Total Drama: Lindsay X Male R...

By SkyZJ99

21.8K 496 265

You are a famous teenage actor who received an offer from Chris McLean to be apart of a new reality show call... More

Prologue: Island
Not So Happy Campers- Part 1
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
New Deal
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up The Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat...
Who Can You Trust?
Basic Straining
X-Treme Torture
Brunch Of Disgustingness
Bros Unite
No Pain, No Game

Not So Happy Campers- Part 2

1.5K 35 27
By SkyZJ99

Scene opens up to the campers in their swimsuits standing on a 1,000 ft. high cliff with the lake down below. As everyone is waiting for Chris, Y/N and Lindsay stand next to each other in an awkward silence. Y/N would steal glances at Lindsay since she's still wearing her blue bandanna and cowgirl boots, but she's also wearing a red bikini and it definitely highlights her curvy body.

Y/N: You look really nice.

Lindsay: (giggles) Thanks, (she also admires
Y/N's body) you look nice too.

Y/N: Oh, thanks, I gotta stay fit for acting gigs, you know?

Both Y/N and Lindsay laugh. Chris shows up and explains what the challenge is.

Chris: Ok. Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 ft. high cliff into the lake.

Bridgette: Piece of cake.

Chris: If you look down, you will see two target areas.

The campers look down the cliff and see two rings on the lake, one big and one small.

Chris: The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic man-eating sharks.

A group of sharks circle around in the big ring, one of the leaping out of the water and splashing back down. The campers started to grow nervous.

Y/N: Those are just practical effects, right? Those aren't actually sharks.... aren't they?

Chris ignores Y/N's question.

Chris: Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark free.

Leshawna: Excuse me?

Chris: For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below.

On the beach, two stacks of crates stand beside each other.

Chris: Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge. Building a hot tub! The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first.

Bridgette looks down the cliff. She starts to grow a bit nervous.

Bridgette: Oh, wow. So, who wants to go first?

Understandably, none of the Killer Bass say anything.

Owen: Hey, don't sweat it, guys. I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable.

Eva: So, who's up?

Duncan: Ladies first.

Bridgette: Fine, I'll go. It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks.

Bridgette dives off the cliff and manages to land in the safe zone. She swims back up and waves at the campers above. Chef drives a boat near the safe zone to pick up Bridgette. This gives Tyler enough motivation to take the next turn. He jumps off the cliff but lands on one of the buoys. All of the campers cringe at the sight. Tyler slides down the buoys and lands on the water. Eva went next but she landed outside of the safe zone, all of the campers grow scared for Eva as one of the sharks started swimming towards her. Just when the shark was about to take a good bite out of her, Eva punches the shark with all of her strength. The shark quickly to swims away in fear. The campers have shocked looks on their faces. Y/N yells down to Eva.

Y/N: Great punch!

Eva: Thanks!

Heather slaps Y/N on the shoulder.

Heather: No complementing the enemy team.

Y/N: Oh, come on! She punched a shark. She deserves a compliment.

Geoff and Duncan take their turns, but D.J. refuses to jump because he's scared of heights. Y/N can relate to the big guy, even he isn't sure if he could jump. So, Chris puts a chicken hat on D.J.'s head and makes chicken noises to mock him.

Y/N: Kind of rude don't you think?

D.J. rides down an escalator. Ezekiel goes next, but on the way down, he hits a rock. He landed in the safe zone though, so that's something at least. Harold goes next, he lands in the safe zone but he painfully lands on his crotch. Bridgette, Geoff, and Eva flinch at that painfully landing. Even the sharks flinch too. It was Courtney's turn but she claims that she has a medical condition that prevents her from jumping off cliffs. Sure. Chris tells Courtney that she can chicken out, but it will cost her team the win and they'll hate her. She says it's a calculated risk, and she also says not all of the Screaming Gophers will make their jumps. She's not wrong.

Chris hands Courtney her chicken hat and reads the results, eight campers jumped and two chickens refused. There was one missing, Sadie. Sadie says she won't jump without Katie, and Katie wants her bestest friend to be on the same team. They both begged Chris over and over again until Izzy volunteers herself to switch teams. Chris accepts and allows Katie and Sadie to be on the Killer Bass while Izzy is now on the Screaming Gophers. The "twins" cheer and jump off the cliff, landing on the safe zone.

Chris: Ok, that's nine jumpers and two chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that, we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on.

Trent: Nice. Ok, guys who's up first?

None of the Screaming Gophers say anything or make a move.

Noah: Y/N can go first.

Y/N: Why me?! Why do I have to go first?!

Noah: Uhhhh, you're an actor who can do your own stunts, remember?

Y/N: Yeah, but I don't do ALL of my stunts. Sure, I can jump down, but I've never jumped down so high before. And don't even get me started on skydiving.

Chris: So, does that mean...?

Y/N: (sigh) Yeah, I'm a chicken.

Chris hands Y/N the chicken hat and puts it on.

Heather: I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this.

Beth: Why not?

Heather: Uh, hello, national T.V. I'll get my hair wet.

Gwen: You're kidding right?

Lindsay: If Y/N and Heather aren't doing it, I'm not doing it.

Heather and Lindsay smile at each other while Y/N gives Lindsay a surprised look.

Leshawna: Oh, you're doing it.

Heather: Says who?

Leshawna: Says me, I'm not losing this challenge cuz you got your hair day, you spoiled little daddy's girl!

Lindsay backs away from the argument and hides behind Y/N. Both Y/N and Trent look shocked while Noah is enjoying this.

Heather: Back off, ghetto-glamour, too-tight-pants-wearing, rap-star wannabe!


Leshawna: Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading, peeking in high school prom queen!


Heather: Well, at least I'm popular.

Everyone looks shocked while Noah continues to enjoy the argument.

Y/N whispers to Lindsay.

Y/N: Her fate has been sealed.

Leshawna: You're jumping!

Heather: Make me!

Leshawna picks up Heather and throws her down into the lake, Heather screams and lands in the safe zone, she yells up to Leshawna.

Heather: Leshawna, you are so dead!

Leshawna yells down to Heather.

Leshawna: Hey, I threw you into the safe zone, didn't I? (to herself) Now, I just hope I can hit it, too.

Leshawna jumps off the cliff and lands in the safe zone. It's now Lindsay's turn.

Lindsay: I thought this was going to be a talent contest?

Chris laughs.

Chris: Yeah. (laughs) No.

Lindsay: I... I don't think I can do this.

Chris: So, does that mean you're... chicken?

Chris pulls out another chicken hat. The Screaming Gophers groan.

Gwen: Great! Now we'll never get to use that pull cart.

This is a dire situation. The Killer Bass have two chickens and the Screaming Gophers will soon even. Y/N felt bad for the team, but mostly, he felt bad for Lindsay. So, against his fear, Y/N heads toward Chris and takes off his chicken hat.

Y/N: Chris, I change my mind. I want to jump.

This surprises everyone.

Chris: Sorry, man. You refused to-

Y/N had to put his acting skills to good use. So, he grabs Chris' shirt collar and brings him closer to Y/N's face. The young actor gives Chris a menacing look.

Y/N: Chris, let me jump or I'll throw you outside of the safe zone.

Everyone got chills from Y/N's demand.

Chris: A-a-all right! Fine! You can jump! I'll erase your chicken point.

Y/N looks at Lindsay with a soft look and offers his hand to her.

Y/N: Do you want to jump together?

Lindsay looks at Y/N's hand and back up at his face.

Lindsay: Yeah, let's do that.

The beautiful blonde grabs the young actor's hand and they prepare to jump.

Y/N: Ok, on the count to 3. 1... 2...

Lindsay: Wait! Is it 1, 2, 3? Or 1, 2, 3, go?

Y/N: The first one.

Lindsay: Ok. Got it.

Y/N: 1... 2... 3!

They jump off the cliff and began falling into the water. Y/N and Lindsay scream at the top of their lungs and it was starting to get too much for the blonde. So she brings Y/N close to her and unintentionally brings his head to her big breasts. The young actor's face grew red and completely forgets all about their situation. Soon, they reach the safe zone and swim back up to the surface.

Lindsay: Yay! We did it! We did it, Y/N!

Lindsay hugs Y/N, but he is as stiff as a board after what happened. He didn't know if it was because of the falling or his head on Lindsay's breasts. Maybe both. Chef picks up Y/N and Lindsay and brings them back to shore. Gwen, Cody, Izzy, and Noah jump but Beth chickens out, Trent takes his turn which leaves Owen last.

Chris: Ok, campers, there's only one person left, you guys need this jump for the win, (To Owen) no pressure, dude.

Owen smiles in relief.

Chris: Ok, there's pressure.

The Screaming Gophers cheer for Owen to jump while Heather crosses her arms and rudely demands him. Owen puts his inflatables on his arms and warms himself up.


Owen: Oh, I was pretty darn nervous. See, the thing is I'm not that strong a strong swimmer.


Geoff: I'm looking at this guy and thinking, "There's no way he's gonna make it."


Gwen: I actually thought, "If he jumps this... he's gonna die.


Y/N: I assumed the worst, but little did any of us knew that what happened next was a REAL big one.

*Confessional end*

Chris: Take a good run at, buddy. You can do this.

Owen: I'm going to die now, I'm going to frickin' die now.

The Screaming Gophers watch with much anticipation. Owen flexes his knuckles and makes a running jump off the cliff. Y/N grows nervous when the sound of Owen falling sounds a lot like... a bomb falling out of the sky. Y/N grabs Lindsay's hand.

Y/N: Quick! We gotta take cover!

Lindsay: Why?

But it was too late, Owen crashes down into the water and it causes a huge tidal wave that sweeps everyone away from shore, even the boat and sharks. Thankfully, Owen manages to land in the safe zone.

Owen: Yes! Yeah! Oh, yeah! Who's the man?

The Screaming Gophers cheers in victory.

Y/N: You da man, Owen!

Chris: The winners, the Screaming Gophers!

Owen looks around in the water.

Trent: What's wrong?

Owen: I, uhh, think I lost my bathing suit.

Everyone grows uncomfortable after what Owen said.

After everyone dried off and got back into their regular clothes, the Screaming Gophers use the pull carts to carry the crates of hot tub parts back to the camp grounds. To pass the time, they all sing, "99 bottles of pop on the wall." Soon after, they manage to make it back to the camp grounds and the Killer Bass are nowhere to be seen.

Beth: Hey, look, there's the camp ground.

Owen: That was pretty easy.

Cody: I'm pleasantly surprised.

The whole team brings the crates near the cabins and can only open them with their teeth. Hey, Chris' words, not mine. Izzy manages to open the crate using a rope on her mouth, unfortunately, she got rope burn on her tongue. Ouch. The Screaming Gophers manage to get all the crates open and pulled out the parts and tools. Y/N pulls out a jug of chlorine.

Y/N: I got chlorine.

Owen: Hey, check it out, I got wood.

Y/N: Ugh! Dude! Did you have to sa- oh, literally. Ok.

Trent: I've got some tools here and what looks like a pool liner.

Heather and Lindsay walk up to Leshawna.

Heather: I just wanted to say, I didn't mean that about you being a ghetto, rap-star wannabe, and I love your earrings. They're so pretty.

Leshawna: Straight up? Well, I'm sorry about pushing you over the cliff and all.

Heather: No worries. I needed a push. Truce?

Leshawna: Yeah, yeah, you got it.

Leshawna and Heather fish bump and Heather and Lindsay walk off.

Lindsay: Did you mean all the stuff you said to Lefonda back there?

Heather: Leshawna. Hah, no. She's going down. And P.S. those are the ugliest earrings I've seen in my life.

Lindsay: Oh. So if you hate her, why were you being nice to her?

Heather: You ever seen one of these shows before? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Lindsay: Oooooooooohhhhh. I'm your friend, right?

Heather: oh, yeah, for now.

Both teams begin making their hot tubs, the Screaming Gophers are making excellent progress while the Killer Bass are doing a piss poor job at it. Time passes and Chris examines both hot tubs, he inspects the Screaming Gopher's hot tub and it's in pristine condition.

Chris: This is an awesome hot tub.

The Screaming Gophers cheer with Owen emerging from the hot tub water cheering as well.

He checks the Killer Bass' hot tub and it's literally held together by duct tape and a seagull with plastic soda rings on its throat floating in the water. The hot tub breaks apart with all the water spilling everywhere and seagull floating away.

Chris: Well, I think we have a winner here... the Screaming Gophers!

The Screaming Gophers cheer while the Killer Bass look down in defeat.

Chris: Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!

The Screaming Gophers cheer again.

Chris: Killer Bass, what can I say? Stinks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight.

Lindsay: We won! We get to stay her for another 3 days!

Heather and Beth hug ecstatically while Lindsay and Y/N do the same.

Owen: Woo-hoo!

The four turn their heads to see Owen buck naked. Y/N quickly covers Lindsay's eyes.

Lindsay: Huh? What's going on?

Y/N: Just stay like that for a bit, you're better off not seeing this.

Owen: Ha ha ha! Yes! (starts dancing) We get to staaaa-aaay! We get to staaaa-aaay! We are so awesome! (picks up Heather and Y/N) We won the contest!

Y/N: Owen, could you please let go of me?

Heather: For once, pretty boy is right.

Y/N: I can't tell if that's suppose to be a compliment or an insult.


Gwen: Yep, this camp pretty much still sucks. But now that I'm here, I guess I might as well actually try to win.


Y/N: Ok, this place is definitely not how I imagined it to be. First we come to an old crappy summer camp, then we meet a psychopath Chef, and then jump off a VERY tall cliff to avoid shark infested waters. And we all have to try to stay here for 8 weeks. On the bright side, I got to meet people who don't go insane around me, demand autographs, or want to have my babies, got a hot tub, too. Best of all, I got to see Lindsay again. It'll be nice to catch up with her. So, overall, I think this'll be a very interesting experience. Hmmmm, I wonder if Lindsay has a boyfriend where she's from. Wait. Will she see this when the show comes out?... Crap! (starts fidgeting with the camera) How do i delete the footage?!

*Confessional end*

The Screaming Gophers celebrate their victory with a hot tub party. Y/N and Trent, in their swim trunks sit in the hot tub first, then Lindsay, in her red bikini again excluding her cowgirl boots, joins in.

Lindsay: Hey, Y/N, I never got to thank you for jumping off the cliff with me.

Lindsay leans towards Y/N and kisses him on left cheek. Y/N blushes hard.

Y/N: N-no problem. Just doing what I can for a pretty lady.

Lindsay covers her mouth to hide her laugh.

Heather: Hey, got some room for me?

Lindsay notices Heather approaching with her bikini on and waves to her. While she's distracted, Trent give Y/N a thumbs up. Y/N chuckles nervously and give him a thumbs up back. Heather joins in along with Cody, he raises his juice box in the air.

Cody: To the Screaming Gophers!

Heather/Lindsay/Trent/Y/N: To the Screaming Gophers!

Leshawna/Noah/Owen: Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go, Go, Go Gophers!

Gwen leans on the side of the hot tub with a juice box in her hand, enjoying the party. The Killer Bass walk past in shame. Courtney stops in her tracks and stares at the camera.

Courtney: Are you recording this?

The camera zooms in on Courtney.

Courtney: Good. They can enjoy their little party all they want, but I'm gonna win this competition and no one is gonna stop me!

Hey, I doubt it.

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