Paranoia | Stiles Stilinski

By notdaisyloll

61.3K 1.5K 210

โœง๐Ÿœธโœฐโœตโ˜†โ™ก๏ธŽ STILES STILINSKI /TEEN WOLF | SEASON TWO- SEASON SIX | Stiles stilinski x fem Started- 3/28/2022 Pu... More

i. omega
ii. shaped shifted
iii. ice pick
iv. abomination
v. venomous
vi. frenemy
vii. restraint
viii. raving
ix. party guessed
x. red door
xi. fury
xii. rage
xiii. battledfield
xiv. master plan
xv. tattoo
xvi. eloise
xvii. you and me
xviii. chaos raising
xix. firefiles
xx. unleashed
xxi. frayed
xxii. motel california
xxiii. currents
xxiv. the girl who knew to much
xxv. the overlooked
xxvi. alpha pact 'nd lunar eclipse
xxvii. transition
xxviii. hybrid
xxix. anchors
xxx. more bad than good
xxxi. galvanize
xxxii. illuminated
xxxiii. sliverfinger
xxxiv. riddled
xxxv. letharia vilpina
xxxvi. echo house
xxxvii. the fox and the wolf
xxxviii. de void
xxxix. insatiable
xl. the divine move
xlii. 117
xliii. muted
xliv. the benefactor
xlv. I.E.D.
xlvi. orphaned
xlvii. weaponized
xlviii. time of death
xlix. perishable
l. monstrous
li. a promise to the dead
lii. smoke and mirrors
liii. creatures of the night
liv. parasomnia
lv. dreamcatchers
lvi. condition terminal
lvii. a novel approach
lviii. required reading
lix. strange frequencies
lx. ouroboros
lxi. lies of omission

xli. the dark moon

676 15 1
By notdaisyloll

| 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇

"This doesn't seem so bad."

Hayley and her boyfriend of one year were in Mexico, and it wasn't even for their anniversary but they were there to get Derek back from his kidnapper, the older werewolf had told them about the Mexican hunters breaking into his home right after dropping off his sister in South American.

Hayley hums. "It's not the town, it's the plan."

"What's wrong with the plan?" Stiles asked turning to his right, Hayley met his hazel eyes tilting her head back. "This is the stupidest plan we've ever came up with, you're aware about that, right?"

Stiles nods adjusting his jacket. "I'm aware, it's not our best." Hayley pushed a hand over her hair. "Let's just get this over with." Stiles placed a hand on the lower part of her back as they began walking down the street.

"Even if it goes wrong, you just fight 'em." Stiles whispers into her ear assuredly knowing she can fight anyone off. The sun began to settle down when they reached the street of the building , two men standing by the doors, guarding it.

"Estamos aqui para la fiesta." Hayley spoke through a spanish accent, she knew that talking Mrs. Gomez' Spanish class would come in handy one day. The man shook his head, Stiles reached into his pocket and brought out the card the hunters left behind at Derek's loft.

The man looked up to the camera attached to the wall. Stiles then held up the card to show the camera and the doors open, Stiles took the lead and Hayley followed him though the hallway where a door was at the end. They continued to walk, growing anxious by the second and Stiles pushed the door and loud metal music was playing.

Stiles took Hayley' hand and guided them towards the bar, Hayley could hear the sound of the music beating through her ears along with the heartbeats beating rapidly, the bartender placed two shot glasses infront of them.

Stiles reached for his wallet when a hand clasped down on their shoulders. "No, on the house, most American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink."

"We didn't come to drink." Hayley says keeping her eyes on the wall in front, feeling her pulse rising against his hand pressed on the side of her neck, grabbing the bullet from her jacket and drops the gold in the liquid.

"Severe hates this music." Araya Calavera sat across from the two teenagers, running a knife through a piece of leather. "Me? I've always loved the music of youth. This kind, especially, it has a savage energy."

"We're here for Derek Hale." Hayley chose to ignore everything she said and got straight to the point.

"Is that so?" Araya smirks.

"We know you have him." Hayley continues, as the woman cut through the fabric. "We've heard that you can be... bought." Stiles brought out five stacks of money from Hayley' purse that was all already counted onto the table.

"It's fifty thousand for Derek."

The woman seemed stunned by the cash. "Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this?" She stared at him. "Japanese mafia?" Hayley turned her head at the sound of a gun. "Not smart to come alone."

"What makes you think we came alone?" Settles asked her, leaning forward. Araya smirk slowly faded hearing his words and began to puzzle the pieces together. "You brought a wolf into my home?"

"We brought an alpha."

Araya exhaled sharply pushing off her seat, walking to the window that gave her a view of the city below. "My friends. I don't think you're aware of your poor timing, do you know what the dark moon is?"

"The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky."

"But do you know it's meaning?" Araya asked. Hayley side-glanced Stiles. "Some people say it's a time of reflection, or grief."

"Grief and loss, mija." Araya says softly and turns back around to face them. "I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss. You would rush it again for someone like Derek Hale."

"Cause we don't like to lose." Stiles exclaims. That's when the person on the other line of the walkie-talkie spoke, saying that the front door and the south were clear of the alpha, but they didn't hear anything from north.

"North?" Norte? Donde esta el norte."

"Stiles. Take ten off the table.

The voice that belong to Scott McCall came through the walkie- talkie, Stiles reached over grabbing a stack of the table. "You shouldn't probably just take deal." Hayley says.

Araya smiles. "While I'm keen to follow the warning of a hybrid. I'm going to have to decline."

"Okay, come on, just give us Derek." Stiles said. Hayley wonder what he will say next. "You don't want him anyway, haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humor, poor conversationalist. Just come on, take the money."

Araya squints her eyes and took the walkie-talkie off the table. "Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate." Hayley turned to Stiles wanting to know what she meant by that watching the woman walk out the room.

"He's awake. Guys, he's awake." They rushed over to the Scott, who laid on the ground after being electrocuted by Araya. "Scott, you okay?" Stiles asked the wolf.

"Yeah." Scott croaks as he sat up. "They don't have him, they don't have Derek." Hayley kneeled down before him.

"We know but right now, they've got Lydia." Kira informs him, Araya took the strawberry-blonde haired girl without telling them why, it's been a couple minutes she's the girl was taken.

"Lydia?" Scott utters eyes widen turning to Hayley and Stiles. "What do they want with Lydia?" Before either of them could answer the teen stood up and rush towards the door, trying to see if he can open it but Hayley tried herself and it was no use.

"We already looked for a way out." Kira tells him, hand son her hips. "I think a lot people have." She gestures to the dents beside the door.

"I say when that door opens again, we take out whoever's standing in the way and run for it." Malia said nodding her head, "What about Lydia?" Kira asked her raising a bow

"What about her?" Malia questions with a chuckle. Hayley cocked her head facing her sister. "We aren't leaving Lydia behind." She told her shaking her head.

"Why not?" Malia furrowed her brows.

Hayley glanced at her friends before walking towards her sister, it's only been a couple weeks since Malia started learning about being a human and knowing when to say the right things at the right time, Hayley was trying to help her understand better.

"Remember, we don't leave anyone behind. Remember that?" Hayley says gently with a smile, Malia sighs nodding her head.

"Is that what you would do as a coyote? Leave her for dead?" The Tate sisters turned to Kira. Malia fiddled with her fingers and shrugs. "If she's was weak and injured, yeah. If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat her. Then I'd leave."

Hayley smiles at her friends patting her sisters back. "Believe it or not, that's progress." Stiles says clapping his hands, having been there when Hayley was teaching her sister.

"All right, guys, we're not dead yet." Scott says changing the subject. "And that means Araya wants something."

"But if the Calaveras don't know where Derek is that means they didn't take him from the loft, right?" Kira questions.

"Maybe he left on his own." Stiles suggests. Hayley shook her head, Derek wouldn't leave town without telling them. "Or maybe someone else got to him."

Just them the doors open, three armed men walked in and electrocuted Scott before they dragged him out the door, Hayley stepped forward only for the man to point the gun at her. "Vamos." Hayley knew what it meant and followed.

"Hayley." Stiles whispers her name watching her leave, Malia ran forward only to be met with the door smacking her face, it was just Kira, her and Stiles in the room.

Her legs were bounded to the metal chair's legs and thick chain wrapped around her wrist behind her back, keeping her from moving, the door opened with Araya holding Lydia.

"Oh, god." Lydia muttered at the sight of her friends.

"Let her go, look... you've got me— us!" Scott says watching Araya gently shoved the banshee away towards a man by the door. "Just let the others go." Araya ignores what he said a circled around them.

"Your hand goes here." The man who held Lydia, moved her towards the machine. "So, let me explain what's about to happen, the banshee is going to turn the dial on the alpha. If she doesn't, I turn the dial in the hybird."

Hayley turned to Scott, they both knew who was more capable of handling the electric shocks. Lydia shook her head. "No, I won't do this." The man grabbed her upper arm forcing her hand on the dial. "You sure? One of your friends has the power to heal, the other? Can die from a wooden stake."

"What are you doing? Is this a game to you?" Scott asked Araya, not being able to turned back due to the chains.

"This is a test, lobito. Let's see if you can pass." Araya says coming around to the front. "We're going to ask some questions, you answer them, nobody gets hurt. You don't answer, we turn on the dial."

Scott turned and met Lydia's frightened eyes and nods. "Do what they say. Okay? Whatever they want. I can take it." Lydia gulps and nods.

Araya claps her hands. "So, we don't know where Derek is, we want to find him as well. You know who took him." Hayley furrowed shaking her head.

"What?" Scott spat out confused. "How would I know that?"

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me." Araya winches. "We don't know." Hayley interjects, locking her hands together. "Why do you think we're here, and not for a holiday break."

"Lydia, turn the dial." Araya says not peeling her eyes away from the alpha. Lydia shook her head closing her hand. "Should we turn the dial on Hayley instead?"

"No! No!" Scott yells starling them staring up at the girl. "Do it, Lydia. Do it."

"Let's start at one." Lydia turned the dial and a thousand of electric shocks burned through Scott' body, the alpha grunt his teeth with sweat forming on his hairline, Hayley forced herself to look away from him.

"Tell me!" Araya shouted watching the boy suffer. "Who actually has Derek!? Who has a reason, a vendetta particular to the hales?"

Scott gasped through the electric shocks, lifting his head to met her eyes. "I said I don't know."

"Oh, you don't know." Araya mocks growing anger by the second. "Because you haven't figured it out yet. So think? Who could've taken him?"


Lydia shook her head when she was forced to turn the dial higher, Scott gasped throwing his head back. "Who had the power? The power of a shapeshifter!?"

"I don't know." Hayley eyes burned with tears, wishing to take the shocks she knew Scott.

"Oh! Someone who could have turned without you knowing." Araya said. "Turned but not by a bite!"

"I don't know." Scott managed say with a grunt.


Lydia shook her head, knowing what number what next, Araya turned to the girl shouting the number once again. Lydia shook her head once more and Araya stepped forward shoving the girl away and turned up the dial to ten.

Scott screamed up at the ceiling as his eyes turned bright red, breaking out of the chains with a booming roar and the boy slumped down breathing heavily. "Say the name, Scott." Araya says.


Araya eventually let them out after hearing Scott say the name, she knew it was Kate Argent all along but she knew they wouldn't have believed her without any evidence of it actually being her.

"So what now?" Stiles asked Scott as he walked away from Araya.

"She's thinks she knows where we can find Derek." Scott says shrugging, Hayley crosses her arms. "She gonna tell us where?" Malia asks.

"Uh, actually she's giving us a guide." Scott says, turning his head at the sound of a motorcycle approaching them, they parked the vehicle and removed their helmet. It was Braeden. "You know her?" Stiles questions.

"Braeden." Scott answers

"Who's Braeden." Kira asked.

"She's a mercenary." Lydia said.

"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to la iglesia." Braeden tells them, Lydia quickly asked why the church. "It's not a place you'll find god."

They piled up into Stiles Jeep, and were on the road following behind Braeden in her motorcycle. Right before their summer break, Stiles had an extra seat installed between the drivers and passenger seat because he knew it would come to use, and it was.

Hayley sat between Stiles and Scott while the other three girls sat in the back. "Okay, I'll ask, who's Kate Argent?" Malia broke the silence with her question, none of them wanted to talk about it especially for those who met the woman.

Kira raised her hand. "Uh, I'd like to know, too."

"Well, we were at her funeral." Stiles says looking back at them then turn back to the road. "So, I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was buried six feet underground?"

"She was never in it." Scott says.

"She was Allison's aunt." Lydia mentions looking out the window. "And a total sociopath."

Hayley turned to her boyfriend, taking in the small moles on his face that go down his neck, Stiles turned when he felt her eyes, he gave her a smile and pats her thigh.

"You don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to." Kira said to Scott, knowing it was a hard subject on him and everyone else knew that minus Malia.

"Um, yes, he does." Malia drowned down her words. "Malia." Hayley scolds apologizing to the werewolf sitting beside her.

"No, no, it's okay." Scott gave her a reassuring smile. "You guys should know, you need to know."

"All right, Kate was the one who set the fire that killed most of Derek's family." Stiles explains, squeezing Hayley' thigh knowing it also had a big impact in her life.

"Some of them survived, like Cora and Peter." Scott explains further more.

"A very angry Peter." Lydia says, recalling the first encounter she had with him. "Yeah, he's the one who bit and turned me." Scott adds.

"And the one who finally caught up to Kate and killed her." Hayley says grabbing Stiles' hand off her thigh instead found herself fiddling with them.

"And we saw her buried." Stiles says.

"No. We saw a casket, remember?" Scott says turning to him. "She wasn't in it. The Calaveras heard that Kate had been killed by the alphas claws, they wanted to make sure she was really dead. Her body was healing, more and more as she got closer to a full moon. She was coming back so they switched out the bodies and they took her." Scott explained the story of what Araya had told him. "If a hunter is bit, they have to take their own life before they change. The Calaveras, they treat the code like a law. They make it their responsibility to enforce it."

"Good for her, I wouldn't do it entire." Malia says leaning back against the seat.

"Would you kill half a dozen people to get out?" Scott asked the girl. "Because that's what she did."

"So Kate's a werewolf now?" Kira asked leaning a bit forward.

"I don't know." Scott replied. "You know, there's a saying sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are."

"What kind of shape is a sociopathic bitch?" Lydia asked, when out of nowhere the car took a harsh hit, causing the vehicle to glide to the side and stop. Scott and Stiles immediately got out.

"What happened?" Braeden asked getting off her motorcycle.

"I don't know, it felt like we hit something." Stiles says with the four girls jumping out of the car.

"Scott, we need to get there by night." Braeden says to the teen. "It's too dangerous otherwise."

Stiles turned up to his best friend reading the hesitant on his face. "Go." Scott shook his head. "No without you."

"Dude, someone needs to find Derek." Stiles says stepping around his car. "We'll figure something out, we always do. Just go."

Scott sighs turning to leave when Kira called him name stopping to him. Stiles popped open the hood and began looking for anything that might be in the wrong place, Malia kneeled down by the car, checking the inside when she reached in and pulled out a some sort of bone.

"I don't think we hit something. I think something hit us."

Nightfall came down on them sooner than they thought it would, Hayley was becoming more anxious watching her friends and making sure Malia doesn't do something crazy and wonder off, and then it would end up with Hayley chasing after her.

"Lydia, could you please hold the light still for a second." Stiles says huffing out a sigh. "It's really hard to see anything if you keep shaking it like that."

"I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down Jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster." Lydia exclaims, scanning around the desert. "And I'm terrified."

"Well, just be slightly less terrified." Stiles says bring his head out of the car, ripping out a part of his car. "And hold this."

"What's this." Lydia asked taking the part.

"I don't know, I'm hoping it's no important." Stiles says shrugging his shoulders. Hayley leaned against the drivers door watching her sister talk with Kira. "We should've brought another flashlight." Malia says.

Kira walked towards the car, bringing her sword out and held it in front of the headlights, making the light bounce off the sword. Hayley noticed something move from afar. "Did you see that?"

Hayley pushed off the car in time when Malia roared and took off after the animal, Hayley didn't wasn't a second and followed right her.

"Hayley! Malia wait!" Kira chased after them.

Stiles stumbled to get off the Jeep. "Hayley, no!"

"Kira go!" Lydia said turning back to Stiles, flashing the light in his face. "You fix the Jeep." Stiles stared off into the direction they went hesitant to stand back. "Seriously, focus!" Stiles groans getting back to work.

Hayley chased after Malia, when she looked over her shoulder to Kira was following them. "Malia!" Hayley shouted vamping away trying to get a whiff of her scent.


The hybrid spun around only to be met with a sharp stab to her stomach, she scream hunching over grabbing onto the person, they ripped out the knife and shoved her away. "Hayley?" The mysterious person heard the voice causing they to shifted and run.

"Oh my god." Malia came around helping her sister off the ground. "Why aren't you healing? Oh god! This is my fault." Malia cried out walking down the hill.

Hayley shook her head groaning, grasping the coyotes shoulder. "No, it's not your fault and I think whatever they stabbed me with wa.. was laced with vervain or wolfsbane— god! let's find Kira."

When they found Kira they headed back down to were Lydia and Stiles were waiting, he had fix the Jeep quickly enough that he can get them out of there and find Scott.

"Malia, what did you." Stiles stepped forward angrily, grabbing Hayley out from the coyotes arms. "Why aren't you healing? What did you see out there?"

Hayley grabbed his hands feeling a bit dizzy. "Sti—Stiles, can we leave, I don't... it's okay, don't blame Malia, it wasn't her fault."

"Come on, let's go." Lydia says as Kira and Malia got in the car, Stiles clenched his jaw and nods helping his girlfriend to the passenger side before he got in the drivers side and immediately started driving down the road.

"I'm really trying not to yell, because we have people in the car but—" Stiles exhaled sharply gripping the steering wheel. "Don't do that again, like ever!"

Hayley threw her head back feeling the wolfsbane and vervain slowly beginning to leave her system. "I had to, I couldn't let her go out there alone."

"I know, okay, I know I just..." Stiles glanced over at her gaze softened. "I thought you weren't coming back, like if she ran, you wouldn't come back."

Hayley turned to meet his eyes. "I wouldn't leave like that, especially without saying goodbye." Stiles nods sighing, all his worries flying out the window.

"That's doesn't look so good." Lydia says staring at the wound on her stomach, Hayley looks down, not realizing how bad it actually looks.

"Yeah, it looks deep." Kira mentions.

Hayley shakes her head. "No, it's fine, I can feel the vervain and wolfsbane leaving my system."

"You didn't see anything?" Lydia turned her attention to the girl seated beside her. Malia shook her head. "Barley, it had a stronger scent though."

"Like what?" Stiles asks.

"Like death."

Shortly after they arrived to the church just as Braeden and Scott came out with a body barely walking between them, it didn't look like Derek, Hayley joined Stiles when he got out the car moving down towards Scott.

Hayley mouth gaped at the sight of a fifteen year Derek Hale, she never met him but the resembles were cannon, it was definitely him. "Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked them staring at the body.

"Uh, sort of."

season four!

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