The Rare Feral

By Avengerssoulmate

6.3K 288 136

Stryker has a job for Victor; go and retrieve a mutant. But this isn't just any mutant, this is a female fera... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18


613 18 9
By Avengerssoulmate

Another night, another shit hole town in the middle of nowhereville USA. The woman standing in the corner of the ring trying to loosen up after already fighting and beating three opponents; her nose beginning to twitch as she smelt something, something that she had detected before. The woman moving cautiously to the old man that stood below the ring.

"Dad...........Dad!" She called, trying to get her father's attention, as he made bets with others around the ring.

"DAD.............!" She whisper yelled again. The older man using the ropes, to help him climb up onto the ring, as she quietly gestured for him to join her.

"What is it cub..........?" Her father enquired, as he looked her up and down, making sure that she had no injuries.

"They're here again dad, I can smell them a mile away." She explained, before her father looked around the large crowd, scanning the faces of the mostly male group.

"Are you sure, cub...........?"

"Oh, come on dad, you're telling me you can't smell them? This is the fourth fight they've been at; you're not going to tell me that this is just a strange coincidence. Something is going on and I don't like it............." She explained, getting the worst feeling in the pit of her belly. The feeling not getting any better, as suddenly the announcer introduced her next opponent. The woman turning around to come face to face with...........well, the chest of a mountain of a man. The Goliath glaring down at her with a sickening sneer on his face.

"You and me girlie. I'm gonna make that pretty mouth of yours scream." The creature chuckled, before making his way back over to his side of the ring, to wait for the bell. A wave of nausea washing over her, as she watched him walk away.



"Dad, he's one of them. I think they're after us; so, for once in your damn life will you do as I say. We will be better if we split up, it'll make it more difficult for them. Get in the truck and go, just leave my bike behind. I'll figure out what's going on then I'll come and find you." She explained. Her father looking over to the big man, before looking back to his daughter.

"Ok kid. but be careful..................."

"Are you kidding, I'm not worried about all brawn and no brain over there; one way or another, he's going down." She replied, squeezing her father's hand, before he slowly climbed down. The woman turning and standing to her full height, as she glared at her opponent.

"Hey ugly, time to show you how a real girl fights!" She growled, the two-legged mountain rushing towards her as the bell sounded. The woman dodging him easily; his sheer size making him clumsy and ungraceful. The female fighter picking the perfect moment to hit him, allowing his own weight to take him to the ground. The woman taking her chance and raining blow after blow on her opponent, yet every strike seemed to bounce off him like she was doing nothing. A deep laugh coming from him, as he pushed her off and got up from the canvas.

"Poor little cub, you'll have to try harder than that. All those claws and teeth and still too scared to use them." He said mockingly in a deep gruff voice. Her eyes growing wide at his words, it obvious that somehow, this moron knew who and what she was. Realisation suddenly hitting her, as she figured out why her blows were having no effect. Why nothing seemed to affect the man that was still smiling at her; and that was that he, and the others that had been following her and her father, were other mutants. Mutants that were after something from the father and daughter.

"No one calls me cub, but my pop!" She growled. Her blood beginning to boil as the imbecile in front of her, continued to tease. Another laugh from him, the last push that she had needed to let her feral instincts take over. Her growl getting louder, as her fingernails grew long and sharp; reaching to needle like points. A roar filling the space, as she jumped over the enormous man, landing on his back before wrapping her legs around him and digging her claws into his shoulders as he tried desperately to throw her off. Screams of pain replacing the laughter as she sunk her teeth into his neck. The female mutant quickly moving a hand from his shoulder, and bring it up to join her teeth, digging her claws into his throat before ripping it out. The man dropping to the canvas, his blood pooling in the shabby makeshift floor. The mutant barely hearing the screams and yells of the crowd as they ran for the exits, letting out a roar as she spun around to look for the others that she had smelled before. Bullets whizzing past her ears as she leapt from the ring; running out of the venue and hiding behind a pile of large wooden pallets, waiting for the shooters to come outside. 

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