Candle Queen | OT7

By MaelstromOfEmotions

1.5K 67 70

Being the maknae, despite what people thought, wasn't just about being the youngest; it was about being the h... More

00| Dedication
01| A Symphony of Shadows
03| Echoes of Melancholy
04| Tears Upon the Canvas
05| Yearning for Absolution
06| Elegy for a Shattered Heart
07| Tear-Stained Solitude
08| The Dance of Broken Dreams
09| Serenade of the Lost Soul
10|Quest for the Moon's Embrace

02| Whispers in the Breeze

138 5 2
By MaelstromOfEmotions

Jungkook was aware that being the maknae of a world-famous K-Pop group was rewarding.

He loved how he could use his supposed 'marshmallow cheeks' and 'wide-doe eyes' and 'baby angel personality' (compliments courtesy of Jimin and Taehyung's battle to 'out-compliment' each other) to charm them into doing what he wanted, whether that being getting lamb skewer for the umpteenth time, stuffing his face with yet another bowl of jjamppong, watching Iron Man for the 753rd time in a row, painting their nails hideous colors, or just simply convincing Taehyung to play piano tiles with him—his tactics never, ever failed.

Despite knowing that they could say no to his pout anytime, he would never force them to do anything they didn't like after all, they never looked even an iota annoyed about it, something that never failed to make Jungkook feel like there were a thousand hummingbirds flapping in his stomach

There was also the fact that being the youngest of the group made him be viewed as a baby in their eyes, something they never failed to remind him of. Starting with Jimin's comment of Jungkook being their 'emotionally constipated baby' it continued in the (frankly obvious) way that they treated him and moved over to the myriad of pet names that he was now dubbed as.

The genuine fondness and adoration his Hyungs showered upon him filled him with an exuberance that made him want to leap in the air like an animated bunny rabbit, jumping to unimaginable heights, the sheer joy that radiated from their playful banter made him feel as if he could traverse the entire world in a single exhilarating sprint.

They seemed to rub off on him, with their eccentricities gradually seeping into his being, as evidenced by his newfound love of dramatic gestures and overall sappiness.

At times, he felt an overwhelming urge to burst forth into a dazzling display of stardust, scattering himself into a million shimmering particles like a dying star, just to mirror a quarter of the grandiosity and theatricality that Taehyung and Jimin effortlessly emanated.

The comfort that he felt with them was like sinking into a cloud of whipped cream, where worries melted away like sugar crystals on a spoon, leaving only a sweet residue of tranquility.

Being in their embrace was like a warm, cozy blanket on a frosty winter's night, seeping into his bones like melted butter on a steaming stack of pancakes. It was as if the universe had crafted a custom-fitted armchair that enveloped him with the tenderness of a thousand marshmallow hugs.

It was a shame that it didn't always last.

Life weaves its intricate tapestry, an ever-turning music box that winds the melodies of frustration and anger. It tightens the spring within, like a coiled serpent ready to strike, radiating an intensity that threatens to set the world ablaze.

In the midst of this symphony of emotions, Jungkook finds himself all too familiar with the dance of anger. He becomes a relentless worker, a human whirlwind caught in the storm, desperately seeking solace in the depths of exhaustion. It is a delicate balancing act, like walking on a tightrope suspended between weariness and the precipice of unraveling.

He seeks refuge in the embrace of sleep, a sanctuary where the chaotic tempest can be temporarily hushed. He yearns to find respite before the fragile threads that hold him together start to fray. It is a peculiar safety net, a bittersweet habit that clings to him like a worn security blanket. Though he is aware of its unhealthy grip, the allure of familiarity makes change seem like a distant, unattainable dream.

He's gotten used to it.

His Hyungs however, not so much.

Those days the apartment is filled with fiery debates and heated exchanges, where words collide like clashing thunderstorms—and Jungkook hates it.

He despises the brewing tempests that often erupt between his beloved Hyungs. Their heated exchanges create a stifling atmosphere, a suffocating fog that settles over.

His Hyungs know this and know that he hates conflict of any kind (courtesy of Hoseok finding him shedding silent tears in the bathroom after a particularly nasty one).

They had all agreed that witnessing the maknae of the group with flushed cheeks and tear-filled eyes was a disheartening sight, and as such Protocol 368 was formed.

Protocol 368 stated that it was essential for one of the calmer Hyungs to stay with Jungkook and keep him out of the aim of fire until the situation calmed down.

It was strictly followed, like some kind of golden contract, however, like most contracts, there was a fine print. The protocol was only followed in the worst of fights, which thankfully were rare and far between. There was no bunker or barrier when there were small arguments. There was nothing you could do but wait for it to blow over.

But small arguments escalated into large arguments, and there was no barrier to hide behind if everybody became irritated.

So, what else can Jungkook do but become an unwilling martyr in the face of looming conflict, silently bearing the brunt of their frustrations? It stings, stepping into the line of fire, and absorbing the piercing arrows of anger before they can hit their mark. Even though his heart aches as his own voice is swallowed by the tempest, replaced by the resounding echoes of his Hyungs' grievances.

It's easier to bear the pain of their disappointment and anguish rather than witness the rage that they unleash on each other. He would rather be the canvas upon which their anger is painted, absorbing their frustrations like an unyielding sponge

It's probably unhealthy, but his aversion to confrontation is born out of profound love for his Hyungs. He dreads the discord that seeps into their interactions, knowing all too well the potential for irreparable damage. Like a skilled tightrope walker, he treads carefully, navigating the treacherous terrain of their emotions, seeking to diffuse tension with gentle words and conciliatory gestures.

He becomes an empathetic observer, attuned to the smallest nuances in their expressions, the subtle shifts in their body language. In his quest to keep the peace, he becomes a master at reading the turbulent seas of their emotions, adept at steering the conversation away from treacherous reefs and hidden pitfalls.

It's worth it after all, when the boiling hot magma of frustration simmers and cools down, and he's once again wrapped in their loving embrace.

For being the maknae, despite what people thought, wasn't just about being the youngest; it was about being the heart that beats at the center of their unity.

And as everybody knows, in order to stay alive, the heart can't stop.


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