Meet Me There (Craig Tucker x...

By BrGrRoCo

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Craig Tucker keeps getting little love letters from a secret admirer, and he has been for five years. Finally... More

Chapter One: What's This?
Chapter Two: You Won't Find Me
Chapter Three: Blizzard
Chapter Four: Messenger
Chapter Five: Memories of the First Day
Chapter Six: Stark's Pond
Chapter Seven: You
Chapter Eight: Out For a Day
Chapter Nine: Dad...
Chapter Eleven: New Beginning
Last Announcement

Chapter Ten: It's All Gone Wrong

9.5K 383 649
By BrGrRoCo

Craig's POV

I get changed into my pajamas and wait outside of Tweek's room for him to finish.

I've been living here for two months now, and it's summer break already.

Fucking dad... trying to fuck up my life. Well, your attempt failed, and my life just got better.

After Tweek finishes, he opens the door and I go in. I smile at him and we just walk over to his bed. We lay down and just hold hands under the covers. He lays his head in the crook between my neck and my shoulder.

"I-I love you Craig." He says.

I turn off the lamp next to the bed. "I love you too, Tweek."

After a bit, I feel him fall asleep and I do the same shortly after.


I open my eyes and look out the window. It's still dark, and I need to use the bathroom. I look down at Tweek and how we ended up.

He is facing me with one hand reaching over to my waist and one around my shoulder. My arm is around him and holding him close to me.

I slowly take my arm away and move him so I can get up. He groans but stays asleep. I go to the bathroom and come back in the room. When I'm a foot away from the bed, I feel something grab my shoulder and cover my mouth with a cloth in a split second. I try to escape, but everything goes black and I pass out.


I groan and slowly open my eyes.

Uhg, why am I hurting right now? Ow...

I try to move, but I lean forward and feel something tug on my body. I blink a few times and look around to see where I am. It looks like a prison cell, minus the bared windows and door. My eyes widen as I try to escape and yell out for help. Something covers my mouth, so all that comes out is a muffled sound. I try to escape, but my ankles, wrists, neck, and torso are chained to something, along with the top part of my arms and chest.

I struggle and scream as loud and hard as possible.

Eventually, I hear a door open and close and footsteps head my way. I stop everything and look at the man who walks up to me.

Oh my fucking god it's my fucking dad!! I am going to murder you!!

I go back to struggling and screaming while flipping him off.

"Craig, shut up and stop!" He yells at me. I continue. He can't do shit to stop me. "If you don't stop, I will hurt your little... friend, shall we call him?" I stop. No... does he have Tweek too?? Or is Tweek just back home? Oh my god dad, I am going to kill you!! "Good. Now, I am keeping you down here until you can prove to me and tell me that ypu no longer love that boy." I start yelling through whatever is on my mouth. "I refuse to have and child of mine homo! Now shut up, or I will hurt him!" I stop again.

I pant. "I will bring you food and let you use the bathroom, but you'll never see the rising sun again unless you prove that you don't love him anymore." That's all he says before he gets up and walks out of the room. I sit right where I am in disbelief.

No... no, this can't be happening! This... this is all just a dream! Yeah, I'll wake up from it any minute! Any minute now... I'll wake up with Tweek in my arms. We'll get up and go downstairs for some coffee and food. Then we'll figure out something to do while hopefully avoiding Cartman and his crude comments. Today, I'll take him out to a special lunch place or something, for a six-month dating anniversary. Then we'll go home and I'll read through all of my notes he has given me, along with the new ones that are handwritten and signed by him. After the day is over, we'll fall asleep together as always... it'll be a normal day.

Just... a normal day...

I feel a tear fall down my face, knowing that this isn't a dream. No! No, I can't cry! I am not weak! I hold in any other tears that try to escape.

I promise you, Tweek, I will come home... soon, I promise...

~*~Two and a half months later

I collaps on the floor, too weak to stand for today. I've been pushing myself too much today, doing extra push-ups and sit-ups. I've been doing this for about a months now, trying to get strong enough to escape somehow.

They just don't give me enough food to last this much energy.

I've been here for 76 days. I count by the marks on the wall, like any classic criminal that people see on TV.

The next time dad comes in here, I will hurt him. He has threatened to hurt my Tweek, taken me from him, hurt me, and put me in here to suffer until 'I didn't love Tweek anymore'. That will never be possible. It will never happen, so in his mind, i will never get out.

I will get out of here if it kills me, as long as I get to see Tweek before I die.

I crawl over to the cardboard mat that I call a bed and lay down. I hold my arms together and shiver from the cold.

I stuggle to sit up in the corner, but I eventually succeed. After a while, I stand back up and walk around a bit. The little strength I have is back, and just in time. I hear the door open and close. My dad comes into my sight after a few seconds. I just glare at him.

"So?" He says. In an instant, I rush at him and tackle him to the ground. I start punching him square in the face.

"You... don't... hurt... my... Tweek... or... I... kill... you!" I yell in between breaths and punches. I continue to punch him until I loose my strength again. I pant and search him for the keys. I find them, shakily get up, flip him off and go to the door as fast as possible. I unlock it and start rushing through wherever I am.

In a split second, I recognize it as my own home. I go through the house to the front door. As soon as I take a step out the door, I smile and breath in the fresh air. I get my engery back and sprint to the woods next to Stark's Pond.

I get there and just look up. The night sky is beautiful. I smile and laugh in victory. I start walking to the pond as I feel myself weaken again. I see the pond in sight and start loosing vision.

Then, I see someone close by just sitting by the pond. I get a little closer and hear crying. My ears start ringing and I faintly see the figure look at me.

I fall to my knees as I hear a muffled voie say my name. The figure stands and starts running to me. I fall foreward and everything starts to go black.

And the last thing I say is, "Tweek..."


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