Boys Like You / Tyrion Lannis...

By rissarosewrites

75.7K 3.9K 200

Rieka Stark hated the idea of being engaged to a stranger. Then Tyrion came and she thought she was doomed to... More

1. Bravest of Men
2. Good Boy
3. Entertain Him
4. Future Husband
5. Boys Like You
6. Little Brother
7. It's an Honor- It's a Hell Hole
8. Feral
9. Not Impressed
10. Don't do the Math
11. Lovestruck
12. Mermaids
13. Leverage
14. Not Married Yet
15. Because Murder is Wrong
16. Oh, Mother
17. Shady Weasel
18. Looney Lysa
19. Mother Knows Best
21. Checkmate
22. Deathwish
23. Blah, Blah, Blah
24. Suffer
25. Powerplay
26. Lion's Den
27. Don't Jump
28. Disappointing Child
29. Alton
30. Yell at You
31. Educating
32. Secrets & Wildfire
33. Twins
34. Get Out You Whore
35. Quarter Man
36. Monster
37. Future Daughter In Law
38. Friends in Low Places
39. Jump
40. Was It All a Lie
41. Kneel before a Lion
42. Gone
43. She Has Me
44. Breathless
45. You Know What You Know
46. Legacy
47. Reign
48. What's The Catch?
49. Not The Day I Die
50. My Child
51. Threats & Homegoings
52. Late to the Party
53. Leona
54. Invitation
55. United
56. Nervous Jitters
57. Snow Lion
58. Back To Bitch
59. Glitter & Hellfire
60. Crypts? Idiots
61. You Know? What Do You Know?
62. Choices
63. Little Lady
64. Dangerously
65. Girl Like You

20. Intimate

1.4K 53 0
By rissarosewrites

"More wine, your Grace?" Lancel questioned.

"Oh, what was I saying?" Robert questioned taking another long sip.

"A simpler time." Renly offered.

"It was! It was. You're too young to remember. Wasn't it, Selmy?" Robert declared.

"It was, your Grace." Barristan agreed.

"The enemy was right there in the open, vicious as you like, all but sending you a bloody invitation. Nothing like today." Robert declared.

"Sounds exhilarating." Renly mused.

" Exhilarating, yes. Not as exhilarating as those balls and masquerades you like to throw." He laughed out "You ever fucked a Riverlands girl?"

"Once, I think." Renly lied.

"You think? I think you'd remember. Back in our day, you weren't a real man until you fucked a girl from each of the Seven Kingdoms and the Riverlands. We called it "making the eight." Robert cackled out. Renly was bored out of his mind.

"Those were some lucky girls." Renly offered with a sigh.

"You ever make the eight, Barristan?" Robert questioned.

"I don't believe so, your Grace."

"Those were the days!" 


"Rieka!" Ned declared holding onto her. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? WHy happened to your leg? Did Jaime Lannstier really try to kill you?" Rieka questioned. 

"SOmething like that." Ned agreed gruffly. 

"He knew about Tyrion." Rieka realized. "Mother abducted Tyrion." 

"Thats why Jaime was mad." Ned agreed. 

"She brought him to the vale. She is accusing him of things I know he didnt do, he is a good man. I believe him innocent and Looney aunt lysa is going to have him thrown from the moon door."  Rieka declared. 

"Heavens." Ned muttered. 

"Why does mother think the lannisters are evil besides their perfect blonde hair, thats definitely a red flag... get it lannister reds." Rieka nudged him. 

"I got it." Ned assured. 

"Where are you going? You should be in bed, not wandering."

"I'm not wandering RIeka, I have a meeting." 

"With your bed and some poppy." Rieka agreed. 

"A meeting, the peoples pleas cannot wait for my body to heal." 

"Where is the king?" 

"He went on a hunt." Ned murmured. 

"What a great king, his sworn sword tries to kill his hand and he thinks now is a great time for a hunt." Rieka spat. "Gods, you should be in charge-"

"Rieka dont say things like that out loud. I'm sending you and your sisters home." 

"Not without you." Rieka corrected. 

"Lord Hand, please, they are waiting." Rieka looked to her father as a knight held open the door. 

"I will find you later Rieka," ned assured kissing her temple. 

"And I am going to find some answers." Rieka agreed as she marched off. 

''They butchered them as if they were animals they covered our children and pigs and let them on fire. They weren't thieves they didn't steal nothing they even left something behind your grace.'

'He is the king's hand you are addressing not the king' Pycelle said 'the king is hunting.' The man stepped forward dumping out a bag filled with fish.

'Fish... they sigil of house Tully.' Petyr noted. 'Isn't that your wife's house Tully?' Petyr knowing full well it was with a smug look on his face.

'These men were they flying a banner?'

'No you're... Hand. the Man leading them was taller than any man by at least a foot taller than any man I've ever met,' the man told Ned. 'the blacksmiths saw them take the head off the horse with a single swing of her sword.'

'That sounds like someone we know. The mountain.' Petyr clarified.

'You are describing ser Gregor Clegane.' Ned confirmed.

'Why would ser Gregor turn though he is an honored knight?' Pyselle asked

"Honored." sandor scoffed.

"You love your brother." Rieka remarked and Sandor turned slowly to her. 

"I thought you were north." Sandor countered. 

"I was and now i'm not, funny how things work." Rieka agreed. 

"Your mother stole the imp." Sandor chuckled. "Thought you would be celebrating your freedom of the shit." 

"He's not so bad." Rieka countered. 


"Nah," Rieka agreed. "But it doesnt matter now." 

"No?" Sandor questioned again. 

"You got a crush on me or something Clegane?" Rieka teased bumping her hip into him. Sandor rolled his eyes shaking his head. "Lies." Rieka whispered. 

"I would fuck you that doesnt mean I like you." Sandor assured. 

"I think for most people you have to like them a little bit before that act." Rieka countered. 

"Not for men, its just a warm body." Sandor assured. 

"Then I suppose its more intimate for women." Rieka offered with a shrug. 

'In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon the first of his name king of the Andals and the first man lord of the seven kingdoms and the protector of the realm I charge you to bring the kings justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared his crimes. I denounce him I detained him I strip him of all ranks and titles of all lands and holdings and sentenced him to death,' Ned said confidently,

'My Lord this is a drastic action.' Pycelle informed him, 'it would be better to wait for King Roberts return.'

'Send a raven the castlery rock, master pycelle, inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his Bannerman. He will arrive within the Fortnight or we branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm.' Ned informed them, he nodded to Beric and he was off.

'A bold move my lord and admirable.' Petyr said 'but is it wise to yank the lions tail he is the most powerful man in the seven kingdoms?' Petyr smirked 'Gold wins wars not soldiers' Petyr added

'Then how come Robert is King? And not Tywin Lannister?' Ned questioned.

"Good point." Rieka declared "Daddio, are we done, we need that talk. Clegane, pleasure as always." Rieka purred as she left his side. 

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