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By herstruley

6.3M 135K 108K

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98.9K 2K 1.6K
By herstruley

Ryder pulls open the passenger door, and despite the gravity of the current situation, he manages to muster a warm smile, hoping to put me at ease.

We've arrived at his father's for Christmas, and spending the holiday with his father was not something he was particularly looking forward to. I wasn't very phased, until I was informed that my parents would be here too. I'm excited to see my mother sure, my father, not so much. Since moving out, I've made it a point to stay away from him, but now I'm forced to sit at dinner with him.

Not to mention, it's Ryder's and I's first Christmas together, and we'd rather be spending it together.

With my hand clasped in his, we made our way towards his grand front entrance, small crisp snowflakes swirling around us. Ryder approached the door with a sense of hesitation, his finger hovering over the doorbell.

Meanwhile, I took a moment to survey our surroundings, my eyes scanning the area. The towering white pillars that stood guard at the entrance, and beyond them, sprawling green gardens adorned the lawns, the large white windows and the intricate detailing on the walls.

Suddenly, the big brown oak doors, decorated with a huge festive wreath opens, revealing a young maid, welcoming us in.

Ryder takes in a deep breath, pushing it out through his mouth as we step inside the warm foyer. I slowly slide off my white cashmere coat, revealing the polo Ralph Lauren knitted jumper, and my Burberry mini skirt as my eyes scan the interior. The foyer opens up to dual grand stairways, pristine white walls and a marble floor.

The maid approached me with a gentle smile, her hands outstretched to take my coat. I handed it over to her, watching as she deftly threw it over her arm before she shot us a warm smile and disappeared to the left. As I shift my focus towards Ryder, I notice a hint of concern etched on his face. "It'll be okay," I leant in close, my lips barely moving as I whispered, my fingers holding onto his arm for reassurance.

Sudden loud obnoxious laughter comes from the living room, my father. I shoot a gentle smile up at Ryder before we head towards them, my brown suede stiletto boots echoing against the marble as we draw closer.

They're seated on the plush sofas, arranged in a circle around the crackling orange fireplace. The room was decorated with festive decorations, and a towering Christmas tree stood tall in the corner, its branches wrapped with twinkling lights and glittering ornaments.

As we entered the room, their attention suddenly turns to us, our father's eyes lighting up as they watch us walk into the room."Oh, son, you're here!" His father stood up from his chair, his face beaming with a wide smile. He welcomed us warmly, his eyes twinkling with joy. I then leant down and planted gentle kisses on my parents' cheeks before we joined them, listening to their dull conversations.

I sat close to Ryder, feeling the warmth of his hand against my draped thigh as he engaged in conversation with our fathers. The room was filled with the sound of their voices, discussing business and politics. I tried to follow along, but my mind kept wandering off like it usually does in these boring topics. As the conversation continued, Ryder peered down at me and gives me a small smile. I told him it wouldn't be so bad.

My eyes wander over to my mother, our eyes meeting immediately, our eyes locked in a silent exchange. It was as if we were communicating without words, understanding each other on a level that only a mother and child can. She sat there in silence, as she often did, before her eyes flick down to Ryder's hand placement.

As far as she knows, I want nothing to do with this marriage. She doesn't know I'm in love with Ryder, I've barely spoken to her since the wedding. I've missed her. In return, I give her a warm, smile, indicating that I'm actually happy. I plan on her later on, when we're alone. My smile was enough for her to understand, her eyes lighting up, shooting me a warm, proud smile in return.

The men were deep in conversation when a soft, timid voice interrupted them from the doorframe. "Dinner is ready, Mr Forbes." another young maid announces, before quickly disappearing back into the dining room.

Floyd stood up from his chair, his hand wrapping around the glass of bourbon from the coffee table in the middle. He made his way towards the dining hall, with my parents following not too far behind. As I moved to trail after them, Ryder is quick to pull me back, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. I nestled my head against his chest with a smile. The scent of his strong cologne filled my senses, making me feel safe and content.

He gently placed his hand on the back of my head, leaving a tender kiss in my hair. I could feel him inhaling deeply through his nose before slowly pulling away. As I looked up at him, he flashed me a warm, appreciative smile. I can tell he's more relaxed now, reassured by the fact that everything was under control and okay.

He wraps his arm around me, as we head into the dining room with our parents. The room was filled with the aroma of delicious food and the sound of chatter as we took our seats at the table. The flickering flames of the candlesticks cast a warm glow over the table, illuminating the array of dishes that were carefully arranged on its surface. The delicate porcelain plates were decorated with intricate patterns, while the gleaming silver cutlery sparkled in the candlelight.

My stomach rumbles as my eyes roam the table. There's a massive turkey placed in the centre, with things such as potatoes, vegetables, dinner rolls, gravy and cranberry sauce surrounding it. Everything and anything that would make a good Christmas feed.

Chatter and laughter fills the table as we dig in, starting to load our plates with food. The dinner goes well, and I actually find myself enjoying it. My father's presence didn't feel suffocating or intimidating. They all seemed different somehow, less serious and interrogating.

More conversations flow throughout the night while we're all stuffed with the food. Ryder's lounged out in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips as he leans in and whispers something against my ear. When my father decides to open his big mouth. I should've known it was going too well.

Ryder and I shifted our focus towards my father. As I picked up a potato with my fork, my thoughts were interrupted by his words, leaving me momentarily confused. "It was a good thing that I 'sold you'," he chuckled, his eyes flickering with amusement. His gaze shifted to Ryder, who sat beside me, and then back to me. I couldn't help but scoff in disbelief at his words, but he didn't seem to care. He continued, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance, "Otherwise, you wouldn't be in this situation,"

"You'd probably still be stuck with that low life Luka," he adds with a snicker, taking a sip from his glass. I grit my teeth, feeling a surge of anger rise within me. I don't believe it was because of the comment about Luka, but the audacity with which he was excusing his shitty behaviour. And to top it off, he was taking credit for my relationship - a relationship he had nothing to do with and knew nothing about.

He doesn't know what I had to go through to get to this place, and he thinks he can joke about it. Typical.

Ryder remained silent, his expression unreadable. I knew he was just as pissed off as I was, but he was better at hiding it, his father wouldn't appreciate it if he spoke against my father. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I refused to let this man get the best of me.

"We made it here on our own merit," I reply firmly. "Don't try to take credit for something you had no part in." I take a bite out of my potato, although I've completely lost my appetite. "Excuse me," he bites back, his voice low and smooth. "but I will take credit, young lady.", his eyes flash with fury as he bit back with a loud and angry voice.

"If it weren't for me, none of this would've happened." He shakes his head, leaning back in his chair. My mother cowers back into her chair silently, per usual, while Floyd quietly watches as this plays out. I exhale, knowing there's no point bickering with my father, he'll never admit he's wrong. I should've known he wouldn't be any different, he can never let me be happy.

"I'm actually surprised Ryder has put up with you for this long," he said, taking another sip of his drink. As I sat there, nervously fidgeting in my chair, I felt Ryder's body shift beside me. Before I could even open my mouth to intervene, he had already taken it upon himself to respond to my father's statement. "Watch your tone when you speak to my wife," he warned, his voice laced with irritation. The room fell silent as his words hung in the air. My father's man's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched as he stared down Ryder.

"Ryder." Floyd let out a deep breath, his mind reeling with disbelief. His eyes blazing with fury. "How dare you disrespect Mr. Whitlock like this," he seethed, his voice low and dangerous. "What is wrong with you?" his tone accusatory, his body tense with anger. Ryder's anger was still palpable as he bit back at the booming voice across the table.

"No." He yells back, standing from his chair. "You may treat your wives like shit," his voice ringing out clear and strong, "but I won't stand for it. Not with my wife." He defends me against my father, for once I have someone on my side. Arguments brawl across the table between the three men, all standing from their chairs in fury as they yell at each other.

I sit silently as it plays out, mirroring my mother. The memory of that one night after Luka's has forever changed the way I view my parents. I can't help but feel a sense of shame whenever I think about how I treated my mother. How I shamed her. I knew how my father was, and I still shamed her even though I was the biggest hypocrite.

I wish she had a Ryder. She deserves a Ryder.

As I sat there, lost in thought, a sudden jolt brought me back to reality. My arm was being lifted up, and a voice coming from above me "Let's go, Viv." Without a second thought, I rose from my chair. Ryder shoots an angry look at his father before we walk out together. I swiftly retrieved my coat from the maid and trailed behind him as we made our way to the car.

He opens the passenger door and I climb inside, he's quick to shut in and climb into the driver's side, before starting the car and driving off, in a matter of seconds.

We didn't even make it to the gift exchange before there was a disagreement. I genuinely thought tonight was going to end differently, but it's not rare that there's an argument over the dinner table on holidays, especially with my father involved. But I never thought it would be between my father and husband.

I should've known.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Ryder steps out of the steamy bathroom, in nothing but red plaid pyjama pants, his wet black hair, smelling of spicy cologne. I feel pussy flutter at the sight, my mouth filling with water as my eyes roam over his chest.

He approaches me with a grin on his lips, pulling me into a tight hug. I have matching plaid pyjama bottoms on, since I insisted we matched, but he didn't seem so against the idea himself.

I look up, seeing the hunger in his eyes. Knowing his intentions, I quickly leave a peck on his lips before moving out of his arms and dashing down the hallway. Presents before sex. I excitedly clap my hands as he follows behind me with a chuckle, before I'm kneeling in front of the Christmas tree.

He joins me, taking a seat, leaning back against his hands. We agreed on one present, I feel like it's more intimate with one gift anyways, when you need to think hard about one thing they'd really want. Ryder always buys me everything I want anyways.

I pull two wrapped boxes in front of me, getting Ryder's attention. "That's two, you cheat." he points out, his mouth gaping as he looks at me in disbelief. I smile innocently, "They come together." I push them in front of him, watching in excitement as he hesitantly pulls at the ribbon.

He pulls out a Polaroid camera, a frown etched onto his face as he looks at it. "I don't take photos" he jokes, still sounding appreciative. "Keep going." I urge, pushing the second box closer, not letting him have any time to think about it too hard.

He hesitantly tugs at the ribbon on the second box, and pulls out a big, black photo album, with the word 'Forbes' in gold lettering on the cover. Realisation and a warm smile spreads over his face, taking over the confusion.

I smile widely, watching as he slowly opens the album, finding pictures of us filling every page. Some including him and Finn, and some of the four of us together. Many empty pages remaining for further years of memories together.

I felt guilty when I showed him my album book, I knew he was lying when he said his father might have an album book, I know his father enough to know he's not sentimental like that. So I made one for him instead.

With a grin on my face, I reached for my camera and lifted it up to my eye, carefully aiming it at Ryder. He frowns and quickly raises his middle finger in a pose as the camera's flash fills the dimly lit living room. I giggle, taking the photo and shaking it in between my fingers.

As I sat there, legs crossed, focusing on the photo, he reached out with one hand to grab the camera, while his other hand firmly grasped my face. Suddenly, he took another photo, the bright flash illuminating my features. Before I could react, he's pressed his lips against mine in a forceful kiss. I feel him smile against my lips, "You're unbelievable, Vivienne."

I smile in response, pulling away to look at his photo. I feel like I want to keep this photo for myself. His toned, tatted chest, and his tatted finger shine against the bright light, making him look hotter, if that's even possible.

He snatches it out of my hand, and sticks it into the album photo, beside the one of me. He smiles at the page, and I know he really appreciates it, without having to say anything.

"Okay, my turn!" I clap my hands together again, straightening my posture in excitement. He hesitantly hands me a small box, wrapped with a big bow. I smile, taking it out of his hands in appreciation. "It's not much, but I wanted to get you something worth more than a fourth hundred pair of heels." he explains, watching as I slowly untie the ribbon.

"But of course, I'll get you heels if you want those too," he adds with a smile. I don't doubt that, all it takes is one look and a hint of interest for Ryder to immediately but whatever it is I'm looking at.

He's crazy if he thinks anything he buys me is "not much." because I feel so overwhelmingly grateful for anything he gets me, every single time.

With bated breath, I delicately lifted the lid of the box, revealing a sight that took my breath away. Nestled within the velvet lining lay the prettiest pearl and diamond necklace I had ever laid eyes on. What was with this man and shocking me with jewellery. The pearls shimmered like drops of moonlight, while the diamonds sparkled like the stars. I know it's worth a pretty penny. At least half of two million dollars, but even if it was worth only five dollars, I would still treasure it. The sentimental value was priceless.

I feel tears prick my eyes as I stare down at it, feeling unable to move. He chuckles quietly, and I flick my eyes up at him. "You're unbelievable," I repeat, exhaling a shaky, shocked breath. He reached for the necklace, his fingers delicately brushing against the metal. As he moved behind me, I could feel his warm breath on the nape of my neck and with a gentle touch, he placed the necklace around my neck, the pendant resting just above my collarbone.

"You're worth every cent." he leaves a kiss against my neck from behind, a smile spreading across my face. "Merry Christmas, baby." his voice vibrating against my skin, "Merry Christmas." I breathe out into a whisper, before turning over and straddling his waist, pressing my lips against his.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
AN/word count- 3000


I missed Ryder and Viv sm, ugh.

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