The Rare Feral

By Avengerssoulmate

5.2K 276 136

Stryker has a job for Victor; go and retrieve a mutant. But this isn't just any mutant, this is a female fera... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

364 17 10
By Avengerssoulmate

Stryker sat in his office impatiently waiting for Victor to arrive; he had sent for him some time ago, and to Stryker it felt like hours. He growled to himself about the disrespect that Victor in particular seemed to show towards his orders. Stryker was well aware that Victor liked to see himself as a rogue, the lone wolf of the pack; but his most recent bout of surliness had pushed Stryker over the edge, so he had decided to give Victor the mission that so many others had failed at abysmally.

"You called for me?" Asked a gruff voice from the doorway.

"Finally, where have you been?" Stryker asked, scowling at the indignant looking feral.

"We just got back from a mission, where do you think I was Stryker?" Victor growled, as he made his way to the chair on the other side of Stryker's desk, dropping him himself down before adjusting his large black coat.

"What d'ya want Stryker?" The surly feral asked, placing his feet up on colonel's desk.

"I have a mission for you Victor, and I believe that its right up your alley." Stryker told him; his lips forming a thin smile before throwing the file across the table to Victor.

"Why me? Why can't one of the others do it?" He huffed, pissed that after just getting back, he was already being sent out again.

"I don't think you'll want one of the other taking this job when you see who I'm sending you after." Stryker smirked, signalling for Victor to open the folder in his hand.

Victor opened the file and looked at the information inside, slowly reading about the latest mutant Stryker wished to acquire; the feral finally coming across the picture of the target, a small smile growing on his lips to reveal his sharp teeth.

"A female feral? You don't see many of those around. But why send me? Why not Logan?" Victor asked, trying to seem disinterested in the female in the file.

"Yes indeed, this young lady is a rarity; and I'm sending you rather than Logan because she's your kind of feral, a cat type. The last men I sent after her, she killed; one she even ripped his throat out. We believe that she is currently hiding out in an area in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, you are the only one that can locate her and bring her back. I have big plans for this young lady Victor; I want her brought back safe and alive." Stryker explained, watching as Victor stared at the picture of the female mutant.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" The colonel said, smirking as Victor growled under his breath.

"She's ok I suppose, she's not my type thought." Victor said, as he looked up from the picture, ripping it from the file and putting it in his pocket, before he threw the folder back to Stryker. Doing his best to ignore the knowing look on the old man's face.

"Yeah of course, you keep telling yourself that Victor. Now, you fly out to Alaska tomorrow, so you better get some rest; don't think this lady is gonna be easy to take down Victor, the last ones that did, are dead." The colonel told him, as Victor got up from the chair.

"Yeah, but they weren't me." Victor replied with a smile, before leaving the office.


"Hey ugly, where you been?" Wade asked, as Victor came back into the room where the rest of the team were sat; the feral never taking his eyes off the photo in his hand.

"If it's any of your business deadbrain, I was meeting with Stryker." Victor said, snarling at Wade.

"Hey, what you got there? Let me see." Wilson continued, as he jumped around Victor like a hyperactive five year old, trying to get a look at the picture in the large feral mutants' hand.

"None of your damn business, she's my job not yours." Victor huffed, trying to avoid the irritating man.

"OOOOOOOOO! A girlie, let me see." Wade smirked, as he snatched the picture from Victor's hand.

"WOW! Why do you get her, and we don't?" Wade asked as he passed the picture to the other guys, much to Victor's irritation.

"She's far too beautiful for something that looks like you Victor; Stryker should be sending me. A mademoiselle like that needs a gentleman." Gambit said smugly, looking at the annoyed expression on Victor's face.

"Hey, no way! Anyway, I saw her first." Wade said snatching the picture back from Remy, before handing it over to James.

"She's a feral?" James asked, as he studied the young woman's face. Victor nodding before snatching back the picture.

"Do ya remember a guy called Malcolm Ryder in Vietnam?" Victor asked his brother.

"Ryder?" Howlett mussed for a moment, as he thought back to the dreadful war.

"You mean 'Easy Ryder' from 6th Battalion...............?"

"Yep. Well this pretty little thing is Ryder's daughter; and it seems as though his little girl picked up a lot of her daddy's traits. The last three idiots that Stryker sent, ended up dead; one got his throat ripped out, another she dropped from a cliff and the last she turned into a pin cushion."

"Sounds like my kinda girl!" Wade said, wriggling his eyebrows, as he tried to get another look at the picture.

"She'd eat you for breakfast deadbrain." Victor snarled, as he pushed the picture back into his coat pocket.

"She could eat me any time she likes!" Wade joked, laughing until Victor had him by the throat, and pinned up against a wall.

"If you even look at her sideways Wilson, I'll rip your head off and shove it up your ass. Am I clear?" Victor asked, his face only a hairs breath away from Wades.

"Whatever ya say big guy, but ya got to bring her in first, and from what you've said, I think even big bad Victor Creed is gonna struggle." Wade smirked, looking at the rest of the team.

"We'll see who can't bring this little girl in." Victor replied, flashing his teeth as he dropped Wade to the floor.


Victor sat in the cool night air; his eyes glued to the picture. He had never seen a feral like her before. She had elongated needle sharp canines, and a head of bright orange and black hair that seemed to flow in waves over her shoulders, and according to the file, she had two lines of markings that went all the way down either side of her body from head to toe, looking like tiger strips which had resulted in her being called, Tigress.

"Hard to believe that anything that beautiful could be related to Ryder, ain't it?" James said from behind Victor, as Victor quickly pushed the picture back into his pocket.

"Yeah, Ryder was an ugly bastard; this girl must have got her looks from her mom." Victor replied, ignoring his brother as he came to sit across from him, taking out a cigar and lighting it.

"What does Stryker want her for, Victor? Do you really think that she deserves to be dragged into this shit show?" James continued, as he let out a huge plume of smoke into the dark sky.

"Don't know, he said that he had something big planned for her, and that I was to bring her back safe and sound; and if I don't bring her in, Stryker will only send others until he has her. He wants her, and I get the feeling that he won't stop until she's here." Victor explained, as he got up from his seat, and made his way back into the building.

"You don't have to bring her in for Stryker, Victor; there is always another way." Howlett called out, as the large feral continued to walk.

"Whoever said that I was bringing her in for Stryker?" Victor whispered under his breath, as he made his way back to his room, ready to get a few hours well deserved sleep. 

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