I do, I do, I do, I do, I do...

By MrsYNValdez

577 11 0

Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! OC x reader, and I'm also some adding some oneshots of the OCx reader. I've don... More



337 5 0
By MrsYNValdez

"She didn't come. She didn't come. Did she come to yours?"
My sister asked me.

I replied, popping the p, swirling my drink and dropping my left leg slightly from its bent position, resting on the ledge beside me.

"My mother. Can you believe she didn't come?"

"She never comes."
I said.

"And every time, it surprises me. I have gotta get better at that. Why does it never surprise you?"

I smiled.
"Because I'm her crippling disappointment. Literally."

I raised my right hand in the air waving it around stiffly and kicking up my large, heavy, orthopaedic boots that I painted F/C with colourful accents.

"You give that woman hell when you get home."
Rosie said

"I am not going home. Not for a long time."
Donna said, taking a seat opposite me and pouring herself a glass.

"Oh. The old 'stay away as punishment' ploy."
Tanya said, walking towards us.

"I tried that, but my parents just rented out my room."
Rosie said, getting up and joining Tanya.

"And sold your dog."
Tanya added, as they both took a seat on either side of me.

"No, it's not punishment. It's the opposite. It's like a gift to myself."
Donna said, leaning in excitedly.

"Where will you go?"
Tanya asked.

Donna gets up and walks away
"Anywhere. Everywhere." she sighs.

"Life is short, the world is wide, and...
I want to make some memories."


"In other words, you're leaving us."
Rosie states.

"Oh. I never would. I was just putting out feelers for our future."
Donna says, looking at the three of us.

"Don't you mean your future?"
I said.

The Dynamos looked at each other, smirking before Donna replied.

"Don't you think for a SECOND my dear sister, that I'm not dragging you and your gorgeous voice along for the ride!"

I rolled my eyes and she gestured for me to get up.
I did so anyway though.

"Kneel down."
Donna said.

I gave her a sceptical look but she persisted, gesturing with her hands.

I raised a brow and sighed, but eventually relented.

She looked around but eventually grabbed a random empty wine bottle and held it.

"I now dub thee, Y/N Sheridan. The Dynamo."
She placed the wine bottle on each of my shoulders.

She then held her hand out for me to take, and helped me up.

"Come on. We'll always have each other."
Rosie and Tanya took their places either side of me and brought me into their weird little handshake.

"Dynamos! Dynamite! Sleep all day and whoop all night!"

We each said, energetically, bursting out into a fit of laughter afterwards.

"Right then. Let's get packed, shall we Y/N?"
Donna said, looking at me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Donna sighed, reaching out and holding my hands.

"Y/N, if I'm going to travel the world, I need someone level-headed to keep me on track. And I can't think of anyone I would rather do it with than you, so please. Please, PRETTY please, come with me?"


It took a fair bit of convincing, but Donna somehow managed to coerce me into coming with her.

We spent the evening packing our bags until it was finally time to leave for the airport.

The girls all struggled to carry Donna's suitcase down the street as I grinned at them, speedwalking in front with my wheeled suitcase, not even trying to help-
"I've only got one hand, and right now it's currently in use. I don't want to waste all my energy right away, do I? I've got to be awake to show the nice desk lady that I clearly need extra space, and therefore, need to be in first class." there have to be some benefits to being disabled, right?


We finally made it to the airport, in the early hours of the morning, Donna, the girls and I all said our goodbyes and we made our way to the escalator and the elevator. My balance is bad enough without being on a moving fucking staircase, thank you very much.

A/N: Seriously. As a woman with Cerebral Palsy, staircases are the bane of my fucking life.

"The poor girl is under so much pressure.
The hotel reopening. We have to be strong for her. For them both."
Began Tanya, sitting alongside Rosie on a boat to Kalokairi

"Strong, absolutely."
replied Rosie.

"They need our support."


"They need bolstering."

"Yeah. Well, bolstering's what they'll get."

"What they don't need is you crying every time someone mentions Donna."

Rosie whimpered and Tanya sighed.

They got off the boat to be greeted by a very excited Sophie.

They laughed.

"I'm so glad you're here. And so is Aunt Y/N.

"Come on. Let's get this show on the road."
Rosie said, steaming ahead, leaving a very confused Sophie, who turned to Tanya.

"She's very strong."

They all get in to a car.

"I can't wait to see this hotel you've built."
Says Rosie, sitting in between Tanya and Sophie.

"Well, it wasn't actually me who built it."
Sophie said starting the car.

"What's it called?"
Rosie asked as the engine started.

"The Hotel Bella Donna."

"Oh, God."
Said Tanya, exasperatedly, as Rosie sobbed.

"So, two of your three possible fathers can't make it?"
Tanya asked.

"They're all my fathers, and they have great reasons. Harry is doing some huge deal in Tokyo, and Bill is receiving an award for being the greatest Swede of all time. Maybe it's for the best."
Sophie said awkwardly, hinting at Rosie had Bill's failed relationship.

"Oh. Oh, I would have been fine. Absolutely fine. I'm-I'm very strong."

"Just tell me you didn't invite your grandmother."
Tanya said.

"Wicked Witch of the West."
Rosie added, bitterly.

"She hasn't been seen outside of Las Vegas for decades-"

There was car horn honking heard and they met another car.

"You must meet our hotel manager."
Sophie said, parking the car.

"Buenos días."
Señor Cienfuegos said, taking off his hat and pressing it to his chest.

"Be still, my beating vagina."
Said Tanya.

Then someone snorted and got out of the same car.

"Careful, Tanya. Your daddy issues are showing."

Rosie and Tanya lit up and hastily got out of the car.

They said in sync, running over to her.

Tanya grabbed her face and inspected it.

"As I expected. You've aged like a fine wine. And without any effort whatsoever."

She tightened her grip

"Tell me your secrets."
She hissed.

Rosie slapped her hands away and hugged Y/N.

"Y/N! I've missed you so much!"

The three women looked at each other grinning.

"Dynamos! Dynamite! Sleep all day and whoop all night!"
They performed their little routine, laughing.

Rosie then held her back.
"God, I'm getting too old for that."

When they pulled away, Sophie introduced the women.
"Señor Cienfuegos, these are my mother's greatest friends. This is Tanya."

"Doña Tanya. Hmm. Your beauty comes not only from the exquisite structure of your bones and the laughter in your sparkling eyes, but from the goodness that flowers within you. Like a fountain."
He said, kissing her hand.

"Have him washed and brought to my tent."
Said Tanya.

Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Don't think fountains flower, do they?"
Rosie said.

"Mine does."
Muttered Tanya.

"And this is Rosie."
Sophie said.

"Madam Rosie."
He took her hand.

She said, excitedly.

"You have the courage of a lion and the passion of a panther and the wisdom of a flamingo."

"Are flamingos wise?"
Asked Tanya

"Let the man speak."

Y/N was holding back laughter the entire time.

She had become very close with Señor Cienfuegos, he was like a father figure to her, and she just knew that her friends would react to him this way.

"We are going to the jetty to make the welcome decorations."
He says to Sophie.

She nods her head.

"Sounds wonderful."

"We do our best. It is all we have."
He tipped his hat and he and Y/N got back into the car.

Rosie gasped.

"Señor Cienfuegos."
Rosie said.

"That means 'a hundred fires.'"

"So that's 50 for you and 50 for me."



"80-20. That's my final offer."


"Donna, I'm telling you, this is a terrible Idea!"
I whisper yelled at my sister, as she browsed the room keys in this fancy French hotel we had somehow ended up in.

"Uh, excuse-moi."

Donna and I gasped and quickly turned around after hearing the voice.

"Oh, bonjour, mademoiselles."
Said the man, tightening his robe.

Neither of us replied.

"Um... uh, je suis locked out de ma chambre."

"Oh, we don't..."
Donna started to say, before the man cut her off.

"Uh, je, um... put my tray out, uh, dans le corridor, mais, uh, malheureusement quand je, um... turned back, uh, la porte était fermée."
He descended a few steps while speaking, Donna shaking her head, and me dragging my hand across my face.

"Et maintenant, j-je need une, uh, uh... uh, spare key, uh, uh, pour, uh, reentrer dans la chambre. S'il vous plaît, mademoiselles."

He finished with a smile, obviously proud of himself.

"Sorry, I didn't understand. Could you say all that again?"
Donna stated.
I merely sighed.

He came to the desk.

"Je suis..."
A look of realisation came to his face.

"Anndd there it is."
I said.

"Wait a second-"

"We don't work here."
Donna said.

The man stared into her eyes for minute, slowly reaching his hand over to the phone.

"Well, I should call the police."
He said, as Donna placed her hand on his before he could fully lift up the phone.

"I'd rather you didn't."
She said with a grin.

He set the phone down.

"They probably wouldn't understand my French anyway."
He said, still staring at Donna.

I stood off to the side, a bored look on my face, knowing exactly what was about to happen.


"So, Harry, you work in a bank."
My sister said, as we walked around in the sun.

"I'm afraid so. Uh, my father, more or less, owns it. I'm fulfilling my destiny."
He states, stiffly.

"I'm searching for mine. I have this feeling it's in Greece."
Donna said, purposefully.

"Why Greece?"
Harry asked.

"We'll out when we get there. Leaving tomorrow."
I butted in. Don't get me wrong, I liked Harry, it was Donna that I didn't entirely trust. This boy seems new to- well, women. And I'm afraid that, judging by Donna's track record, it won't be the epic romance he's inevitably imagining.

Harry questioned

Donna said.

"Right. Better move fast.

"Um... Would you mind carrying your bag on your other shoulder?"

"Uh, sure. Why?"
Donna questioned.

"Well, 'cause then, you see, the hand nearest me would fall straight down, and mine could sort of brush against it.
And then I could take your hand in mine in a totally natural and spontaneous way."
Harry said, awkwardly.

"Or you could just ask to hold my hand."
Donna said.

"Of course, that's plan B."
They laughed.

God, give me strength.

As expected, an hour later, I was massively third wheeling as we sat in a cafe.

"It's not just Greece generally. It's a specific place."

Donna says.

My eyes lit up.

"At the far end, there's an island, Kalokairi.
And people used to think, if you sailed on from there, you'd fall off the edge of the world."
I said, excitedly. I was a history nut, and had always wanted to visit Kalokairi, that was how Donna knew of it.

"That sounds like the place for us."
Donna finished.

"Of-of course it does."

Harry took a sip of his drink.

"Absolutely. Um, but now perhaps we can change the subject slightly and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of us spending the night together."
He looked directly at my sister.

I choked on my drink.

"Whoa, okay. Bold move."
Donna said, slightly flustered and surprised.

"Because, from where I'm sitting, I mean, it seems to be pretty much all upside with-with very little reason not to just crack straight on."

I hummed awkwardly.

"Our family don't really react well to foreign romances. Years ago, Mom was in Central America, and she had her heart broken into a million little pieces."

"Right. Yeah, fair enough. I mean, I'm sure you're correct."


"I mean, there is one more reason, though.
You'd be doing me a huge favor because... yeah, this... this would be my first time."

I placed my hands on the table pushing my chair back and standing up.

"I believe that this conversation has become far too personal for more than your ears, so I will be taking my leave now."

I walked away.

My, my

And then the singing started.

At Waterloo

And the dancing.

Napoleon did surrender

Oh, yeah

And I have met my destiny

In quite a similar way

The history book on the shelf

Is always repeating itself


I was defeated, you won the war Oh, my.

Harry hit the floor.


And now the waiters too, lovely.

Promise to love you forevermore


Couldn't escape if I wanted to Ooh! Waterloo

Knowing my fate

Is to be with you

He dipped Donna and she laughed.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Waterloo

Finally facing my Waterloo

Hey! Hey!

My, my

I tried to hold you back

But you were stronger

Oh, yeah

Oh, yeah!

And now it seems my only chance

Is giving up the fight

And how could I ever refuse?

I feel like I win when I lose

And now they're on a table, okay.


Couldn't escape if I wanted to


Knowing my fate is to be with you

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa


Finally facing my Waterloo

Now the whole restaurant joined in and I had been dragged into the fray by some random person, and was barely still upright.

So how could I ever refuse?

I feel like I win when I lose

I was being spun around in circles by waiters and somehow ended up on top of a table, and got stuck. Great.

Couldn't escape if I wanted to


Knowing my fate is to be with you

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa


Finally facing my Waterloo



Knowing my fate is to be with you.

Donna and Harry ended up back at their table, and I was flung into the outstretched arms of a stranger.

I exclaimed as I fell.

"Are you okay?"
Asked the man who'd caught me.

(I struggled so hard to find a good picture of a younger Oscar Isaac, so have these two because I don't like that he's sad in the first one, but it's a better age- also, this is not meant to be a spiderverse reference- it was an accident-)

"Yeah. Thanks."
I said, out of breath.

Then I realised the position I was still in, quickly ripping myself from his grip and standing up.

I looked around awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact.

Clearly seeing that I was not about to start the conversation, the man smiled and said.

"Hello. I'm Miguel. And who might you be, pretty lady?"

I flushed a bright red.
I'd never been great with romantic interactions, let alone with an admittedly INCREDIBLY attractive guy.

I replied, shortly.

"Well, Y/N, care for a chat?"

I gave him a questioning look, he elaborated
"It just seems to me, that you've managed to get roped into third-wheeling by your sister, for what I assume is not the first time judging by the look on your face, and that you might wanna mix things up a little."

I was surprised
"How did you get all of that?"

He laughed softly.
"I've been told I'm very good at reading people. So, what do you say?"

I smiled.

After a while of talking in a random corner of the restaurant, Donna approached.

"Y/N? Harry and I are leaving now-"

Then she noticed Miguel.
A devious grin adorned her face.

"I trust you know where the hotel is, right?"

I glared at her.

"Yes, thank you, Donna. I'll catch up with you later."
I said.

After a while, Miguel said
"Shouldn't you be heading back to the hotel soon? It's getting pretty late."

I rolled my eyes and said
"Knowing Donna and their... Plans, it's probably best I don't."

"Oh. I see."
He laughed and eventually, I joined in.

We talked long into the night.


Said Sophie, entering the house where her dad and her Aunt were currently having breakfast.

"Hello, darling. How's it going down there? Y/N came up for breakfast and tells me it's going well."

Y/N waved with her free hand a piece of toast in her mouth.

Sophie sighed.
"There's enough moussaka for millions,"

She kissed his cheek.

"with moussaka to spare."
She took a seat on the table next to Y/N.

"I hope you'll be proud."

"I already am. And so are Bill and Harry."

"I miss them."

"They're really sorry they couldn't make it.
If it had been any other date..."
Sam trailed off.

"I know."
Sophie said.

"But I have you."

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure I can face it."
Sam said.

"I don't know if I can, either, but... we still will."
Sophie got up and stood in front of Sam, then looked at Y/N, who still had toast in her mouth, so gave a thumbs up.

"Because it's a special night... not for mourning, but for celebration."

Sam laughed.

"That's how Mom would have wanted it."
Sophie finished.

"She would have wanted to be there.
To get very drunk indeed and dance until she dropped."
Sam said.

He laughed and then looked at Y/N.

"Our dancing queen."
She said, softly.

Sophie hugged her dad.

"It will get better."
She said.

"Yeah. Just not quite yet."
Sam kissed her forehead.

"I'll see you later."
Sophie said.

"See you later, kiddo."

Y/N stood up.
"I'd better get going too."

Sophie went straight to the hotel, and Y/N sighed going home.

She entered her house, looking at the walls adorned with pictures spanning decades, decades of her life. They almost always included either her sister, or... Them.
She traced her fingers along the frames.

So when you're near me, darling

Can't you hear me?

The love you gave me

Nothing else can save me

When you're gone

How can I

Even try to go on?

When you're gone

Though I try

How can I

Carry on?


Long story short, The next day, we made it to the docks late.

Donna said to the man at the desk.

"You grew your hair. It's longer now."
He stated blankly.

"It is a bit. Yeah."

"And you."
He looked at me.
"You haven't changed at all."

"I know we could talk about that, but, uh, the ferry leaves any second, and, uh..."
I hurriedly said, looking between him and the ferry.

"I think great things are waiting for us."
Donna said.

The man was silent for a minute before saying
"I prefer it shorter."

And stamping our passports.

We ran down the dock as the ferry departed.

"Wait! Wait!"
Donna yelled.

I also yelled.

"Don't. Oh, God. Turn around right now!
It's not too late!"
Donna shouted.

"Well. We're fucked."
I said.

"This is great. I'm just going to follow you everywhere."

We turned around to see a blond guy holding some of Donna's clothes that had fallen from her suitcase

"By the end of the day, I'll have a whole new wardrobe."

"I don't think that'll suit you."
Donna stated

"I say I can make it work."
He held a yellow bikini up to his chest.

"I really wanted to catch that ferry."
Donna said.

"There'll be another tomorrow."
He states, handing her clothes back, and walking towards... A boat. We shared a look.

Donna said.

"Right, uh... but what would be really great... today, not tomorrow... is if, uh, somewhere in this harbour there was a guy."
Donna began.

"Young, tall, dashingly handsome?"
The man said, looking our way and adjusting some rope.

"He's probably passable-looking, but... he has a boat."
I said.

"And a couple of days free before he takes part in a sailing race."
The man adds, realisation on his face.

"So maybe he can take them where they want to go."
Donna finishes.

"He'd love to."
He laughed.

"But the sad fact is... this-this isn't my boat; I just wanted to impress you."
He finished.

"Oh, okay."
Donna turned away.

"I'm kidding. I'm kidding."
She whipped back around.

"Jump on. I'm Bill."


"I actually have an elderly relative on the island who help... helped me buy this boat."
Said Bill, carrying Donna's suitcase while she helped with mine.

"There are three beds, but unfortunately, one of them is rather full."
Bill States.

Donna says.

I mumble.

"You have one of those smiles that makes the rest of the world smile, too."

We went back to the top of the ship, Donna laughing and me struggling on the steps and then electing to stay sitting for the rest of the journey. I found a nice spot at the back, looking out at the sea.

"It's lucky this trip is not long enough for my fragile heart to shatter completely when you leave my boat."

"Ugh. I get it."
Donna says.

"You're one of them."
I add, rolling my eyes.

"One of who?"

"There are two kinds of seducer."
Donna says.

"First doesn't actually like women, so wants to assert his power over them, but the second, and far more dangerous, is the guy who genuinely falls in love every evening, only to fall out of it again the next morning."
I elaborate, looking at Bill, and then out at the gorgeous ocean.

"But as you run away, you tell her you're the one in pain and she's just too much for you to handle."
Donna says, dramatically.

"Like this?"
He asks, sitting Donna down.


When you were lonely, you needed a man

Well, I didn't NEED one.

Someone to lean on

Well, I understand

It's only natural

But why did it have to be me?

"Oh, just like that. Yes."

Nights can be empty

And nights can be cold

So you were looking for someone to hold

That's only natural

But why did it have to be me?

Bored, I found myself thinking of Miguel.

I was so lonesome

I was blue

I couldn't help it

It had to be you and I

I wonder what he's doing now.

Always thought you knew the reason why


I only wanted a little love affair

But I always want so much more than that.

And now I can see you are beginning to care


But, baby, believe me

It's better

To forget me

Yeah, but I really don't want to.


"Your hair. It's shorter now."

"Well, yes, I had to cut it for work."
Harry replied, distractedly.

"I wonder, could you please hurry up a bit?
Uh, you see, I've followed a girl all the way from Paris. She wrote me a note. A very kind note. Saying goodbye.
But when you've found the only girl you think you're ever gonna love, it's gotta be worth one more try. Don't you think?"
Harry said, hopefully.

"It's better short."
Is all the official said.

Harry walked to the end of the dock, only to see Donna sailing away... With another man.

Men are the toys

In the game that you play

When you get tired, you throw them away

That's only natural

But why did it have to be me?


Bill sang the final part of the song, unknowingly along with another man, in a completely different part of the world, though, the other, was far more solemn.

Falling in love with a woman like you

Happens so quickly

There's nothing to do

It's only natural

But why did it have to be me?

(We're pretending that they're still above deck, because why would they help Y/N down for that)

"We only just met."
Donna said.

"And you're not that kind of girl?"
Bill asked.

"Absolutely not."
Donna replied, and I raised an eyebrow in her direction.

She corrected.


"What was that?"
I asked, hearing a man's voice in the distance.

"Nothing. Uh, um, a seagull."
Bill shortly replied, turning to Donna.

"Now, where were we?"

It's only natural

But why did it have to be...

Just as they were about to kiss, I heard the voice again.

"Come on!"
Donna slapped his arm and yelled.

"We're coming!"
Donna shouted, after I pointed out the man obviously stranded in his boat.

"Hi. Just checking you're not in danger, which you're obviously not, so we'll be off."
Bill said, trying to drag Donna away.

"Uh, my engine is not working."
Said the man.

"Oh. Oh, that is bad luck. I-I'll radio for someone to come and help you. They should be along soon."
Bill said, still trying to weasel his way out of helping, and in to my sisters pants.

Donna scolded.

"Please, please. There is a woman waiting for me on the mainland. Her family, they not want her to marry a simple fisherman like Alexio. They want rich man. Ugly, fat, big mole on face, but rich. But she... she want me. And I love her with all my heartness."

Okay. I'm helping him if it means throwing myself off this boat and pushing him to the fucking mainland.

"Please help, kind sir, beautiful lady with head full of curls, and beautiful lady with pretty eyes of e/c and heart of gold."

Be my best friend, please.

Donna laughs.

"Well, obviously we're doing this."
I say.

Reply Donna and Bill, excitedly, and exasperatedly respectively.

He points to the mainland, standing next to me, as I moved to the front to see the action.

"I see them. Okay, everyone. We're nearly..."
Bill says.

The man shouts, jumping into the water.

I exclaim.

"What are you doing? We could get you closer."
Bill shouts, confused.

"If you love someone, you're willing to die for her!"
I smiled.

"Yeah, but you don't have to. It's an important distinction."
Bill said, Donna laughed.

I slapped Bill's leg.

"Let him have his moment."

Alexio shouted from the water.

The woman in a wedding dress, who I'm assuming is Apollonia replied.

"Aah! Apollon...!"
He briefly went under.

"He's just swallowed a big mouthful of water, but the basic point he's trying to make is that he loves you!"
I shout.


"He loves you!"
Donna exclaims.

Her family yell.
She looks at them, then back at Alexio, throwing aside her bouquet, and kicking off her shoes, doing a short prayer.

"Apollonia! No, Apollonia!"

She lifted her skirts.

"Apollonia! Apollonia!"

"Apollonia, come back!"

And leapt into the water.


"Apollonia! Apollonia!"
Exclaimed Alexio happily as they met in the water.

"Good work."

"You, too."

Bill and Donna said.

"Apollonia! I love you!"

They both went under.

"Oh, God. I don't think she can swim, either."
I said.

Bill pulled off his shirt and leapt in to save them, Donna whooped, and her father pushed two men into the water to get Apollonia before we could.

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