The last nymph- Paul Lahote (...


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"My business is... because right before my family left... I promised Edward that I will look after you! My bu... Еще

New Moon: Cast
Chapter 1: Happy Birthay Bella
Chapter 2: Bloody birthay party
Chapter 3: Sammy?
Chapter 4: The pack
Chapter 5: Desicion and moving
Chapter 6: Looking for Bella
Chapter 7: Months went by
Chapter 8: My family is gone because of you!
Chapter 9: Imprinted
Chapter 10: I'm sorry
Chapter 11: Motorbikes
Chapter 12: Face punch
Chapter 13: An eye for an eye
Chapter 14: Wolf's out of the bag
Chapter 15: Victoria
Chapter 16: Mom?
Chapter 17: The Volturi
Chapter 18: Jacob what have you done?!
Chapter 19: It's for her own good
Eclipse: Cast
Chapter 20: Vision of a trouble
Chapter 21: The bitch is back
Chapter 22: I missed you
Chapter 23: Protection detail and stories
Chapter 24: Are you out of you fucking mind Jacob!?
Chapter 25: Rosalie's story
Chapter 26: Gratuation and party
Chapter 28: Preparation
Chapter 29: Campsite
Chapter 30: Battle
Chapter 31: Over my dead body
Breaking dawn part 1: Cast
Chapter 32: Wedding preparation
Chapter 33: Ceremony
Chapter 34: Reception
Chapter 35: Something impossible
Chapter 36: The hybrid and the pack
Chapter 37: Broken treaty and bones
Chapter 38: Emily
Chapter 39: The plan
Chapter 40: Renesmee
Chapter 41: The truth
Breaking dawn part 2: Cast
Chapter 42: You imprinted on my daughter?!
Chapter 43: Charlie
Chapter 44: Immortal children
Chapter 45: Meeting the pack
Chapter 46: Gathering witnesses
Chapter 47: Its time to fight! No more running!
Chapter 48: Bella's shield
Chapter 49: Christmas pre-battle
Chapter 50: The red coats are coming...
Chapter 51: The war
Chapter 52: The end
Bonus Chapter 1: True happiness
Bonus chapter 2: Happily ever after

Chapter 27: Training with the pack

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Emmett's body soared in the air for a few seconds, before he harshly smacked the ground for the 5th time in the last 10 minutes.

He stood up, facing his siblings and Seraphina before growling at Jasper "Again!"

The Jeep pulled into the back, Edward and Bella exciting the vehicle and making their way towards the others.

They joined the family that was gathered, when the snapping of a twig causing them to look up.

Seraphina smiled, as the wolves came into view just over the hill and they looked absolutely lethal.

It gave her a little hope that maybe they could win this after all.

She nodded at Sam when he faced her, receiving one in return.

Her eyes then moved over to Sam's left and her eyes connected with Paul's.

He nodded at her and she smiled even wider at him.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward spoke up looking at his father.

"They came." Carlisle stated "That's what matters. Will you translate?" Edward nodded. Carlisle approached the wolves "Welcome."

They eyed him but he continued, gesturing towards his son.

"Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

"They wanna know how the newborns differ from us?" Edward translated.

Carlisle nodded "They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life."

He looked to Jasper before letting him take the lead.

Jasper walked in front of the wolves.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them."

The wolves huffed at the information.

Jasper then looked towards his daughter nodding at her as she took his place.

"Now the two most important things to remember are... first: never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that and you. will. lose" Seraphina told them with a serious face, as she looked at every single member from the pack, but her eyes lingered on Paul, Sam and Jacob.

Jasper turned away from the wolves and he turned towards his brother.


The two vampires stood across from each other, giving their opponent a smirk.

"Don't hold back." Jasper taunted him.

"Not in my nature." Emmett smirked at his brother.

Emmett's large body charged at his brother, ramming into his chest and forcing his body backwards.

Jasper's feet dug into the dirt, as he allowed Emmett to have the upper hand, his body being flung in the air, when Emmett gripped his hoodie and tossed him away.

Jasper had barely hit the ground before he was up again, racing back towards Emmett.

Emmett swung his large fist, but Jasper ducked under it and quickly came up on the other side of him, throwing his own arm forward and smacking Emmett's chest, sending the burly vampire into the dirt.

Jasper smirked down at his buff brother.

"Never lose focus."

The rest watched as Edward and Carlisle faced off.

The older male nodded at his son, letting him know to begin.

They headed straight towards each other, Edward jumping over Carlisle's body as the older man slid under his legs.

They turned back around, gripping each other by the shoulders.

Carlisle managed to loosen Edward's grip and tossed him a few feet away.

Edward recovered too quickly though, avoiding the arm his father swung and throwing out his own, pushing Carlisle into the dirt by his chest just as Jasper did to Emmett.

Carlisle grunted at the impact and Edward smiled, standing and facing away from his opponent in early victory.

Seraphina smirked at the look on Jasper's face, as her father walked towards the duo.

"One more thing..." he informed Edward, watching his brother's confused look.

Edward's feet were taken out from under him causing him to smack the ground.

"Never turn your back on your enemy." Jasper lazily recited.

Seraphina laughed at that, and Jasper wink at his daughter.

The wolves watched them fight, refusing to admit that they were actually impressed.

Jasper motioned his 'twin' forward, giving her an encouraging nod.

She swung, but he ducked under her arm, also evading the one she threw right after.

Jasper caught her right arm in his grip before it could drop to her side, giving it a hard tug and forcing Rosalie to flip through the air, sighing when she met the ground.

Seraphina was standing next to Paul as she watched her parents fighting.

Her mother was very fast on her feet and she was a cat.

She laughed when her father tried to kiss her, but Alice quickly disappeared from his hold.

Seraphina smirked at her father, who looked at her confused and then Alice jumped from a tree and on Jasper's shoulders.

Seraphina smiled at her parents, they were so in love and looked so happy.

She looked towards her mate who looked at her too, she smiled at him as she run her fingers through his fur making him purr.

"Ina!" She turned towards her father, who was looking at her with a small smirk on his face "It's your turn."

The wolves growled at the blonde vampire in a warning and Seraphina glared at all of them.

"Hey knock it off! My father has been teaching me how to fight since I was ten years old! Relax guys." She told all of them as she walked towards her father.

Seraphina and Jasper stood face to face with smirks on their faces.

"Dad are you sure you want to fight me?" She teased him a bit, as they started circling each other "I mean I beat your ass more times than I can count."

Jasper chuckled at his daughter's teasing "I was going soft on you darling, but now I won't go that soft."

The pack and the Cullens watched in anticipation and anxiety to see who will made the first move and also that was the first time any of them will witness the father and daughter duo fighting.

And soon enough Jasper made the first move.

He run towards his daughter in full force, while she just stood there waiting for the perfect moment.

And once he was right in front of her and a few inches away from her, she quickly moved and stood behind him as she used her air power to send her father at the other way of the meadow.

Jasper quickly stood up and attacked Seraphina again.

Everyone watched in awe and in anxiousness as they watched them fight and send punches after punches.

They were both fast and strong, which brought some kind of relief in the pack knowing that Seraphina won't get hurt.

Bella was in shock as she saw how easily Seraphina brought Jasper to the floor with her foot on his chest and a victorious smirk on her face.

"I won!" She cheered happily, while Jasper laughed at her along with the others.

She moved her foot from his chest and gave him a hand to help him got up.

He accepted her hand and stood up as he looked at his daughter proudly "Well done sweetheart, I see you've been training."

She chuckled "Yep." She then looked at Sam with a smirk "I put Sam on his ass a few times."

The Cullens chuckled, while Sam glared at the girl, while she just laughed at him and the pack snickered at them.

Bella has perched herself on the hood of the jeep messing with her fingers out of pure boredom, when Jasper approached kicking the mud from his shoes and brushing off the dirt that had collected on his clothes.

Bella couldn't help but stare at him as if it was for the first time.

"Jasper... are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?" She asked making the honey-blonde glance up at her.

"Your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns, their hunting instinct will take over, drive them crazy."

Bella nodded glad to help in at least some small way "Good, I'm glad."

Jasper turned thinking the conversation was over when she called for him "Hey, how do you know so much about this?"

"I didn't have quite the same upbringing as my adopted siblings." Jasper slowly rolled up his sleeves showing her his arms.

And at first, Bella saw nothing but when she hopped down off the jeep to get a closer look, she realized what she was looking at.

His pale arms were feathered with hundreds of white, half-moon-shaped scars "Those bites are like mine."

"Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me... was useless against the newborns but still, I never lost a fight"

Hoping to end the conversation he began to walk away but of course, she followed after him.

"Hey... this has happened during the Civil War?"

Jasper nodded continuing to walk as she walked apace with him "I was the youngest Major in the Texas Cavalry all without having seen any real battle."

"Until...?" Bella questioned noticing how his face seemed to darken.

"Until I met a certain immortal... Maria. I was riding back to Galveston after evacuating a column of women and children when I saw her... I immediately offered her my aid."

Jasper stopped walking as the painful memories washed over him and Bella moved sitting down on a fallen log.

"Maria was creating an army?"

"They were very common in the South and cost a brutal battle for territory Maria won them all, she was smart, careful, and she had me... I was the second in command, my abilities to control emotions served her well. I trained her newborns, an endless occupation since she never let them live beyond their first year... It was my job to dispose of them, I could feel everything they felt.."

Jasper's despair was acute as if it had all happened only yesterday, he was so lost in his past that he didn't notice Alice slowly walking up to him with a small frown on her face.

"I thought what Maria and I had was love but I was her puppet, she pulled the strings... I didn't know there was another way."

His sadness seemed to slowly change to something else, something unreadable.

"Until I found Alice... now she'd seen me coming, of course.."

Bella finally knew what the unreadable emotion was, it was love, pure love, unconditional love...

"Kept me waiting long enough." Alice teased appearing beside her husband who couldn't help but smile at her words.

"My apologies Ma'am. I don't know what I'd become without her... and Seraphina."

Alice wrapped her arms around Jasper's waist with a loving smile "You'll never have to be that again, we're not going anywhere."

Seraphina watched them from the sidelines with a smile on her face.

She always wanted to find love like her parents, unconditional and pure.

And now she had Paul, and she couldn't be more happy.

She felt happy and safe with him and loved.

She was going to make sure that after that fight everyone would be okay.

Without disturbing them Seraphina turned around and walked towards Paul's house.

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