Glass Made of Diamond | Blue...

By Blasphemer_Amon

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Ego took a look at the file he was given. In it was filled with someone called 'Ose Leon'. 'Ose Leon. Age-17... More

Author's Note:
Chapter1: Blue Lock
Chapter2: Team W
Chapter3: Team V vs Team W
Chapter4: The Artist
Chapter5: Isagi vs Leon
Chapter6: Exhausted
Chapter7- Second Selection
Chapter8: Butterfly Effects
Chapter9: Despair
Chapter11- Bathhouse encounter
Chapter12: Barou Shoei
Chapter13: Devour
Chapter14: Anti-Combo

Chapter10: Awakening

730 55 7
By Blasphemer_Amon

Arc1: Chapter10

   Then, Leon moved, no one standing in his way anymore. Team Red's mentalities... Igaguri out; Naruhaya out; Barou out.

So, note Leon's surprise when Naruhaya of all people got behind him and stole the ball from him in a moment of letting down his guard.

It was Leon's mistake. Because he already thought that victory was theirs and relaxed before the match had truly finished.

This will never happen again!

Leon was someone who knew to fix their mistakes.

"Kurona, cover!"

"Easy, peasy"


"Aye, aye, captain~"

Leon, at this moment, had an overwhelmingly oppressive aura. And who knew Shidou was a pervert for someone like this?

Shidou blushed, grinning wide, he dragged his tongue over his lower lip and stood at a distance, staring down at the quivering Igaguri and frozen Barou.

As per Leon's silent request– no, order conveyed by those pretty eyes, he was guarding both Igaguri and Barou.

"He worries too much. As if those squashed bugs could get up again," Shidou said, the eyeshadow under his eyes giving him an extra 'bully-like' look. "But... that gaze.. gives me shivers." He wrapped himself with his arms, head up to the ceiling, eyes rolled backward, and furiously blushing, as if he was about to c*m.

His eyes followed Leon's figure, who appeared as if he was bathed in light.

Kurona stayed in front of Team White's goal. Knees bent, and muscles tensed, readied to react at any time.

Naruhaya's eyes were no longer affected by his previous feelings like inferiority complex.

Surprisingly, as long as you accept yourself, including all the ugly parts of you, it became easier. Naruhaya had fully accepted that he was just an average joe and that Isagi was stronger than him.

But, it didn't mean he was giving up.

Darkness swirled in Naruhaya's eyes.

It just meant that I just have to find a way for myself! No way am I letting myself trampled!

'Trampled' in this case didn't mean physically losing. No, he meant 'mentally trampled'. As long as he hadn't lost, Naruhaya will keep fighting, with the ugly parts of himself serving as the fuel.

How hadn't I realized that before?

Naruhaya dodged the onslaught of Leon's attack. He could feel it, his footsteps were becoming better.

That, I am the one dragging myself down?

In the end, the one who was responsible for dragging Naruhaya down was none other than himself.

This... feels so good.

All the time in Team Z, Naruahaya had been feeling frustrated because he hadn't become better, when his teammates became better than him, one after one.

Was this how Isagi felt?

Naruhaya's ego was evolving every second. Actively pulling himself up and challenging a stronger opponent, Naruhaya's mentality was changing.

Who wouldn't like to experience yourself becoming better every second?

Naruhaya felt as if he was free.

Unlike those shining stars, Naruhaya was not a genius.

Unlike Isagi, Naruhaya's eyes could not cover the whole field. He was more like a one-on-one expert.

So, I should just maximize and use everything I have to the fullest!

At this very moment, sounds and surrounding disappeared from Naruhaya's sight. In his eyes was his opponent and his opponent alone.

This is... so euphoric!

Naruhaya could see the littlest of gaps Leon was showing. Because of Naruhaya's evolving footwork, Leon had to move a lot more, which meant, exposing more gaps in his defense.

Of course, normal people wouldn't be able to see those gaps. This was Naruhaya's own ability.


There, one of the gaps and the blindspot of Leon's were colliding. That place would be the most perfect location.

Immediately, Naruhaya's body moved toward the said location. Leon's eyes widened, Where is Naruhaya?

At that second, Naruhaya had truly disappeared from Leon's sight.


Did you all forget that Leon too, had Spatial Awareness?

Just a second, or maybe, two if we were dragging it, Leon spotted Naruhaya again.

Should I use Instant False and Shadow movements?

Leon was hesitating. After all, it wouldn't do if he was too tired in the next match. Judging from Ego's character, it didn't seem like they would have enough time before they had to battle again after winning or losing a match.

Combined with Leon's hesitance, Leon had let Naruhaya get away from him for 3 or 4 seconds.

Carrying the ball, Naruhaya flew across the pitch. At that moment, it seemed as if Team Red was near victory.

Thankfully for Team White, Kurona was positioned in front of the goal.

Naruahaya had encountered another obstacle, and this 'goalkeeper' wasn't a real goalkeeper who couldn't take a step away from the goal; more troublesome.

Naruhaya Asahi vs Kurona Ranze!

Naruhaya moved his legs in a blur, in hope of confusing Kurona. Kurona was indeed becoming a bit dizzy, so, he just decided to observe Naruhaya's eyes instead of torturing himself by looking at his legs.

It was indeed easier; Naruhaya's eyes were revealing everything.

It was indeed easier, but Naruhaya seemed to have become an average joe who can trick others.

He purposely directed his head to the right side before going around from Kurona's left side in an instant, stepping toward Kurona's shadow; blindspot.


Team White: Team Red.

4 : 1.

At least, they got one point back.

Naruhaya jumped into the air, fist tightly clenched.

At this moment, Naruhaya had truly been reborn and left his old self behind.

Team Red had scored against the oppressive deity, this should be a happy occasion.


This just reminded Barou more of his failures and dragged him further into the darkness.

With the sound that signaled the start of the next round, Naruhaya kicked the ball.

And this time, Team White was more unforgiving.

All the members of Team White came together, and took the ball from Naruhaya lightning-quick.

It was apparent to anyone that they wanted to end this fast.

Naruhaya tried to catch up to them. And Barou shakily tried to stop them, but Team White no longer give any mind to the loser.

They treat him like air, and no one, not even a single one of Team White stayed behind to guard him.

Akin to waves, Team White swallowed them all.

They weren't able to defend against a natural disaster.

In the end...

Team Red's lost was inveitable.

"Who should we choose?~"

It was time to choose– no, steal the member of another team.

It was the first time Barou was looked as if he was a piece of commodity commonly seen. The gaze on them were dissecting them apart to take what they desire.

"I had wanted to choose Barou-san at first," Leon's quiet voice was heard. At the comment on his name, Barou lifted his head. His eyes unknowingly becoming hopeful, seemingly ignoring the 'at first'.

It was unanimous that, in Team White, Leon was the leader. Everyone could see and not even Shidou had any complaints with it.

"But I changed my mind," accepting his defeat, Naruhaya's mentality was better than the rest of his teammates. "Come," Everyone waited for his words.

"Naruhaya Asahi."

With that declaration, Naruhaya was stolen over to another team.

(A/N: Hahahah SURPRISE motherfxxkers! You all thought it would be Barou, didn't you? Too bad~ Naruhaya is the hidden GOAT in this mini arc!)

(On another note, I think I fxxked up)

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