seals allow only about five people to be keyed in."

Kakashi and Shisui nodded, understanding the implicit meaning that it can be used during the war where multiple people can be sheltered within one barrier.

"What about this part?" Shisui asked quietly, indicating the bottom left quadrant. Natsuki answered promptly, "An emotion sensor. No one who holds any kind of ill intent against the one inside the barrier, or actually had any kind of ill intent, can get in. I considered tying it to a trap seal but I'm holding that off from now."

"Then this last bit," he tapped a finger against the bottom right quadrant. "It's a chakra storage and emission component. Quite a tricky one to integrate into this seal," he grumbled, recalling the times he'd been burned and blasted away in the process of the creation of the seal.

" store any chakra that hits the barrier and blast it back when the amount stored reaches a certain level?" guess Kakashi.


"How did you even come up with this kind of seal?" the Jounin muttered. "Even Minato-sensei and Jiraiya-sama had never thought of it. And you didn't even have to draw it physically."

The respond was rather sad.

"War, Kakashi. War made it necessary."


Natsuki pressing his hands to the seal and pushed his chakra into it, making it light up. A red chakra line emerged from the seal and shot across the grass to the next seal in the network, the process continuing until all of them were linked. Then walls of pure chakra rose from the lines, pulsing blue for a few seconds before disappearing.

"The barrier set. I already keyed you two in, so you don't have to worried. Let's go inside and finish organize the house, you two didn't even start painting our room yet." grumble the vampire and going through the barrier with success.

His two lovers looked at each other and chuckled nervously and trail after their lover, crossing the barrier without holding back.

And then, the three of them started to work on their house. Natsuki even call his clone for the help, having a few more hands can make their work done faster. With that in hand, they decided to use a media room as a study room where they can put all the books and scroll about jutsus and technique in there, they also would use a garage as the storage for their weapons that they bought or got from their dead enemies. Shockingly, Natsuki had so much collection of it in his storage. There were many quality and valuable weapons that he had in his possession. Not only weapons, shinobi gears and shinobi clothes also were putted in there, and most of the cloth was made by Natsuki's sewing skill. When his two lovers ask why he decided to make his own, Natsuki said that there wasn't much clothes that match his style, thus that's why he decided to make it himself. The single bedroom on the ground floor was painted in anchor grey.

And for the upper floor, they painted each room in different colour. Azure blue, royal violet and navy blue. And for the bathroom, the wall and floor was decorate with mosaic, so they don't need to paint it. The only thing that they need to do is fills the bathroom with its necessary things like soap, shampoo, towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, all the necessary things that needed in the bathroom.

For the upper floor bathroom, there was one bathroom that was connected between two room. And that's would mean between two room, they had to share and take turn to use it. A bit unique but there wasn't nothing to worried about. They also set a laundry room with two laundry machine.

(Laundry room)

Other than that, they stock the kitchen with a huge fridge, an oven, a microwave, a stove, a rice cooker and many other things that needed in the kitchen. They even stock the food that they bought from groceries shopping, making the fridge and drawer cabinet was stuffed with the food stuff. They put the dining table a few centimetres away from the kitchen, they set the couch on the living room with coffee table and a desk, and there also a TV on it.

(The connection between kitchen and living room)

(Their stock of food and ingredients)

And then, they were done after a few more hours setting all the furniture and put all the things that they have into where it's belongs. After that, Natsuki and Shisui pack their things into their shared closet while Kakashi goes back to his apartment to pack his things to move in with them and release his contract of apartment and return the key to the landlord.

(Their bedroom)

(Their wardrobe)

For the next few hours, they done pack their things and they now can breathed in relief and satisfaction at their hard work.

The three of them were laying on their shared bed, cozing around after doing a labour work. They were tired that they didn't realize when they started to fall asleep, with Kakashi and Shisui snuggling into Natsuki, spooning him warmly. All and all, their day was great. Spending time together with their loved one can brightened their day and they will treasure the memories forever.


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