Deadly Little Leo - Inej Ghafa

By bIlly_readS

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"Deadly Little Leo... always gets what she wants" "You wont even see her coming" «────────────────────» #1... More

Deadly Little Leo
Part one
Act 1
The Arrow
That Watch
Cut Her Puppet Strings
Deals a deal.
Pekka and Plans
Split The Check
Pekka the Piss-ant
Jurda, Coal and a Goat
Us! Its Us!
If Darkness Was A Place
Time For A Heist
Teamwork make the dream work
Are you with me?
Its your decision to make...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go.
Silent treatment
Disadvantages, Weekness, And Streangth.
Part two
Act 2
Face claim update
Take over
The Games Just Begun
Deal with the Devil 2.0
No Control
I Found You
I Dont Need You
A Change In The Game
Pekka's leavers party
They'd Be Fine.

I Swear To You... Leo

339 20 21
By bIlly_readS

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"Take your jacket off. Lift up your shirt."

The simple command from Leo was enough -even in her condition- to force Inej to suppress a blooming blush.

"What?" Inej asked in a daze of sorts, she was still sitting on Leo's bed. Having snuck in when she took off from the tomb earlier in the night, it was now dawn by the time Leo found her.

Leo turned to look at Inej once she'd asked the question, turning her focus away from her medical supply draw. She gave a teasing grin, and suppressed a chuckle at the girls face. Slightly pink, and the tip of her ears were bright red.

She repeated, "take off your jacket. Lift up your shirt" she held up a bandage and a glass of wound disinfectant, " I can clean your wound" she spoke the last part slower, as if she was dragging her teasing out more.

That was enough to make Inej turn red, a simple "oh" was spoken, and she began following orders.

She took of her jacket and lifted up her shirt, exposing her dagger gash to the cool air. It nipped at her injured skin, but she held in the wince. However, the slight flinch was enough to ignite a flame of worry in Leo's stomach.

She stood in front of Inej and knelt down so she was eye to eye with Inej's torso. Resting her hand on Inej's knee's as she examined the wound.

Inej was well and truly, flustered beyond belief. She never let people get this close. Not willingly anyways, she didn't have a say at the menagerie.

She usually stitched herself up, letting someone else do it always seemed to be a distant thought in her mind. She hated other's hands on her body.

But Leo was different. How?, Inej couldn't explain how. She knew why, but not to the full extent.

She knew they were closer than close. She knew she liked having Leo around. She knew feeling things when Leo was close was different than any other person. And she knew she had this feeling about Leo... but Inej couldn't explain that feeling.

She couldn't explain what she was feeling. She knew it was deeper than any connection. She caught feelings, that was obvious. But Inej had no experience with such feelings.

Meaning, she had no idea what do to as Leo's fingers grazed softly against her ribcage. Inej didn't want to move when the touch felt like fireworks on her skin and butterflies in her stomach.

She was rooted to her spot, noticing Leo's face was full of concentration. Not flustered on bit. Inej felt awkward as she felt her face heat up. As if she was the only one experiencing the sparks and butterflies. Her face showed it, Leo's didn't.

Inej awkwardly held up her t-shirt and lent back on one hand. She didn't want to move as her shoulders began to ache.

"Nina got one thing right" Leo's voice snapped Inej from her wandering mind, "she definitely is not the best healer" she muttered to herself more than anyone in particular.

She continued as Inej stayed quiet, "try and stay still, this might sting" she looked up at Inej, it's safe to say Inej's first though was how wonderful Leo's eyes were in that moment.

The usually dark, almost black eyes, were glowing under the gas lamp light. The soft hues of brown -and even green- could be spotted under the orange glow.

Inej swallowed harshly and quickly looked away, she hated what she feeling in that moment. She had never been this bad. 'Get over yourself' she thought in a repeating mantra.

Leo, who looked unbothered, was holding in the widest smirk anyone had ever seen. She knew exactly what she doing to Inej, and what effect her fingers grazing on the skin caused. She grazed them every so often to make it seem accidental. Looking up to make eye contact. Meeting Inej's eyes and internally chuckling at her beet red face. Inej was playing a losing game, and Leo loved it.

"Is it hurting?" Leo asked innocently, Inej was caught off guard again,

"Hm" she asked back in a daze of sorts, Leo giggled inside,

"I was just worried if it was hurting, you cheeks are like really red" Leo said with a shrug, dabbing the wound gently before she began to wrap a gauze on it.

Inej choked on a non existent drink, wincing as it brought more pain and seizing the painful opportunity to snap herself out of, yet another daze. "What- no, no I'm f-fine" she stumbled, watching as Leo gently wrapped the bandage around her stomach and secured it.

Leo tapped Inej's leg gently and hoisted herself to a stand, "you're all done" she said plainly and turned back to her desk.

She didn't make it to her desk.

She didn't, because Inej grabbed her arm and spun Leo back toward her.

Inej's gaze was on Leo's lips, and Leo watched her every move.

She muttered, "you shouldn't" to Inej, due to the close proximity, Inej could feel the warmth emitting from Leo. She craved that warmth.

"I know" she knew she shouldn't. But Inej didn't follow rules.

Inej was the first to lean in, not slow like their past encounters. She was quick to grip Leo's face and place their lips together.

To Inej, Leo was an addiction. She knew she shouldn't, but she had no choice, her body wouldn't allow her to be far from the girl even when she wanted to. Whenever she needed to, she always found her way back to the Arrows sharp edge.

Inej had a feeling that was something that would never change.

Leo reciprocated the kiss, of course. But this time, she wasn't holding back. Neither of them were. All common sense and all good decisions were thrown out the window. Smashed, trampled on and left in the mud.

The kiss was euphoric, like a never ending high. Leo gripped Inej's hips and a groan from the back of her throat left the Wraith.

Leo took that advantage to slip her tongue into Inej's mouth, grazing in on the Wraith lower lip. Inej held in a moan at the new, consensual feeling.

Leo broke the kiss, edging Inej to chase after her lips for a moment. She knew where the kiss would lead, she knew Inej wanted this. Hell, she wanted this too, so badly.

"Are you sure? We don't have to go all the way" she made it clear, educated on Inej past at the menagerie. She didn't want to make it seem she was pushing the girl.

Inej paused for a moment, she seemed stunned to be asked such a question. But was silently beaming it was asked. "I want this... that's what I want"

But Leo still looked hesitant, she really didn't want to push or force anything on the girl before her. Inej soothed her worries,

"I swear to you... Leo, I want this"

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Well... here we are.

Don't get ur hopes up... just sayin.

tell me what you need dear readers!!

Luv you all, stay safe hunnies.


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