The strongest Demon lord rebo...

By Gloria__story

10.4K 125 16

This is the story of a Demon lord and his name is Anotos, because he is bored he reincarnated him self to the... More

Information mc
Chapter 1, force marriage!?!, and a little ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 2, The beginning of a adventure
Chapter 3, First quest and a little ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 4, School and bandits part 1
Chapter 5, Bandits part finale
Chapter 6, The second wife
Chapter 7, memories come back, and lemon๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 8, Dragon the third wife
Chapter 9, Angry Boryosa
Chapter 10, Lemon๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 11, excalibur and second change
not a update, just giving people some love for their works

Chapter 12, the previous demon king, and the last chapter

232 3 0
By Gloria__story

Back to where Aznar is

Aznar wake up from his sleep and see there no Boryosa only Teufe and Elida sleeping.

Aznar: Boryosa? Where did she go?

The door open and Aznar father walk in

Aznar father: She go to the forest.

Aznar: Without saying anything to us?

Aznar father: Yes, she want to go alone as soon as possible.

Aznar: I see...

Back with Boryosa

Boryosa: now That's done, i need to go back Aznar going to be worry.

When she running back somebody calling for help, when Boryosa goes there she see a 5 bandits try to rob a guy The one in the horse carriage.

Boryosa: Can't he fight back

Boryosa sigh and summon her blades Which is connected to the chain.

Boryosa: My weapons really change.

She Dash to them and cut one of the bandit head killing him.

Bandit1: W-WHO are you?

Boryosa: You don't need to know, after all you Can ask death that.

Boryosa throw her blades at one of the bandit and grab the chains making Boryosa blades spinning around her killing all the bandits at once

She pull back her blades and unsommon it.

Boryosa: Now let's see who is this guy.

Boryosa start walking to the guy, when she infront of him, the guy grab her hand and kiss it.

Tarde: Hello beautiful, my name is Tarde Bas, a royale family thank you for saving me.

Boryosa: Yeah yeah, what do you want?

Tarde: Can i know what is the name of my beautiful saver?

Boryosa: My name is Boryosa prsa.

Tarde: Boryosa... What a beautiful name.

Boryosa: Can you let go.

Tarde: Ofcourse.

Tarde let go of boryosa hand

Boryosa: So what do you need?

Tarde: As a reward of Helping me, you Will be my wife.

Boryosa: I refuse.

Tarde: alright let- wait what?

Boryosa: I say i refuse!!!

Tarde: But why? You Can be married to a royale family.

Boryosa: Two thing, first i would never married someone i don't know and second I'm already have a fiance.

Tarde: Who is it? I'm sure i Can be a better husband then he is.

Boryosa: you want to meet him?

Tarde: Yes, where is he?

Boryosa: Follow me then.

Boryosa and Tarde go to the palace and go inside

Tarde: Why are we inside the palace of the king?

Boryosa: You say you want to see my fiance Aren't you?

Tarde: Yes, i do want to mee-

Boryosa: We here. IM BACK!!!

Aznar Dash at Boryosa and hug her.

Aznar: Never do this ever again.

Boryosa: No promise

Aznar look at Boryosa back and see tarde just standing there with a scared face

Aznar: Who is he?

Boryosa: i save him from bandit, and he say he want me to marry to him

Aznar: I see...

Boryosa: No

Aznar: I'm not doing anything.

Boryosa: You about to!

Aznar: Ok fine, I'll talk to him

Aznar go to Tarde

Aznar: So, you want to marry my Boryosa?

Tarde bow to the ground and start to say sorry

Tarde: I'm sorry Your Honour!!! I don't know if she is your fiance!!!

Aznar: Your apology is accepted, now go and never ever get close to my future wife, understand!!

Tarde: YESS!!

Aznar: Now go.

Tarde: YEEEES!!

Tarde run back

Boryosa: You don't need to be so angry.

Aznar: i am not.

Boryosa: yes you are, let just meet up with the other.

Aznar: oook...

Both of them go to Aznar Room and see that the other is still sleeping.

Boryosa: They still sleeping?

Aznar: Yeaaaaah...

Boryosa: You did go hard on them.

Aznar: Please just shut up.

Boryosa: Hehe, oh yeah look what i fine.

Boryosa open a portal and pull out excalibur.

Aznar: you got my old sword?

Boryosa: yeah, the guy that giving the pills try to lift it but he can't.

Aznar: "sigh" should have know.

Boryosa: Yeah, let's give this information to your father

Aznar nods then both of Boryosa and Aznar go inside, and when inside they tell Aznar father that the pills problem is solve

Aznar: Father, Boryosa say that the Pills problem have been solve, so you can calm down now.

Aznar father: That good to hear, if that all you want to say you can go.

Boryosa: There is also one thing that i want to say

Aznar father go ahead

Boryosa look at Aznar then Aznar just nods, Boryosa look back at Aznar father then say

Boryosa: Me and Aznar planning to have kiss sooner then expected.l, is that ok?

Aznar father hearing this is shock because he never thought that Aznar want to have a kid sooner, then Boryosa say

Boryosa: What's wrong?

Aznar father: Nothing is wrong, it just shocking that Aznar want a child sooner, but  yes i allowed it.

Aznar then say

Aznar: Thank you father.

After that Boryosa and Aznar go to The other where they still asleep to wake them up

Boryosa: Teufe, Elida wake up

Boryosa try to wake them up but they didn't wake up

Boryosa: "sigh" you make me do this

Boryosa lift her hand up and enchante a spell

Boryosa: Wasserball

Boryosa throw the water ball to Both of them making them quickly wake up

Teufe and Linda: Haaaa

Both of them look at where the water ball come from with a sleepy face

Boryosa: Don't look me like that, it's already morning, wake up and go take a bath before i throw another water ball to both of you

Teufe and Linda: oook

Teufe and Linda say while still feeling sleepy, then both of them go to the shower together

Boryosa: You go to hard on them

Aznar: I'm sorry jezz, i though they can handle it, after all you can handle more, so i though they also can handle it.

Boryosa: They are not me, i maybe can handle it, but that does not mean they can, so next time be more softer

Aznar: But if they want harder?

Boryosa: 'sigh' sure whatever do what they want.

Aznar: Ok time to talk to Serious matter, we need to fine 2 more wife for me.

Boryosa: You right... How about Kana? She pretty close with you.

Aznar: I'm okay with that, but we need to ask her about that,  who else?

Boryosa: Anna?

Aznar: The lady that in the adventure guild?

Boryosa: Yeah

Aznar: But i don't know if she that way with me.

Boryosa: we Will ask her later, but for now we need to have talk with the other girls

Aznar: You right, we need to wait for both of them

Timeskip 1 hour

Both of Teufe and Linda finished their shower and go wear a clothes they go to Boryosa and Aznar

Boryosa: Why is it took you both to take a shower?

Teufe: We have a little talk inside.

Aznar: And that is about?

Linda: Secret

Boryosa: Fine, anyway we need to talk about Aznar two future wife that we need to find.

Aznar: we know 2 girls, one you both know but the other one Linda don't know

Teufe: And that is?

Boryosa: Kana and Anna

Linda: I know Kana, but who Anna?

Teufe: Anna is the lady that work in the adventure guild, she have been helping US in the guild.

Linda: I see, also are you sure you want to ask Kana? You know she just became the town leader of her town?

Boryosa: That is why we gonna ask her last, we gonna ask Anna first

Teufe: Alright let's go

Four of them go to the adventure guild and they call Anna to talk in private

Anna: So what you guys want to talk about?

Aznar: Anna you know that i'm a prince soon to be king

Anna: Yeah, i know.

Aznar: And for tradition of the family i need 5 wife

Anna: Wait... Don't tell me...

Aznar: i want you to be my 4th wife

Anna: why do ask me? I only a normal Guild lady, nothing special.

Aznar: even though that is true, but you are the one that help me the most  when we in the guild, so i ask again do you want to be my 4th wife?

Anna: Ok, i accept

Boryosa: That great, now let's talk to the king

Anna: Eh

Timeskip now all of them is infront of the king or Aznar father

Aznar: Father, this is my 4th wife m, Anna

Aznar Father: you choose a nice wife my son.

Aznar: Thank you father.

Aznar father: Then only 1 more wife left to find, then you can be a king

Aznar: Alright father

Boryosa, Aznar, Teufe, Linda, and Anna go outside and talk

Boryosa: That when well

Anna: I'm so scared

Teufe: You don't need to worry, the king is good heart man

Anna: O-ok

Anna say with a nervous voice, then she ask Aznar

Anna: Also, did you already find your 5th wife?

Aznar: Yup, we only need to ask her

Suddenly the sky start to go dark, Boryosa look at the sky and Feel familiar with the dark sky, the she remember when she still a demon king and fighting his father to take the demon king title

Boryosa: oh no...

Aznar: What wrong babe?

Boryosa: My father has return

Aznar: You mean Erim?

Boryosa: No, my father from my last life

Aznar: You mean the demon king before you?

Boryosa: Yes, my father, the demon king before me, Lucifer he come back

Aznar: I though you kill him

Boryosa: I didn't, i just seal him, i hope he change his mind about humans

Aznar: What wrong?

Boryosa: He always think humans as a wasted energy to be made by the god, he think God could create a better being, so he hate humans

Aznar: So that why demons and Humans never have peace

Boryosa: That is correct

While Boryosa and Aznar was talking all the other girl there expect Teufe is confuse to what are they talking about

Linda: What are you guys talking about? The demon king before Boryosa?

Both Aznar and Boryosa just Not listening to Linda and just continue talking

Boryosa: i need to go there

Aznar: i Will come to

Boryosa: No, i Will go alone

Aznar: But

Boryosa: No but but, i Will go alone

Aznar: Fine, but remember our promise

Boryosa remember that Aznar Will c*chold her if she broke the promise she Made

Boryosa: ok fine, i Will get my punisment after this problem

Aznar: Ok, good luck

Boryosa: 'sigh' thanks

Boryosa then teleport into where she seal her father is, she touch the seal and see that her father have awake, when her father come closer to her, he say

Lucifer: Who are you? Your power is the same as my son, but i have son not a daughter.

Boryosa: Father, this is me Anotos, i just Reincarnating myself into this body

Lucifer: So now i have a daughter?

Boryosa: yes, so father i want to ask, do you still hate humans?

Lucifer: not really...

Boryosa: So you not gonna try to destroy the humanity again?

Lucifer: No, but can i hug you, because i finally have a daughter

Boryosa: really?

You only need daughter so you don't destroy the humanity?

Lucifer: yes, sorry that i never tell you, ehe

The sky became normal

Boryosa: Don't act stupid, how about this.

Lucifer look at Boryosa with a confuse face

Boryosa: I have a husband

After hearing that Lucifer wings come out from his back, then the sky start to go dark again

Lucifer: Who dare married my daughter

Boryosa: Also we having a baby

Hearing that make Lucifer even angry


Lucifer scream at Boryosa, hearing that Boryosa just giggle, then Lucifer say

Lucifer: What so funny, is it a joke, is all you say is a lie about having a husband?

The sky start to go normal

Boryosa: No, everything that i say is the truth, it just funny that my father that know as the devil, now act like an Over protective dad that don't want they daughter to marry

Lucifer: We Will meet this guy that you marry

Boryosa: We Will, but put away your wings

Lucifer make his wings disappear

Lucifer: There, happy?

Boryosa: Yes, now let's go

Boryosa grab Lucifer then Boryosa teleport both of them to infront of the of palace

Lucifer: is he a prince?

Boryosa: Yup

Lucifer: Fine, atleast he a royal one

Boryosa: he also the reincarnation of the Hero that defeat me when i'm the demon king

Lucifer: Why are you married to someone that kill you?

Boryosa: he didn't kill me, after he defeat me, i use the reincarnation magic and after i use it, he also use it

Lucifer: Oh

Boryosa: Also Teufe is his 2nd wife and i'm the 1st wife.

Hearing that making Lucifer shock

Lucifer: How many wife di he have?

Boryosa: Right now is four, but in the future there Will be five because it's a family tradition to have more then 1 wife and he need 5 wifes to become a king

Lucifer: what a weird tradition, it's also weird that my son that now my daughter Will marry to a man

Boryosa: It's fine, it also because the spell got Damaged, and they also put Ashtu si djemtë in the spell so it make me like boys

Lucifer: What a f*cking idiots

Boryosa: They are your old Subordinate

Lucifer: Oh


Boryosa and her father is now infront of Aznar together with the other girls and his Father in the throne

Boryosa: So this is my father from my past life, Lucifer, dad say hi

Lucifer: Yo

After Boryosa Introducing his father, all the people inside are shock and scare expect Aznar because the Devil himself is infront of them

Aznar father: H-hello, welcome to my kingdom, i hope we can have a good relationship

Lucifer: Me too, but first i need to talk to the one that f*CK my daughter

Aznar put his hand up and say

Aznar: I'm here

Lucifer suddenly teleport infront of Aznar right infront of his face then Lucifer say

Lucifer: You better take care of her

Aznar: i Will

Aznar say with no Hesitation

Lucifer: a brave one, good.

Boryosa then scream

Boryosa: Father, come here before i punch you.

Then Lucifer go beside Boryosa again

Boryosa: Sorry about him, after he know about what happen to me, he has became a Over protective dad

Aznar: That fine.

Boryosa: Now let's go meet up with Kana

Aznar: Alright

Boryosa tell Lucifer to not kill anyone and just stay in the palace, while Boryosa and the other go to Kana town, when they are there, Aznar ask to Marry Kana, and tell her the reason and Kana accept it, they come back to the palace and tell Aznar father and he say that now Aznar can be a king.

Timeskip 5 month

Aznar is now a king and he break the record of the youngest king ever in that kingdom.

Boryosa: Congrat Aznar, you now a king

Aznar: Yup, and i hope i can make all of you happy

Boryosa, Teufe, Linda, Anna, and Kana then say: we Will try out hardest to be the best wife and mother of our child for you

Then All the girls kiss Aznar at the same time

Aznar: i love all of you

Then the girls say: we love you too

Then they sit a chair together

Lucifer in the back: i can't believe that guy got a Harem of five girls and one of the girls is my daughter.

The End

That it for this story, i know it took me along time to update the last chapter i'm sorry.

Also request something that you guys want me to write, i maybe won't write it, but if i have motivation i maybe Will write.

See you next time
Be bye

Also tell me if you want an extra chapter for the lemon

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