
By Throneofglassaddict1

556 31 0

*For fans of Percy Jackson, Greek/Roman mythology and epic historical battles* "In hindsight, knocking someon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

22 2 0
By Throneofglassaddict1

I stumbled back a step, reaching for a weapon and scanned the cliff tops. Alexander paused, a curious glint in his eyes.

"Aristander, what is it?"

"Tell the men to arm themselves." His expression tightened immediately.

"Why?" My heart warmed fleetingly at his not immediate dismissal, though it was quickly replaced by growing panic. I opened my mouth and almost told him, but the sun seemed to burn hotter on my back and I knew that was Apollo threatening me.

"I saw a Persian up on the hill." I pointed at a random place a few hundred metres down the pass and above on the top of the slope. He seemed to tense even more as he took in the thousands of troops behind and in front. Alexander was right to be worried, we were at an extreme disadvantage if there were Persians on the cliffs. That was what made the Persian Gates such a catastrophe. Alexander's army was like a sitting duck.

"Do you believe they were alone? A scout perhaps? Which would mean their camp is not far behind." He scanned the many men in front and I knew he was looking for his senior officers. They were further up ahead, if I remembered correctly, though some might be behind.

"Go with Hephaestion, find Telamon and tell him and any other officers you find along the way." His lover nodded and took me by the arm, starting down the hill. We made it two steps before the ground shook with a large crash. It echoed through the valley, and it seemed as if the world froze in its aftermath, clouds of dust hanging suspended for a second. Hephaestion tugged me back to where Alexander stood, helping a man who was stuck under a boulder. So that was what the noise was.

I looked up in time to spot a dark figure rolling another sizable rock over the edge. I lunged for Alexander and yanked him out of the way of the second boulder that slammed into the ground where he stood. It was so close this time that the ground around me shook and my teeth rattled at the collision.

"Aristander, are you hurt?" Alexander scanned me to check for any wounds but I had none, I was just shaken from the event. Of which there were likely to be more.

"I'm fine, you?" He nodded, "Just like I said!" He looked to where I pointed and cursed at the sight of grouped figures on the ridge.

"PERSIANS!" Alexander roared and there was a clatter of metal as the Macedonians raised their shields. Not that there was much one could do against five-tonne boulders. Three more came tumbling down with a deafening noise like thunder, crashing as they hit the slope on the way down and sending little stones tumbling.

I was suddenly very aware that I had no shield or armour.

"Fucking Ariobarzanes." Alexander snarled, hoisting his shield up. He referenced Darius' most loyal satrap. And apparently the only one who could outsmart Alexander.

The whistle of arrows sounded before Alexander tugged me to him and under his shield as a volley of arrows rained down on us. Those that couldn't make it to a cover screamed in pain and I watched as their bodies jerked forward, twitching in the snow. The blanket of white was quickly turning scarlet and the acerbic, metallic smell of blood drenched the air.

Hysteria started to build, I was going to die, I was going to die. At least in Troy I was within the walls, here-here I was completely at the mercy of war. I thought about offering a prayer up to the gods, but I couldn't handle Apollo's smug face if I did.

But this was hell on earth, pressing tightly against him under Alexander's too small shield as the Persian's sent hellfire in the form of arrows and rocks. The sound was horrific and I flinched when an arrow lodged itself into his shield, an inch from his arm. I sucked in a shocked breath and frowned at the distinct sour smell.

"You're drunk?" I shrieked. Oh my god.


My life was in the hands of a drunk man. To be fair, I had only noticed now so he wasn't acting intoxicatedly.

Alexander's eyes were cold and his posture was far too calm for the situation. Though his arm strained at the effort of holding up a shield, there was not an ounce of exertion or tension on his face as he took in the accidental battlefield. I watched his eyes track the movement of the arrows, searching for their origin. At that moment the attack ceased, and Alexander had already straightened, as if he had known how many arrows they had left. I struggled to my feet, thighs aching after having squatted for so long.

"BOULDERS ARE COMING FROM THE NORTHERN SLOPES AND THE ARROWS SOUTH! MOVE TO THE SOUTHERN SIDE!" I was impressed with how instantly the army sprang into action at his words. Everyone pressed against the right wall of the pass and I understood Alexander's logic.

The boulders were too heavy to be thrown and had to be pushed, therefore couldn't reach the other side of the pass. The archers, on the other hand, would struggle to hit when met with a wall of shields directly below them because there would be no flesh visible.

That didn't stop them from trying though, and I was once again hauled under Alexander's shield.

Suddenly black figures sprinted at us on all sides screaming guttural war cries. Oh no.

Alexander growled with utter frustration because he knew this was a losing battle.

"HOLD STEADY!" He shouted, though it did little good. The Macedonians tried to form a defence but many men had already fallen. Too many bodies were soaking the ground with their draining lifeforce.

"Alexander, we need to go!" Hephaestion's voice was composed, but his eyes were wide.

"The bodies!" Alexander cried; his usual composure gone. He looked frantically and as he took in the pitiful states of his troops. Anger and frustration flooded his features, furious that he had been caught off guard. I understood that some of his disturbance stemmed from the idea that he wouldn't be able to provide a proper funeral for some of the dead soldiers. My memories from Andromache in Troy had emphasised the importance of burying a body, one needed it to succeed into the afterlife.

"You need to save the rest of your army." He winced as if the very idea hurt him, jaw clenching.

"I promised their families! I promised-"

"If you stay, everyone dies. Save who you can. They may have won this battle, but we will win the war." Alexander screwed his eyes shut then uttered two short sharp whistles that caught the attention of two men I didn't recognise. Horns sounded and suddenly the mass of Macedonians retreated back down the pass and out of reach of the Persian archers like ants, far from the majestic, well-oiled machine of an army that had started out this morning.


After this intense brush with danger, I was mentally and physically exhausted - so much so that my very bones ached. I slid into bed and nearly sighed at the warmness, although the mattress was hard and unforgiving. I snuggled up and hugged the sheets around me tighter. My eyes started to droop shut lazily. I couldn't get to sleep - I hadn't really been able to since...but I was just enjoying the comfort and relaxation.

I didn't know how long it had been, when the flaps to my tent were lifted carefully and I felt someone's presence enter the tent.

I became instantly hyper-aware. Who was coming to see me? Alexander and Hephaestion were still in a meeting, and they were the only ones I knew. I forced myself to lie still, limbs loose. I laid, every sense straining, even as soft footsteps approached the bed. I slid a hand under the pillow slowly and panic surged when I couldn't find the blade Alexander had given me. Shit. I must have left it by the chair.

The footsteps came close, closer, closer-


I whipped around and tried to launch a sort of backwards kick like I'd seen Hektor use but my leg was trapped in the duvet. I counted two men and one of them lunged. I twisted out the way, but the sheets caught my leg and I struggled out of it. A steel hand grasped my ankle and I flipped onto my back and kicked at his shoulder. He went down and I jumped off the bed in the direction of the chair. Shit! He had taken my blade.

"GUARDS!" I screamed, partly wondering why I didn't in the first place. A flash of movement was the only warning before a fist smashed into my cheek, sending me to the floor. I was dazed, vision blurry with tears, face throbbing. I scrambled back as they approached together, hoping to find some weapon on the floor, yet it was like there was cotton wool in my head, I couldn't think. One reached for me when my door was kicked open and fuzzy figures came rushing in. With my luck they were more reinforcements for these bastards, and I was going to get kidnapped. Yay.

Someone crouched in front of me and I stuck my middle finger out at them.

"Aristander? Can you hear me? Aristander?" Alexander.

"I can hear, but my face hurts." Something cool was pressed against my red cheek, soothing the inflamed skin.

"You've got a nice bruise coming up there, even so, I think you'll survive." His tone was light but there was an undercurrent of steel that I knew was from anger. I made a face at him, except it hurt (talk about instant karma) and shoved him. He didn't fall over as I was hoping, which was weird considering he was still squatting in front of me. Damn, he must have thighs of steel. He definitely didn't skip leg day.

"Aristander?" Alexander's worried voice brought me back to focus.

"Sorry, what?"

"See Healer, like I said, he's completely unfocused and his pupils are massive. One of the spies hit him in the head, I imagine he was trying to knock him out so they could take him back to their camp, likely to use him as blackmail." Wait healer? I made out a distorted tent, bigger than mine, with several beds. A few men lay still in them. How the hell did I get here? People were chatting in the background, wait no that was Alexander and this healer person. Wrinkled hands grabbed my chin and turned it left and right and I wailed as it caused movement in my cheek. I raised my hand and felt it, it was massive and felt like a cloud. Another set of calloused hands clasped mine to stop me touching my face. I looked up to see a two-headed Hephaestion staring at me with concern. He's the one who should be concerned, looking like some hydra creature with multiple heads.

"You have two beds, no two heads." I told him matter of factly.

"Are you sure he'll be fine, healer?"

"Hephaestion needs help, he's got two heads!"

"Stop talking," The healer snapped.

"You're rude."

"That he is," Alexander's tone was humorous, "How is my favourite priest doing?"

"Bazing, no ahaha I meant amazing and brilliant." I found it hilarious and started laughing, I really was a comedic genius. Hephaestion and the healer didn't laugh at my really funny joke and looked at each other. Was it not funny? I found it funny.

"The hit definitely did some damage, he's delirious," Alexander noted helpfully.

"I'm not delirious, I'm...delicious. And FUNNY!" I slurred, sounding like the men who used to frequent the pub I worked at in my hometown - the Crown. Speaking of crowns, wasn't Alexander the King of somewhere?

"D-do you have a crown?" I blinked at the tawny haired male who grinned. See? I was funny.

"I do."

"Are you a king?"


I studied him for a second.

"Why aren't you wearing a crown then?" This time it was Hephaestion who burst out laughing. The noise sent a shot of pain through my head, instantly forming a headache.

"Because I don't wan-"

"SHHHUSHHHH" I waved my hand to get Alexander to shut up, the room was spinning and loud noises hurt. I would kill for some paracetamol right now. To be honest I was surprised I hadn't been killed for shushing Alexander the Great, especially because he was a king. Without a crown though.

"I don't feel bazing anymore." I felt so sleepy and my head hurt. The healer cursed.

"That's not nice language." I lectured, slurring my words. Sleep sounded so good right now. I didn't even care about the dark scary place at all.

"Try and keep him awake, I've still got to do a test." Hephaestion slapped me across the face and I groaned. I thought he was supposed to be nice. Betrayal stung and tears pricked my eyes. I thought we were friends?

"Execute him, he slapped me!" I directed at Alexander. My eyes drooped closed again, but the healer shook me.

"I'm trying to sleep!" I protested angrily, then whimpered as my head pounded.

"We can't let you do that, Aristander," Hephaestion said softly, "You can sleep in a second, we just need one more test." Frustrated tears filled my eyes. Why didn't he understand?

"Pleaseeeee, my head hurts. You're so mean," I sobbed.

"Appears to be a commotion or shaking of the brain, it includes symptoms of loss of speech, hearing, sight, dizziness and confusion. He should try and avoid another head injury for the moon cycle but other than that, he's ok."

"Wait, my brain was shaken? Who shook my brain? That's so meaaaaannnnnnnn." I sobbed harder.

"Do you have anything for him?" There was a moment of silence and then the older man spoke.

"I could recommend a lavender tea; it'll help with the headache and the dizziness. Otherwise rest." I could do that. SLEEP! My favourite. No that's wrong - sleep means dark and dark means scary place. NO SLEEP!

"What did you say?" Alexander questioned and I realised that I had said that out loud by accident. But dark was etching across my vision and I was powerless to stay conscious.

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