Villains || TCFSV!Wilbur x Re...

By NkeiMagos

16.5K 352 760

Tommy and Y/N were childhood friends while growing up, even with their age differences. The two met Tubbo and... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16. Final

Chapter 5.

1.1K 28 99
By NkeiMagos

Y/N left the house around the correct time and headed to work. They arrived just after Tommy. Y/N put their bag down and put their apron on.

"Y/N!" Tommy hugged them, "Where have you been?"

"I've had to stay with Siren." Y/N sighed, "I can't come back until he says."

"At least you're safe." Tommy sighed, "You are safe, right?"

"Of course I'm safe, Tommy." Y/N reassured him

The two got to work. A customer arrived. He had curly brown hair, hazel eyes and a yellow jumper. Wilbur. Tommy started to argue with him slightly. He just continued to stare at Y/N every now and then.

"Can I get a medium quadruple shot latte?" Wilbur asked Tommy

"Y/N. Medium quad shot latte." Tommy turned around

Y/N got to work on the latte while Tommy took the next customer's order. They brought the drink over to Wilbur.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N hissed

"How would I know if you would tell someone." Wilbur hissed back, "Would you prefer Techno or Phil to keep an eye on you?"

"Yes. Because you're distracting me and that will draw attention." Y/N looked around

"So. You can't take your eyes off me?" Wilbur smiled

Y/N rolled their eyes and walked away. Wilbur and Y/N continued to share glances throughout the time. Tommy snapped his fingers in front of Y/N's face.

"Hat are you doing? You need to continue wiping down the counter!" Tommy got their attention

"Sorry." Y/N apologised

He looked over to see Y/N was staring at Wilbur.

"Oh." Tommy smirked, "You can finish your shift earlier if you want to talk to him."

"Really?" Y/N asked

Tommy nodded. Wilbur walked over to the counter.

"Can I get a coffee for my brother and friend." Wilbur asked

"What would he want?" Tommy asked

"That's the thing. Im not sure." Wilbur thought

"Try a medium london fog for your brother." Y/N continued to wipe down the counter, "And an iced chai tea latte for your friend."

"Medium London fog and iced chai tea latte then it is then." Wilbur smiled

Tommy went and made the drink while Y/N stayed at the counter with Wilbur.

"Which friend is the drink for?" Y/N asked

"You." Wilbur smiled at them

"Why are you so kind to me? I could stab you in the back at any moment." Y/N reminded him

"Would you? Really. Like, would you really stab me in the back?" He leaned on the counter

Y/N went quiet. Tommy walked back over and handed Wilbur the drinks.

"I'll be back every day to annoy you." Wilbur smirked at Tommy

Wilbur left and Tommy turned to Y/N.

"You can end your shift now." Tommy said, "Just, don't do anything stupid."

"When do I ever do anything stupid?" They laughed

Tommy gave them a look.

"Fine. I wont do anything stupid." Y/N rolled their eyes

Y/N took off their apron, grabbed their bag and ran after Wilbur. They caught up to him quickly.

"Hello Y/N." He handed them their iced chai tea latte

"I hate the name of this drink." Y/N took a sip of it

"Why?" Wilbur asked

"It translates to iced tea tea latte." Y/N complained

"I don't think that Tommy boy likes the real me." Wilbur sighed

"He doesn't like people that piss him off." Y/N said simply

Wilbur chuckled as he walked closer to the house. He opened the door and the two walked inside.

"We're home." Wilbur called out

"You're home early." Phil walked into the room, "Don't you have work, Y/N?"

"Long story." Y/N sighed as they put their bag down, "In short: Tommy thinks I have a crush on Wilbur."

Phil chuckled and walked out the room again.

"He thinks you have a crush on me?" Wilbur sat down on the sofa

"Because I was staring at you." Y/N sat down next to him, "I was only staring because I didn't understand why you were there! Don't get any ideas!"

"Where are the potatoes!" The two heard Technoblade yell

"Wil ate them all, Techno." They heard Phil say

Technoblade ran into the room.

"I'm going to kill you!" He threw himself at Wilbur

In shock, Y/N went invisible and moved away. Wilbur and Technoblade were fighting like children on the sofa.

"Get off me!" Wilbur yelled

He threw Technoblade off of him.

"You better get those potatoes back, with your own money!" Technoblade pointed his index finger at Wilbur

"I'll go now." Wilbur sighed

Wilbur stood up and looked around.

"Where did Y/N go?" Wilbur asked

"I don't know." Technoblade looked around

The two heard a yell from the kitchen. They both ran in to see Phil holding a bowl in the air with Y/N below it.

"Where did you come from?!" Phil shrieked

"Techno and Wilbur were fighting so I got out of their but bumped into you." Y/N explained

Phil started to laugh as the boys calmed down.

"I'll go get the potatoes." Wilbur sighed and left the room

"Techno, go with him." Phil ordered

"Why?" Technoblade asked

"Because he doesn't know the potatoes you like." Phil reminded him

"There's a difference?!" The three heard Wilbur yell from the front door

Technoblade rolled his eyes as walked out the room. Now it was only Phil and Y/N in the house.

"That was... a rollercoaster." Y/N sighed

"Go get some fresh air." Phil gave them a soft smile

Y/N smiled back and walked out the house. They started walking aimlessly around L'manburg until coming across an alleyway. Inside, Y/N saw two people. One was taller then the other.

"Do you know where they are?" The taller one asked

"Haven't seen them. Tommy said that they were at work earlier today, though." The smaller one said

"Y/N must be somewhere." The taller one sighed

Y/N took another step and ended up stepping on a twig.

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