MӨƬΉΣЯ (TVD Fanfiction)

By hey_zoeyyy

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What happens when the Salvatore brothers have an adoptive mother? Anjali Aravind, a vampire turned in the mid... More



692 13 0
By hey_zoeyyy


"Hello, Elena." Damon greets after he opens the door while I lay on the couch drinking vodka, being on death bed does make a person way more alcoholic. Elena enters the parlor and looks at me. "Hey are you fine Anjali? And is Stefan here? He called. He said it was important." I nod and then she smiles compassionately. "Right this way." Stefan enters the room and kisses my forehead.

"Hey." Stefan greets Elena. "What is this about?" Just then the star guest Rose arrives. "You." Elena looks at her in wary, I stand up from the couch and coax her to sit beside me. "Hey, come on darling, just hear her out. She might know more than us about this whole situation." She nods and we all assemble in the main living room.

"First I want to know, how are you alive after being staked by Elijah? You were oozing out blood, and I know you are a vampire, don't think about saying that you are not. I have never seen such a thing happen in my life." I sigh and now I might as well use my power of persuasion to make this vampy forget about me being a vampire. "Damon, Elena, Stefan. I will tell you guys what happened but no one tells her that I was a vampire when I was staked. If she asks you just say that I was a human who took you under the wing and just didn't know about your bloodsucking tendencies." They all nod and I close my eyes and start to channelize my power. Wisps of gold fly out of my hands and cover Rose in a golden sphere, I open my eyes and Rose looks mesmerized to see the pools of molten gold that am sure my eyes are sporting.

"You will only remember that I am a human and I died a human life but my son's blood brought me back and I completed my transition before you. You saw me drain a bag of blood viciously. You will also trust me and my friends and tell us everything you know about the situation. Forget we ever had this conversation." I retract my golden energy and then close my eyes again to neutralize it back to the brown iris I have. I see Damon, Stefan and Elena looking at me dumbstruck so I just laugh and mouth them 'later'.

Rose shakes her head to move out of the trance I put her in and started saying everything she knew. "Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real." Okay Ethan's no blood relation sibling, this shit was getting very serious with all the originals pilling into the mixture. Its just a one-step recipe to disaster.

"Who is he?" Elena asks. "He's one of the originals, he's a legend." I reply and they all look at me. "Yeah I read some history books after you know being turned. I don't like being oblivious to my heritage."  Stefan nods and then continues "From the first generation of vampires." Elena looks at him "Like Elijah?" Rose shakes her head.

"No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." "Klaus is known to be the oldest." Mmh, how about no he is not. "No he isn't the oldest of the batch, but yes. He is one of the oldest vampire in the history." I reply and they all nod. "Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" I sigh this is going to be a long day.

"Yes." Rose replies at the same time Stefan says "No." Now let's add a pretentious vampire to the mix. "What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true..." Rose glares at him "Which it is." Damon glares at her too "And you're not saying it so I don't kill you." Rose rolls her eyes obviously tried of Damon's lack of faith in her. "Which I'm not." Damon looks apprehensive then gives a somewhat awkward smile to Elena.

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe." Stefan speaks up next. "Look, Elijah's dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist." I shut my mouth before the words 'he is not' comes out in front of Rose, because am still wary of her loyalty. "Not that you know of."

"Okay, that's not helping Rose." I replied annoyed at her, moreover I need to contact Ethan and let him know about all the disaster that's just waiting to explode all over us. "Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time story." I shake my head at Stefan. "No baby, he is real. You have believe me on this."

Rose points at me and continues "She is right, he's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot." I give her a deadpan look. "Wow Rose, you made a point." Damon joins in "Alright, we're shaking."

Elena gets up and Stefan stands beside her. "Where are you going?" she looks very wary and replies "School. I'm late." "Let me grab my stuff, I'll go with you." Stefan is about to go grab his stuff when Elena hastily says "It's okay, I know where it is." and rushes out the door.

Damon then turns to Rose "She's in denial." "Shut up, Damon." He raises his hands in the air. I need to contact Ethan only he can help me protect my family, he is the one who knows what Klaus is like and what powers he possesses. I mutter a quick farewell to my children and rush out of the door just like Elena had a few minutes ago.

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"Hey Ethan, something bad came up. Can you arrange a meet up for us? -Anj"

I wait for a few minutes and my phone screen lights up with a ding sound.

"What is it Sweetheart? Are you in trouble? I can surely make some arrangements for us to meet. Does the Mystic Grill work for you love? -Fossil"

"That would be great Ethan, so when should I drop by? -Anj"

"In ten, I will be waiting there for you, bring your car. -Fossil"

"Will do thanks for agreeing to meet me. -Anj"

"It's a pleasure sweetheart. See you in 10 -Fossil"

I unlocked my car and stared towards the mystic grill, the only thing I know is that now I need to tell everyone who knew I am a vampire before the Elena kidnapping mishap now needs to keep in mind that I was a human and was killed by Elijah and transitioned by Damon's blood. I also need to introduce Ethan to my- oh fuck, I forgot to mention that Elijah's still alive. Might as well disclose that information when I introduce Ethan. I should contact Azraelle, she might give me an idea whether or not I should disclose my being to Ethan.

I stop my car a few yards from the grill and start concentrating on contacting Azraelle, I dwell deep into my conscience and chant her name. "Hello my dear child, what is that you seek my assistance for?" I look forward and see Azraelle in all her mighty being. "I wanted to know whether or not I should disclose my identity to Ethan and my children. You advised me to keep my being a mystery no one could ever know." She smiles lightly.

"Dear child, Ethan and your children can know the truth about your being. I advise you to trust all of them with every small and big secret of yours. And other than that, am always here to guide you, you should never feel alone." I nod and unfocused myself into my surroundings. I still have a minute to meet to calm myself down and then go to meet Ethan. I focus on my breathing and then take a quick look in the rear-view mirror and dash out of the car towards the Grill.

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I walk inside the grill and I saw Ethan sitting inside one of the private booth provided by the grill. I walk and slide myself in tho seat in front of him. "Hey. Sorry for bothering you but I need you assistance, but it's your wish if you want in or out on this matter." He takes my hand which was placed on the table and soothingly moves a thumb over it. "Hey, let's breath okay. I will help you as much as you can, you have my word darling." I nod. "Hey do you wanna ditch this place? Damon comes around often for drinking and I don't want him to start with his necessary chit-chat when he sees us here."

Ethan's laughter brings butterflies in my stomach. "I want to meet that kid soon, you know right. I have heard so much about him, he intrigues me." I smile teasingly at him. "Did my son catch you affections Mr. Mikaelson?" He looks at me with a deadpanned look. "Oh no no, I just have eyes on some other woman. She is just impeccable." My heart drops but I force a fake laugh. "Yeah yeah sure, but we can talk about the mystery woman later on. Chop chop! Let's get going." He stands and follows me back to my car as I start driving.

"So what is it that had you so anxious, you are never this anxious. Even when you have meetings with the oldest vampire and then calling them old and a fossil." I laugh at his attempt to make me feel good. "Yeah. Okay so do you know the Sun and Moon Curse and the relation it has with the doppelgänger?" He looks at me wide eyed. "Don't tell me. Yes I know what it is. They have to sacrifice the doppelgänger to break the curse." I nod. "Yeah, my son Stefan's girl, she is the current human doppelgänger and Klaus is hunting her. Your half-brother Elijah is also involved I guess. Two vampires tried to hand Elena over to him." Ethan sighs tiredly.

"So you are saying that, Elijah's here? And also that Klaus is coming soon and you are your family are most likely the main targets?" I nod my head again. "Ohh and I wanted to tell you something more. Ethan, he was going to kill Damon, I sped in front of him and Elijah staked me in the heart instead of Damon and then Damon staked Elijah." Ethan's green eyes bore into my own pools of honey, full of tension, relief, fear and protectiveness. "But you are alive. And Elijah, he must also be alive. How are you alive?" I take his hand in mine just like he did in the grill and calmed him down.

"Yes, Elijah's alive. He saw me gushing blood out of my chest cavity where he staked me. Said that he was sorry and I told him that I was a human and the Salvatores were my children who I didn't know were vampires. I told him to run before Damon came back to me with my crystals." Ethan looked confused and angry, I mean who wouldn't be. Me being a vampire and rather than dying with a stake to my heart I started gushing out blood. "You said, you gushed out blood? You didn't desiccate? And crystals, what crystals are needed when you were dying Anjali? I don't understand, please explain me everything. What are you? Because vampires not even Originals lose blood rather than desiccating."

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"You are missing out the other species of vampire that exists in this world Ethan. The strongest of the all, the immortal, the Blessed One. I am the blessed one, Ethan. That's why I didn't desiccate with that stake to my heart." I stop my car when I reach an abandoned parking lot. "How can, no you can't be the Blessed One. She is a myth, she doesn't have a face. She was a made up story by the witches of Mystic Falls." I sigh. "Can you tell me all you know about the Blessed one Ethan." He nods.

"She is in her early 30s, her name is Anjali Aravind. She is South Asian and it is said that she turned to take care of a pair of children in Mystic Falls." I nod. "I did tell you Ethan, that am 33 years old and from India and do you really think that the Salvatores would be my own children? They look nothing like me, they were my god children. I am Anjali Aravind, the Blessed One. I know it's a lot to take in but Ethan, please trust me." As he heard facts and it started to click one by one he turned towards me. "Show me, show me those beautiful golden eyes I have only heard about." I nod and then shut my eyes.

When I open them again, I know they are golden because of the mesmerized look on Ethan's face. He slowly brings his hand to cradle my face, rubbing his thumb delicately over my golden veins. "You look heavenly sweetheart. Come back to your normal being." I close my eyes again, but his hand never left my cheek. "Come on darling, open your eyes for me. Let me see those heavenly brown eyes." he coaxes me while continuing the movement with his thumb under my eyes.

"Yeah whatever you say Fossil. But Ethan, remember not to tell anyone that I was a vampire before the whole Elena kidnapping fiasco. My identity should be hidden because my children would be hunted down just to get leverage at me." He nods and kisses my forehead lightly. "Who knew I had a friend who turned out to be invincible." I laugh lightly. "So Ethan, would you help me with this whole Originals and the curse matter?" He sighs.

"You know that I don't do well with my family right? And Klaus he isn't my sibling but I am connect to him, he and I we are both wolves. My real mother was a werewolf, my grandmother and stepmother were witches. But after turning me into what am today, Esther locked mine and Klaus's werewolf side. And after a couple decades Klaus locked away my magical powers saying a vampire should never be a nature's servant. That family locked away two-third parts of me. So yes, I will help you with saving you family after all, you are my only friend in this world. But only on one condition." I look at him, what would he ask from me money? Security? Helping him find his mystery girl?

"Sure what is it?" "You can never call me Fossil again." I release the breath I had been holding. "Yeah, how about no. Even you like that nickname I know you do, you text me and end it with Fossil." He raises his hands. "Okay okay, I have been caught, you are right. I like that nickname, helps me with keeping my ego in check." we both laugh loudly. "Okay let's go back home. Oh by the way, would you like to live in my apartment or you are fine with moving in the Salvatore Boarding House? It's your call." He pulls a fake thinking expression and then snaps his fingers pointing at me.

"What better place it is to be living beside a Blessed One, you would be my own knight in shinning armor." I slap his arm and he bursts out laughing again. "Okay sorry, but yes I would love to move in with you." I smile and turn the radio on, it was nice having someone know about me. And he would also help me protect my children, I couldn't ask God for a better friend than Ethan. After Bella obviously. 'Bell I finally made a friend after you. Are you finally happy and at peace?' I feel cool breeze cradling my face and I get my answer.

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I park outside the Gilbert Residence where I called everyone who knew that I was a vampire before the Gilbert fiasco, yup I renamed that kidnapping, if I could have kids I would tell them about this. Ethan is sitting beside me in his all his 6 foot 2 inch beauty and his green eyes following my every move. "Are you ready to head out Miss. Aravind?" He asks me with a teasing grin on his face, and I nod my head. "Let's get ready for the A class mishap that going to take place." I sigh and open my door where Ethan stand with his hand outstretched for me to hold. "Let's go Mr. Mikaelson."

I enter the room to see everyone sitting there, I have my intuition that the compelling Rose with gold wisps and not desiccating when staked in heart thing spread very quickly because everyone was looking at me with a questioning stare. Now that I see the questioning stare is not only for me but also for Ethan. "Elena, I want you to invite him in. He is my very dear friend Ethan. He is here to help us." Elena nods and invites him in.

"Okay so I know Damon loves to gossip so you all know that I didn't die with the stake to my heart thing and I kinda compelled Rose with that extra show of golden sparkles. The reason of all that are Damon and Stefan. Let me start my story from the start." The all nod at me. "Okay who will like some spaghetti and meatballs?" All of them raise hands and I chuckle.

"My story starts in the mid 18th century, making me 246 years old. I was a normal girl and I had a normal family; a father, a mother and a younger brother. I also had a best-friend her name was Nityshree, she was a vampire. I didn't know at that time but I knew what vampires were, she used to tell me those stories where vamps sucked blood, used lapis lazuli to protect them from burning in the sun." I took out a pan and boiled some water and then added the spaghetti noddles.

"I am not American either, I am an South Indian, a Malayali. My father was a cadet for the British settlement, the time when Britishers ruled India and us Indians lead many revolts to free ourselves from them and one day they fought back dropped bombs on our village. Everyone died, I tried saving my family but I couldn't, even I was dead then I was not. That's when I knew Nity was a vampire, she used to slip her blood in our daily tea. I survived because I had to die once but she, she didn't survive. That was day I lost every thing, my family, my best-friend, my village all. I was only 33 and I didn't have anything left in India except a ring that my best-friend gave me with a note inside it just before the bombs were dropped." I didn't even look at them and kept my stoic expression, while cutting the tomatoes, onions and garlic for the marinara sauce.

"After around a decade of mourning, I just had to run, travel the world and never grown old I was happy, I could control bloodlust and had a lot of money. And that was how I ended up in Mystic falls, the year when Isabelle's sister Lilian and Giuseppe, Damon and Stefan's birth parents, were getting married. I am the purest vampire in existence, so when I entered the town the witches were flabbergasted by my aura and the next day my door was knocked by Isabelle's coven. Damon knew Bell very well but she died before Stefan turned 2, she was a witch, a brilliant one so we kind off clicked fast and then she has been my best-friend since then. She still loves to keep an eye on the three of us." I start prep-ing the meat mix for the meatballs after straining the boiled noddles. This was a good way to avoid their sympathetic glances towards me, I know my story is a whole lot of sad, the only happiness in my life comes from my children.

"Isabelle called me when Damon and Stefan were born, she named me their godmother. Stefan and Damon were never my own blood, but that didn't mean I loved them any less. I always wanted kids of my own, and after turning into a vampire that dream was shattered but then after a century these two came into my life, making my dream a close reality. But that's when Bell's health started deteriorating. I sat beside her during her last moments and offered her blood, but she never took it saying she was finally at peace." I start on the marinara sauce again, putting all the ingredients into a pan and bringing it to a boil. 

"Isabelle with the help of other witches of her coven created a spell that would disguise me as a human and also age me so people in Mystic Falls don't get suspicious. Bell gave me an enchanted pendant, A blood red pear shaped crystal pendant. The pendent was enchanted to help me age, disguise as a human and even protected me from vervain but even though Bella wanted to help me forever her fellow witches could never, so when Stefan and Damon completed their human lives the pendant's enchantment wore off after a day. All I knew was that no matter what happens, I had to take care of my godsons and as Isabelle only had 6 months to live and I knew that it would only take a wooden stake to kill me." I started rolling the meatball mixture into balls while keeping an eye on the marinara sauce.

"I took off from the Salvatore Manor after promising that I would return within 3 months. The only way I could live forever was if I could find a way that wood and vervain had no effect on me. I with the help of many Greek witches summoned the Goddess of Death and Life Azraelle. Azraelle knew that I was only trying to save her godchildren from death and the loss of aunt and later on their mother, the goddess knew that Lillian would also leave us soon and she was right, I didn't know that Lillian would die, I tried to save her but consumption would only worsen if she was given any vampire blood thus making her die faster. So Azraelle granted me the wish because never in her life she saw another women having this kind of motherly love of someone else's child. The only cons were that I would have to consume vampire blood in order to survive and that I would die a human death whenever I had a stake to my heart." I quickly plated the whole meal to the big family I had to feed.

"What happened after that is a story you all know way to well, but yeah that's my story and guys this, this my friend Ethan Mikealson, Klaus's brother. Klaus has wronged him forever and he might be the best shot for saving Elena. And yes Elijah's alive, he is an Original and and Original can never die with just a normal stake to the heart. Other than that, please feel free to talk to Ethan, he is a very kind guy and he is shifting into the Boarding House no questions asked. " I smile at Ethan and he smiles back. My family knows my truth what else would make me any happier than I am right now, but knowing Mystic Falls trouble is just streets away from knocking our doors.  

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