(Love burns) RichieXyn

By YouLuvme-dawn

82 4 0

Yn a black/mixed girl bullied just because she Is different. She is ok with being a Loser, She likes it. She... More

About yn
Summa time
Glad your alive
What the hell was that


9 0 0
By YouLuvme-dawn

Yn pov
I go home to see my Mama and my younger sister Bianca, she was six. And my dad, well he is out of the picture. "Hey mama." I said. "Yn, I am making homemade pasta with corn bread as a side." My mama told me. "Ok sounds good." I said walking to my room. I sat down on my bed listing to rock music and I started to draw. I drew a eye, I have no clue why but I did.

After I finished my name was called. I got off my bed but then fell. "Oh fuck." I whispered getting up. I walk to the kitchen and sit my ass down. "So yn, how was your last day?" My mama asked. "It was fine." I said shruging my shoulders. "Ok, baby how was yours?" She asked my sister. "It was great!! Jimmy kissed my hand!!" My sister said giggling. "Ooo baby make sure he don't break yo heart." My mama said laughing a little. "And if he do imma whoop his ass." My mama followed her sentence. "Yep." I replied. I finished my food. "Im going to my room, tomorrow I am hanging with the losers." I told her. "Oh hun tell the boys I say hi!" She said. "Will do mama." I said leaving.

Time skip to next day

I start to get ready to go to Eddie's house.

I was ready to go so I got on my bike and rode off. I finally get there and see the rest of the losers. "How ya doing doll face?" Richie asked. "Fine. You?" I asked timid. "I'm doing good thanks sweet cheeks." Richie said winking, I felt my stomach flutter. We walked into Eddie's house and we all gathered supplies. I sat on the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. "Hey Eddie are these birth control pills." Richie asked. "Yea and I am saving them for your sister, or Mabey you and yn can use some. This is privet stuff." Eddie said shoving Richie out of the way. "Fucking gross." I said under my breath. "What was that yn?" Eddie asked. "Nothing." I said. We finally got our stuff and started to leave. "Eddie? Where you all off to?" Mrs K asked. "Just my backyard m-m-mrs k. I got a new-" bill got stuck. "A new croquet set! Jess spit it out b-b-b-bill!" Richie added. I smiled. "Ok, you all stay out of trouble." "We will." I said smiling. We then started walking out the door when mrs. K said something. "Eddie, aren't you forgetting something?" She asked. Eddie shamefully walked towards his mom and kissed her cheek. "You want one from me to Mrs.K?" Richie asked laughing his ass off. I covered my mouth so I would not laugh. We got pushed out the door but I heard a faint "sorry mommy" from Eddie.

We rode our bikes and we finally made it to the barrens and Stanly meet us half way. We started walking in the barrens hearing the boys bickering and I just had to listen. "That's poison ivy and that's poison ivy and that's-" stanly started. "Stanly not every fucking plant is posin ivy you know that right!" Richie said. He had a point. We made it to the sewers. Bill went in then Richie. I stayed outside with Stan and Eddie. It was gross in there. "Aren't you guys ganna come in?" Richie questions. "Na-uh that's gray water." Eddie states "what the hell is grey water?" Richie asked annoyed "it's basically piss and shit so I'm just telling you, you guys are splashing around in millions and gallons of derry pee" Eddie states then brings his hand up in defense. I had to agree with Eddie, so I shock my head. They where arguing as I was not paying attention anymore. "GUYS!" Bill shouts to get everyone's attention.  "S-ShIt DoNt TeLL mE tHaTs" stan says with voice cracks "N-no, G-g-Gorgie Wore glasurs" bill says timidly. "Ok so who's shoe is it?!" I asked quietly. Bill opens the show and richie shins the light "betty ripsons" richie blurts out with a scared tone "oh shit oh god of fuck, I-I don't like this" eddie says with full panic on his face taking a puff out of his inhaler.

"How do you think betty fells, running around these tunnels with only one friggin shoe." richie says bounceing off of Eddie's comment. We all look at him, I always find Richie so funny but in this exact moment not so much. He stopes laughing and looks at bill. "WhAt iF sHe iS stilL heAr" stanley says. nobody really answers his question and bill richie started walking farther into the gross water. "My mom will have a aneurysm if she finds out we are playing out here. I'm serious." Eddie says in a stern tone and a stern look. "Bill?" eddie questions to get his attention "i-if I where betty r-ripson I would want us to find me, g-gorgie too." bill says.  "What if i don't wanna find them. I mean no offense bill but I don't wanna end up like geo-.. I don't wanna go missing either." eddie says.  " he HaS a PoInT" stan backs Eddie's comint up. "y-you t-too?" bill questions and I hear his heart break." IT'S SUMMER, wHeRe supposed too be HaVing fUn this isn't fUn, tHis is scAry and disCuSting. " stanley says back. as we here a big splash in the water and see a kid... I think it is the knew kid. " holy shit what happened to you!" richie asked as we all rushed towards the poor boy.

Sorry I was and am sick but I tried so here ya go

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