When the World Caves In (Marc...

Por brokebonewritings

17 0 0

You are sent on a special mission to become an avatar for a Goddess in need. The boys go on a mission to brin... Más

When the World Caves In

17 0 0
Por brokebonewritings

Marc laid in bed alone, constantly looking over at the empty spot next to him. You hadn't come home that night after Khonshu asked to use you for a "special mission".

All he told Marc was that you were to arrive in Cairo by yourself the morning before. He sat up trying to keep his mind off of the fact that you could very well be in danger. The rubix cube could only do so much.

Marc? You don't reckon that we should go to Cairo too? He heard Steven say nervously.

Looking over at the fish tank, he could see Steven staring at him.

"No. The bird said that we have to stay in London. Unfortunately, we just have to wait." He said sharply. Marc knew that came out a little too rough. "Sorry, just.. anxious."

S'alright, mate. Steven said. He's protecting them at least, yeah?

"He promised that. Never know with him." Marc replied

We just have to wait like you said. Steven said before disappearing. Now Marc felt alone. He was about to go crazy if he couldn't hold you soon.

Just as he was about to get up and do something productive, Marc heard a thump against the front door. It wasn't anything unusual, since they all lived in a shady area. He just had to be sure someone wasn't trying to break in.

Grabbing a knife from the kitchen, he walked over slowly to the door and opened it suddenly. There was no one standing directly in front of him until he looked down. On the floor, your body was slumped over covered in bruises and blood stained your jeans and shirt.

This threw Marc into a panic. Not just Marc, but Steven and Jake too.

"Baby. Baby!" He fell on the ground and picked your shoulders up. "Baby! Wake up, Sweetheart!"

He looked around to see if anyone happened to be in the hallway. When he noticed it was just the both of you, he picked you up and took you inside.

He laid you on your shared bed and he began to undress you and searched for open wounds, and to check how bad the damage was. While he was running around you began to come to. You were slightly confused when you realized where you were.

"Marc?" You whimpered weakly. "Steven? Jake?"

When Marc had heard your plea for them in the bathroom, he rushed over to you.

"Baby, it's okay. We're here, It's okay." He grabbed your face as you began to sob "What happened, y/n? You have to tell me where it hurts."

"The mission. There were too many" You weeped. This broke their heart. Why the fuck did Khonshu make you do this alone.

Marc stood up, and began screaming.

"Khonshu! You piece of shit bird! Where are you!" He yelled towards the ceiling. A black cloud appeared in the corner of the living area and then a figure was seated on the lounge chair.

Marc Spector, I do not appreciate being spoken to in such a manner! You hear the figure say. You knew it was Khonshu speaking.

"You!" Marc ran up to the chair angrily. "You were supposed to protect them!"

I promised to protect no one! The bird replied. This mission was not under my jurisdiction. I was only the messenger.

"Not under your jurisdiction? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked, throwing his arms into the air.

You sat up in the bed, holding an arm around your ribcage. Definitely a broken rib or two.

"He means that this mission wasn't involving him." You say, making Marc turn towards you. You could tell that he was wildly confused by the whole situation.

He rushed to your side and pulled you into his lap. You looked so broken. Cuts and bruises covered your arms and shoulders. It brought tears to his eyes and when you noticed it made you cry in return.

"Please, y/n, tell me what happened." He choked out through a sob. You had never seen him like this before. He was always so stoic in tough situations.

"It was.." You looked at Khonshu to get approval. When he nodded, you went on. "It was Ma'at.."

"Ma'at? The goddess of Order?" Marc spoke. Steven must have been feeding him the information.

"I thought she already had an avatar?" He asked towards Khonshu.

No longer. They perished last week. His voice replied from the same area of the flat as before.

"So you send my partner?!" Marc was beginning to become angry again.

I did not send them, Marc. Ma'at requested their presence. Khonshu stood and moved towards the both of you. Marc looked to you for an answer.

"It's true... She requested I be her new avatar." You spoke weakly.

He could feel your body becoming heavier. He held you closer to his chest.

"Marc..." You forced out. "I don't think I can hold on."

"Wh-what?" He stuttered as he grabbed your face. "Baby, what do you mean?"

"I love you.." You continued. "Tell Steven and Jake too."

The last thing you remember is Marc shaking you and crying, then darkness.

Y/n. Awaken.

Awake and Rise.

You open your eyes to a bright light in an unfamiliar room. After adjusting, you look around and notice that you are sitting in a library. You look down and see your clothes have been replaced with academic looking one.

The door beside you opens and shuts. A tall woman stands there, waiting for a response.

"Ma'at?" You look quizzically. "Where am I?"

My study. I have been waiting for you. She grimaced slightly. I'm sorry it had to happen this way.

"What do you mean?" You began to really look around and notice Marc was no longer by your side. "Where is Marc?"

He is in the mortal realm, along with your body. She spoke as if this was a casual thing. You began to panic.

"Am I dead?" You spoke calmly despite your mind going a million miles per minute.

No. You are asleep. Your conscience is just elsewhere. She explained. I need your assistance, y/n.

"But Marc! And Jake, and Steven? How will they know?" You began to cry.

I left Khonshu with instructions to explain. She happily said.

Great because that will go over well. Khonshu wasn't the best at explaining certain situations. You could only hope that the boys would be okay until you returned to them.

Ma'at motioned you to follow her to a corner of her study. It was a big room, bigger than you have ever seen before. You walk behind her waiting for an explanation on what she needed. When she finally stops in front of a shelf, she reaches for a scroll.

This scroll contains the answer of social balance. She begins. I need you to search for 3 items.

"Just 3 items..." You repeat. "Surely I can have Marc help right?"

Incorrect. You must do this yourself. You begin to protest after she starts. Do not disobey me. I will not hesitate to punish you.

"I can't accept this. I need to talk to Marc!" You gasp. "Please, I need to think about this!"

It is too late. If you return to your body now, you will pass on.

This made you think. You want to return to your boys, but not in your current state. Nodding your head, you agree to take on the task Ma'at has given you.

The 3 items were in the walls of the study, but as Ma'at further explained the situation you realize that the items were hidden amongst the scrolls and books spread around the room. Most of the scrolls were in ancient egyptian, but thank god Steven had given you a lesson once or twice.

You begin your research by reading the initial scroll Ma'at pulled out. It was long but you were willing to read it. Anything to get back home to your boys, who were undoubtedly freaking out.

Marc held your body close to him as he sobbed into your hair. How could this happen, you were just here. You were just sitting up and talking. How could you be gone?

He looked up at Khonshu who was staring quietly at them. He didn't move, just watched Marc come undone in front of him.

"What are you looking at?" Marc spat. "Got something to say?"

They are not dead, Marc Spector. He began. Just in a deep sleep.

"A deep sleep?" He laughed. "You fucking call this a deep sleep!"

He pulled away from your body to take a closer look at you. You looked so peaceful. It took him a moment to notice that your chest was still rising and falling. Marc looked into the fish tank reflection to see Steven staring.

They're not dead. Then where are they? He asked innocently. This made Marc look back up at Khonshu.

"Where are they, Khonshu?" He wiped the tears from his face and waited for the God to reply.

They are in Ma'at's study. She has a mission that only they, as her avatar, can complete.

"Why can't we help?" He questioned. "Why couldn't we both go?"

She only requested y/n.  He sighed. I do not need you idiots wrapped up in another God's business.

Marc and Steven could only sit there and watch you as you breathed slowly. Within an hour or two, Marc had laid you on the bed in a comfortable position and kept a close eye on you. He began to disinfect your wounds, and wrap your torso up.

Steven fronted at some point and just laid with you. He couldn't help but wonder when you would come to them. If you would ever come back to them.

He kissed your forehead and whispered about how much he missed you, about how they all had missed you.

When it was Jake's turn to front, all he did was sit there and planned his revenge. Who would ever dare touch you in such a manner.

He would get them. All of them. For now, his concern was you. Moving you every so often so your bones wouldn't stiffen up.

After two days passed, Marc had begun to worry. Surely you would have woken up by now. He went through the many books that Steven had to do his own research on Ma'at, but it was all the same information.

Nothing on what she might need you for. He was going to get to the bottom of this. Even if it took him the rest of his life.

You wake up from the desk you were sleeping on in a cold sweat. How long had you been out for? You felt like it had been an eternity since you began your search.

The real time had been just about 2 week. That's how long you had been searching for the 3 items. So far, you have only found one item, the spell of the scales.

It was eerily similar to the one you remember Harrow having on his forearm, but you swept that memory under the rug.

The second item you were searching for was a heart. Not specifically anyone's heart, just a heart. You felt as if you were getting closer to it by the minute. The closer you were to finding the heart, the closer you were to finally reuniting with your boys.

Any progress on the Heart, my pet? You jumped at Ma'at's sudden voice.

"I am one step closer. I can feel it has to be in one of these boxes here." You happily say. You stand up and begin to rummage around the wooden crates next to your desk.

You feel a hand resting on your shoulder, which makes you stop your current task.

I have a proposition for you, y/n. She says. One I think you might enjoy.

This makes your ears perk up a bit. Maybe you will finally be getting help looking for these items. You really could use it, after all, this was a lot of work for one person to accomplish.

"What is your proposition?" You ask, turning your head towards her.

I am allowing you to return to your body. She says and you stand immediately. However, in 3 months time, you will return here to finish your work.

"And after that?"

Then if you wish to be free. You will be free.

You think about it for a moment. Of course you want to be reunited with Marc, but you were so close to the second task being done.

"May I... finish the second task? After I find the heart, may I return to my body?" You ask, and you can see a faint smile spread across her face.

Very well. She starts. Once you find the heart, bring it to me and I shall return your soul.

You watch her leave and your search for the heart begins once again. This time you are leaving no clue untouch, no stone unturned. You must find this heart.

Marc walks up the stairs to the flat, the same old shit as the last two weeks. Steven goes to work, Jake makes them stop to play chess with the old Greek man in the park, and Marc goes to every library, bookstore, or religious shop on their side of town.

He had to find a way to bring you back. Khonshu was not helping whatsoever, and he didn't have the patience of waiting around and finding out if you would even return.

Once they got up the stairs, they could feel a presence lingering in the dark.

"What do you want?" Marc spoke suddenly.

I sense something in your room.

"Yeah, remember, y/n is still in there" He replied to the God.

Marc stood in front of the door, and waited a moment. Stupid fucking bird. Taking out his keys, he unlocked the door and walked inside.

Something was definitely off, Marc turned on the lights to discover you were no longer laying in the bed. He threw his stuff on the ground and walked fully into the apartment.

Looking in the living area and kitchen, not finding you there, he stopped and placed his fingers on his temple. For a brief moment, he thought he was completely by himself.

"Marc?" Your voice came into the air without notice. He whipped around to find you standing there, hair dripping wet and fresh pajamas on.

He rushed forward, and nearly tackled you after realizing you were actually there in front of him. You could feel his whole body shaking as he held you tightly.

"Marc, baby." You began to cry, the both of you dropping to your knees.

"Y/n." He choked out. "I thought I lost you. WE thought we lost you."

You shook your head. This was the hardest reunion you had ever had with the boys. Usually it was just tight hug, a kiss, something more.

"I thought I would never see you again!" You sobbed.

The both of you sat on the ground and cried. Hearts yearning for each other, and needed to be in each other's arms.

Once the both of you had calmed down, you moved to the couch. Still in each other's embrace, you sat in silence.

"How did you do it?" His voice sounded rough. "I never stopped looking for a way to get you back."

"Ma'at.. She gave me permission to come back." You replied slowly. "But Marc, I-"

"Shh. I know." He said drying your eyes. "I know of her deals."

That voice didn't belong to Marc. You look up to see Steven staring back at you. Sweet Steven.

Tears began to fall from your eyes again. You had to treat every moment as if it was your last with them.

You learned that the last item needed was an event. An event from the searcher specifically. One that was most dear and precious to them.

For you, It was the day you met Steven in a coffee shop. The day that changed your life for the better. Without that event taking place, you would have never fallen in love with all three of them.

"Steven, I'm scared." You cried. "I don't know what to do."

"What exactly is she having you do?" He asked.

"She's having me find the key to social balance..." You began. "I have to find 3 items to create the key."

"Well that shouldn't be so hard!" He cheered. "How many have you got so far?"

You shook your head. The thought of having to tell them that you wouldn't remember them after going back, kills you.

"It's not that simple, Steven.." You look up at him to see his big puppy dog eyes. "I have two, but the last one.."

You get up from the couch and start pacing around the room. All he could do is sit there and watch as you contemplate, telling him or not. You stop, and turn to him.

"Remember the day that we met?" You ask abruptly. This put a smile on his face.

"Course! You accidently spilled your Americano all over me." You blushed at the remark, you had forgotten about that.

"It was the happiest day of my life, Steven!" You rushed over to him. Kneel down between his legs, he scooted forward and touched your cheek gently.

"What about it, love?" He questioned.

"The last item I need... is to forget that that ever happened.." You replied, looking down.

"What?" The voice turned rough again. Marc.

Hearing his voice made you look up suddenly. His eyebrows tight together making the worry line on his forehead more prominent.

"Marc, I" You began to speak, but every word began to fail you. Of course Marc was going to take this the hardest, because he has grown most attached to you.

"What do you mean you have to forget that ever happened?" He asked.

"I have to give up my happiest memory, which is you, don't you understand?!" You cried. "I'm so scared because I don't want you to be that! I don't want to give you up!"

He pulled you into his lap, caressing your hair and whispering little affirmations to you. This was hard for him to hear of course, but there had to be a way to save you.

It wasn't just your life this was messing with, it was all of theirs. You had no idea this is what would happen and neither did he.

You woke up the next morning with strong arms wrapped around you. It was the best night's sleep you had had in a while. You turn your head to see Marc sleeping still. The same hard expression on his face like always.

As you roll over, you can see him begin to grimace and open his eyes. When he sees that you're awake, he gives a small smile out the corner of his mouth.

"Buenos días, mi amor." You giggle as you realize Jake was the one holding you all night.

"Good morning, my love." You mimic back. He pulls you in closer. "Jake?"

"Yes, amor?" He opens one of his eyes to look at you.

"Can you tell me how much you love me?" You ask. The reassurance was much needed to you.

It broke his heart hearing the question come out your mouth. Usually when he fronted you both were in bed with no clothes on. However, he understood that you needed him to be the rock.

"Y/n, I love you more than the tide loves the moon. You are my world, my entire existence. Mi vida."

"I love you." You say tilting your head up and kissing him.

You both laid in bed for a few more hours. It was a lazy morning spending it with all the men you loved. Once you both decided to get up, Steven fronted.

Since it was a Wednesday, he very much still had to go to work. Before leaving, he peppered you with kisses and would not let go of your hand. He was always so sweet when saying goodbye.

Once he left you were alone. You weren't going to lie, being alone now left you scared. However, now you could try to figure out what to do.

There was no sense in talking to Ma'at, since before you left she disappeared when you asked about the last item. Maybe Khonshu... Maybe.

"Hello?" You say standing in the living room. "Khonshu?"

Silence. You wait a moment before sitting on the bed. Sometimes Gods answer and sometimes they don't.

The day went on as usual. You used Steven's laptop to research more on Ma'at. Not that Steven hasn't told you enough. The internet was a marvel though. You learned that the ancient Egyptians believed that she brought the universe to order. Even about how her ostrich feather was used to judge their hearts in the Duat.

You should not question a God when they need you, Y/n

You look in the reflection of the computer screen to see Khonshu sitting in his beloved armchair.

"Would you? If you weren't a God, would you give up everything for them?" You ask as you swivel around in the chair. The air was tight in the flat.

I would do as I must, and trust that fate is by my side.

"Fate? What would you know about fate?" You spat.

I know fate well enough to trust that you will be brought back to him.

This made you shut your mouth. He was a higher being after all. Most of what he says has meaning and truth to it.

"Khonshu, Do you really believe that fate will bring me to Marc again?" You question. This was something that has been on your mind the past few days.

I do not believe it. I know. He begins. It doesn't see you for what you are, it sees you for what you're about to be.

With that, He disappeared. As you watch him leave, you hear the front door open. You turn your head to see Steven walk through the door.

"Hiya! I brought you some soup." He says as he drops the bag on the counter. "I didn't know which type to get, so I just guessed. That's alright, yeah?"

You smile as you stand to greet him. Walking over, you hug him from behind. Knowing the new information you received, set your heart at ease. Everything was going to be okay. You just had to be patient.

Month 1

Days were filled with sorrow mostly. You moped around a lot. Only when you were at home though. Whenever Marc took you anywhere, it was like you blossomed.

Maybe the thought of being in a home you were about to lose was burdening. On the days that Steven would have to work, you went out to every bookstore you could find.

It's not that you were looking for answers, but it didn't hurt to at least try to find a loophole. You enter a little bookstore you found on the internet that specialized in historic finds.

It was small and it smelled like ancient oils and paper. Each book on the shelf was hardcover, and bound in beautiful colors.

The owner of the bookshop looks up at you with a smile. It looked very familiar, but not thinking anything of it, you nod and begin to look around.

You look for anything with an Egyptian looking title. Not many shops even had books on Egyptian Mythology, and if there was any it was just books written by teen fiction authors.

"Looking for anything in particular?" You jump as the voice comes out of nowhere. The middle aged bookshop owner was standing next to you. His spectacles on the bridge of his nose as he looked towards you.

"Oh! I mean, I am just browsing." You begin. "Do you happen to have any books on Egyptian Myths and Gods?"

He gave a small grin and motioned you to follow him. It was a small bookshop but it seemed to spread for miles. Which was strange.

As you kept walking, the man turned towards the bookshelf and his fingers glided over the many books. His fingers stopped on a green bound book.

"I do believe this will have all the answers to what you're looking for." He said as he handed you the book.

The book was quite heavy. Looking down at it, you noticed that gold text was appearing before your eyes. You look back up and notice the man has disappeared.

Walking back to the front of the store, you notice that a different person was at the cashier. It was a woman now. She gave you a smile as you walked up to the counter.

"Hi there, dear! Would that be all for ya?" She asked politely.

"Yes ma'am, uhm if you don't mind me asking, where did the other gentleman go?" You asked, and she gave you the same confused look.

"I am the only one here with you." She frowned. "Did a man enter in with ya?"

You shook your head and shrugged.

"I must be mistaken, sorry." You say.

She rings you up and sends you on your way. You apologize again and thank her for the book, and leave.

As you step into the crisp air, you take a moment to appreciate the view. London has always been a second home to you beside the rough streets of Chicago. Sure it rained a lot more, but there was something about it.

Even as you walked home, you began to memorize every street, every store, every person you passed by. You feel yourself beginning to zone out as you enter the apartment building and make your way upstairs.

When you enter the flat, you throw your keys onto the counter and fall into the armchair in the living room. You take a deep breath before pulling out the boom you had just gotten and opening it up to read.

"The Autobiographical Account of an Avatar" You read aloud. 'Weird, no author...'

As you began to read, it became more clear that the author had the same predicament as you. Searching for answers and ultimately giving up something in return.

There were no answers on the page however. Usually by the end of the book you would have a solid answer. This was not the case, you were left with nothing more than insight on what it felt like.

"Darling, I'm home!" You heard Steven's voice ring out into the small flat.

"In here!" You reply and set the book down. He walks in to find you curled on the armchair. Of course he smiles and gives you a peck on the cheek.

"How was your day, love?"

"Oh you know, the usual..." You respond. "Hey, can you look at this book I found?"

He looks at you quizzically before nodding. You hand him the book and see the curiosity in his eyes.

"Where did you get this old thing?" He asks while flipping through the pages.

"You know that bookstore behind the theater?" He nods. "It was a bit strange, but this old man told me I would find what I was looking for in that book."

You watch as he begins to skim through each page. Reading the same passages you had just read. He closes the book and looks up to you in a sigh.

"Imma read up on it more, then we can really dive into it." He says. "But first, I've got a bit of a surprise for ya!"

He walks back to the counter and grabs a box and some flowers. When he hands them to you, you begin to feel how loved you are by all of them.

"What's this for?" You smell the flowers and look up at him with a smile.

"Just cause we love you, that's all" He says sheepishly.

You stand and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

"And maybe I thought we could do more than just mope around tonight." The voice changed but you didn't bat an eye. You look up at him and smile. Marc only stared at you with love.

"What did you have in mind?"

Thirty minutes later you found yourself dressed and walking in Piccadilly Square with Marc. He practically dressed you himself before pushing you out the door. Before you could ask where you were going, you both stopped in front of a very nice restaurant.

"No way, We cannot afford to eat here." You say as you look up at him.

"You'll actually be surprised to know that this is in our budget." He responds smugly. "Plus it's mostly vegetarian and vegan for Steven's liking."

You both walk in and stop at the desk. Looking around you notice how regal the setting is. Yet there was an intimate feel to it. Chandeliers and candles set at the tables.

You hear Marc's name being called and you both are led to your table for the evening. The scenery in the restaurant is everything you could have imagined.

Marc notices you are looking around and reaches for your hand. This pulls you back into reality, and you smile brightly back at him.

"How did you know I wanted to come here?"

"Because everytime you pass by with Steven, I notice you staring into the window." He smiles back.

Just as he finished explaining, the waiter came by. He was an older gentleman with a very sincere smile and a thick Italian accent. With some explanation of the menu, he writes your orders and leaves in a hurry.

When you look up at Marc, you notice that he looked a bit nervous. You tilt your head in confusion.

"Marc, sweetie~" You pur at him. "Are you alright?"

He nods his head and smiles. "Yeah I'm good. Just thinking about everything going on."

"Well Steven said he would look over that book I found. Maybe that will finally have answers."

"Maybe... How did you say you found it again?"

"There was a little bookshop on my walk today... It was strange."

"What was the name of it?"

"Oh uh, I don't think there was a name. It just said 'Bookshop' on the sign. Thought it would be worth a try." Now that you thought of it, it was really strange that the bookshop just appeared out of thin air. You had never noticed it before walking down that street.

You pull yourself out of your thoughts as the food arrives. Everything looks stunning. Looking up at Marc, you notice the smile forming on the corner of his mouth. This man would go to the ends of the earth for you, and he has proven that time and time again.

"Are you gonna propose to me tonight?" You ask innocently, and this makes him choke on his food. "Ah! Sorry!"

He clears his throat before responding carefully.

"Did you want me to propose tonight?"

Thinking for a moment, you smile. Yeah it would be great if he did, and the answer would have been a straight away yes. If there were different circumstances.

"I mean.. I dunno, You just never take me out to places like this so I'm just investigating."

"I wasn't planning on it tonight, however I do have a ring."

You take a bite of your food, you consider your next response carefully.

"I think you should wait. Just in case." You look up at him, finally making eye contact. He nods and continues with his dinner.

Once the both of you finish, you thank the waiter while Marc pays then you both go on your way.

Walking down the same street you came, you both stop to sit on a park bench. The breeze of the night was nice, and cool.

His arm is wrapped around your shoulder as you both watch people pass by. This is what peace felt like. You had never known anything of the sort until now.

With Marc, everything felt easy. The dreaded thought of losing him creeps back into your mind. There was little you could do to stop it. You hardly notice the tears that begin falling down your face.

He turns to look at you and notices immediately.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

You see his eyebrows furrow with worry as you continue to cry silently. He knew you hated when people watched you cry.

"I just hate to think that this won't last much longer." You quietly admit. He pulls you into a tight embrace. Your head resting against his shoulder.

"Why don't we get you home and I'll show you how long I will love you for."

Looking up at him, you see the darkness in his eyes as you realize what you meant. You wipe away your tears and nod. Getting up and walking home was not a hard task. It was being able to keep your hands off of each other, while walking to the flat.

You kiss Marc lovingly as you both stumble through the flat door. You can feel the eagerness of his mouth on yours. As soon as the door is fully shut, he picks you up and holds you against the wall.

Never have you felt a sensation like this. The pit you have been feeling has disappeared, and was replaced with arousal. His lips trail down your neck as you let out a breathy moan.

Marc just had a way with his mouth. You grip his hair between your fingers. Tugging at it slightly earns you a growl from the back of his throat. You knew exactly what type of reaction you would get from him. The reward of it made you smile against his hair.

Removing you from the wall Marc made his way towards the bed, setting you gently on the mattress. He begins to remove his clothing before demanding you to do so as well.

He watched the way your body moved as you began to take off each layer of clothing. Once everything had come off, he held you close to feel the heat radiating off your skin. Loving each touch you laid on him.

The only thing missing was the dark mark he set to show his love for you. Slowly he began to kiss your forehead and trail his lips down every inch of skin.

Once he has made it to your chest, he begins to suck at your skin lightly. Leaving little bruises along your collarbone. After feeling satisfied with that, he trails lower until he reaches your hips.

You feel a tug on the upper part of your thigh, and you realize he had snaked his arms around them. Marc smirks before pulling your body closer to the edge of the bed. He can see the heat in your face.

"Oh, darling, you smell so fucking good, and I bet you taste just as sweet." He heavily exhales before laying his tongue flatly against your tight core. You hear him moan against you which makes your toes curl.

"Marc, fuck~" You groan loudly.

Every slurp and moan coming from his mouth sent you into a deeper spiral. You could feel the heat flow through your veins and you grow closer to your orgasm.

He knew you were close too. The way the tip of his tongue assaulted you, sucking and lapping at your hole. As you were about to release he removed his mouth suddenly from you.

Your head flew up once he moved his face from between your thighs. How dare this man deny you the release you needed. All these thoughts were removed as you noticed him hovering above you.

"Hi baby." He panted. You stare in awe at the gorgeous man above you. The curls sticking to his face, and the way he lovingly gazed at you made you melt. He was the only man you could ever love.



You bite your lip and he continues to stare. Waiting for you to respond, he moves a piece of your hair out of your face. Cradling your cheek in his hand.

"Can you just fuck me already?" You ask calmly, which prompted a laugh from him.

"As you wish, darling."

Without a single hesitation, Marc lines himself at the edge of your entrance and thrusts in. The squelching sound that was created in that movie was deafening. You could feel your cheeks flush red at the way he made you slick up with just his touch.

Your moaning was driving Marc to his spilling point. Until you begin whining at him.

"What was that, baby?"

"Flip me over!" You say along with a high pitched moan.

The groan above you comes out long and loud, before you feel Marc pull out. Grabbing your hips and flipping you over. He dips down to kiss your lower back before trailing up to your neck.

His hot breath sends goosebumps down your entire body. Feeling his hard cock pushing against your entrance once more, you turn your head and whisper.

"Come on, Marc, fuck my brains out."

A loud growl erupts from his chest before he pushes your head into the mattress. He buries his cock deep within you in one thrust setting a brutal pace.

"I bet you love the way I treat you like a slut, huh?"

You were drunk. This whole experience made you intoxicated with his scent, the way he panted in each thrust, and how his cock stretched you. His balls slapping against you.

Clenching around him each time he thrusts, your moans begin to intertwine with each other. You could tell he was close to coming.

"M-Marc, I'm close!" You whine

"Come baby, come for me." He responds in a dark tone.

That was it for you. You begin to clench around him repeatedly, seeing white flash in spurts. It must have been enough for Marc to release because you feel him pull out. The hot liquid running down your spine.

You finally collapse onto the mattress, Marc doing the same next to you. Feeling a tug on your arm, you look over and see Marc lazily smile at you.

"You look absolutely fucked out." He chuckles towards you.

"No thanks to you." You tease back. Sticking your tongue out at him.

He begins to stand and walk to the bathroom. Grabbing a washcloth and running it under warm water. You watch as he turns back to you and smiles softly.

As he approaches you, he grazes his fingers against your arm. Setting the washcloth on your back you shiver as he starts cleaning you up.

It was endearing how he always took care of you. Especially after sex. You remember your first time with him and Steven, and how they took turns giving you extra love and attention after.

A soft smile pulls itself on your lips as he finishes wiping you down. Throwing the washcloth in the hamper, he climbs back onto the bed and pulls you against his chest.

Listening to the rhythm of his heart and the steady breathing, you begin to fall asleep. Nothing was more peaceful than how these after moments were. Feeling utterly relaxed with the man you love laying beside you.

Month 2

You rushed down the street towards the museum. Donna had called you because Steven had suddenly stormed out of the gift shop in a fit of panic. Figuring it wasn't actually Steven, you turned into the nearest car park and waited.

As if on cue, a black cab pulled down the driveway and stopped right next to you. Pulling your arms into a crossed position, you waited for the man to roll down the window.

You watched as it came down slowly and the man inside stared at you. He tried his best to avoid your eye contact but failed to do so. Turning to meet your angered face.

"Cariña! What a surprise to see you here!" He said nervously. Waiting to see the response you would give him. "Qué quieres mi amor?"

"Don't you ever do that again! You had me worried sick, Jake!" You started. He flinched at the harshness of your voice before you noticed a blush begin to creep up his neck.

"Mi vida, whatever do you mean?" He coyly smiles before you interrupt him.

"Park the car, and let me talk to Steven!" You practically screamed it. This was a side of you they barely saw. Getting overwhelmed wasn't something that was normally brought out.

Jake did as you told him and came straight back to the entrance of the car park. Head hung low, you noticed a shift in his eyes. It was Steven. You sighed in relief before pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Love, I'm so sorry for making you worry." He says softly into your neck. The edge of his nose grazed over the crook of it. "I don't know what made me panic like that."

You sigh, and rest your head against his. It really sounded like he was panicking and not that Jake needed to be somewhere.

"It's okay honey." You begin silently. Feeling head rise from your shoulder. "I'm not mad, I just got scared, that's all"

He intertwines your finger before admitting, "It was the silly old bird. He got in my head."

You look around to see if you were truly alone. Of course you were, but the paranoia didn't cease.

"What did he say to you?" You ask gently.

"He told me to quit searching' about." He held onto you tighter. "Said there was no use. To think of something else."

You pull back to stare at him. How could Khonshu say something like that? Actually you should have figured he would say something like that. It just wasn't fair, but it made you realize you both should come up with a backup plan just in case.

"Let's get you home, Steven. We should probably talk about what he said."

With that notion, he nods and you both walk arm in arm back to the flat. It was silent the whole way home. Both of you in the harsh thoughts presented to you. You thought about different ways to start the conversation, and who to start it with.

Once you get up to the flat, you both settle into the sofa and sit in silence. You look up towards the sweet man, and set a hand on his thigh. He turns to look at you with his sad puppy dog eyes.

"Can I talk with Marc, love?" You ask sweetly.

"Course. Course you can." He kisses your cheek softly.

Watching his expression harden, and his eyebrows furrow. He turns to look at you and smiles once he notices your eyes flicker against his lips. Leaning in, he kisses you slowly and deeply. Taking note of how sweet your lips taste from the coffee you had abandoned earlier.

"Mm, Marc" You say, trying to pull away. "I need to talk to you."

He pulls back and stares at you intently. Tilting his head slightly as to question the sudden need to talk.

"Did you hear anything Khonshu said to Steven earlier?"

The grip on your shoulder tightened. You didn't need to hear a verbal confirmation because the body language already confirmed it.

"He doesn't know what he was talking about that damn demon." He gritted through his teeth.

"Marc... Maybe he's right though. I mean what happens if we can't find a way to give Ma'at an offering?"

"We could always sacrifice Jake..." You watch as he grins, then turns his head towards the black TV screen. It was probably Jake cursing Marc.

"I'm serious!" You giggle out. "We need to come up with a plan to either stand up to Ma'at or..."

"Or what?"

"What if we met again?" You look into his eyes. Looking for any reaction to what you had just said. He just stares though, as if to process what you had just said.

"Meet again..." He ponders. "Like how you met Steven?"

You nod eagerly. "Yeah like how I met Steven."

"Okay." He sits for a moment before continuing his response. "Let's get a plan together then."

And that's exactly what the both of you did. You planned that if anything were to happen, Marc would be the one to find you and meet you all over again.

Through the next few weeks you both got little sleep as you continued to research anything on Ma'at and her infamous deals. Book after book, you and Steven read and wrote notes. Compared each other's findings.

Nothing was coming up though, there was nothing in those damn books that would help your situation. As you both were finishing your current books, you hear Steven lighten up with surprise. You look up from your book and look at him quizzically. He held the green hardcover book the mysterious man from the giftshop had given you.

"Listen to this!" He starts. "Ma'at is known to bargain with anyone who does deeds for her."

"But I already made a bargain with her..." You sink back down into the chair you were sitting in. "Does it say anything else?"

He turns back to the book and you watch as his eyes skim the page. You watch as he stiffens and darts his eyes around the rest of the passage.

"What is it, Steven?" You sit up and watch worriedly.

Shaking his head, he looks up. "It says the only way for her to leave you alone is to either finish the deed or perish."

You gasp. Of course. That is the reason why you haven't found anything useful yet, because there wasn't anything useful. You get up and cross the room settling down next to Steven. He opens his arms to embrace and you fall into his arms with tears stinging your eyes.

There was nothing to be done, so naturally you both agree on your Plan B. Both of you sit there in silence, taking in all the information you had digested the last few weeks. You look up at Steven and notice his soft eyes staring down at you.

"You know somethin, love?" He says. "I have loved you ever since I laid my eye on you."

You giggle at the confession.

"Was this before or after you spilled coffee on me?"

"Amore." It was Jake now. He presses a kiss to your forehead. "We have all loved you since then. Especially after the compassion you showed Steven after the fact."

"Or when you wanted to intimidate me?"

This earns you a chuckle. "Si, amore, even when you showed me some compassion too."

Jake never usually was out for more than 10 minutes, unless the both of you were having sex. He sat there with you for 3 hours talking, and reminiscing of the memories you all created together. It was nice. You felt safe. That's what it was like to have them in your life, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Month 3

Jake woke you up with kisses against your shoulder. It was one of the first nights you had slept fully. Not that you got much sleep as it is.

Your night consisted of three rounds of sex, and this happened quite often. Jake being the last since he likes to be rough, and you preferred it that way.

Weeks began blurring together since the month started. Not knowing what day or what time you would be summoned to Ma'at's tomb.

The dreams of Ma'at were becoming more vivid. Like she was actually standing there watching in the shadows. Most days you would wake in a cold sweat, shaking until Marc held you and made sure you were okay.

Each passing day, your eyes were getting heavier to the point of you falling asleep in the most ridiculous places.

That was until Khonshu showed back up. Out of blue he appeared in the small flat that you all resided in.

Both of your presences are requested. He spoke

Marc jumped at the sudden booming voice. His eyebrows began to furrow and you could see the heat rising to his face.

"Why? What happened?"

Do not dare question me, Marc Spector. You both were requested by Goddess Ma'at.

You gasped, and got out of the bed. This wasn't supposed to happen yet. You still had 3 more weeks. That didn't stop you from starting to shake. Not that you were frightened of Ma'at, but scared of being without Marc, and Steven, and Jake.

"Yeah? Well you can tell Ma'at that we're not going!" Marc growled. "Tell her that she can't have Y/N!"

This is not up for debate. We go now. Suit up, and put on the robes provided.

With that he vanished. Without any hesitation, you ran to Marc embracing him. He held you too. You felt how he was shaking and you couldn't help but to cry. None of you were ready for the events about to transpire.

You don't remember the journey to the destination. Just that you both were at home, then at Ma'at's tomb.

Khonshu said there was one more task to be completed in order for this ordeal to be over. The sacrifice. You already knew what had to happen, and both you and Marc were prepared.

A whole plan was set in place, just in case you could not find an alternative.

Walking inside the tomb you noticed candles were already set up. Ma'at and Khonshu were both behind the altar, chatting like old friends. When they notice the both of you walking in, they turn and you notice Ma'at grinning.

Hello my pet. She started, Are you both ready to complete the ritual?

"Wait a damn minute!" You turn your head in surprise to see Steven standing there in his suit, sans the mask. "What makes you think we would give up that easily?"

Quiet, Worm! You have no say in this matter. Khonshu stated harshly. Bring back Marc.

"No!" He screamed in return. "You can't take them from us! This is absurd!"

You grab hold of his hand to calm him down. Steven usually only bottled emotions when he thought he was being a burden. When he overflowed though, that was a different story.

"It's alright, love. Bring back Marc" You say calmly. It wasn't a question but more of a demand.

His eyes fill with hurt before he nods. Everyone watches as the suit morphs into Marc's traditional garment. Still holding his hand, you bring it up to kiss it.

"Remember the plan?" You ask.

"Meet you at the coffee shop." He replies. Nodding your head, you step forward and clear your throat.

"Ma'at! We are ready for the ritual."

Perfect. Leave the rest to Khonshu and I, little one.

You look at Marc questioning what that meant until you feel chains grab hold of your wrists and pull you down to your knees. You scream out of pure shock.

Out of the corner of your eyes you see him turn to run forward, but his leg was also snagged by a chain.

"Khonshu! Take this restraint off of me!" Marc yelled, trying to get back up again.

That is something I cannot do. You and I both know this cannot be helped.

"Please you stupid fucking bird!"


Watching the interaction made you more anxious than you already were. You didn't understand why you needed restraints until you saw Ma'at approach with a long dagger.

"Wh- what is that?" You ask nervously.

"No!" You hear Marc scream in the background, but your focus was on the goddess in front of you.

This is our ceremonial dagger, Pet.

"And what is it you are going to do with it?"

Well you see, I shall make a cut on your neck so that we may extract your memory of Marc Spector.

You turn your head towards Marc and see the tears rushing down his face. In that exact moment, you realized everything you were about to lose. Your whole world. Marc, Steven, and Jake.

Tears well up in your eyes and fall down your cheeks.

"Do what you must."

Without any hesitation, Ma'at steps foward and slices a deep cut down the center of your nect and chest. Blood begins to pour out of the wound and onto your white dress.

Ma'at waited a moment to watch the crimson blood stain the dress, then she reached through the wound and pulled a long sver string from the inside of your chest.

The memory wasn't found in your mind, but in your heart. True love was the key to everything you had researched. If love got you here, then you knew it would be fine again if Marc ever found you.

You began to get dizzy as you watched her do this. Realizing that you may not have much time left.

Not realizing you were falling, you look up to see Marc holding you as you lay on the floor. How did he get there so quickly? What was gonna happen now?

Struggling to get one last message out, he shushes you and places his lips to yours. The kiss was soft, and woeful. This was it. Your final goodbye.

"Marc...sweet Marc" You say weakly as your vision begins to fade away. "Remember to find me in the future."

"Baby I promise." Tears falling silently from his eyes. "I will always look for you. Even if it takes eternity."

"I love you to the moon and back."

"I love you too."

It's the last thing you hear before the darkness consumes you. Nothing like death though, just darkness. The memories of meeting Steven in that coffee shop disappear in the abyss.

You wake up a week later in the hospital. The doctor had said a man found you unconscious near a river. However, you have no recollection of even being near a river.

After a week goes by, your released from the hospital and life continues as normal. Lunch dates with your mom, spending afternoons in the park, work. How you dreaded the very thought of it.

Sometimes, though, when you looked out the window you feel as though someone was watching you. Not in a creepy way though. Like in a way a protection. A Guardian Angel perhaps?

And a Guardian Angel he was.


The bell to the small coffee shop dinged as a customer walked into the store. You look up from your computer to see the most gorgeous man at the counter. Grabbing your coffee, you sip mindfully as you listen to him order his drink.

"Medium black coffee, please. Maybe one sugar on the side. Thanks" His gruff voice intrigued you. It sounded almost familiar

"Can I get a name for that order?"


You notice the barista smile cutely at him, as if to flirt, but his eyes divert to anywhere else in the room.

Then you lock eyes with him. It was an accident but you can't help but hold your breath. You see his face turn white, as you both stare at each other.

'Do I know him?' You think as you turn your attention back to your computer. How embarrassing, you didn't mean to stare that long. Glancing back up you see as he steals small glances at you as well.

Deciding that would be it for the day, you begin to pack up your bag. Looking back at the stranger while doing so. He waits quietly for his coffee, playing on his phone and looking up periodically.

You sigh and gather your belongings. Too focused on your things, you don't notice the man rushing to leave as well. Bumping into him, you clumsily drop your americano down the front of his shirt and pants.

"Oh! I- I am so sorry!!" You stammer as you grab napkins from the counter. You hear a small chuckle before glancing back up.

"It's not a problem," He starts. "Not the first time this has happened."

You look into his eyes to see his truthful reaction. Smiling back, you hand him some napkins.

"Please let me pay you for the trouble. The laundromat maybe?" You huff out. You definitely were gonna remember this in 10 years from the embarrassment.

"Oh, well..." He also looked embarrassed. His cheeks turned red slightly. "Maybe pay me with your company?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" You blush in return, this complete stranger was really asking you out?

"Sure" He smiled. "We could make it a date."

You smile back at the man. He seemed different, yet the familiarity of his existence was comforting.

"Great. Then it's a Date!"


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