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By CareBear012

43.1K 1K 298

Mystic Falls, is a place where nothing bad happens. OR Mystic Falls, is a place where everything bad happens... More

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1.1K 26 9
By CareBear012


♥ ____________________ ♥

♥ ____________________ ♥

Mystic Falls High School

Stefan walks over to Jeremy, "Hey Jeremy."

"Look, Elena's got to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her. Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it." Jeremy shakes his head.

Caroline comes over, "Hi, guys!"

"And Jenna's always fine with Ammy staying at yours but Amber's gotta let her know," Jeremy tells Caroline.

"What are you talking about?" Caroline and Stefan ask.

"You and Elena. Look, I'm glad you guys are back together but if she's gonna sleep over." Jeremy looks at Stefan.

"Wait, wait...hold on a minute. We're not back together."

"And Ammy never slept at my house." Caroline shakes her head, shrugging.

"Wait...she didn't stay at your place last night?" Jeremy asks Caroline who shakes her head again.

"I saw her at the party but that was all." Caroline furrows her eyebrows.

"'Cause her bed hadn't been slept in and Mrs. Lockwood said that her car was still in the driveway. Where is she then?" Jeremy wonders.

"Tyler's?" Stefan asks.

"No, I already asked him and Mrs. Lockwood said she didn't see Amber."


The mystery man, Trevor, carries Elena into the mansion and places her on a couch, next to an unconscious Amber.

"What do you want?" Elena whimpers.

"Sh." Trevor shushes her.

"Please, I'm hurt."

"I know. Just a taste." Trevor smirks, coming closer to Elena.

"Trevor!" A girl, Rose, yells, "Control yourself."

"Buzzkill." Trevor scoffs.

"What do you want with me?" Elena asks as Trevor leaves the room.

"Oh my god, you do look like her." Rose gasps.

"But I'm not. Please, whatever-"

"Be quiet!" Rose snaps.

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this."

"I know who you are. I said be quiet."

"What do you want?" Elena cries again.

Rose slaps her hard. Elena falls on the couch, unconscious, next to Amber, "I want you to be quiet."

♥ ____________________ ♥

A little while later, Elena wakes back up to see Amber, now sitting with her head in her hands.

"How are the girls?" Rose asks Trevor in another room, both girls eavesdropping.

"Still passed out," Trevor replies.

"You didn't touch them, did you?"

"Give me some credit. So, you called him?"

"No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works."

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?"

Both Amber and Elena look at each other before slowly getting up.

"They say he got it." Rose shrugs.

"Wonderful and what?"

"So that's it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait."

"Look, it's not too late. We can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this."

"I'm sick of running!" Rose snaps.

"Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying!" Trevor snaps back.

"Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free." Elena accidentally steps on a board that squeaks, getting the vampire's attention. "You! There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?" Rose points at Elena seeing Amber closer to the couches.

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asks.

"He's your worst nightmare."

♥ ____________________ ♥

Elena stomps over to Amber, "Can't you use your powers? I thought you were a witch?"

Amber sighs from on the couch, "Elena, you really don't think I've tried that? Trevor put something in my veins and now I can't do magic. Sorry to disappoint." Amber scoffs before walking to Rose, "Do you have any extra clothes?"

Rose turns around, "I can check."

Amber smiles as Rose walks away, Amber grabs a wooden board and starts hanging them in front of the window. Rose comes back and hands Amber some clothes. Amber nods softly and goes into another room to change.

Once she changes and comes out, she finds Elena walking into the room with Rose, "Why am I here?"

Rose looks at Amber, "She is too and you keep asking these questions like I'm gonna answer them."

"Why won't you?"

"There's another one." Rose and Amber point out.

"You got me, okay? It's not like I can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell me what you want with me." Elena scoffs.

"I personally want nothing. I'm just a delivery service."

"Delivery to who? Elijah?"

"Two points to the eavesdropper."

"Who is he? Is he a vampire?"

"He's one of the vampires, the originals."

"What do you mean the originals?"

"Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatores been teaching you your vampire history?"

"So you know Stefan and Damon?"

"Well, she just said the Salvatores."

"I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys though but I digress." Rose smiles at Amber.

"Lexi." Amber smiles making Rose nod softly.

"Who are the originals?"

"Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired, we want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess."

"But why me?"

"Us." Amber sighs.

"Because you're a Petrova Doppelgänger. You're the key to breaking the curse. And you." Rose looks at Amber, "That's not for me to say, little one."

Amber pouts, "Why not?!"

"I could get killed."

"Damnit." Amber lays on the couch.

"The curse? The sun and the moon curse?"

"Oh, you do know your history."

"What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse."

"No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice is what breaks it."

"The sacrifice?" Amber and Elena ask.

"The blood of the doppelgänger. You're the doppelgänger. Which means, in order to break the curse you're the one who has to die."

"Tell me more," Elena demands.

Trevor enters, "Captivity has made her pushy, eh? What do you want to know doppelicious?"

"Who were you running from?"

"The originals," Trevor says, taking a board from Amber.

"Yeah, she said that. What does that mean?"

"The first family, the old world. Rose and I pissed them off." Rose clears her throat, "Correction, I pissed them off, Rose had my back and for over half a millennium, they wanted us dead."

"What did you do?"

"He made the same mistake countless others did: he trusted Katerina Petrova."

"Katherine?" Elena asks.

"No, she meant the Easter Bunny. Duh, Katherine." Amber scoffs.

"The one and only, the first Petrova Doppelgänger." Rose chuckles.

"I helped her escape her fate and now I've, sorry, we've been marked ever since." Trevor sighs.

"Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again."

Amber walks over to the couch and sees a piece of paper, she picks it up and quietly unscrambles it, 'Stefan and Damon are coming for you. -B' Amber smiles slightly and puts the paper in her pocket.

♥ ____________________ ♥

Trevor comes into the main room, freaking out, "He's here! This was a mistake!"

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me." Rose tries to calm the boy down.

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!"

"He wants them more."

"I can't do this. You give her to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here."

"Hey! What are we?" Rose snaps.

"We're family, forever." Trevor calms down a little.

Someone knocks on the door and Trevor starts freaking out again, "You're scared." Elena says.

"Stay here with them and don't make a sound." Rose walks off.

"Trevor. It's okay." Amber tries to calm the boy down. She sighs and brings the vampire into a hug which he returns. The smell of her perfume still on her calms him down. He pulls away and nods as Rose and a man in a suit come into the room, Elijah. Elijah looks surprised to see Elena. He vamp speeds closer to her and smells her neck, "Human. It's impossible." He says with an accent and pulls away, "Hello there." Amber moves and catches Elijah's attention, he slowly walks to her, "Who are you?"

"Look at her left shoulder," Rose says.

Elijah silently asks Amber to turn, and she does. She slowly pulls her shirt down her shoulder. Elijah looks at the symbol on her shoulder and slowly smiles, but no one sees it before he wipes it off. Amber turns back around. Elijah clears his throat, "We have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going." Elijah grabs Elena and beckons Amber.

"Please, don't let him take me."

"Us." Amber rolls her eyes.

"One last piece of business and we're done." Elijah lets go of Elena and walks over to Trevor.

"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry." Trevor's voice shakes.

"Oh no, your apology's not necessary."

"Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you."

"Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you, and that now I honor. Where was your loyalty?"

"I beg for your forgiveness."


Elijah smacks Trevor's head from his body, making Rose scream in grief and the two human girls gasp in fright.

"You!" Rose cries.

"Don't, Rose, now that you are free." Elijah shakes his head and then grabs Elena again, "Come."

"No, what about the moonstone?" Elena asks.

"Elena." Amber grits her teeth.

"What do you know about the moonstone?" Elijah asks.

"I know that you need it and I know where it is." Elena sasses.


"I can help you get it."

"Tell me where it is."

"It doesn't work that way."

"Are you negotiating with me?"

Elijah looks at Rose who shrugs, "First that I've heard."

Elijah goes to compel Elena but then rips her necklace off, "Tell me where the moonstone is."

"In the tomb, underneath the church ruins," Elena says, compelled.

"What is it doing there?"

"It's with Katherine."

"Interesting." Elijah stops compelling Elena. They hear breaking glass from upstairs. "What is that?"

"I don't know," Rose says.

"Who else is in this house?" Elijah asks her.

"I don't know," Rose says again. Elijah grabs Elena, while Amber follows. They go to another part of the house. Stefan and Damon are moving around them with their super speed. Elijah throws Elena in Rose's arms.


"I don't know who it is."

"Up here." They hear Stefan, making Amber smile.

Elijah goes upstairs but then Damon speeds downstairs, "Down here." Elijah receives in stake in his hand. He removes it. Elena, Amber, and Rose have disappeared. Elena is with Stefan who tells her to be quiet. Damon is with Rose and Amber. He has his hand on Rose's mouth and gestures to be quiet while Amber nods.

"Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't. Do you hear that?" Elijah's voice yells as he breaks a coat rack into a stake, "I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls, I'm gonna count to three, or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?"

Elena appears at the top of the stairs, "I'll come with you, just please don't my friends, they just wanted to help me out."

Elijah vamp speeds to her, "Where's the other one? What game are you playing with me?"

She throws the vervain bomb in his face. It explodes. His skin burns but he heals immediately. He goes toward Elena but Stefan arrives and shoots him with the compressed air weapon. It doesn't hurt him so Stefan throws the weapon and rushes at Elijah and tackles him. They fall down the stairs. Elijah gets up immediately but Stefan stays on the floor. He goes toward Stefan but Damon appears and stakes Elijah. He pushes him against the door. Elijah is dead and is pinned to the door with the stake. Rose sees it and leaves. Damon tries to follow her.

"Just let her go," Elena says. Damon softly smiles and Elena does too, but runs into Stefan's arms, making Damon's smile fade.

Amber comes around the corner and Damon smiles again, she runs into his arms, "I got you. You're safe."

Amber nods, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Damon kisses her head and leads her out of the mansion.

Gilbert Residence

Amber walks into the house and softly shuts the door, knowing Elena was already home.

"Ammy?" Jeremy asks from upstairs. Amber runs up the stairs into his arms, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just had to see you before I spent the night at Care's." Amber smiles.

Jeremy lets go and Bonnie tackles Amber into a hug. Amber laughs and tightens her arms around Bonnie, "I got your message. I'm so proud of you." Amber smiles.

Bonnie cries more and hugs her, this time Jeremy joins.

Forbes Residence

Caroline answers the door and gasps, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there. Are you okay?" Caroline doesn't let Amber answer before throwing her arms around Amber and pulling her into a tight hug.

Amber chuckles and nods, "I'm fine. Not hurt. I'm all good. I promise."

"You got my messages?"

"Yeah... Is he here?"

"Yeah, living room." Caroline nods her head.

Amber takes a deep breath before entering the house and into the living room. Tyler stands up, "Ammy. You're a..."

"Witch." Amber nods.

"Really?" Tyler furrows his eyebrows. Amber snaps her fingers and the lights go out before turning back on. Tyler's eyes widen, "You're not scared of me right?"

"Ty, my best friend is a vampire. It's okay. I promise." Amber smiles.

Tyler grabs her face and kisses her lips. Amber smiles into the kiss and wraps her hands around his wrists.

"You know, this sounds crazy but alcohol helps or at least it helps me. You know, with all that inside jittery stuff." Caroline comes into the room with alcohol and three glasses, "Oh... Am I interrupting?"

Amber pulls away and shakes her head, "Nope."

"I'm hot. It's like my skin is on fire." Tyler sighs and sits on the couch.

"Really? I never had any of that. I guess wolves are different. At the beginning, I was very, very emotional. Everything was heightened." Caroline tells him, sitting on the other side of Amber.

"I have that. How can you be a vampire?"

"How can you be a werewolf?"

"Who else is like you guys?"

Caroline catches Amber's wink, "Just me. It's a really long story we can share another time." Caroline sighs.

"Me too. My parents were also but I'm the last Lawrence witch alive. How many other werewolves are there?" Amber asks.

"Just me and my uncle Mason but he left town." Tyler sighs not noticing Caroline and Amber tense.

"Look, Tyler...You can't tell anyone, okay? Not about you, not about us. No one will understand." Caroline sternly says.

"I know." Tyler nods.

"I want to tell you about my mom and yours and the founding families and the council but I need you to promise me no one will find out about us. This is life and death, Tyler."

"Tyler looks at Amber and then at Caroline, "I have no one else to tell. I'm sorry about earlier. It's just, I'm alone with this. It's gonna happen to me. On the next full moon, I'm gonna turn and I won't be able to stop it. I'm scared."

Amber shakes her head, "You're not alone anymore." Amber pulls him into her chest and Caroline wraps her arms around the couple.

♥ ____________________ ♥

I have a question! Should I do a Jeremy Gilbert fic?

Word Count: 2482

♥ ____________________ ♥

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